Alamia - Action 3 - Badillo

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Name: Alamia, Yousuf Azhar M.

Strand and Section: STEM – Badillo

IV. Action
1. What can you do to help existing state and non-state institutions in giving programs for the society?
The existing state and non-state institutions aim for the betterment of the country in all aspects—from the
economy to education. As part of the youth and a citizen of the country, we also have responsibilities to abide by
the laws implemented and help these institutions provide necessary programs for society. Firstly, I can help them
by organizing and mobilizing the youth. One action that can be done is helping organize and mobilize youth
leaders from different schools and universities and coordinating with state and non-state institutions in the
advocacy and the implementation of their program. An example is joining city-based clubs and organizations like
iMPACT Leadership and Rotaract in helping provide information about relevant and timely issues, implementing
environmental drives, and youth leadership training that would pave the way for new youth leaders to continue
their advocacies. Once there is a formation of youth leaders, attending capacity-building programs and youth
leadership training that state and non-state institutions are conducting would also help in increasing the knowledge
of the youth.
Additionally, those leadership training would inform the youth to advocate for democratic principles, such
as transparency, good governance, and accountability. Another action that can be done is engaging in giving out
information about excellent and reliable programs of the state and non-state institutions on the Internet through
social media platforms, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and more. With a large number of people
browsing through social media, those posts about programs would help them be aware of what it is, why they
should engage in it, and how to take part in the projects. Consequently, these social media platforms may be a
medium for the state and non-state institutions to gather leaders and active citizens to help them spread their
programs and advocacy for society.
2. How can you promote education to the younger generation?

Education is an essential aspect of a life of a younger person. As a Generation Z, better known as Gen Z, I
am equipped with technological advancement and knowledge about social issues, such as racism, political issues,
and lack of access to proper education. I can promote education to the younger generation by using social media to
spread information about what K-12 education is, the benefits of education, and how to engage in educational
matters in society. Transforming education must be established and implemented at all levels, from the global
level to the local level—where the youth are confronted with challenges of access, relevance, and quality in
education—as the youth represent a crucial component in creating the future of education. In light of this, I will
promote education by participating in youth advisory groups, student councils, and online youth education hubs, as
today's younger generation have the ability and desire to engage in discourse about education in many ways. I,
myself, am a leader in my class, clubs, and organization. I would use my experience in mobilizing the youth
leaders in the Ateneo by partnering with school administration and state and non-state institutions to advocate
#EducationForAll, #NoOneLeftBehind, and #LigtasNaBalikEskwela. Finally, with the current unprecedented
pandemic, Filipino teachers are more required than ever. With that, I would utilize my social media influence to
encourage more young people to enter the teaching profession, which would help to improve educational quality,
promote inclusion, and ensure equity in communities’ schools and universities.
Rubric for IV-Action (for each question)
Content The Essay provides the The Essay provides the The Essay somehow The Essay did not
(x3) answer of the question and answer of the question but answers the question. answer the question.
briefly explains. not briefly explained.
Coherence The structure of the Essay is Attempts can be seen to There are attempts to The ideas in the Essay
(x2) relevant and presented in a make the structure of the make the Essay logical. are not organized and
logical order. Essay somehow logical. illogical.

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