Ecc-R1-0804-055-1213 Eprmp 2

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ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE REPORT AND MANAGEMENT PLAN For IRENE'S FARM. RECEIVED pare: boo TIME” an ene ay _ wilainodt —_ DENR - EMBi INTRODUCTION A. Project Background The existing piggery project is formerly owned by Engr. Ferdinand M. Molano which has been acquired by the new owner; Ms. Irene R. Sermonia, The Lot is titled with TCT No. P-53685, and Property Index No. 013-16-018 under the name of Ferdinand © Molano and Rosemarie S. Molano of Lingayen Pangasinan hereby attached. The Irene’s Farm will be managed by the new owner. Ms. Irene R. Sermonia with residential address at A.B. Fernandez East, Dagupan City. The estimated cost of the hog building project is around P 20 ,000.000.00 (P20 M.) with a projected life span of 10-15 years. The proponent BIR TIN No. is 132-619-500-000. She can be contacted through cell phone no. (0917) 580-6611. The piggery project is located in Brgy. Gueset, Bugallon, Pangasinan within a lot area of 2, 400 square meters. It was issued an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) No. ECC-R1-0804-055- 1213 dated April 9, 2008, for the coverage and operation of one (1) unit Conventional Piggery Building with a maximum capacity of 200 heads However, the new owner of the piggery farm would like to apply for the amendment of the ECC, for the change of name from “Jam Hog Field Co. Ltd." to IRENE'S FARM “as the new registered name of the farm in the “Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)"” Also, she is applying for_the amendment of the number of the buildings where she applies for the construction and operation of three (3) unit's Tunnel Ventilated Piggery Building. The amendment of the project is being applied for by the new owner in order to comply with the agreement she entered into with San Miguel Corporation under the “Contract-Growing Scheme” : with the purpose to help the LGU by paying her revenues, give employment to the Barangay people, to increase the capacity, and of course to increase her earnings as a capitalist. I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. PROJECT RATIONALE The piggery project has been operating for almost 3 years by the old owner but the new proponent would like to increase the capacity of his piggery project. There has been an increase of demands of Pork by San Miguel Foods Corporation This is the reason why, the new owner is now going to expand his contract growing business from the old ECC of 200 hogs to 1,500 hogs capacity. It would be a purely fattener hog farm intended for pork meat only. This will be collected by San Miguel foods Corporation affer 110 days ready to be butchered by San Miguel Foods Corporation for their consumption. a fae B, PROJECT OPERATION Tunnel ventilated building for hog projects are purely closed building. Each Building is intended for 500 heads. The building has two (2) cooling pads which are installed on each side of the building designed for the cold temperature needed by the hogs. However, the building has four (4) exhaust fans at the back to synchronize with the cooling pads to regulate and simulate the temperature needed by the hogs. When the temperature is too cold the exhaust fan will run to expend the cold air to regulate the temperature. Cleaning of the building is done every after harvest period only. That is the critical period wherein you have to clean and disinfect the building immediately so that flies will not come in and proliferate. San Miguel Corporation will supply everything from the piglets which is around 1 month old until the stock is ready for harvest at 110 days ready for collection by San Miguel Corporation. Then, after harvesting the hogs, the building should be cleaned and disinfected again. And after a week it is now ready for another charging. C. PROJECT LOCATION The piggery project is within the 2,400 square meters lot area and is located about Four (4) kilometers away from the Bugallon Town Proper. The project site is bounded on the East by agricultural land on the West by a creek on the North by an Agricultural land and South by Agricultural land. B. PROJECT OPERATION Tunnel ventilated building for hog projects are purely closed building. Each Building is intended for 500 heads. The building has two (2) cooling pads which are installed on each side of the building designed for the cold temperature needed by the hogs. However, the building has four (4) exhaust fans at the back to synchronize with the cooling pads to regulate and simulate the temperature needed by the hogs. When the temperature is too cold the exhaust fan will run to expend the cold air to regulate the temperature. Cleaning of the building is done every after harvest period only. That is the critical period wherein you have to clean and disinfect the building immediately so that flies will not come in and proliferate. San Miguel Corporation will supply everything from the piglets which is around 1 month old until the stock is ready for harvest at 110 days ready for collection by San Miguel Corporation. Then, after harvesting the hogs, the building should be cleaned and disinfected again. And after a week it is now ready for another charging. C. PROJECT LOCATION The piggery project is within the 2,400 square meters lot area and is located about Four (4) kilometers away from the Bugallon Town Proper. The project site is bounded on the East by agricultural land on the West by a creek on the North by an Agricultural land and South by Agricultural land. Project Description For the past 3 years, the piggery business under the former owner has employed four (4) laborers and one (1) Pollution Control Officer (PCO) who maintained the smooth operation of the project. The PCO has been responsible in the installation of effective pollution control measures while the laborers were in charge of feeding the hogs, cleaning of the drinking and feeding facilities; the canals and Wastewater Treatment Facilities and the overall maintenance of the farm. The proponent already informed the laborers and the PCO that she has already acquired the farm and is now is in the process of expanding the capacity of the piggery under a “contract growing scheme” The laborers and the PCO confirmed their support to the plan of the new proponent. Ms. Irene Sermonia is confident that the operation of the piggery project under the new scheme will provide better salary for the laborers. The operations and management of the new Irene’s Farm will follow all the laws and requirements of the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB). The new owner shall install and strengthen all mitigation and enhancement measures to avert any environmental impact or degradation to the surrounding area or environment. MM. ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCES A. Physical Environment 1, Land Solid wastes generated are feed sacks, medicine bottles and pesticide containers and pig manures. Manures accumulated will be collected and disposed to a pit intended for the pig manures. However, the solid wastes are segregated from other purposes. Manures can be composted to produce organic fertilizer by mixing it with dry leaves and rice husk ashes from the salt refineries and others Dead piglet's will be disposed to a concrete and covered mortality pit to avoid the proliferation of flies . The vegetable that uses organic fertilizer are safer to eat than those that use commercial fertilizer. 2. Water Wastewater generated from the bathing of the hogs and washing of the pens shall be properly treated before it will be discharge into any water body. In the “Clean Water Act of 2004” wastewaters cannot be discharged directly into any water body without proper treatment. However, Irene’s Farm will enhance the WW treatment facility provided by the former owner, to complement the increase of capacity of the farm. The new treatment facility will consist of 3 units Lagoon, Anaerobic lagoon with top dimension of 52.27m x 7m x 4.00m/bottom dimension of 46.85m x 1.48m. a Facultative lagoon, with top dimension of 59.41 m x 7.00 m x 2.50 m/ and bottom dimension of 55.62m x 3.21 m and aerobic lagoon maturation pond with top dimension of 78.73m x 7.0 m x 1.0 m and bottom dimension of 48.80 x 4.35 m x 1.0 m. and gravel filter pond with dimensions of 1.50 m x 1.50m as shown on the attached waste water treatment facility plan. Offensive smell is prevalent for piggery business but in the case of ‘Tunnel Ventilated Piggery Buildings are different. This is closed building consisting of automatic feedings and drinking system. It will consist of two (2) units “Cooling Pads" which are installed on the sides and ‘Exhaust Fans” located at the back of the piggery building which operates synchronously depending on the temperature needed by the stocks, simulated temperature from the time they are piglets until the time it is ready for harvest. No proliferation of flies because the building is enclosed and properly mitigated. The proponent and the PCO are aware of these facts. Further, thorough and frequent cleaning of the premises must be conducted at all times IV. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN, A. Social Development The new proponent will be supportive to Barangay Gueset, Bugallon, Pangasinan. She will demonstrate that to the Barangay Council as the farm when the farm has already operated. Ms Irene Sermonia has a soft heart who easily gives to those who are needy. She will also give her support during the celebration of Barangay fiesta for joyful festivities. C. Environmental Monitoring Plan . Provision of cemented mortality pit with cover to prevent seepage of fluid from dead piglets and the proliferation of flies. vy . Provision of drainage and septic tank and earth pods for the proper treatment of wastewaters attenuated from bathing and cleaning and other washings to in the vicinity of the piggery. 3. Frequent cleaning and spray to the farm and its vicinity to prevent proliferation of flies and undesirable odors. - Proper collection of hog manures to a pit for composting with the mixture of dried leaves, husk ashes from salt refineries then, covered it with soil for the production of compost or organic fertilizers to be used in plants and to avoid the proliferation of flies. s Sanitary Housekeeping shall be implemented and implementation of proper mitigating measures to avoid unpleasant smell and proliferation of flies. D. Abandonment Plan In case the project will be abandoned, the proponent will see to it that the area is still fit for other purposes. The project area can be converted for residential purposes. D. Abandonment Plan In case the project will be abandoned, the proponent will see to it that the area is still fit for other purposes. The project area can be converted for residential purpose E. Waste Minimization Program The farm will try to minimize wastes as much as possible. Segregation and recycling of all items is strongly recommended by the new owner. Example: of items that may be recycled are the sacks and containers from feeds and vitamins for the hogs Vv. MITIGATION AND ENHANCEMENT PLAN Impact Mitigation Period of Responsible Party Enhancement Measure Implementation Proper Maintenance of | Throughout the life of the | Proponent Wastewater Treatment | project Facilities that includes the Septic Vault & Earth Ponds, Regular removal of sludge during summer time. Proper Sanitation and | Throughout the Ife of the | Proponent Housekeeping that project includes proper cleaning and disinfection Planting of Trees Throughout the life of the | Proponent around the project site that will serve as buffer zone. project Prepared by: oe Project Proponent (New) ER. SERMONIA ACCOUNTABILITY STATEMENT This is to certify all information and commitments in this Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Checklist are true, accurate and complete. Should we lear of any information which would make the IEE Checklist inaccurate, we shall bring said information to the attention of the Environmental Management Bureau. 1/We hereby bind myself/ourselves jointly and solidarity for any penalties that may be imposed arising from any misrepresentation or failure to state material information in the IEE Checklist, Ae R. SERMONIA Project Proponent (NEW) (Signature over printed name) Title/Designation) (Date) ACKNOWLEDGMENT NOV 21 2011 BEFORE ME this day of, , 2011 at (place) SR Fee cH personally ‘appeared (name) with Community Tax Certificate No. issued on (date) at (place) his/her capacity as (designation) of (name of _ institution) ‘and acknowledged to me that this is his/her voluntary act and deed at the entity he/she represents. This document, which consists of. pages, including the page on which this acknowledgement is written, is an Initial Environmental Examination Checklist. Witness my hand and seal on the place and date above written. ATTY. AGEL 0. OCHOCD CPA MBA His WGTARY BUBLIC ‘CNotarysPublic) |) 404 51-03-20 IBP# 215703 TIN 165. 023-06) ves SAN FERWANDG CITY LU Do6: NO. 4 ROLL# 52523 age No. Book No. Series of 2011 WL

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