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Modular Distance Learning Method of Instruction: Coping Strategy of Colegio de San

Antonio de Padua Students

A Thesis Presented to
The Faculty, Colegio de San Antonio de Padua
Guinsay Danao City, Cebu

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for Grade 11
Senior High STEM Course


May 2022
Chapter 1



Pandemic brought chaos all over the world that affects the education sector and conveyed

changes especially in the Philippines where not everybody can afford to buy gadgets or smart

phones for communication and facilitate or participate in online classes. Some places had poor

internet connections that would limit others to learn using different platforms. Distant learning

has been implemented when the new normal happened and one of those alternative learning is

the Modular Distance Learning Approach method of instruction, where students are given a sheet

of paper to study and answer without meeting in the physical classroom. Education is the most

important thing in life. That’s why, despite the challenges that the pandemic has brought towards

students, it must continue and progress must be unstoppable.

As years pass by, the pandemic gets wider and longer. Many universities have tried to

adopt the new system of education—some use the online method of learning; some use the

modular method; and some use blended learning, where both modular and online learning are

taken into consideration. Students try to embrace these alternative learning methods. The use of

modules encourages students to learn at their own pace. One advantage of using modules for

training is that it improves self-study or study skills. Students participate in the fundamentals of

the subject. By completing the module's tasks, they build a sense of accountability. However, are
these new methods of learning satisfying for every student? Does it meet the requirements of

CHED or the Department of Education? What is the possible strategy that mostly students did in

order to keep the education reliable?

Modular Distance Learning is defined as a form of learning delivery modality developed

by the Department of Education (DepEd) in which learning takes place without physical

interaction between teachers and learners. Distant learning is best suited to independent learners

and students with the help of parents, relatives, or family AJ Yes (2021). However, many factors

will contradict the main definition of Modular Distance Learning, and this includes the learner’s

environment, time availability, and capability to learn alone.

The Modular Distance Learning Approach has a wide range of positive effects on

students. In fact, Dr. Friestad-Tate, Dr. Schubert, and Dr. Mccoy (as stated in Biggs, 1999),

Modular Distance Learning is an approach that focuses on learning outcomes and relies on

connecting objectives to student learning and course design to be successful. Modular Distance

Learning clearly innovates students' creativity and establishes a solid foundation in each student's

own page. However, research findings in BIO Web of Conferences 26, 00058 (2020) state that,

according to students' and teachers’ opinions, the main drawback of distant learning is the lack of

social contact between participants in the educational process. It is necessary to ensure the

educational component of the pedagogical system. That’s why, distance learning is only suitable

for students with a high degree of motivation to learn. A significant disadvantage of DL is the

inability to conduct practical classes under the direct supervision of a teacher. It negatively

affects the development of practical skills in practice-oriented academic disciplines, including

medicine and physical education (Alexey Korolkov et al., 2020).

The Modular Distance Learning Approach incorporates many factors that affect a

student’s performance. The researcher’s main purpose of conducting this research is to find out

the experience on how STEM students in Colegio de San Antonio de Padua maintain the good

performance despite the Modular Distance Learning Approach method of instruction under the


Statement of the Problem

This study is entitled " Modular Distance Learning Method of Instruction: Coping

Strategy of Colegio de San Antonio de Padua Students". It aims to find out the coping strategy

and study the experiences and on how Grade 11 STEM students in Colegio De San Antonio de

Padua (CSAP) maintains a good and quality education in the middle of Modular Distance

Learning method of instruction. Furthermore, the researcher also wants to find out whether

Modular Distance Learning brings good and reliable education towards the students.

Significance of the Study

The outcome of the study will be beneficial for the following:

Administrator. This research will serve as the basis to identify whether the Modular Distance

Learning method of instruction is effective or not for the students and make it a basis to instruct

teaching staff and other school personnel to have an innovative learning strategy.

Teachers. Teachers can use the outcome of this research and use it as a tool to enhance their way

of teaching. Whatever the outcome of this study, educators can use it to identify whether

Modular Distance Learning brings good habit towards the students.

Students. This research is beneficial for all students, especially those who are taking the

Modular Method of instruction, as it will serve as their basis to identify the effective way to

maintain a good nature of education using Modular Distance Learning.

STEM Students. STEM students will get benefits from this study as it will help them decide the

effective strategy upon completing their course in the middle of Modular Distance Learning

Method of instruction.

Parents: Guidance, especially for parents, is also beneficial for this research as it will help them

to identify the effective strategy in maintaining the good and reliable education for their child.

Researcher. The researcher is also one who will benefit from their research as it will satisfy

his/her curiosity about the experience and coping strategy of grade 11 STEM students in Colegio

de San Antonio de Padua.

Future Researcher Using the theories, citations, related articles, and findings found at the end

of this research, future researchers can use that information as the basis for review for their

upcoming topics.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

In collecting and gathering the data about the coping strategy of grade 11 STEM students

in the middle of Modular Distance Learning method of instruction, the participant must be from

the College of San Antonio de Padua, must be a grade 11 student, and be under the STEM

strand. The research locale is Danao City, Cebu. The following participants will be chosen
according to the following criteria: the student must be in a school year of 2021–2022, and the

participant must be in a Modular Distance Learning method of instruction.

Furthermore, the participant has no age limit if he/she meets the said criteria. Any participant

who passes the criteria is applicable regardless of their gender, religion, culture, etc. The

researcher assures that they will ask permission from the chosen participant before gathering

different kinds of information and knows the limitation to protect the participant's or

respondent’s rights.


This section contains crucial terminology that should be operationally defined in the research in

order to aid comprehension of the problem and avoid unclear interpretations of the various


Coping Strategy are the behaviors, thoughts, and emotions that are used to adjust to the changes

that occur in every lives. This refers to the independent variable of this research.

Modular distance learning is a method of instruction that uses modules that facilitate student

learning by themselves. Modular Distance Learning is a form of distance learning that uses self-

learning modules (SLM). It is one of the distance learning that the university implemented to

ensure healthy protocols in the middle of a pandemic which greatly impacts the students'

academic performance.
Grade 11 STEM Students are the first-year senior high students under the strand of Science,

Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in College of San Antonio de Padua. It refers to the

respondents of the study.

College of San Antonio de Padua (CSAP) is an institution that is in Guinsay, Danao City. It

refers to the research locale of the study.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Dochy (1989) explained that Modular Distance Learning's most important consideration

is the student. The author explained that learners want a more individualized approach to the

course content so that their prior knowledge and personal characteristics are considered.

Moreover, modularization will generally allow a student to learn at his or her own pace. Offering

pre-tests for each module is therefore a critical element of modularization. If the student achieves

a passing score, they may skip the section. If he or she does not take the section, a post-test is

administered. Only upon successful completion can the student continue with the next module in

the course. Dochy pointed out that Modular Distance Learning is often best achieved through

computer-based courses.

Dr. Mccoy (as stated in Biggs, 1999) stated that Modular Distance Learning is an

approach that focuses on learning outcomes and relies on connecting objectives to student

learning and course design to be successful. These elements work together to create a well-

aligned route. It is critical to identify learning outcomes, determine learning and teaching

outcomes, and successfully realize adequately assessed student results for the curriculum to be

constructively aligned.

Daries (2009) defined modules as an element of work that is practically self-phased and a

teaching method based on the concept of developing and enhancing skills and knowledge. SLM

encourages students to develop their own learning skills.

Considering education as a universal good (United Nations, 2020), students are always

striving to overcome the challenges of distant learning by demonstrating positive actions,

responses, and outlooks. While the action is the antidote to despair; coping strategies is also the

antidote to stress and challenges. Conceptually, Chowdhury (2020) defined coping strategy as a

set of adaptive tools administered to proactively avoid burnout. Berjot and Gillet (2011) further

contended that coping is a response behavior used by an individual to protect himself or herself

from a painful stimulus that may provoke his or her stress and anxiety.

Globally, the pandemic has extremely affected 1.58 billion children and youth (UN,

2020). This number accounts for 61 percent of the world‟s overall enrollment. Remote classes

are happening for almost several months now and the current situation still exacerbates pre-

existing educational disparities among students. Hence, the ongoing health crisis has resulted in

interruptions in education (Bozkurt et al., 2020). Looking at the statistics, it is reported that

almost 3.5 million Filipino students enrolled in tertiary level E. Rotas & M. Cahapay / Journal of

Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 3(1), 27-35 28 institutions are roughly affected by the

pandemic (Joaquin, Biana & Dacela, 2020). It also revealed the digital divide among Filipino

students who are already under remote learning right now. Apart from the other challenges that

they need to overcome before the crisis on a face to face learning set-up, students now even have

to face difficulties associated with remote learning (Simbulan, 2020). As a result, students suffer

from a lot of stressful events due to the many responsibilities they have to handle every day.

Looking at the larger picture, learning is complicated, and students are in the middle of a social

Furthermore, Numerous studies have already been conducted to document the coping

strategies of students in a remote learning setting (e.g. Baloran, 2020; Croft, Dalton & Grant,

2010; Gong, 2020; Green, Burrow & Carvalho, 2020; Guo et al., 2020; Kimotho, 2018;

Klapproth et al., 2020; Kwon, 2010; Matswetu et al., 2020; Nyatsanza & Mtezo, 2013; Osafo,

2017; Petronzi & Petronzi, 2020). Recent studies in the Philippine context had also been

conducted to report how university students enrolled under various disciplines cope with stress,

but in a faceto-face learning setting (e.g. Austria-Cruz, 2019; Mazo, 2015; Nuas et al., 2015;

Vizconde, 2012; Yazon, Manaig & Tesoro, 2017;). The current research descriptively addresses

the gap on how students cope with remote learning within the Philippine context that is plagued

by structural constraints and exacerbated by the current global crisis. This paper provides

researchers and educators a qualitative glimpse into the coping strategies employed by students

in a developing country amid this time of global uncertainty.

Coping strategies to reduce stress are necessary for preventing the harmful effects of

prolonged stress (William et al., 2010). Coping strategies are the methods people employ to

master, decrease, or eliminate unpleasant situations. Coping strategies may be seen as both

negative and positive and maybe problem-focused or emotion-focused (Bond & Bunce, 2000;

Folkman & Lazarus, 1988; Gruen, Folkman, & Lazarus, 1988). According to Anspaugh and

colleagues, coping with stress means attempting to manage or deal with stress, and coping does

not necessarily result in success. Amirkhan and Auyeung (2007) agreed to the assertion that

coping does not necessarily imply success with dealing with the stressor. Myers and Rothblum,

E. D. (2005). also defined coping strategies as to how a person reacts or responds to a stressor.
The pandemic has adverse effects on education which were felt by institutions, students,

and teachers, as stated by Onyema, Eucheria, Obafemi, Sen, Atonye, Sharma, Alsayed (2020).

The researchers chose to focus on senior high school STEM students in order to identify what are

the challenges the students face, their coping strategies, as well as, opinions on the current

distance learning experience.

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This study utilized the survey design in studying the experiences and coping strategy that

grade 11 STEM students in Colegio de San Antonio de Padua had encounter in the middle of

Modular Distance Learning and the qualitive design in exploring the experiences and strategies

of what CSAP stidents did in order to maintain a good and reliable education. The opinions and

recommendations of students were gathered through a survey, particularly by using

questionnaires with how and why question. The researchers conducted the study at the College

of San Antonio de Padua, which is located in the urban area of Guinsay Danao City, Cebu. 30

students were chosen as key informants through answering the given survey online. Emails,

Google forms, and social media were used in the distribution of questionnaires and retrieval of

data. The researcher will first ask permission from the respondents before conducting the survey.

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