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- Morals is said to be a human behavior where morality is the practical activity that begins with
moral consciousness and moral sense. It is our way to identify the rightful deed from the
opposing one. I believe that is some ways this is connected to a human conscience in which is
helpful when it comes to decision making of an individual. Morality is also said to be binding on
those to whom it applies which means that individuals who set morals for their self shall be
obliged to follow it. The main purpose and function of morality is to set boundaries to what is
right and wrong that allows people to choose between.

Morality does not depend

- The second feature of morality talks about morality being not dependent on what people think
even if it is what does majority believes if it is wrong then it will always be wrong, quantity do
not decide for the answers. Therefore, scenarios like majority of the class throws accusation on
someone with regards to theft case, as the president of the class, even though everyone believe
in the accusation you must still go through the right process in which you shall conduct proper
investigation to know whether the accusation being thrown is right or just a false accusation.
The given scenario as of today is very relevant, people believing in hearsays without conducting
background checks and researches resulting to serious damages to individual not physically but
the emotional and mental state is at stake. Though morals do not have distinguished clear rules
but it is certain that morality works in identifying the best thing to do in a certain situation.

Morality is Obligatory

- It said that there are not certain rules when it comes to morality and therefore as an individual,
we cannot not choose our own morals. Morals that are essential in a certain situation will come
to enlighten us in crucial times. Morals served as our guide upon living in this world of survival. It
also states that morals shall be decided by reasons not by emotions which is so much true. We
people tend to throw decisions when we are at the top of our emotion without even thinking if
it is commendable or not. There is a phrase that correlates with this idea, “Do not promise when
you’re happy, do not reply when you’re angry and do not decide when you’re sad” we shall
always be mindful and must think a thousand-fold before jumping into a decision.

Moral Theory

- Through this topic we are able to understand how and why is a certain action is sought to be
wrong or why we lead to act in a certain way. Moral subjectivism relates to the denial of moral
principles of any kind. The best example for this is the reason of Thanos an antagonist in the
marvel movie entitled “Avengers Infinity war” in which his reason of committing genocide in
every planet he went to is an act of “mercy”. In cultural relativism, the morals focus more on
the culture of a certain area. For example, Muslim people are strictly prohibited to eat pork
meats but are allowed to get married many times as long as they are able to sustain every family
while in the Catholic people, they are allowed to eat any food of their liking but is prohibited to
get married a couple of times, they are only to allowed to have one wife for their lifetime.
Ethical egoism talks about human interest. This highlights us prioritizing our self-interest without
thinking of other variables that may affect other people. The divine command theory is the
necessary connection between morality and religion. The best example for this is the ten
commandments from God to the Christian sector and the five pillars of faith that guides our
Muslim brothers and sisters.

Virtue of Ethics

- Aristotle as well as other ancient Greeks created virtue ethics as a philosophy. It is the pursuit of
understanding and living a moral life. This character-based approach to morality holds that
goodness is acquired through practice. A person develops an honorable and moral conduct
through practicing being truthful, courageous, fair, giving, and so on. Aristotle claims that
through establishing virtuous practices, people are more willing to make the right decision when
presented with moral dilemmas. As a result, virtue ethics aids in our understanding of what it
means to be a virtuous human individual. Furthermore, it provides us with a foundation for
conducting our lives without providing us with particular standards for addressing existential

Three steps of arguments

- The first step’s message is that the ultimate end of human action is happiness which is true
because every individual’s goal in life is to live happily and peacefully. We dreamed to become
successful in order to fill our goal to be happy, and we want to be happy for a specific reason,
one wants to enjoy life and other does not like to associate their selves in worrisome situations.
In the feminist ethics, the moral focuses more on prioritizing the welfare of women. This form of
ethic focuses more on addressing the display of bias system on men. In Utilitarianism, highlights
the utility on one’s self in which when you tend to buy your self a shirt, you will choose the color
that would compliment your likings.

Jeremy Bentham

- In normative ethics, utilitarianism is a tradition originating with English philosophers and

economists Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, pertaining to which an action itself is right if it
encourages happiness or pleasure and wrong if it tends to produce frustration or pain not only
for the performer of the deeds but also for everyone else influenced by it. Some utilitarian
would not consider the choice between two acts to be a moral problem if the distinction in
effects is not significant.

Kanthan Theory

- Kant's theory is a prime example of a fully non-contextualist approach to ethics. Kant believed
that only when we act out of obligation do our actions have moral value (not just coincide, like
giving someone back correct change after they left to avoid legal trouble). Good will is the only
thing that is good in and of itself. Both Kantians and Consequentialists have assumed that
Kantian ethics is incompatible with all forms of consequentialism and that it rather validates a
system of agent centered regulations, or duty - based constraints, on the optimization of the

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