Ecc-R1-0803-046-3118 Ecc Desk Monitoring Report

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ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT BUREAU Regional Office No. 1 DENR Bidg., Government Center, Sevilla, City of San Femando, La Union : REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES _——— ee = DESK MONITORING REPORT FOR ECC I. GENERAL INFORMATION Name of Establishment: | MR. ERNESTO LUZANO Project Location: ‘Brgy. Magallanes, Tayug, Pangasinan Nature of Business: ‘Ricemill Project ‘Year Established: BCC No. ECC-R1-0803-046-3118 _| Date issued: 03/26/2008 BCC Amendment: Date issued: Il. Status of Compliance with ECC conditions “CONDITIONS ‘COMPLIED? REMARKS YES | NO 1, Prior to project implementation, all permits and/or clearances from concerned Wo actual inspection office that have administrative jurisdiction over the project shall be secured, i. ‘conducted LGU, HLURB, DAR, ete 2, Adequate and appropriate drainage system and soll control measures including Wo actual Inspect ‘other structural measures which wil conform with natural topography shall be ‘conducted. fonstructed/ provided to avoid erosion and flooding of the adjoining properties Regular” sanitary housekeeping practices, proper collection of solid and ‘Wo actual inspection hhazardous waste resulting from the impleimentation/operation of the project ‘conducted. shall be strictly observed. The waste management plan shall include adequate facilites for disposal of wastes which shall be done from the start of the ‘constrvetion Hin ease of vegetation Toss due to construction actives such as cearing and To acta Taspastion excavation works, the project proponent shall plant appropriate tree speces ‘conducte Aaniforothcr forms of vegetation to compensate fr the damaged vegetation Cutting of trees shal be covered by a valid permit from the DENR pursuant To actual Taapection the provisions of Pb 705 an PD 935; conducted [6 The proponent’ operations shall conform with the provisions of RA 6569 (Foxie | Tlie proponent apps Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Contol Act of 1990), RA 9003 for the renewal of ite (fet Providing for an Beological Solid Waste Management Program), RA 9273 Permit to Operate on (Philippine Glean Water Act of 2007), and RA'8749 (Philippine Can Air Aet of ‘uly 23, 2015. The 1999), permit renewed will expire on July 30, 2015 based on the Monitoring Report of Mr. Michael Alvear dated October 5, 2015. (7, The proponent shall make available Taformation based on the project schedules fs indicated in the submitted Impact Assessment and Mitigation Summary / EMP for the implementation ofthe project and proposed mitigating measures ih the construction and operational phase. An accomplishment report on the Implemented mitigating measures and the corresponding cost of such activities Shall be submitted to EMB Regional Office on a quarterly basis for monitoring: 1S he proponent shall undertake on effective and sustained Information, Education and Communication (Ic) Campaign t explain publicly its Imitigative measures as well as the conditions of this BCC. It shall open | opportuniies to educate the public especially. the affected community, Interested academic institutions and other parties on the environment and human health safety features of the project; [5. The proponent shall set-up an Environmental Unit who shall handle the environmental aspects of the project, which shall have the following Fesponsibilies: ‘a. Monitoring of mitigating and enhancement measures as cited in the BBIS/IEE Report/Checklist/EPRMP, as appropriate; b. Monitor semua project impact” vis-t-vis presticted management measures; Ensure that postassessment permits are in place; 4. Bhsure that monitoring and reporting are undertaken; ‘© Ensure compliance to all the conditions and restrictions of the approved pacts and 10-In case of abandonment, the Proponent shail notify the EMB Regional Office, Vv ‘No abandonment frithin tree (2) month prior 40 the abandonment and. shall submit is undertaken. Shandonavene miigating plan for approval TN oliersctvies sll be underaken ccber than What Was Spinal i the T Hased on the tia document. Should thre be an expansion ofthe projec beyond the project monitoring report of Gevcrpton, construction of other sructunes beyond ose sated. the BIA rs michael Alvear flocament, or any change inthe activity, same shall be made subject toa new dated Octsber 8, 2015, vironment Ipact Asoceent Bee itiwon noted thet there Protect the environment... Protect Life... Tel. Nos. (072)-242-9057 | 700-2448; Fax No. (072-700-2449; e-mail: embdenr’ are 80 pancles fn the actual equipment Involved in the project ‘versus the facilities ‘enumerated in the Permit to Operate 12: ans clearing shal be Hime to the project description; | Wo actual inspection | ‘conducted Tin ease of tansier of ownership of this project, the same conditions and |] ‘Wo transfer of restriction shall apply and the transferee shall be required to notify the EMB ownership undertaleen Regional Office of such transfer within (15) davs 111. Summary of Findings 1, The proponent applies for the renewal of its Permit to Operate on July 23, 2015. ‘The permit renewed will expire on July 30, 2015 based on the Monitoring Report of Mr. Michael Alvear dated October 5, 2015. 2. No abandonment undertaken. : 3. Based on the monitoring report of Mr. Michael Alvear dated October §, 2016, it was noted that there are some discrepancies in the actual equipment involved in the project versus the facilities enumerated in the Permit to Operate. 4. No transfer of ownership undertaken. IV. Recommendations It is respectfully recommended that a Notice of Violation be is for failing to comply with Condition #11 of ECC. Date: January 13, 2016 Reviewed by: ENGR. NE} Engineer It Head, A lonitoring Section Noted by: Approved by: ENGR. ANTONIO L. ESTRADA ‘MA. VICTORIA V. ABRERA Chief, EMED Regional Director Proponent Name Mr. Ernesto O. Luzano MONITORING REPORT | (RA 8749) | Name of Firm : LUZANO RICEMILL Company Address : Magallanes, Tayug, Pangasinan Ownership : Single Proprietorship and Time of inspection September 30, 2015 ECC Number : ECC010230 0094 0502 Date of Report Prepared + October 5, 2015 Person(s) Interviewed : Ms. Teresita Cachola Secretary ‘A. GENERAL PLANT INFORMATION 1.0 | Plant information | 14 Type of Industry Manufacturing/Processing Project (Ricemilling) | 12 No, of Hours of Operation | Average: 6 hours/day Maximum: 12 hours/day | 1.3 Type of Hours of Operation (Continuous (x) Batch () Others: B. FINDINGS AND OBSERVATIONS The Multipass Ricemiling Project applied for the renewal of its Permit to Operate Air Pollution Installation on July 23, 2015. The permit to renewed will expire on July 30, 2015 and covers the operation of 50 cavans palay per hour Multi Pass Ricemilling equipment consisting of hull sifter; 3 Rubber Roller Rice Huller Head; Paddy Separator; 2 Rice Sifters; Pressure Type Gravity Stoner; 2 Vertical Rice Polishers; 2 Mist Polishers; Rice Sorter; and Rice Husk Storage Bin; Process is equipped with Husk Aspirators, Husk Blower, Bran/Dust Blower, Cyclone Dust Collector, Dust Room and Cyclone Product Collector; 1 unit 12,000 liters capacity above ground storage tank. Upon actual inspection with was noted some discrepancies in the actual equipment involved in the project versus the facilities enumerated in the permit. It was further noted that| some facilities were not included in the permit to operate air pollution installation, Actual facilities are related in this flowchart: ~ , Palay Hopper 1E Palay Silo ¥ Palay Sifter [SURREenenns jrmceeEeTeenINLy RMEORNSONTEE) | Palay Huller Palay Huller Palay Huller Palay Huller Vibrator Vibrator q q Mist Polishers Mist Polishers = — Color Sorter Vibrator #e Ly Blending Machines (peepee eee Bagging (4 nozzles) Symbol: Elevator Support Facilities: Blowers; 10 kl above ground storage tank; 12k! above ground storage tank; and2 units hull grinder with total capacity of 800 kgs/hour (C. REMARKS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: All sources of air pollution in the project area were not included in the application for renewal of permit. The operation of the project generates tiny particles of solid material defined as particulates and at high concentrations, may become an air pollution concern. Total Suspended Particulates, depending on their size and other properties, may remain suspended in the air for a few seconds or indefinitely. TSP are primarily important from a nuisance perspective. The project however is provided with air pollution devices such as blowers and dust collectors. The fuel storage tanks installed in the project area volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that evaporate in storage tanks. During unloading of petrol to a storage tank or refueling of a vehicle, petro! vapour in the tank will be displaced by the incoming petrol. Unless controlled, the petrol vapour will dissipate into the atmosphere. Major harmful effects of ‘VOCs from fuel filing station would include: a. Enhancing the formation of ozone and fine particulates in the atmosphere, thus | causing smog b.| Presenting a potential health risk to the public as it contains benzene, a | carcinogen, and c.| Anuisance to the people in the vicinity. Respectfully recommending for the issuance of Notice of Technical Conference requiring them to attend and submit written justification why no penalty be imposed against them under the provisions of RA 8749 for violation of permit condition for failure include in the application for renewal the additional installation that may generate air pollution. Moreover, they shall be required to comply with the Department Administrative Order No. 2014-02 by re-appointing or appointing a new Pollution Control Officer possessing the qualifications stated in the said DAO. Monitored by: MICHAEL E. ALVEAR Environmental Management Specialist I! Attested by: ANTONIO L. ESTRADA Chief, Environmental Monitoring and Enforcement Division Approved: MA. VICTORIA V. ABRERA Regional Director

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