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Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence: Psychiatrists spend

a lot of time studying the mind. So ... psychologists.


Choose the one word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the word in CAPITALS:
Vitamin B1 is water SOLUBLE, as are all the B-complex vitamins.

The correct plurals are:

cervyxes, salpynges, enemae, alumna
cervixes, salpinxes, enema, alumnae
cervyces, salpynxes, enematora, alumne
cervices, salpinges, enemata, alumnae
none of the mentioned options

The following combining forms phalang(o), rubr(o), spermat(o), trache(o), uter(o) refer
phalanx, red, sperm, trachea, uterus
pharynx, red, spermatozoon, windpipe, uterus
phalanges, rash, sperm, trachea, utriculus
phalanges, red, sperm, windpipe, utriculus
phalanx, rash, spermatozoon, trachea, uterus

Choose the one word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the word in CAPITALS:
Inflammation of a joint is characteristically symptomatic of some AILMENTS.

Which verbs are correctly spelled?

to aleviate, to clott, to heel, to sever
to alleviate, to clot, to heal, to sever
to alleviatte, to cloth, to heale, to severe
to aleviat, to cloht, to hill, to sever
none of the mentioned options

Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: Not one (A) in one hundred children
exposed to the disease are (B) likely (C) to develop (D) symptoms of it.
Not one
to develop
none of the mentioned options

The correct plurals are:

corpora, vertebrae, stimulus, pedes
corpa, vertebrata, stimuluses, pes
corpera, vertebra, stimuli, pedes
corporata, vertebrae, stimuli, pes
none of the mentioned options

The ... system converts digestible food to ... and disposes of the rest.
gastric, chyme
gastrointestinal, molecules
digestive, energy
metabolic, energy
digesting, nutrients

Choose the one word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the word in CAPITALS:
In the fetus, cartilage forms a temporary skeleton that will gradually be CHANGED into

Muscles control ... and many organic functions by contracting in response to ...
bones, inner
bones, outer
movements, nerve
action, external
action, internal

Choose the one word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the word in CAPITALS:
Ultrasonic waves are BEYOND the range of sounds a human can hear.

The following prefixes a-, di-, intra-, patho-, retro- refer to?
with, two, through, disease, backward
with, double, within, sick, before
without, double, through, sick, backward
without, two, within, disease, backward
with, two, through, disease, before

Which series contains words that are not misspelled?

extra-murral education, awarreness, lightheadness, flabby, chorium
extra-mural education, awareness, lightheadedness, flaby, corium
extra-murral education, awarenes, lightheadness, flabby, chorium
extra-mural education, awarrenes, lightheadness, flaby, chorium
extra-mural education, awareness, lightheadedness, flabby, corium

The ... blood is distributed through the ... system to all tissues.
oxygen, cardiac
oxygen-enriched, cardiovascular
oxygenated, cardiothoracic
oxygen-poor, circulatory
deoxygenated, heart

Which pair of synonyms is correct?

respiratory failure = respiratory sufficiency
moist = dry
peritoneum = abdominal membrane
foramen = closure
alveolus = air bag

Which series of synonyms is correct?

addictive = habit-forming = compelling
cut = excision = laceration
bone pain = arthralgia = arthrodynia
os = ossicle = osiculum
narrowing = obstruction = occlusion

Which pair of synonyms is correct?

digitalis = chamomile
ataxia = dyscoordination
sleepiness = lightheadedness
hypotension = high blood pressure
adverse = negative
Which series contains words that are not misspelled?
examminee, wilow, paralisys, epystaxis, stopage
examinee, willow, paralysis, epistaxis, stopage
examinee, wilow, paralysys, epystaxis, stoppage
examinee, willow, paralysis, epistaxis, stoppage
examminee, wilow, paralisys, epystaxis, stopage

Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: If early (A) arrival of the doctor is
expected (B), try not to administering (C) medical assistance on (D) your own.
is expected
none of the mentioned options

At the ... of the vertebral column is the ..., which surrounds and protects the brain.
left, rib cage
center, thorax
side, cranium
top, skull
apex, cervix

Which pair of antonyms is correct?

recommended - unrecommended
recomended - unrecomended
recommended – dysrecommended
recommended – disrecommended
recommended – anrecommended

Coarctation is not a synonym of:

any of the mentioned options

Which line contains only correct adjectives?

prophylactyc, hepative, renal, tissular
prophilactic, hepatic, renous, tissular
profilactic, hepatic, rennal, tissular
prophylactic, hepatic, renal, tissular
prophylactic, hepatical, renal, tisular

The greatest figure in the history of ancient medicine was … of ….

Hipocrates, Rome
Hypocrates, Athens
Hippocrat, China
Hippocrates, Kos
Hyppocrates, Persia

Which pair of verbs is correct?

to beat = to wound
to cleanse = to purify
to attend = to nurture
to expel = to drop out
to sweat = to eliminate

Bones are composed of minerals, ... matter and water, held together by a cementlike
substance called ….
inorganic, cartilage
organic, collagen
anorganic, cementum
organic, matrix
grey, bone marrow

Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: After he had ran (A) for (B) half a
mile, he passed (C) the stick to the next (D) runner.
had ran
the next
none of the mentioned options

Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: How much (A) times did the doctors
have to (B) do the test before obtaining the results (C) they wanted (D)?
doctors have to
obtaining the results
none of the mentioned options

Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: Plant cuttings who (A) are placed (B)
in water will develop roots and can then be (C) planted in soil (D).
then be
in soil
none of the mentioned options

Which series contains words that are not misspelled?

curriculum, clubbing, stuffiness, drowsiness, diaphoresis
curiculum, clubing, stufiness, drownsiness, dyaphoresis
curicullum, clubbing, stufiness, drownsiness, dyaphoresis
curriculum, clubbing, stuffines, drowsiness, dyaphoresis
curicullum, clubing, stuffiness, drownsiness, diaphoresis

Which pair of synonyms is correct?

inability = handicap
anamnesis = amnesia
drug metabolism = biotransformation
housemaid’s knee = tennis elbow
mitral valve = tricuspid valve

The following combining forms adip(o), bronchiol(o), copr(o), dactyl(o), enter(o) refer
fat, bronchus, feces, pollex, large intestine
fat, bronchiole, faex, hallux, small intestine
fat, bronchiole, feces, finger, intestine
fat, bronchus, feces, finger, small intestine
fat, bronchiole, faex, hallux, large intestine

The correct antonyms are:

harmful, unable, to discontinue, immature
harfull, anable, to dyscontinue, imature,
harmfulless, inable, to decontinue, immatur
unharmful, non-able, to dicontinue, immature
unharmfull, antiable, to descontinue, imatur

Which line contains only correct adjectives?

nazal, mucous, metabolic, ennzymatic
nasal, mucus, metabolyc, enzymatic
nasal, mucous, metabolical, enzimatic
nazal, mucos, metabolic, enzymatic
nasal, mucous, metabolic, enzymatic

Which series contains words that are not formed with the prefix iso-?
isometric, isoallele, isocellular, isoenergetic, isodynamic
isometric, isoallele, isocellular, isodynamic, isogamete
isothermic, isodynamic, isoallele, isocellular, isoenergetic
isokinetic, isometric, isoallele, isocellular, isothermic
isometric, isolate, isoallele, isocellular, isodynamic

Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: Although a doctor may be able to
diagnose (A) a problem perfect (B), he still may not be able to (C) find a drug to which
(D) the patient will respond.
to diagnose
be able to
to which
none of the mentioned options
Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence: The vet decided
that he had to operate ... the cat to save its life.

Choose the one word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the word in CAPITALS:
If a fever PERSISTS, a more serious infection may be present.

Which line contains only correct adjectives?

allergic, fetal, otic, ophtalmic
allergic, fetal, otical, oftalmic
alergic, fettal, otic, ophtalmyc
allergen, fetus, otic, oftalmic
allergical, fetalic, otic, ophtalmic

The body is supported and given shape by the skeletal-muscular system, consisting of
more than … bones and the muscles and ... which are connected to them.
100, joints
250, articulations
150, ligaments
200, tendons
300, aponeuroses

The red marrow produces the ... used throughout the body to transport …
erythrocytes, oxygen
leukocytes, antibodies
thrombocytes, thrombi
serum, erythrocytes
plasma, red blood cells

Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: About (A) one person on (B) ten is a
potential (C) sufferer (D) of hay fever.
none of the mentioned options
The correct antonyms are:
anpreventable, hypohidration, ainflammatory, inconscious
unpreventable, hypohydration, anti-inflammatory, unconscious
apreventable, hipohydration, aninflammatory, anconscious
non-preventable, hipohidratyon, anti-inflamatory, aconscious
anti-preventable, hypohidratyon, uninflammatory, anticonscious

The correct plurals are:

atrium, scotomata, laringes, pollixes
atriae, scotomae, larynxes, pollices
atriums, scotomora, larinxes, polleces
atria, scotomata, larynges, pollices
none of the mentioned options

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