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Exercise 2

The nature of Mathematics

(Mathematics in Games)


1. Play Tower of Hanoi with 3 discs and then 4 discs. (online or actual)
2. Take note of the steps that you take and the number of steps made before winning.
3. Validate the claim that there will be at least 2n − 1steps to take before winning, where n
is the number of discs.

4. Create an algorithm on how to win the game.

Submit the output in the LMS (moodle) on the set time.

5. Game Modelling Rubric:

Game Modelling Rubric:

1= poor; 2 = Fair; 3 = Good; 4 = Excellent

Problem Identification What is the specific problem your model is going to solve?

Making assumptions and What have you assumed in order to solve the problem?
identifying variables Why did you make these choices?

What pictures, diagrams, or graphs might help us understand

Doing the Math
your information, model and results

Iteration, Analysis and

How do you know you have a good/useful model?
assessment of the
Why does your model make sense?
Implementation of the What are the important things for us to understand about your
model model and/or solution
Tower of Hanoi

1. prepare 3 (4) discs of different sizes, and 3 sticks. Stack the desired number of discs as
shown in the figure. The bigger disc will be at the bottom of the smaller disc as shown in
the figure.
2. The objective is to get all the discs from one side to the other.
3. You can only move one disc at a time and it must be the upper disc on the stack. A
smaller disc can never be below a larger one.
4. All discs have to be on the pegs unless they are being moved.

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