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Assessment Task 1 AS A SOCIAL SCIENTIST…
Complete the table below showing the certain events in the novels as we relate
them in the present society.
Basis for Rating:
Completion of this task will generate 100 points.
Relevance to the Issues – 70 pts
Presentation and Detail – 15 pts
Grammar and Structure– 15 pts
1. Government and its The conflict that we're The governments issues The government issues
Officials dominant in the novel are in corruption abuse of in present society was
corruption, justice, power discrimination still exist
poverty, and abuse of
2. Church and Religion This illustrates the The church and religion The catholic faith and
catholic priest was powerful its influence on the
corruption and their Filipinos choice
unchecked power.
3. Social Inequality The justice abuse, Discrimination, income, education
poverty, corruption, corruption, abuse, justice
health, education government issues,
abuse health.
4. Economic Realty War materials was the In the novel El War, crime, poverty,
greatest economic filibusterismo the global warming , health
motive behind the 19th corruption and abusing effect of government
century case, crime power standard of issues, religion,
and war living educational educational
5. Agrarian Situation The tenants suffered A prosperous farmer Population growth and
due to in justified taxes whose land is taking allegation of
away from him productive land
6. Romantic A passionate love story Romantic relationships To the present society
Relationship set against the ugly is apty portrayed in the letters are only a social
political backdrop at traditional courtship networking sites and
repression torture and between crisostomo text messages have
murder the noli as it is Ibarra and Maria Clara. become a thing. The
called in the Philippines It was tragies love story traditional romantic
that you can't easily they had was pure relationship was didn't
enter in the through it was tainted exist in present society.
relationship and it was with betrayal and
romantic to wrote a rejection.
letter for your love and
to express what you


Instructions: Answer the essay below with 3 to 5 sentences. Use the space provided..

Basis for Rating:

Completion of this task will generate 100 points.

5 x 10 = 100 points





1. Why is the novel considered as a timeless masterpiece of Philippine literature?

Because the message in the story was universal, it is regarded a timeless masterpiece of
Philippine literature. It was true at any point in time. This was especially true in our circumstances in the
Philippines. Today’s setting It was also about comprehending the country's internal and exterior

2. What do you think are the characters role and their relation to the modern society?

The Characters and their relation to the modern society was to give the readers of the novel a
message to understand what kind of people who was surrounding on us.

3. Do you think that there are changes in the social cancers then and now? Provide concrete instances

No, since the events of the nineteenth century are still prevalent in today's society.

4. Why did Jose Rizal term the issues in the two novels as social cancers?

In the two novels and on social media, Jose Rizal uses the term "issnes" to show how the
Philippines has been bandaged by suffering. The novel was used to inform the public about what had
occurred in our country.

5. As a future teacher/BSIT Graduate/BSHM Graduate, what can you do to resolve the social cancers?

As a Bsit understudy I would agree , start by being compassionate and circumspect person . By
performing the responsibilities of a dependable resident to our country you can be being a possibilities
yourself do seemingly insignificant details.

Assessment Task 3 My Personal Caricature


Create a caricature that would signify a social cancer and explain it in one

paragraph with 5 sentences. Refer to the attached rubrics with regard to

how you will be graded.

The representation implies the social malignant growth.

The Spanish ministers maltreatment of force is apparent ahead
of schedule in Noli Me Tangere. As well as controlling the
residents with dangers of ex correspondence, discipline, and
allegations of sin , the ministers conflict with their own nation
men. The monks have made the catholic religion and
instrument for advancing themselves and sustaining themselves
in power by trying to force the oblivious Filipino in devotion and
odd notions as opposed to showing them genuine Catholicism.

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