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‘21 OCT 2014 MR. ELMIR B. ESPINOSA Brgy. Poblacion, Dasol Pangasinan Dear Mr. Espinosa: Enclosed is the 1” Amendment of your Environmental Compliance Certificate No. R1-0803-047-6281 issued by the DENR ~ EMB, Region 1 last March 26, 2008 for your Gasoline Refilling Station Project located at Brey. Bobonot, Dasol, Pangasinan Please be reminded that a Compliance Monitoring Report (CMR) shall be submitted to this Office semi- annually to comply with the reportorial requirement of this ECC Amendment (Condition # 9). Attached herewith is the CMR Format for your reference. Likewise, an ECC Billboard (3°X 5’) shall be installed at entry point containing the title of the project, name of the proponent, ECC number and date of issuance and shall submit evidence of compliance to Environmental Management Bureau (EMB), R-1 within ninety (90) days upon receipt of ECC (Memo Circular No. 02, Series of 1996). Finally, please institute necessary mitigating measures to address all negative environmental impacts that may occur during the implementation and operation of your project. Please be advised to inform this Office of any plan for expansion or modification for further assessment or evaluation of the same. For your guidance and compliance. Very truly yours, ce, JOEL G. SALVADOR, CESO IV ere encl a/s CC = 2014 ges ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE 4 AMENDMENT. AMENDING the Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC No. ECC-R1-0803-047-6281) issued by the DENR, EMB ~ Region 1 last March 26, 2008 for the Gasoline Refilling St Project of MR. HERMIN C. ALUMBRO located at Brgy. Bobonot, Dasol, Pangasinan, pursuant to the application received by this Office on March 25, 2014. |, JOEL G. SALVADOR, Regional Director, EMB ~ Region 1, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order. Section 1. Amendment. Section 1.1: The introductory statement should now read as follows Pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 1586 and in accordance with Department Administrative Order No, 2003-30, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) through the Environmental Management Bureau, Region |, hereby grants this Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) to MS. JENNILYN A. ESPINOSA for the Gasoline Refilling Station Project located at Bray. Bobonot, Dasol, Pangasinan, subject to the following conditions: Section 1.2: Project Description should now read as follows: PROJECT DESCRIPTION This Certificate covers the operation of the Erven Gasoline Refilling Station with facilities consisting of two (2) pump islands a single canopy, two (2) units multi-dispensing pump, two (2) units underground storage tank with a total capacity of 24,000 liters and an office building; all confined within a 500 square meter lot Section 1.3: ECC Conditions, should now read as follows: | CONDITIONS ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT The proponent shail strictly implement the following mitigating, enhancement, and rehabilitating measures: 1. All permits and/or clearances from concerned Offices that have administrative jurisdiction over the project shall be secured prior and during project implementation i.e, DENR, DOE, HLURB, LGU, etc 2. Adequate and appropriate drainage system and soil control measures including other structural measures which will conform with natural topography shall be constructed / provided to avoid erosion and flooding of the adjoining properties; 3. Regular Sanitary Housekeeping practices, proper collection of solid and hazardous waste resulting from the implementation/operation of the project shall be strictly observed. The waste management plan shall include adequate facilities for disposal of wastes which shal be done from the start of the construction; Cy 4. In case of vegetation loss due to construction activities such as clearing and excavation works, the project proponent shall plant appropriate tree species and/or other forms of vegetation to compensate for the damaged vegetation; 5. Cutting of trees shall be covered by a valid permit from the DENR pursuant to the provisions of PD 705 and PD 953; GENERAL CONDITIONS Further administrative conditions for the grant of this certificate shall be strictly complied: 6. The proponent’s operations shall conform with the provisions of RA 6969 (Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990), RA 9003 (Act Providing for an Ecological Solid Waste Management Program), RA 9275 (Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004), and RA 8749 (Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999); 7. The proponent shall undertake an effective and sustained Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Campaign to explain publicly its mitigative measures as well as the conditions of this ECC. It shall open opportunities to educate the public especially the affected community, interested academic institutions and other parties on the environment and human health safety features of the project including mitigating measures for global warming as effect of climate change; 8 The proponent shall set-up an Environmental Unit who shall handle the environmental aspects of the project, which shall have the following responsibilities: a, Monitoring of mitigating and enhancement measures as cited in the EIS / IEE Report / Checklist / EPRMP, as appropriate; b, Monitor actual project impact vis-a-vis predicted impacts and management measures; Ensure that post-assessment permits are in place; d, Ensure that monitoring and reporting are undertaken; e. Ensure compliance to all the conditions and restrictions of the approved ECC. 9. That a Compliance Monitoring Report (Annex 3-1 of RPM) shall be prepared and submitted by the Proponent/PCO to this Office semi-annually; the submission of which shall be done not later than every fifteenth day after each semester (January 15 and/or July 15) starting from the issuance of this certificate; 10. In case of abandonment, the Proponent shall notify the EMB Regional Office within three (3) months prior to the abandonment and shall submit its abandonment mitigating plan for approval; Il, RESTRICTIONS The proponent is strictly subject to the following restrictions: 11. No other activities shall be undertaken other than what was stipulated in the EIA document. Should there be an expansion of the project beyond the project description, construction of other structures beyond those stated in the EA document, or any change in the activity, same shall be made subject to a new Environmental Impact Assessment; 12. Land clearing shall be limited to the project description; and 13, In case of transfer of ownership of this project, the same conditions and restriction shall apply and the transferee shall be required to notify the EMB Regional Office of such transfer within fifteen (15) days. Section 2. Applicability All Provisions in this Amendment shall now prevail over the previous conditionalities cited in ECC No. ECC-R1-0803-047-6281 issued last March 26, 2008. Section 3, Effectivity. This Amendment is issued in the interest of all concerned parties and shall take effect immediately 21 OCT 2014 Done in the City of San Fernando, La Union, Philippines, this Recommending Approval: ENGR. NICANOR C. ESTE! Chief Environmental Matlagement Specialist Approved by: a JOEL G. SALVADOR, CESO IV Regional Director Amendment Fee : | ® 315.00 O.R.No.: | 9967742 Date: | 03/25/2014 VALID ONLY IF MARKED WITH DRY SEAL fimeratment = 204

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