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1st Quarter
Subject Teacher: Golda M. Cagol MA

NAME: ____________________________________________ SCORE: _________

GRADE & SEC. ____________________ DATE: _________________

Encircle the letter that corresponds to the meaning of the underlined word.
1. Throngs of people shopped at the mall the week before Christmas
a. little number b. no one c. few d. crowds
2. We took a pair of shoes to the cobbler, so he could fix them for us.
a. convert b. shield c. stones d. shoe mender
3. The giant ice cream sundae was so scrumptious that I ate the entire thing.
a. yucky b. awful c. delicious d. large
4. The string was so taut that you could not stretch it any more without breaking it.
a. light b. poor c. stretched tightly d. fragile
5. The pile of work before Grant was insurmountable because there wasn't enough time to get it
all done.
a. peaceful b. easy c. super d. can't be overcome
6. Improving on the assembly line, Henry Ford was able to manufacture his automobiles
efficiently. He predominated in the industry for many years
a. followed b. fell behind c. charted d. led
7. The altruistic volunteer put her life on hold to help the hurricane victims.
a. greedy b. selfish c. unselfish d. coldhearted
8. Our new puppy was so rambunctious; all she wanted to do was run in circles around the house.
a. energetic b. calm c. laid-back d. quiet
9. Grandmother was punctilious; that is, she was very strict about her grandchildren following
good manners.
a. careless b. weak c. strict in observing good manners d. bad-mannered
10. The plan to rebuild the tower was feasible, and everyone thought it was workable.
a. destroyed b. basic c. incomplete d. workable

Give the meaning of each underlined word, selecting from the choices that follow. Encircle
the letter of the correct answer.
1. The instructor expounded the pros and cons of the issues for the students to ruminate on.
a. accept b. digest c. ponder d. refute
2. There is no difficulty in finding a role for a versatile actor.
a. able to do many different things b. good-looking gentleman
c. hard-working and patient d. old and respected
3. The violent storm lasted for days, ruining millions worth of property.
a. deep b. exciting c. loud d. severe
4. The inclusion of computer programming in the schools revolutionized education.
a. brought about a big change b. hampered progress
c. put an end to d. rebelled against tradition
5. We cannot completely eradicate ignorance if our children continue to be truant and indifferent.
a. eliminate b. enhance c. hate d. improve
6. The mushrooming of night spots is a menace to peace and order in the community.
a. boast b. help c. support d. threat
7. Frustrated for not winning the election, he sat morosely in a corner.
a. comfortably b. contentedly c. ill-humoredly d. unaffected
8. The teenagers were jubilant to see their matinee idol in person.
a. hesitant b. reluctant c. suspicious d. very happy
9. The ruthless employer not only reprimanded the errant employees but also sacked them.
a. foolish b. lazy c. merciless d. understanding
10. We cannot expect outstanding achievement from mediocre students.
a. intelligent b. ordinary c. smart d. talented
In the space provided, write a synonym for each underlined word as it is used in context.

1. His lucid lectures, along with his clearly presented explanations, made him a popular
2. Their vociferous chatter made me wish I had ear plugs.
3. He was so impudent to his mother that I would have punished him if he talked to me that way.

4. The investigators are skillful at sending cryptic messages, open to many interpretations. The
public spends days puzzling over their meanings.
5. The Great Flood of Noah’s day was caused by incessant rain that fell for 40 days and nights.
6. The students who arrived late told the teacher an implausible story about stopping to watch a
7. After spending three weeks in the hospital, I had a surfeit of daytime TV programming.
8. The prisoners liberated from the Nazi death camp were so emaciated that they looked like
9. Bob decided to be prudent and call ahead for reservations, instead of just showing up.
10. The ambiguity of Joe’s directions made it almost impossible to find his house.
11. The job candidate’s background was impeccable – good references and many years of
experience, but the company did not give her the job.
12. The tranquilized grizzly bear was lethargic enough for the scientists to safely examine his
teeth and tattoo his ears.

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