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the questions given below it:

Directions (Q. 4-8): Read the following information carefully and answer
Out ofthe total number of 7800 girls in a college, 15% are good at dancing and 20% of the number of girls

good at dancing arealso good in studies. 5% of the total number of girls in the college are good at drawing and
10% of the girls good at drawing are also good in studies. 35% of the total number of girls in the collegc are good
atcooking and 20% of the girls good at cooking are also good in studies; also, 30% of the girls good at cooking are
good at dancing but not good in studies. 10% of the total number of girls in the college are.good only at singing.
25% of the total number of girls in the college are good at sports and 16% of the numbcr of girls good at sports are
also good at studies. Rest of the girls from the college are only good at studics.
4. How many giris from the college are good at dancing?
1) 1755 2) 1989 3) 1170 4) 1898 5) None of these
5. How many girls from the college are good only at cooking?
1) 2730 2) 2184 3) 1365 4) 1545 5) None of these
6. How many girls from the college are good at drawing?
1) 351 2) 380 3) 400 4) 341 5) None of these
7. How many girls from the college are good at studies?
1) 1851 2) 780 3) 990 4) 1911 5) None of thesc
8. How many girls from the college are good only at singing?
1) 780 2) 750 3) 700 4) 800 5) None of these
Directions (Q.9-13): Study the following data carefully and answer the questions given Deow
total villages have only adequate water supply
ASurvey conducted on 1800 villages shows that 25% of the only. 7% of the total numoct ovdges have
o ol the total number of villages have proper supply of electricity
villages have telecommunication
services oniy. 16% of

oniy proper education facilities. 12% of the total number of 6% of the total number
ot villages have adequate
tota number of villages have proper healthcare services onlv.villages have adequate supply of water, supply of
Well a s supply of electricity. 8% of the total number of
war as total number of villages have proper
supply ot elcctricity,
as well as healthcare services. 5% of the
Clecuricity number ot villages have all the
services as well as healthcare services and 6% of the total
9. How many villages in all have adequate water supply?
5) None of these
1) 702 2) 450 3) 594 4) 810
How many villages in all have adequate supply of water as well as electricity?
10 5) None of these
1) 360 2) 108 3) 720 4) 972
11. How many villages in all do not have proper supply of electricity?
5) None of thesc
1) 720 2) 850 3) 920 4) 1080
12. How many villages have only proper education facilities?
4) 216 5) None of these
1) 108 2) 126 3) 234
13. How many villages have all the facilities?
4) 106 5) Nonc of thesc
1) 90 2) 126 3) 144
the questions given below:
(Q. 14-18): Study the following data carefully and a n s w e r
commuters commute only by rains.
Out of a total number of commuters commuting daily in a city, 17,171
commute only by buscs. 14,7
18 commuters
7359 commuters commute only by bikes and 22,077 commuters
autos. 7,359 commuters commute
Commute only by their private cars and 4,906 c o m m u t e r s commute only by
commuters commute by buses as well as trains. 9,812
commutcrs commute by autos as
only bytaxis. 26,983
by buses as well a s autos.
well as trains. 12,265 commuters commute

The total number of commuters commuting by trains forms what per cent of the total number of commuters
commuting daily?
2) 44 3) 14 4) 36 5) None of these
1) 22
torms what per cent of the total number of commuters,
15. The total number of commuters commutung by autos

commuting daily?
2) 18 3) 22 4) 4 5) None of these
1) 10
16. The total number of commuters commuting by bikes and taxis togcther forms what per cent of the total
number of commuters commuting daily?
)6 3) 8 4) 16 5) None of these
1) 12
17. What is the total number of commuters in the city commuting daily?
1) 122650 2) 1262550 3) 162250 4) 152260 5) Nonc of these
18. The number of commuters commuting only Dy bus 1orms what per cent of the total number of commuters

commuting daily?
2) 22 3) 32 4) 18 5) None of thesc
1) 40
Directions (Q. 19-23): Study the information carefuly to answer the following questions:
An organisation consists of 1500 employees. The ratio of males to females is 17: 13. All the cmplovecs work
28 per cent of Iemales are at level I. 18 pcr cent of the males work
at five differentlevels named I, II, II, IV and V.
at level I1, One-fifth of the males work at level V. The ratio ot Iemales to males at level II is 2:3.25 per cent of the

total number of employees are at level

Femaies working at evei v are b0 per cent of the males working at the
same level. 18 per cent of the
females are at level lv. l ne remaning remales are at level III. 16 per ccnt of the malcs
males are working at level IV.
work at level I and the remaining
at level III?
19 What is the number of males working 4) 163
1) 136 2) 228 3) 253 5) 270
what per cent of the number of females working at the same levcl?
20. Number of males working after at level IV forms
(rounded off to two digits decimal)
2) 169.12 3) 123.42 4) 150.652 5) 139.32
1) 145.52
level V?
What is the number of females working
1) 147 2) 182 3) 117 4) 102 5) None of these
what per cent of total number of the emolovecs in
22. Number of males working at level I forms approximately
the organisation?
3) 18 4) 22
9 2) 13 5) 28
1) of females working at level II and IV together?
23. What is the total number
3) 219 4) 264 5) None of thesse
1) 81 2) 118

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