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Unit 02


Assignment 02
In this assignment, you will answer exam-style
questions which will test your knowledge and
understanding of the specification content
covered in Unit 2, Cells.

How does the assignment

meet the course
assessment criteria (AO)?
The questions provided in this assignment will assess the
following three assessment objectives (AOs):
AO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas,
processes, techniques, and procedures

AO2: Apply knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas, processes,

techniques, and procedures:

in a theoretical context

in a practical context

when handling qualitative data

when handling quantitative data

AO3: Analyse, interpret, and evaluate scientific information, ideas,

and evidence, including in relation to issues, to:

make judgements and reach conclusions

develop and refine practical design and procedures

How is my work marked?

Your tutor will:
Assess how well that you have answered each question
and how detailed your response has been

Assess the appropriateness of your response

Provide feedback and ideas on how you may improve

your response in order to maximise your marks
What you have to do
You should complete all the questions.

Q1 The diagram below shows a typical animal cell.



a) Using the labels on the diagram identify the following: [4]

i) Vacuole

ii) Cytoplasm

iii) Mitochondria

iv) Nucleolus
b) Identify and name the organelles responsible for the following: [4]

i) Stores lipids and carbohydrates

ii) Processes and modifies proteins and lipids

iii) Stores genetic material and controls cell processes

Total for question one: 8 marks

Q2 Animal cells are one type of eukaryotic cell; the other type
are plant cells.

a) i) Draw a diagram to represent the general structure [4]

of a plant cell

ii) On your diagram identify the organelles that are unique [2]
to plant cells

iii) Explain the similarities in the roles of mitochondria [2]

and chloroplasts

Total for question two: 8 marks

Q3 The cells in an organism are organised in a way that maximises the

efficiency of the individual parts and ensures the organism can carry
out all its necessary functions in order to survive and thrive.

Specialised cells develop from stem cells

i) Describe what embryonic stem cells are [3]

ii) Explain how these stem cells differentiate to [3]

become specialised

Total for question three: 6 marks

Q4 Microscopy is the study of objects that are too small to see with
the naked human eye. Advances in this technology have driven the
development of our understanding of the cell and its structures.

Summarise how a light microscope allows us to magnify objects [2]

A student is studying the cells in a sample of plant tissues using
a light microscope

i) The magnification being used is x40 and the image produced [3]
is measured as 4mm. Calculate the size of the cell.

ii) Suggest TWO structures the student will be unlikely to see [2]
using this technique.

Describe ONE alternative method of studying these smaller [4]
structures, including the treatment the sample must be
subjected to beforehand

Total for question four: 11 marks

Q5 An important characteristic of living things is the ability to grow

and to self-replicate. There are two forms of cell division that
different eukaryotic cells go through

a) Identify ONE type of eukaryotic cell that does not retain [1]
the ability to divide

b) Describe the stages of mitosis, include an example of the cells [5]

this process produces

Total for question five: 6 marks

Q6 Cancer is a disease that can affect most cells in the body

a) Explain how cancer is closely linked to cell division [3]

b) The drugs used in chemotherapy, a cancer treatment,

often target the division of cancer cells

i) State TWO division processes these drugs often target [2]

ii) Why do cancer treatments often cause significant [2]

side effects?
Total for question six: 7 marks
Q7 The membranes in an organism all possess the same structure.
Be that the cell membrane or the membrane around the
subcellular organelles. The structure of these membranes is often
referred to as the fluid mosaic model.

a) What is meant by the term fluid mosaic in this context [2]

b) The primary components of a cell membrane are phospholipids.

i) Draw the general structure of a phospholipid [4]

ii) Describe how molecules of phospholipids create [4]

a waterproof layer

iii) State TWO possible functions of proteins found within [2]

the cell membrane

Total for question seven: 10 marks

Q8 Osmosis is the process by which only water enters and exits a cell
through the membrane.

a) Osmosis is driven by a property called water potential, Ψ

i) Define the term water potential [2]

ii) State the water potential of pure water [1]

iii) Describe the gradient necessary for water to move into [3]
and out of the cell through osmosis

iv) Explain why a hypotonic solution poses a significant [4]

problem for animal cells but not so for plant cells

Total for question eight: 10 marks

Q9 The human immune system provides three broad lines of defence;
the physical and chemical barriers, phagocytosis, and the specific
immune response.

a) The skin is the initial line of defence use as a physical barrier

to prevent the entry of pathogens

i) the body’s orifices are possible points of entry where the [4]
skin has minimal effect – explain how they are designed to
have additional protection against pathogens

b) The immune system is able to distinguish between self

and non-self

i) Describe the features of cells that make this possible [2]

ii) Explain an important medical implication of [2]

this self-recognition system

Total for question nine: 8 marks

Q10 Humoral immunity is a type of immune response in the body

Where does this type of immunity occur? [1]

b) A specific type of lymphocyte is responsible for this

immune response

i) Which lymphocytes are responsible for humoral immunity? [1]

ii) Explain the response of these lymphocytes and how they [6]
can generate a lasting immunity

Total for question ten: 8 marks

Q11 Immunity can be both passive and active. Vaccinations are
an excellent example of active immunity.

The table below compares passive and active immunity, [6]
fill in the blanks to demonstrate your understanding of
this comparison

Types of immunity

Source of antibodies Immune system generated

Natural form Recieved from mother

Artificial form

b) Vaccinations can be used to generate a long-term immunity

to an infectious disease. Programmes are designed to protect
whole communities.

i) Describe how a vaccine works [2]

ii) Explain the process whereby a vaccination can protect [3]

the whole community

c) Vaccinations are only designed to protect against a

specific antigen – the one injected in the first place.

i) Explain the term antigenic variation, including why this [5]

limits the effectiveness of the flu vaccine

d) Antibodies also provide exciting opportunities in medical

diagnosis and treatment

i) define the term monoclonal antibodies

ii) Explain how monoclonal antibodies are used to detect [4]

hCG in pregnancy tests. What is the significance of this?

Total for question eleven: 22 marks

Q12 The diagram below shows a virion of the human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

Viral RNA genome

Capsid Reverse
protein p24 transcriptase

Integrase Matrix Protein



Docking glycoprotein glycoprotein
gp 120 gp 41

What is the purpose of the enzyme, reverse transcriptase? [2]

b) Explain the process by which HIV is replicated [6]

c) HIV eventually causes another condition called AIDS

i) What does the acronym AIDS stand for? [2]

ii) What are the main causes and symptoms of AIDS [3]

Total for question twelve: 13 marks

Total: 109 marks

Submitting your assignment
On completion of your work, you will need to submit your
work to your tutor using the Learning Management System.
From here you will receive feedback from your tutor and any
suggestions on how to make further progress.

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