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Why you should NEVER masturbate?

: The
biggest discovery in medical science
uncovering the secrets, and how it is
depleting human health and what are its
devastating ripple-effects
Did it ever come to your mind if masturbation is actually good or bad? Why most teenagers are puzzled
about it? Why so many men have sex related issues now than ever before? Is masturbation a slow killer
of your health and sex life?

Modern science and most people until now think of masturbation as harmless, and semen as mostly for
procreation and entertainment. This book will open your mind to the secrets of this powerful
‘ingredient’ in the body as to what really semen is, and reveal the grave negative effects masturbation
creates on mind, body, and society.

Never before, one may have seen a single book having forewords and acceptance from three different
and major medicinal practices of the world, i.e. Allopathy, Homeopathy, and Ayurveda. Masturbation
habit has already affected billions of men and women making them suffer greatly on health and
personal life. This book enlightens on why it's a must to stop masturbation immediately and how even
the considered unstoppable nocturnal emission (wet dream / nightfall) can be stopped. Get solutions to
your various sex related problems, and clear the myths and mysteries about masturbation and nocturnal
emission. A must read for every teenager and adult on Earth.

No book probably has ever been published directly and just on this topic with so much depth and
detailed explanations. Get ready for an unthought-of discovery and a reading ride that will be even
better than an unputdownable page-turner book. This is the first such book explaining how so much of
masturbation creates mass scale health, social and environmental issues, and negativity in the world.

Get answers to questions that have never been answered before. The most needed discovery in the field
of medical science is finally here that is going to change your life and how you think about your body
The Porn Trap: The Essential Guide To
Overcoming Problems Caused By
In this highly acclaimed recovery guide, renowned sex and relationship therapists Wendy and Larry
Maltz shed new light on the compelling nature and destructive power of today's instantly available
pornography. Weaving together poignant real-life stories with innovative exercises, checklists, and
expert advice, this groundbreaking resource provides a comprehensive program for understanding and
healing porn addiction and other serious consequences of porn use. The Porn Trap will help you to:
Decide whether it's time to quit using porn Learn how to stop using porn and deal with cravings Improve
self-esteem and personal integrity Heal an intimate relationship harmed by porn use Develop a healthy
sex life

End Porn and Masturbation Addicion in Few Weeks

(Today is The Last Day)

Are you sick of it?

Are you sick of it?

Do you hate yourself for being a porn addict?

Do you feel that your self-esteem and your social connections have plummeted as a result of
porn addiction?
Do you hate the fact that your will power is almost nonexistent?

Then don’t worry. Salvation is in this course.

Get over Porn and masturbation addiction for Good

This course was designed and intended for people who want to get over Porn and Masturbation
addiction for good and who also have no real life sex partner.

The course will help you stop watching porn and get over the habit of masturbation even if you
were single and have no chance to have sex.

This course is for both the teen who is addicted to porn , and can't have real sex, in addition to
the married person who still watches porn. The course will help you abstain completely from
those activities in few weeks.
Will Power won't work

The majority of people fail to quit both habits, sometimes for years, because they depend on will
power. The problem with such habits is that the chemicals released in the brain as a result of the
addiction are much more powerful than what the will power of an ordinary person can handle.

This is why the only way to break those habits is to work on those chemicals directly, using
natural ways of course, and this is exactly what the course is all about.

Why the course works

Porn addiction is just like drug addiction. Certain chemicals are released in the brain that
motivate a person to watch Porn and masturbate.

While those chemicals are very powerful the good news is that there are many ways to help the
brain break the addiction to them and revert back to its initial healthy state.

As a person watches porn his brain structure changes in such a way that it becomes hard for him
to quit the habit. By learning how to break the addiction on the Brain's level getting over both
habits will be an easy task.

You will no longer be a slave to those habits

The course is designed to help you quit both porn and masturbation addition for Good. You
should expect to see results within 3 weeks in the form of a considerable increase in your ability
to resist porn, a strong desire to quit and regain of control over your desires.

The time needed for complete abstinence differs from one person to another but it's not
uncommon for it to happen after the first few lessons. The 6 month periods is more than enough
to help most people achieve complete abstinence.

The reason the course is divided on 6 month is that the process of reversing the chemical changes
that happened in your brain as a result of being addicted to porn takes some time. This time can
vary from a person to another but in all cases the duration of the course is more than enough to
help any person quit.

The course is for both males and females

Contrary to common beliefs porn works directly on the brain of the addicted person. As a result
the chemical changes that happen in the brains of porn addicts are the same whether they are
males and females.

This course was designed with both males and females in mind and as a result it can help both
get over those bad habits.
The Space of Sex: The Porn Aesthetic in Contemporary Film and Television
As film and television become ever more focused on the pornographic gaze of the camera, the human
body undergoes a metamorphosis, becoming both landscape and building, part of an architectonic
design in which the erotics of the body spread beyond the body itself to influence the design of the film or
televisual shot. The body becomes the mise-en-sc �ne of contemporary moving imagery. Opening The
Space of Sex, Shelton Waldrep sets up some important tropes for the book: the movement between high
and low art; the emphasis on the body, looking, and framing; the general intermedial and
interdisciplinary methodology of the book as a whole. The Space of Sex’s second half focuses on how sex,
gender, and sexuality are represented in several recent films, including Paul Schrader’s The Canyons
(2013), Oliver Stone’s Savages (2012), Steven Soderbergh’s Magic Mike (2012), Lars Von Trier’s
Nymphomaniac (2013), and Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s Don Jon (2013). Each of these mainstream or
independent movies, and several more, are examined for the ways they have attempted to absorb
pornography, if not the pornography industry specifically, into their plot. According to Waldrep, the
utopian elements of seventies porn get reprocessed in a complex way in the twenty-first century as both
a utopian impulse-the desire to have sex on the screen, to re-eroticize sex as something positive and
lacking in shame-with a mixed feeling about pornography itself, with an industry that can be seen in a
dystopian light. In other words, sex, in our contemporary world, still does not come without compromise.

The Pornification of America: How Raunch Culture Is Ruining Our Society by

Bernadette C. Barton

An up-close look at how porn permeates our culture Pictures of half-naked girls and women can seem to
litter almost every screen, billboard, and advertisement in America. Pole-dancing studios keep women fit.
Men airdrop their dick pics to female passengers on planes and trains. To top it off, the First Lady has
modeled nude and the “leader of the free world” has bragged about grabbing women “by the pussy.”
This pornification of our society is what Bernadette Barton calls “raunch culture.” Barton explores what
raunch culture is, why it matters, and how it is ruining America. She exposes how internet porn drives
trends in programming, advertising, and social media, and makes its way onto our phones, into our
fashion choices, and into our sex lives. From twerking and breast implants, to fake nails and push-up
bras, she explores just how much we encounter raunch culture on a daily basis–porn is the new normal.
Drawing on interviews, television shows, movies, and social media, Barton argues that raunch culture
matters not because it is sexy, but because it is sexist. She shows how young women are encouraged to
be sexy like porn stars, and to be grateful for getting cat-called or receiving unsolicited dick pics. As
politicians vote to restrict women’s access to birth control and abortion, The Pornification of America
exposes the double standard we attach to women’s sexuality.
Pornografia by Witold Gombrowicz
The place is Poland, in the early years of the German occupation. Pornografia’s narrator, an author
named Witold Gombrowicz, meets a swarthy and overly formal man named Fyderyk at a Warsaw house
party, and the two soon become engaged in a business of a dubious (if not downright criminal) nature.
When an acquaintance of theirs, a corpulent provincial landowner named Hipolit, requests that they
come stay with him to discuss some of his city affairs, it is not hard to convince them to leave the
claustrophobic city for the fresh air of the countryside. Once in the country, however, Fryderyk and
Witold quickly bore of their surroundings — all of their surroundings, that is, but the two teenagers who
are staying on Hipolit’s farm: Henia, Hipolit’s daughter; and Karol, the son of one of the farmhands, who
has just returned from a stint in the Polish resistance movement. Both sixteen years old, they have known
each other all their lives, and interact as naturally and indifferently as siblings. Witold, however, begins
to obsess over their budding sexuality, and imposes on their every interaction an erotic twist that leaves
him half-crazed with voyeuristic lust. He is convinced that Karol and Henia must go to bed with each
other, and it soon becomes apparent that Fryderyk has the same idea; as their time at the farm
progresses, both men turn seemingly innocent interactions with the two teenagers into a sort of erotic
chess game. Small pretenses for contact between the young folks — pointing out that Karol’s pant cuffs
are dragging in the dirt, for instance, and asking Henia to roll them up for him — become fantastic acts
pregnant with innuendo and possibility. The fact that Henia is engaged to a respectable (if dandyish)
older man only makes the game more interesting. Communicating his intentions to Witold through a
series of letters left under a brick near the farm’s edge, Fryderyk begins to slowly undermine Henia’s
engagement. He tells the teenagers that he is directing a play, and asks them to mimic a slightly
suggestive scene for him — and then arranges for Witold to bring Henia’s fiance, Vaclav, nearby at the
most provocative moment. Vaclav of course misinterprets what he sees, and begins to sink into paranoia
and suspicion of his young bride-to-be. Two incidents of violence temporarily disrupt Witold and
Fryderyk’s games. First, Vaclav’s mother is stabbed to death by a young thief in front of all the farm’s
residents. The tragedy leaves Vaclav even more unstable, and everyone involved shaken. The second
situation arises when a senior commander in the resistance named Siemian comes to stay at the farm for
a few days. Karol has served with him, and snaps to attention immediately. Not long after Siemian
arrives, Hipolit receives a distressing order from the local underground authorities; Siemian has lost his
nerve and wants to leave the resistance. His high position makes this simply too compromising, and
Hipolit has been commanded to murder his houseguest. Hipolit enlists the help of his other male guests,
but none of them — Witold, Fryderyk, or Vaclav — can bring themselves to kill the man. Then Fryderyk
stumbles upon an outrageous idea: he will manipulate Karol and Henia, and get them to perform the
murder themselves. Sure enough, the two teens are obedient, just as they have been when Henia rolled
up Karol’s pant cuffs or when they performed a scene from a nonexistent play. The men give the teens a
knife (much like the one which killed Vaclav’s mother), and instruct them to enter Siemian’s room and
finish him off. But something goes very wrong. Vaclav, who has been growing more and more unstable
and disconsolate over what he thinks is a love affair between Henia and Karol, has entered Siemian’s
room before the two teenagers, and murdered the commander himself. He then darkened the room and
waited. When the teens knock, Vaclav opens the door — and Karol, mistaking Vaclav for Siemien,
murders him. The narrator’s frivolous mind games are suddenly made very real, and as the book ends
they are, for the first time, and in their moment of catastrophe, brought closer than ever before to their
young pawns.

Cyber Sexy: Rethinking Pornography by Richa Kaul Padte

In 1964, American judge Potter Stewart famously said, ‘I can’t define pornography, but I know it when I
see it.’ Over fifty years later, the reverberations of these words are still being felt across the world. Be it
proposed porn bans, religious morality or women’s rights, the assumption is that porn has a single,
knowable definition. But one man’s art is another woman’s erotica is another person’s sex tape. In this
intrepid, empathetic and nuanced account of the sexual shopping cart that is the internet today, Richa
Kaul Padte takes readers on an intimate tour of online sex cultures. From camgirls to fanfiction writers,
homemade videos to consent violations, Cyber Sexy investigates what it means to seek out pleasure
online. And as for whether or not something counts as porn? You’ll know it when you see it.

How to Make Love Like a Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale by Jenna Jameson
How to Make Love Like a Porn Star, the mega-bestselling memoir, triumphant survival story, and
cautionary tale that spent over six weeks on the New York Times bestseller list and rocketed adult film
icon Jenna Jameson into the mainstream spotlight, is now in paperback and ebook for the very first time.
Her unforgettable memoir, written with master storyteller Neil Strauss, is many things at once: a
shocking sexual history; an insider’s guide to the secret workings of the billion-dollar adult-film industry;
and a gripping thriller that probes deep into Jameson’s dark past. With never-before-seen photographs
from Jenna’s private collection, exclusive photos taken for this book, and original cartoon strips, this
memoir is an unparalleled exploration of sexual freedom. In the underbelly of Las Vegas, a cesspool of
warring biker gangs and seedy strip clubs, gawky, brace-faced Jenna Massoli was transformed into the
bombshell Jenna Jameson. Today, Jenna is the biggest star in the history of adult movies, consistently
ranked as one of the most beautiful women alive. But behind the glamour and the meteoric rise to fame
was a path paved with tragedy and heartbreak. As a teenager—drawn into a dark and chaotic world
where rape, abuse, and murder were commonplace—Jenna began her rapid downward spiral of
addiction and degradation . . . while at the same time becoming the porn world’s biggest crossover
success story.

Wired for Intimacy: How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain by William M.
Pornography is powerful. Our contemporary culture as been pornified, and it shapes our assumptions
about identity, sexuality, the value of women and the nature of relationships. Countless Christian men
struggle with the addictive power of porn. But common spiritual approaches of more prayer and
accountability groups are often of limited help. In this book neuroscientist and researcher William
Struthers explains how pornography affects the male brain and what we can do about it. Because we are
embodied beings, viewing pornography changes how the brain works, how we form memories and make
attachments. By better understanding the biological realities of our sexual development, we can cultivate
healthier sexual perspectives and interpersonal relationships. Struthers exposes false assumptions and
casts a vision for a redeemed masculinity, showing how our sexual longings can actually propel us
toward sanctification and holiness in our bodies. With insights for both married and single men alike, this
book offers hope for freedom from pornography.

Pornistan: How to Survive the Porn

Epidemic in India
Do you know what porn does to you? We all know what it does to our body, but what about our mind?
Internet porn: endless variety of hardcore, sexual videos streaming at the click of a button. We have all
seen it. Our intimate partners have seen it. Most kids by the time they are eleven have seen it too. Why
do we humans watch porn in the first place? What role is porn playing in the Indian sexual revolution? Is
porn spicing up or ruining our relationships? Should parents let their kids watch porn? Can watching
porn make us promiscuous or affect a man's libido? Should we ban porn? Is internet porn hindering or
facilitating the sexual liberation of Indian women? Pornistan answers these and tells you everything else
you absolutely must know in today's porn-induced sexual culture. Interviews with India's leading
experts, latest studies and experiments from around the world, statements from world famous porn-
stars, scientists and doctors, some incredibly relatable short stories and some amazing illustrations
Pornistan will entertain you, shock you, inform you and leave you with a deeper understanding of how
human sexuality works. Pornsitan the sex education you didn't receive at school.

Your Brain on Porn: Internet Pornography

and the Emerging Science of Addiction
.When high speed internet became widely available a few years ago, growing numbers of people began
to worry that their porn use was running out of control. Far from preparing them for fulfilling
relationships, viewing an endless stream of porn videos led to unexpected symptoms. Perhaps most
surprisingly, for the first time in history erectile dysfunction was becoming a significant problem for
young men. This led to one of the largest informal experiments in the history of science. Tens of
thousands of people have tried abstaining from sexually stimulating material in a process they call
'rebooting'. Many of them reported startling changes, from improved concentration and elevated mood
to a greater capacity for real-life intimacy.Gary Wilson has listened to the stories of those who have
tried giving up internet porn and related them to an account of how the reward system of the brain
interacts with its environment. And now a growing body of research in neuroscience is confirming what
these pioneers have discovered for themselves - internet pornography can be seriously addictive and
damaging.In Your Brain on Porn Wilson provides a concise introduction to the phenomenon of internet
porn addiction that draws on both first-person accounts and the findings of cognitive neuroscience. In a
voice that is generous and humane, he also offers advice for those who want to stop using internet
pornography. The publication of Your Brain on Porn is a landmark in our attempts to understand, and
remain balanced in, a world where addiction is big business.

Sex Addiction 101: A Basic Guide to Healing from Sex, Porn, and Love
Addiction by Robert Weiss
The number of affordable, easy links to pleasurable sexual online content is on the rise. Activity increases
with the accessibility of technology. So, too, has sex addiction. People struggling with sex, porn, and love
addiction typically have little understanding of this incredibly complicated disease. Sex Addiction 101
covers everything from what sexual addiction is and how it can best be treated, to how it affects various
subgroups of the population such as women, gays, and teenagers. The book also provides sex addicts
with strategies to protect themselves from the online sexual onslaught. Sex Addiction 101 is intended to
enlighten the clinical population as well as actual sex addicts and their loved ones. Along with his mentor
Patrick Carnes, Weiss has become the face of and driving force behind understanding and treating sex
addiction; this book should be a core title in every addiction collection.

Porn Generation: How Social Liberalism Is

Corrupting Our Future
Shapiro captures a generation through first-person reporting, interviews with refugees from the porn
industry, conversations with psychologist, educators, and students, and a telling cultural critique.

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