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Santiago, Jared Von C.
Manayao, Jerill D.
Macalagay, John Carlo S.
Ocampo, Juan Gabriel DP.
Beltran, John Christian A.
Ibasco, Andrew Mikhail L.
Padilla, Hans Elijah S.

Instructor: Mr. Eleazar Jude R. Delos Santos, LPT

I. Overall Objective

According to the United Nations (2019), climate change has affected several developing nations,
primarily, the agricultural sector; one of the primary culprits of this disaster would be the
degradation of arable land. Thus, due to the untapped abundance of Nitrogen (N2) in the
atmosphere and the decreasing supply of natural Nitrogen (N2) from the Earth’s surface, this
resource (Nitrogen from the atmosphere) can be alternatively used in fertilizing land. The overall
objective, thus, is to find a way to increase the yield of the liquified Ammonia (NH3) (fertilizer)
generated from Nitrogen (N2) and Hydrogen (H2). Moreover, the current production of Ammonia
(NH3) is inefficient because the reaction for forming Ammonia (NH3) goes in both directions; the
Ammonia (NH3) is constantly being converted back to Nitrogen (N2) and Hydrogen (H2).

Lastly, the researchers hypothesize that by analyzing reversible reactions and how to influence
their directionality, one can increase the yield of the fertilizer, Ammonia (NH 3), from the reaction–
in the case of the experiment.
II. Introduction

Reversible Reactions
In reversible reactions, reactants (A+B) are constantly converted into products (C+D) and
vice-versa. Consequently, means that the forward and backward reaction take place at the same
time. The reversibility of a reaction is depicted by double arrows in a chemical equation (see
equation 2.1.). (Labster Theory, 2016)

𝑎𝐴 + 𝑏𝐵 →
𝑐𝐶 + 𝑑𝐷
Equation 2.1. Reversible Reaction

As previously stated, the yields of the current production of Ammonia (NH3) is low because the
Ammonia (NH3) is constantly converted back and forth, from Nitrogen (N2) and Hydrogen (H2).
The reactions seem to go in both directions. As such, chemical equilibrium is an integral subject
relevant for the dilemma. Equilibrium describes the state of a reversible reaction, wherein the
forward and backward reaction happen at equal rates (Labster Theory, 2021). Equilibrium is the
state in which both the reactants and products are present in concentrations which have no further
tendency to change with time, so that there is no observable change in the properties of the system
(Atkins & Julio De Paula, 2006, pp. 200–202).

The Equilibrium constant (K) expresses the relationship between products and reactants of a
reaction at equilibrium with respect to a specific unit (Atkins & Jones, 2001) (see equation 2.2.).
Simply, the equilibrium constant (Kc) is a measure of the composition of an equilibrium.
Additionally, according to Libretext (2013), the reaction quotient (Q) measures the relative
amounts of products and reactants present during a reaction at a particular point in time. The
reaction quotient (Q) is particularly useful for predicting the directionality of a chemical reaction
relative to the equilibrium constant (Kc) (see equation 2.3.).

Equation 2.2. Equilibrium Constant Equation

Equation 2.3. Reaction Quotient Equation

The researchers are going to use a variety of compounds such as Ammonia (NH3), Nitric acid
(HNO3), and others; then used them to make a variety of other compounds such as nitrates. It also
talks about how to use equilibrium conditions to determine what the products of these reactions
are. This is important stuff, and requires a lot of work if you are going to get it right.There are
three kinds of equilibrium in this simulation Equilibrium reaction, Equilibrium Constant, and
Reaction Quotient firstly equilibrium reaction is when the rate of the forward reaction equals the
rate of the reverse reaction. Equilibrium Constant is a measure of the composition of an
equilibrium, and lastly Reaction Quotient this can be used to predict the directionality of a
chemical reaction when compared to the equilibrium constant.

Le Chatelier's principle
According to Julian R.H. Ross (2019), Le Chatelier’s Principle states that a reaction equilibrium
will move to oppose the constraints placed upon it; in other words, the position of a chemical
equilibrium (either left or right) can be affected by the temperature or pressure of the system.

A. Effect of temperature
According to basic thermodynamics, exothermic reactions release energy. As such, heat is
considered as a product in the reaction equation (see equation 2.4.). Adding more heat into the
system will shift the equilibrium to the reactant side to counteract the increase in product (see
equation 2.4.). On the other hand, endothermic reactions absorb energy. Therefore, heat is
considered as a reactant in the reaction equation (see equation 2.5.). Consequently, increasing the
temperature will shift the equilibrium to the right.

𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑠 →
𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑠 + ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑡
Equation 2.4. Reversible Exothermic Reaction

𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑠 + ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑡 ⇒
Equation 2.5. Reversible Endothermic Reaction

B. Effect of pressure
According to David Ball and Jessie Key (2014), pressure changes do not distinctly affect the solid
or liquid phases; the gas phase is the exemption. Additionally, Le Chatelier’s principle implies that
a pressure increase shifts an equilibrium dependent to the side of the reaction with the fewer
number of moles of gas, while a pressure decrease shifts an equilibrium to the side of the reaction
with the greater number of moles of gas. However, if the number of moles of gas is the same on
both sides of the reaction, pressure has no effect. (Ball & Key, 2014)
C. Effect of concentration
According to Le Chatelier's principle, if the system is changed in a way that increases the
concentration of one of the reacting species, it must favor the reaction in which that species is
consumed (Libretext, 2018). In simpler terms, increasing the concentration of the molecules on
one side of the reaction equation will shift the equilibrium to the opposite side. For instance, if the
concentration of the reactants is increased, the equilibrium will shift to the product side and vice

A catalyst is defined as a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself
undergoing a chemical change (Palmisano et al., 2022). As such, catalysts offer an alternative
route for a reaction with a lower activation energy, by such means making the reaction proceed at a
higher rate. Additionally, catalysts speed up the rate of both the forward and backward reactions;
they do not change the equilibrium of reaction but only increase the rate.

The Haber Process

Lastly, the researchers must perform the Harber process (see figure 2.1.). The Haber process was
invented by Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch. The Haber Process is used in the manufacturing of
ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen, and then goes on to explain the reasons for the conditions
used in the process (Clark, 2013). This process combines Nitrogen (N2) from the air with hydrogen
(H2) into Ammonia (NH3). The reaction is reversible and the production of Ammonia (NH3) is

Figure 2.1. The Hardber process

III. Summary of Methods

The experimental set-up consists of a liquid nitrogen tank, heating block, beaker, water (H2O),
syringe containing Dinitrogen Tetraoxide (N2O4) and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Nitrogen (N2) and
Oxygen (O2) gas tanks, plastic tubes, a glass triangle, three (3) any Borosilicate long cylindrical
glasses, a combustion tube, a bunsen burner, and steel wool. Note that prior to performing
laboratory work wear a lab coat, lab glasses, and heavy-duty gloves for safety measures. Below is
the summary of the required equipment for the experiment:

● Lab coat
● Lab glasses
● Heavy-duty gloves
● Liquid nitrogen tank
● Heating block
● Beaker
● Water (H2O)
● Syringe containing Dinitrogen Tetraoxide (N2O4) and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
● Nitrogen (N2) and Oxygen (O2) gas tanks
● Plastic tubes
● Glass triangle
● any Borosilicate long cylindrical glasses (3)

● Combustion tube

● Bunsen burner

● Steel wool

The first experiment is adding boiling the syringe. Always remember to monitor the concentration
of dinitrogen tetroxide and nitrogen dioxide while performing the experiment using the graph on
the screen. Put the syringe in boiling water and wait until equilibrium is reached. Remove the
syringe from the boiling water then wait. Observe the graph of concentration over time and the
color before, during, and after doing the experiment.

The second experiment is cooling the syringe. Always remember to monitor the concentration of
dinitrogen tetroxide and nitrogen dioxide while performing the experiment using the graph on the
screen. Put the syringe into the liquid nitrogen tank and wait until equilibrium is reached. Remove
the syringe from the tank then wait. Observe the graph of concentration over time and the color
before, during, and after doing the experiment.

The last experiment is adding pressure on the syringe. Always remember to monitor the
concentration of dinitrogen tetroxide and nitrogen dioxide while performing the experiment using
the graph on the screen. Press the plunger while the syringe is in the holder to adjust the pressure
and wait until equilibrium is reached. Pull the plunger back then wait. Observe the graph of
concentration over time and the color before, during, and after doing the experiment.

The last part of the experiment is performing the Haber process. Note to perform the process in a
fume hood in order to avoid exposing harmful chemicals, both to the researchers and the
laboratory as a whole. Firstly, assemble the apparatus. Connect the first tubes from the gas outlets
to the Borosilicate long cylindrical glasses; fill the glasses with water. Next connect both tubes to
the triangle glass. Afterward, connect the tube from the triangle glass to the combustion tube–
place the catalyst, in this case, the steel wool, inside the combustion tube. Using another tube,
connect the combustion tube to another Borosilicate long cylindrical glass filled with water.
Output a tube going out of the glass and into open air. Lastly, place the bunsen burner underneath
the combustion tube. (see figure 3.1.)

Note to first let the Nitrogen (N2) and Oxygen (O2) gas flow through the system before igniting the
bunsen burner, as doing the opposite might cause an explosion. To start the reaction, the
researchers must supply both nitrogen (N2) and (O2) to the apparatus by enabling the gas flow.
Secondly, ignite the bunsen burner. The indicator, Borosilicate long cylindrical glasses filled with
water, inside the gas washing bottle to the right changes color once in contact with the Ammonia

Figure 3.1. The Haber process Apparatus

IV. Results and Discussion

In this experiment, the syringe was put in the boiling water (100°C), according to the
concentration of Dinitrogen Tetroxide (N2O4) and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) in syringe over time
graph, most of the Dinitrogen Tetroxide (N2O4) was converted to Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2). This
result was expected because according to the Le Chatelier’s Principle, like in the experiment,
heating favors the forward reaction in endothermic reactions (recall equation 2.5.). A visual
change was also noticeable, as Dinitrogen Tetroxide (N2O4) is transparent in appearance, while
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) is brownish in color; the solution within the syringe turned brown.
Figure 4.1. Boiling Equilibrium

In next experiment, the syringe was put in the Liquid Nitrogen tank (-196 °C). According to the
concentration of Dinitrogen Tetroxide (N2O4) and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) in syringe over time
graph, most of the Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) was converted to Dinitrogen Tetroxide (N2O4) instead
(see figure 4.2.), unlike the previous experiment. The results were given since according to Le
Chatelier’s principle, the equilibrium is readjusted in order to counteract the change in
temperature, pressure or concentration. Therefore, according to this principle, the equilibrium
shifted to the left at a lower temperature (recall equation 2.4.). Note that, and because the
concentration of the brown Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) was close to zero, the syringe became filled
with the colorless and transparent Dinitrogen Tetroxide (N2O4).
Figure 4.2. Freezing Equilibrium

In this experiment the researchers placed the syringe in the rack and added pressure to it via the
plunger on the syringe. By adding pressure via plunger the concentration of both, Nitrogen
Dioxide (NO2) and Dinitrogen Tetroxide (N2O4) increases as the molecules are squeezed into a
smaller volume, intensifying the color. Increasing the pressure established a new equilibrium,
which favored the back reaction. Resulting in the equilibrium shifting to the left or towards the
Figure 4.3. Pressure Equilibrium

V. Conclusion and Implication

With the garnered knowledge throughout the simulation, researchers were able to deduce the
optimal production of Ammonia (NH3). To increase the yields, increase the pressure and lower the
temperature as low as possible, as higher temperatures result in lower yields in the process;
however, higher temperatures are needed for the catalyst to work. As such, increasing the
temperatures is the most viable solution to the dilemma. Additionally, the apparatus lacks a
condenser (which can be seen included in figure 2.1.). The lack of a condenser decreases the
amount yield, since Ammonia (NH 3) must be constantly removed from the system.

In conclusion, the experiments performed proves our hypothesis that by analyzing reversible
reactions and how to influence their directionality, one can increase the yield of the fertilizer,
Ammonia (NH3), from the reaction which is the objective of the experiment. This problem was
solved with the help of Le Chatelier's Principle involving the temperature, pressure, concentration
and catalysts of the reaction. The knowledge gained in this simulated experiment can be applied in
the real world to boost the production of particular required products.

Atkins, P. W., & Jones, L. (2001). Chemical principles : the quest for insight (2nd Ed.). W.H.

Freeman & Co.

Atkins, P. W., & Julio De Paula. (2006). Atkins’ Physical chemistry (8th Ed.) (pp. 200–202).

W.H. Freeman.

Ball, D. W., & Key, J. A. (2014). Shifting Equilibria: Le Chatelier’s Principle. Opentextbc.ca.



Clark, J. (2013, October 2). The Haber Process. Chemistry LibreTexts; LibreTexts.




Labster Theory. (2016, December 21). Chemical equilibrium. Theory.labster.com.


Labster Theory. (2021, August 19). Reversible reaction. Theory.labster.com.


Libretext. (2013, October 2). The Reaction Quotient. Chemistry LibreTexts.




Libretext. (2018, January 25). Le Chatelier’s Principle Fundamentals. Chemistry LibreTexts.



Palmisano, G., Jitan, S. A., & Garlisi, C. (2022). Introduction. Heterogeneous Catalysis, 1–25.


Ross, J. R. H. (2019). An Introduction to Heterogeneous Catalysis and Its Development Through

the Centuries—Chemistry in Two Dimensions. Contemporary Catalysis, 3–38.


United Nations. (2019, October 14). Loss of World’s Arable Land Threat to “Everything We Eat,

Drink, Breathe”, Speaker Says, as Second Committee Takes Up Sustainable Development

| Meetings Coverage and Press Releases. Www.un.org.


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