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ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT BUREAU Regional Office No. 1 DENR Bldg., Government Center, Sevilla, City of San Femando, La Union ECC Application — Review Process Report REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES SS = Project Name Ricemill i Project Proponent: ERNESTO 0. LUZANO Type of Project Rice mill Project Project Location: | Magallanes, Tayug, Pangasinan Project Status For 1 Amendment ‘Application/Review date | December 16, 2015 / November 3, 2016 1 Project Deseri ECC NO. ECC-R1-0803-049-3118 Issued on: March 26, 2008 el “The proposed Ricemill project covers a total land area of 3,830 sq, meters located at Sitio Abulao, ‘rey. Magallanes, Tayug, Pangasinan, The project includes/covers the construction and operation of a Multi-Pass Ricemill with production rate of 2.0 metric tons per hour and a mill building/warehouse with floor area of 500.00 sq. meters. I, Amendment ‘Minor/Major Amendment Description D_ Expansion of project area Increase in rate: |.2° Increase in capacity or auxllary component of the |. 2.0 MT/hourto3.5 MT/hour original project Changes in process flow or technology 0 Additonal component or products 1D Downgrade project site or area or other units of measure Conversion to new project type a a Integration of ECCS for simile or contiguous projects Revision/Reformatting of ECC Conditions I, _Documentary Requirements neautenents Condon rena Site Development | * Consistent with project Site Dev't Pian: Pnmeneyney "| eaten? cenit bg 2 ete wer pole | Byno | | she corporat > faba Dilton Certfication from LGU | * Is project compatible with ‘on the compatibility of | approved CLUP? project on actual land | * Has the project been issued 2 use Zoning Certiticate/Locational | YES/NO N/a Clearance/CZC which is consistent with the project description? Proat af Authority | * is project proponent the Business Permit sued on over projectsite rightful owner of the land/s Janaury 9, 2015 by the tine the project wil be Muricpalty of Tajug forthe Imptmante? Gre | Cote” mee a este Brgy Maples, Toy, i Pangasinan TéU centfication afro | + Are there any valid complaint comlafies ree) yes wa project? ‘ther Photos of the equipment/acities were submitted which ere consistent with proaffevidence/s: the proposed components, 4. Vieinty map = Location map shows thatthe project location is along National Road, 2 Topographic map | ~ Process Flow Diagram for Rice Husk Mill was presented in the Site Dev't Plan 3. Photos which includes eyclone dust collactor and dust bags to manage generated 4 dust Protect the environment... Protect Life.. Tol. Nos. (072}-242-3057 700-2448; Fax No, (072)-700-2449; exrait: embdenr@yahoo com EMP. Possible impacts Proposed mitigating/enhancement measures Land 1D Consistency with Land Use | Generation of Solid Wastes 1D Change in surface landform topography! terrain/slope 1 Disturbance to wildife/vegetation 1 Soil Erosion |-2rimproper waste disposal 10 Generation of Harardous Wastes Limit Tand dearingas much a possible Provide temporary fencing Pranting of trees Provide adequate butfer2one Provide erosion control & slope protection measures Designate a Spoils Storage Area Construct during dry season Stabilize embankment with grasses or other ol cover ‘Comply with recommendations of EGGAR from MGB Implement the Ecological Solid Waste Management Plan (esa) Set up temporary fence around the construction area Implement re-use & recycling of waste materials | 2rtmplement proper segregation, collection & disposal of domestic wastes in designated aress © Provide receptacles / bins for sold wastes 1 Coordinate withthe muncisa/ity waste colectors 12 Hazardous Waste Management to include sence of a DENR accreted TSD © Others, Specify._Sminidral gemma DoaogG00a0 ‘Water quality degradation 1D Competition in water use 1 Depletion of water resources 1 Increased occurrence of flooding ‘water wwerer, ANS ans 9- cay ra Zr Increased siltation due to project Cl Provide wastewater treatment plant/sewage treatment this plant | 27 Set up proper and adequate sanitary facies Strictly require the contractor & its workers to observe proper waste disposal & proper sanitation Strcty observe proper waste handling and disposal Set up silt trap/stiling ponds to minimize downstream siltation Implement rainwater harvesting & similar measures as an alternative source of water Observe water conservation measures Improve efficiency of water supply & distribution system Use appropriate design for project facilities Implement appropriate drainage system Regularly remove debris & other materials that may obstruct water flow Use appropriate technology (e.g, raised hand-pumps) to a 0 a Air protect drinking water from flood contamination Others, Specity io “Zi quality degradation 2A sive dust, [Property operate and maintain al emission sources (eg. yehicies, generator, ete) ictly enforce good housekeeping practices =r Control vehicle speed to lessen suspension of road dust © Conduct water spraying to suppress dust sources and minimize discomfort to nearby residents Use covered vehicles to deliver materials that may generate dust 1 Others, Specty People ‘PiNuisance due to noise generation Displacement of residents in the project site and within its vicinity ZEnnanced/reduced employment and/or lvethood opportunities Dinerease in traffic volume and worsening oftraffc flow © Propery operate and maintain all noise sources (ea, vehicles, generator, et} © instal, when applicable, the appropriste noise contol device/s (eg, mulls, silencer, sound barriers, etc) Implement sporopriate operating hours -2eProvige adequate buter and/or planting of wees Provide appropriate tratfi/warning sign, lighting, ec/ 1 Regulaly coordinate with GU |Dmipacts on community health and safety a a D Provide appropriate warning Signs, ahting and barricades, whenever practicable Implement appropriate safety programs for both community and workers © Stetly comply with fire, safety and similar regulatory | requirements © Others, Spec Other requirements/information ‘Social Development Plan Priority hiring fr local residents Additional LGU revenue ‘Sponsorship of town/barangay activities information, Education and Communication Plan EnargeneyResponse/Contngeney Plan Internal communication within the ‘employees/workers shall be followed Posting ofall certificates and permits/clearances = Provision of easy access incase of loosing and ‘other untoward incidents = Dally updating of checkst/logbook to manitor housekeeping = Provision of fire extinguishers and water reservation tank | L ‘Abandonment Plan ‘Not Mentioned in EPRIP _ Vv. Key Basis for the De non the ECC Application T Compliance Eveuation Monitoring report dated [2 Compliance Evaluation Monitoring reper dated recommends approval of ECC {January 13, 2016 cid not recommend the | Brenden approval of ECC. amendment due #0 non- Conformance with ECC Condition no. 11 a5 alter substantial review of the submitted EIA | mentioned in the October 5, 2035 Monitoring fiocument and. cther pertinent documentary | Report. Hence, NOV was issued on lanvary 13, req'ts, the amendment of ECC for the | 2016 with an ORDER issued on Sept. 26, 2016 emaavoeate project is now | witha penalty of P10,000. Fecormanded for approval |er&ter substantial review of the submited EIA docment and. other pertinent documentary reqs, the amendment of ECC for theRlcemil project of Mr Ernesto O, Luzano. wil be fecommendad for appraval yon settlement of the ponding ORDER with penalty VL. critical Conditions that should be incorporated Renate 7. National Greening Progam ze Tnergy Conservation Program/Emereeney Preparedness Response/Contingency Plan a S.WWwOF andfor POR a] Pon por renenal 7 Slope sabization/ protection meshes a SlECand SOP a _[anneaty 6.CMR a creation of C6 and/or MT a Other necessary permis/learances o_] vrenet ffe.renexres : Noted/Reviewed by: Date Remarks All conditions ia Vt Lyfe hinted not ane [O-Ip | Perm eLed fev approvel - N\j Republic of the Philippines § OFFICE OF THE TREASURER Province of La Union ‘Accountable Form No. $1 Revised January 1992 ORIGINAL DATE //+ 02-76 NU No 75253 AGENCY ewr- ove 5 | uno | Peralta (Po 7s) PAYOR ERNESTO ©. LUZAWO ACCOUNT 'NATURE OF COLLECTION coat AMOUNT ® 70,000 ih — TOTAL P70, 000 AMOUNTINWoRDS Te PROS ome fever mh [cash PoANe | NuMacr | Dare Ocheck OiMoney Order Received the amount stated above By: MARIE 9. COSOW colli et bce NOTE: Write the number and date of this receipt on the ‘back of check or money order received.

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