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Pres. Quirino Treasured Child School, Inc.

Purok Capilar, Polacion, President Quirino, Sultan Kudarat, Philippines

Government Recognition No: Kindergarten SK469030 – 113 S. 2021 | Elementary SK469030 – 086 S. 2021 | Junior High School: SK469030 – 041 S. 2021
SHS Permit to Operate ABM & GAS: SHS-R12-132 S 2016 | SHS Permit to Operate STEM & HUMSS: SHS-R12-015 S 2021
Tel. No. (064) 562-5989 | Mobile No: +63967-958-4548 | e-mail: |

1st institutional General Assembly

Faith Empowers PQTCS in Nurturing Pupil’s and Students Dreams!”.
August 8, 2022

*Good day everyone.

May we request everybody to please settle yourselves now for we are about to start our 1 st institutional General Assembly

According to Harry Wong and I quote “ The most important day of a person’s education is the
first day of school, not Graduation Day”

Our respect to our ever supportive Director Mr. Gaudencio R. Garcia, MA. To our ever-loving
and exquisite Head of the Administration and Student Services, Dr. Nenita N. Garcia. To our
hardworking and diligent Principal, Dr. Joel M. Illustracion. To our dear teachers, staff, parents, pupils
and students, ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to our 1st Institutional General Assembly. With a theme “Faith Empowers PQTCS in
Nurturing Pupils and Students’ Dreams!. To start our day may I request everyone to please stand and
feel the presence of our lord with our para-liturgy to be lead to us by T. Jeinica Faye C. Roy Faculty of
the elementary Department to be followed by the singing of the Philippine National Anthem And
School Hymn OVERTURE, and the recitation of the School’s Vision, Mission, and Core Values.

PQTCS Vision and Mission Statement

Dynamic and holistically developed value-oriented community responsive to the changing society
We commit ourselves to:
1. Offer quality instruction and formation programs for the total development of persons;
2. Provide the community diverse educational programs and services for the acquisition of
appropriate competencies, development of multiple skills and enhancement of positive attitudes;
3. Form vibrant leaders imbued with the value of peace, love, excellence, respect, compassion and
service to make a significant difference in the community.
PQTCS Core Values Statement
We value:
 1. PEACE when we:
- manifest cheerful disposition;
- willingly support and cooperate;
- demonstrate optimism;
- show good manners all the time; and
- point out what is good in others
2.LOVE when we:
- consistently exhibit generosity and kindness;
- share what we have to others regardless of gender, belief or economic status;
- manifest intense pride in being Filipinos;
- appreciate cultural diversity and global change; and
- show care for the Mother Earth

3.EXCELLENCE when we:

- settle for the best results;
- go beyond what is required;
- work for exemplary performance;
- faithfully observe the standards
- start and work promptly; and
- complete the expected work on time
4.RESPECT when we:
- - appreciate the uniqueness of others;
- - treat others fairly;
- - show consideration for others;
- - treat others with honor and dignity; and
- - avoid bullying others
5.COMPASSION when we:
- encourage others during hard times;
- willingly listen to others in need;
- understand the feelings of others; and
- cheerfully assist others
6.SERVICE when we:
- willingly help others without expecting anything in return;
- do things beyond the call of duty;
- willingly share one’s time, talents, efforts and resources;
- are always ready when needed;
- do before we are told; and
- manifest good leadership and followership

_____________para-liturgy, singing of PNA and SH, Recitation VM and CV________________

Like what Edwin Harvey said and I quote “ A day without prayer is a day without blessing, and
a life without prayer is a life without power” so thank you very much T. Faye for leading our para-
liturgy today.

Are you still there treasures? For the information of everybody we call our pupils and students
Treasures because we believe that our learners is like a precious gem that we need to handle with
care and love. So again, when I say treasures you say dream big! Treasures? DREAM BIG.
And so its time for us to welcome our treasures, so once I called your grade level please go up
here on stage and receive a little gift from your adviser. Even if it is little, it is full of love. It’s the
thought that counts. It will show how happy we are to finally see you again after such 2 long years.
And now, lets welcome the very little cutie pie of my eye. My kinder 1.
Thank you my kinder babies.
and lets also welcome my little pretty and cutie kinder 2.
Thank you kinder babies.
Grade 1- T. Irene
Grade 2- T. Faye
Grade 3- T. Donna
Grade 4 – T. Tin
Grade 5 - T. Jeromee
Grade 6 - T. Denmark
Grade 7 – T. Norielyn
Grade 8 – T. Edlyn
Grade 9 – St. Pedro Calungsod T. Krizzia
Grade 9 – St . Jean Marie Vianney T. Jonathan
Grade 10 – T. Sheila
Grade 10 – T. Christian
Grade 11 - T. Ian
Grade 12 – T. Jayson

I hope that you appreciated the simple gift of your adviser treasures. Because I witness how
they give efforts to those simple token it is truly from our hearts.
So in return, please look at your adviser and give her/him a big round of applause.
Thank you my dear treasures.

And if we already have the presentation or welcoming of our treasures, lets also give our
teachers time to shine, So without further ado, May I call on our director Mr. Gaudencio R. Garcia,
MA for the presentation of the faculty and staff. Let us give him a big hand.
___________________________presentation of the faculty _______________________________

And to welcome our Treasures and all of us here today may I call our hardworking and
enthusiastic principal Dr. Joel M. Illustracion, for his welcome message. Around of applause please.

_________________________________Welcome Remarks_____________________________

Thank you very much Dr. Joel for your heart-warming welcome. May your inspiring words be
our spirit of motivation and success as we settle always for the best.

Let me ask you my dear treasures. For you what are the criteria to be consider as a good
teacher? They said, teachers should be smart, good looking, full of energy, and ? Yes Talented. So
without further ado, my I call on the talented PQTCS Faculty teachers for the welcome breaker.
Please give us a big big hand!
_________________________________Dance and Sing ____________________________

Thank you very much teachers. That was an amazing performance, Imagine? Sing and Dance.
What a talented teacher the PQTCS have. Agree?? if you are agree then give us 3 claps 3 stomps
and shout dream big. Go! Thank you treasures.

And to inspire all of you today my I call on T. Krizzia Angielou L. Pacifico and T. Irene Mae
Carino the former students of this institution for their Alumni inspirational message, please give them
a round of applause.
Thank you very much T. Krizzia and T. Irene, Your words will inspire our treasures, the future
doctor, nurse, policeman, lawyer, or even teacher like us. Whatever your dream is…like t. krizzia and
t. Irene you can make it with the help of this institution, your parents and yourself. One day! That
dream of yours will come true.

And so to make it come true lets first start from the very basic. The taking care of oneself in
the new normal. And that will be presented by our school nurse T. Jonathan R. Tuvera. Lets welcome
him by giving him a big round of applause.
Thank you teacher nurse for giving us important inputs on how we should take care of
ourselves, even we are already having our face to face class we should always wear our facemask
properly, sanitize our hands, and so on.
So that we will be all healthy until the end of this school year.
At this point of time my I call on the students of the new normal for the Dance with our Dream.
(Lets’ all Dance with them) I know you miss it.
Thank you students, thank you everyone. Its so nice to dance that theme song of ours with you
treasures. We waited for 2 years. To make it happen again. The feeling is amazing.

At this moment, May I call on our Principal Dr. Joel M. Illustracion and our Prefect of Discipline
T. Jayson L. Mendoza for some announcements.
Thank you Doc. Joel and T. Jayson for giving us some reminders and information of the things
we should do.
And now, my I request everyone to be in silent and feel the holy presence of our lord in our
closing song entitled “I see you Lord”

And that concludes our 1 st Institutional General Assembly. This had been your facilitator,
Teacher Meann Joy B. Mendoza saying life is good, life is amazing! God bless everyone and enjoy
the first day of your school here at PQTCS.

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