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From 1d4chan

Gesme the Brilliant is one of the five Amaranthine

associated with the Birdfolk races of the Humblewood Gesme
setting for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. A gnarled oak branch, burning at one end
Alignment True Neutral
Patron goddess of the Corvum, Gesme is an enigmatic
Divine Rank God
figure; elemental goddess-spirit of fire, she embodies the
aspects of creation, inspiration, and destruction. She is the Pantheon Amaranthine
living principle that delving into the unknown requires the Portfolio Knowledge, Insight,
courage to be burned, having earned her immortality by Inspiration, Fire, Chaos,
stealing fire from the sun of Ardea and bringing it back to Innovation, Progress,
the mortal races of Humblewood, an act the wisdom of Creativity
which is still debated amongst her fellow deities. In the Domains Knowledge, Forge
process, her feathers were scorched black by her proximity Home Plane Unknown
to the blazing oaken staff she still carries to light the way Worshippers Scholars, Mages,
for scholars today, and the corvum believe their own black Artisans, Craftspeople,
plumage symbolizes their connection to her. Blacksmiths
Favoured Weapon Quarterstaff
Gesme teaches that chaos and innovation are part of a great
cycle. Each discovery spawns a new mystery, which leads
to further discovery in a never-ending loop, in which the old becomes fodder for the new. She is a symbol of all
that birdfolk can achieve if they dare to push boundaries and harness their creativity.

First among her followers are those who study the arcane arts or experiment with magical forces, such as
scholars and mages. She is also revered by artisans, and craftspeople of every kind. Blacksmiths in particular
understand the danger and power of working directly with flames and pay her special reverence. Her followers
pray to her for the spark of creativity that will ignite the fires of creation.

Birdfolk artwork depicts Gesme as a female raven wreathed in flames and with burning eyes, clutching a
partially lit staff of oak.

Learn, create, and discover. Sometimes the old ways must burn to make way for the new

The Deities of Humblewood

The Creator Gods
Ardea - Tyton
The Birdfolk Gods
Altus - Clhuran - Gesme - Hanera - Reya
The Humblefolk Gods
Cairith - Gaspard - Hath - Henwin - Kren

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