St. Augustine

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St. Augustine, also called Saint Augustine of Hippo, original Latin name Aurelius
Augustine was born in Tagaste, a modest Roman community in a river valley 40 miles
(64 km) from the Mediterranean coast in Africa, near the point where the veneer of Roman
civilization thinned out in the highlands of Numidia. He studied first in Tagaste, then in the
nearby university town of Madauros, and finally at Carthage, the great city of Roman Africa.
After a brief stint teaching in Tagaste, he returned to Carthage to teach rhetoric, the premier
science for the Roman gentleman, and he was evidently very good at it.
Saint Augustine follows the idea that God encompasses us all, that everything would
be better if we are with God, his works focal point is on how God and his teachings affects
various aspects in life ,he follows the belief that everything is better if we devote ourselves in
mending our relationship with God.
His idea of a man and how to understand who we are as a person is related to our
understanding of who we are and how we question ourselves, though St. Augustine also
relates our existence to God being modelled in his likeness though being alive means that we
are still far from God and has yet to be truly with Him.
St. Augustine also rejected the doubtfulness of the academy in which one can not or
should not accept ideas from others. He emphasized that we may not be able to give our
agreement to everything other people tell us but we can still agree to those who we, from our
own perception, think is right or wrong based from our perception.
He believes that our notion of ourselves and our idea of existence comes from a higher
form of sense in which bodily senses may not perceive or understand, and the more one doubts
and question his life means that, that person is actually living. St. Augustine while integrating
the teaching of the church in his philosophy and establishing our sense of self with God which
we cannot achieve with our bodies since the limitation of our senses in truly understanding the
essence of our existence and role in the world is limited. So people is need to establish their
relationship with God through being virtuous, but at the same time, to be able to stand by on
what we think is true, who we think we are that form our own understanding and solely defined
by us alone although people may say differently, by continuously questioning and finding the
truth will we be able to find the best answer to who we are and what our role is in the world.
“Self “ According to St. Augustine
Augustine's sense of self is his relation to God, both in his recognition of God's love and
his response to it—achieved through self-presentation, then self-realization. Augustine believed
one could not achieve inner peace without finding God's love.
“Self knowledge “ According to St. Augustine
He believed that no knowledge is impression that represents the self because to be
aware of an impression, we must already be conscious of its a unique entity.

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