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Selected materials related to the study were used and presented to provide the researcher a
sufficient background and framework of the investigation.

Facebook is a website with a combination of many useful tools that users need on Internet. It allows
users to do the things normally one can do on different, separate websites and software all at one
place and in all these qualifications Facebook considers itself as a social platform.

Hei-Man (2008) declared that facebook has a large variety of functions, which includes: private
messaging; a “wall” where people can post public messages; one’s personal information; photo
albums with unlimited storage space; videos, groups; “notes” which functions like a blog; “events’”
which allows users to organize social gatherings; join the communities and lots of applications
developed by third party developers. Lampe et. Al, (2006) indicated that facebook users engage in
“searching” for people with whom they have an offline connection more than they “browse” for
complete strangers to meet.

Boyd & Ellison (2007) mentioned that Social Networking Sites such as Facebook, Myspace and Bebo
are web-based services that allow people to create a public profile, share the connection with other
users, and view and traverse their list of connections in common network. SNS have a mediating
effect between individual and society in the virtual world. Facebook broke the record of membership
in SNSs membership in July 2010 when it announced its 500 millionth members. By the end of
December 2011, Facebook documented 845 million monthly active users and to date, it is available
in more than 70 languages ( Its mission statement says that Facebook exists “to
make the world more open and connected” (

Guo (2008) said that the Facebook increase new memberships by 200,000 per day and causes
average page views to swell to fifty-four billion each month. There are numerous SNS, but for this
research, Facebook is the primary focus. After its establishment in 2004, Facebook’s popularity
separated it from competing sites. Elphinson & Noller (2011) asserted that facebook as social
network was the 4th most visited website in 2010 attracting over 800 million users to date.


Pempek, et al (2009) stated that millions of contemporary young adults use social networking sites.
It was also indicated that students use facebook approximately 30 minutes throughout the day as
part of their daily routine.

Moreover, Heiberger and Harper (2008) current study show that time spent on facebook was
negatively predictive of student engagement, in fact, time spent on facebook is negatively related to
engagement as EDUCAUSE center for Applied Research ECAR showed that of the 90% students who
use social networking websites.

Further, as the study by Junco and Cotton (2010) found that students who spent more time chatting
online was reported for more academic impairment. The negative relationships between engaging in
Facebook chat and time spent preparing for class, suggests that there is something about the
process of online chatting that detracts from schoolwork.

According to Luedtke (2003) student life without facebook is almost unthinkable. Since its inception
in 2004, facebook has quickly become both a basic tool for and mirror of social interaction, personal
identity, and network building among students. Facebook deeply penetrate their users’ everyday life
and, as pervasive technology, tend to become invisible once they are widely adopted.

Moreover, Jone et. Al (2009) report that students are denoting increasing amounts of time online
activity. Specifically, over-half of the students surveyed reported spending 21 hours or more online
per week.


According to Tosun L.P. (2012) the motives of young adults upon log in to the facebook was to
continue the relationship followed by the game playing/entertainment, active forms of photo-
related activities, organizing social activities, passive observations, establishing new friendships, and
initiating and/or terminating romantic relationships. This statement is supported by Lampe et. al.
(2006) that facebook members mainly engage in social searching as surveillance tool to learn more
about and maintain their existing relationships.

In addition, Hei-Man (2008) states that some people use the search function of Facebook to search
for their long lost friend. Users also use facebook to make new friends. In addition, it is a tool to
communicate with friends already known offline.


According to Fereydouni & Cheraghian (2009), study habit is one of the factors affecting the
academic performance of the students. Attaining an ideal study habit requires a long-way process.
During school years, study habit is formed at an early age through reiteration. When it was formed
at an early age, study habits are hard to break for it stays in someone’s life. In order to come up with
a good result, it is necessary that study habit should properly be developed and processed. For
students who are not consistent in what they are usually doing, making study as a habit might not be
an easy task. Therefore, consistency and perseverance are the basic requirements in order for the
study habit to stay as a constant system in the life of the students.

Noohi (2009) affirmed that one of the most vital aspects that could influence the academic
achievement of the students is the study skills. One should replace the models and habits of the
study that are not efficient with a more fruitful and effective skills in order to acquire better learning.


According to Robinson (2000) affirmed that it is merely by systematizing and setting up the time of
the students so that they can take avoiding action by various commotions form regular studies.
Hence, to allocate time for study appoints an instantaneous goal for accomplishing ones work within
specific limits of time without being diverted by much recreational distraction.

According to Li (2009) in studying, students should choose a place conducive to have better learning.
There should be place at least three hours allocated for studying for students to have relaxed and
concentrate on understanding the handouts and articles wanted to meet upon performing on the

Further, Landsberger (2007) stated that having a regular time and place for studying lessons, and
making decisions about priorities concerning time and goals make a study habit.


According to Zook (2001), the basic aspect of motivation is attention. It is a mental focus. Without
attention, then students wander aimlessly. If they do not have a mental focus, students will never
know where they are headed to.

As suggested by Oladele (2000), to avoid external commotions, students should select an

environment which can stimulate them to focus on their study. For this reason, external distractions
that can impair the ability of the students to concentrate will be avoided. If distraction such as
anxiety and indecision, mental and physical fatigue will not be properly faced and discarded, these
could be the students’ greatest hindrance to concentrate.


According to Monereo & Perez (1996) a clear distinction between note taking procedures was
established, identifying those allowing only for information repetition, others facilitating its
elaboration, and those enhancing comprehension and restructuring of the content to be noted.
Monereo& Perez Cabani (1996) also observed that the significance of learning was not so much
determined by the specific technique used. In other words, it was mainly mechanical or strategic use
of note taking procedure that had a relevant incidence on the depth of the information processing
carried out during note taking and as a result, on the quality of learning obtained.


According to Snowman & Beihler ( 2006), motivation is the willingness to expend certain amount of
effort to achieve a particular goal under a particular set of circumstances. Yadav (2003) confirmed
that without motive, we cannot move even step ahead. It is for this reason that motivation plays an
extremely vital role in the students’ academic success. Therefore, Epstein & Rogers (2001) affirmed
that it is necessary that students should develop various abilities to enhance their motivation level.

Furthermore, Deckers (2001) believed that to be motivated is to be moved into action. It is further
illustrated in the belief of Arthur Schoprnhauer, a famous philosopher, that motivation is related to
Freud’s idea that “all actions are motivated and nothing happens by chance”. Here, we see parallel
structures between two ideas from two great people. Both affirmed that driving force moves either
toward or away something. The example “if students study their lessons ahead time, then they will
not cram on examination days” illustrates that the students are motivated toward studying their
lessons in advance and away from cramming on examination days.”

The need to consider the type of chair and desk used for study was written by Ruth (1995). It allows
the individual to maintain upright and efficient reading. There are extra body movements such as
pointing with the fingers or moving the lips.

Crilly (2000) recommended, making friends with whom you share similar study habits and share
table or studies space. Being with them would be a best way to develop study habits.

After an hour of studying, it is always better to rest your mind to make it easier as the process goes
by. Make friends with whom a person can review the topics and when there is an exchange of
questions among friends, it is easier to remember the answer.


According to Lenhart et. al. (2010) gender is the only significant democratic variable affecting social
media use, as there some differences between use by men and women. Women are more likely than
men to have personal profile on facebook, but men are likely than women to sustain a profile.

Tufekci (2008) stated that women were four to five times more likely than men to use social
networking sites. In addition, Sheldon (2008) found that overall women were more likely to use
social media for maintaining relationships with family and friends, passing time, and entertainment,
but men were more likely to use social media to meet new people.

Moreover, Raacke and Bonds-Raacke (2008) did not find gender differences in the most popular uses
and gratification for the social networking sites. They do note several differences in the way men and
women use online social networking sites.


According to Zaphiris & Sarwar (2006) use net online communities revealed that there is a distinction
in the network structure and behavior between teenager and older people. It is therefore likely, that
the exist differences or even a social capital categorized between these age groups.

In addition, Pempek et. al. (2008) emphasized that in this digital age, specifically facebook seem to
be growing in popularity especially among teenager. Such sites offer a straightforward way to
converse with peers and get peer feedback, as which may influence a young adult’s self-esteem.
Similarly, Lenhart et. al. (2010) one study reported that over 27% of young adults used a social
networking site. Younger students tend to use facebook more frequently than older students to
keep in touch with friend from their hometown.

This study is anchored on the theory of Feenberg 2006 which is the crirtical influence of technology
or the framework from which analyzes the intent of the facebook website. The political influences
underlying the relationship between the competing values as they intersect at the locus of the
educational practices facebook site might assist teachers to appreciate what a critical evaluation of
technology entails. This would involve increasing student’s awareness of the political nature of
technologies and equipping them with the practical skills influencing the values reflected in new and
emerging technologies. From this perspective, technological design reflects a socially and
subjectively desired purpose rather than necessitating human adaptation creates progress.


 Time Management
 Time Spent  Study Techniques
 Frequency  Concentration
 Participating Activities  Note taking
 Motivation
in Facebook
 Environment of the Study

 Gender
 Age

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study


The conceptual framework of the study shows the independent variable which is the facebook use
with three (3) indicators namely: time spent, frequency and participating activities in facebook.
Time spent in terms of the length of the students using facebook. Frequency talks about how
many time the students utilize faccebook. Participating activities refers to the activities being
applied by the students.

The dependent variable is the level of study habits of the grade 6 students in Anonang Elementary
School with six (6) indicators namely: time management, study techniques, concentration, note
taking, motivation and environment of the study. Time management refers to how pupil manages
his/her time in studying. Study techniques are the methods that pupils tend to use in order for
them to study. Concentration in terms of how the pupils put great concentration while studying. In
note taking the pupils lean to take the lesson they are tackling. Motivation is considered to be
anything that may inspire the pupils to study. And the environment of study in terms of the place
where the pupils can learn more their lesson.

Our point of emphasis is how facebook use affect the study habits. How frequently they spent
their time in participating activities in facebook. While the dependent variable is the level of study
habits of Grade 6 Pupils in Anonang Elementary School and the moderator variables are gender
and age.


Presented in this chapter is the research method used in the study and this include research
design, research subjects, research instruments, data gathering procedure and statistical analysis
and tools.


The descriptive correlation method of research was employed in the conduct of the study. This
method, according to Calmorin and Calmorin 2001, is designed to determine the relationship is
perfect, very high, high, marked or moderate, slight or neglible. In addition, Dancey 2002 state
that Descriptive-correlation measures significant relationship between variables but cannot be
regarded a implying causation. In this study, facebook use and study habits of grade 6 pupil of
Anonang Elementary School were correlated to determine the significance of the relationship
between the two variables.


The researcher chose the pupil of Anonang Elementary School as the respondents of the study
because AES is one of the developed elementary school in Samal. The sample consisted of 62
grade 6 pupils ( 32 males and 30 females) from Anonang Elementary School. The researcher used a
random sampling in selecting the respondents of the study to guarantee inconsistency among

Table 1

Male Female TOTAL

32 30 62


The instrument that were used in the gathering processes in this study were the Facebook Usage
Checklist and Study Habit Checklist. Both were researcher-made questionnaires. Facebook Usage
Checklist, composed of 15 items statement, was used to identify the facebook use of the students
in terms of time spent of facebook using, frequency and participating activities in facebook.
Correspondingly, Study Habit Checklist, composed of 32 items statements, was used to identify
the study habits of the students with the indicators: time management, study techniques,
concentration, note taking, motivation and environment of study. The research instruments were
submitted first to the adviser and panel of examiners for corrections, validations and approval.
The instrument was made in brief sentences to provide basic understanding on the light of the

The scaling for Facebook Use adopted is as follows:

Scale Descriptive Rating Meaning

1.00-1.79 Very Low This means that the indicator embodied in

the item is done all times.

1.80-2.29 Low This means that the indicator embodied in

the item is done most of the time.

2.60-3.39 Moderate This means that the indicator embodied in

the item is done on regular interval.

3.40-4.19 High This means that the indicator embodied in

the item is done on a very limited occasion.

4.20-5.00 Very High This means that the indicator embodied in

the item is never done at all.

The scaling for Study Habits adopted is as follows:

Scale Descriptive Rating Meaning

1.00-1.79 Poor

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