Stratified Rocks

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Layered earth materials, deposited as successive beds of
sediment and solidified by compaction, cementation, or

Stratified rock is made of visible

layers of sediment, while the lake
contains a warm upper layer and a
cold bottom layer

Stratification, the layering that occurs in most

sedimentary rocks and in those igneous rocks
-Layering in sedimentary rocks is

formed at the Earth's surface, as from lava
referred to as bedding, stratification, flows and volcanic fragmental deposits.
and lamination.
- the process of arranging sedimentary
-Layering can occur in igneous rocks, especially materials into layers
when they are generated at the Earth's -differ depending on the type, size, and color
surface. of the sediment they're made of.

The sequence of layers or In sedimentary rocks

beds in a sedimentary with a thickness of
sequence reflects
more than 1 cm, beds
successive time intervals
in Earth's history, with the
bottom layer indicating
the oldest time interval Layering in sedimentary
and the top layer rocks less than 1 cm thick is
representing the referred to as lamination.

How can you tell one bed

from another?

A shift in color or shade

clearly defines the beds.A
change in color can
indicate a variety of things.
size and/or content of the

In sedimentary rocks, grain

size is frequently a function
of the energy of the
deposition environment.
Fine-grained sediments are
typically associated with
low-energy, low-noise
environments (protected
from waves and strong

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