9 Fetal Membranes-Dr - Gosai

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Professor in Anatomy
Ojvensha e-learning resources
Learning Objectives
 At the end of the lecture student should be able
 Enumerate fetal membranes and associated
structures like chorion, Amnion, Yolk sac,
Allantois, Placenta, Umbilical cord.
 Mention the functions of these structures and
their role in supporting fetus during intrauterine
 Langman’s Medical Embryology by T.W.Sadler

 Other reference text book:

 Keith Moore’s Developing Human

• Formed by trophoblast
and extraembryonic
Chorionic Villi
 Finger like projections of cytoptrophoblast &
 Primary Chorionic villi: Cyto & Syncytiotrophoblast.
 Secondary Chorionic villi: Apart from above has inner
core of Extraembryonic mesoderm.
 Tertiary Chorionic villi: Apart from the above contains
core of blood vessels.
 Chorionic plate is formed by Trophoblast and
Extraembryonic mesoderm.
 Chorion is membrane formed by Chorionic plate and
chorionic villi.
 Chorion Frondosum: In early weeks chrionic villi cover
entire chorion but later on villi on embryoninc pole grow,
expand and branch extensively known as CHORION
FRONDOSUM (Bushy Chorion)
 By third month chorionic villi at abembryonic pole ( rest
of the chorion other than near embryo) degenerate and
becomes smooth known as CHORION LAEVE.
 Anomalies:
 Hydatidiform mole: vesicular formation of chorion
 Chorion carcinoma: Abnormal growth of chorion
Hydatidiform Mole
 Decidua is function layer of uterus during pregnancy. It
has three parts:
 Decidua Basalis: related to chorion frondosum and
deep to implanted embryo at embryonic pole. It forms
decidual plate of placenta later on for nutriotion of
 Decidua Capsularis: cover the abembryonic pole over
chorion laeve.
 Decidua Parietalis: It is uterine functional layer at
places other than above mentioned two. Later on
chorion fuse with decidua parietalis and obliterates
uterine cavity.
 Later on amnion also fuse with chorion and obliterates
chorionic cavity also. Hence finally only Amniotic
cavity with amniotic fluid persists till delivery .
• blood island: primitive blood cell- derived from
extraembryonic mesoderm on the wall of yolk sac
• primordial germ cell: derived from endoderm of
yolk sac.
• Part of the yolk sac is incorporated in body of
embryo and form gut tube (Digestive system)

• Later on the form Vitelointestinal duct and finally

• Amniotic membrane: amniotic epithelium with
extraembryonic mesoderm
• Amniotic fluid: Occupy amniotic cavity secreted
by amniotic epithelium.
• Normal Quantity of Amniotic fluid:
• At 10 weeks: 30ml
• At 20 weeks: 450 ml
• At 37 weeks: 800-1000ml
• Polyhydramnios: >2000 ml, abnormal digestive
system or CNS
• Oligohydramnios: <500 ml,
abnormal urinary system
Functions of Amniotic fluid
 Absorbs jolts (shock or jerks).
 Prevents adherence of embryo to the amnion.
 Allows fetal movements.

Volume of Amniotic fluid is replaced every 3

• It is outgrowth from the
• Allantios degenerate and
forms the Urachus which is
known as Median Umbilical
• Allantoic Arteries: paired,
Form umbilical Arteries
which after birth
degenerate and form
medial umbilical ligaments.
• Allantoic Veins: paired
• Right vein: degenerate
during early development.
• Left form umbilical Vein
which also degenerate after
birth and form
Ligamentum teres of liver.
• cylindrical structure
• surface covered by amniotic membrane
• Structure: mucous CT, umbilical A,V, yolk
sac and allantois
• Length:50-60 cm long, Diameter:1.5-2.0
cm in Diameter.
• Abnormal:> 80 cm, or < 35 cm
• The structure by which exchange of material
between fetus and mother takes place formed by
chorionic villi ( Fetal side) and Decidua
(Mathernal side)
• Size: round, disc-shaped, 15-20 cm in Diameter,
2.5 cm thickness, 500g in weight

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