WL Unit II

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Logging Techniques

Well Logging: Instrumentation & Operations

Petroleum Engineering – Sem IV

In petroleum exploration and development, formation evaluation is used to determine whether

a potential oil or gas field is commercially viable. Essentially, it is the process of recognizing
a commercial well when you drill one.

Formation Evaluation is a process of using borehole information and measurements to evaluate

the characteristics of subsurface formations particularly petroleum bearing. Main objective is
identification and evaluation of commercial hydrocarbon bearing formations. The formation
evaluation is done through well logging techniques.

They are mainly of following types:

1. Mud logging
2. Core analysis
3. Drilling operation logs (MWD/LWD)
4. Wireline logging
5. Production logging Techniques

Mud Logging

Mud logging, more precisely referred to as hydrocarbon mud logging, is a process whereby the
circulating mud and cuttings in a drilling well are continuously monitored at the wellsite.
Number of sensors measure drilling parameters which portray properties of formation, cuttings
that arrive on surface is analysed, amount of formation gas is measured and further
chromatography is used to identify their types and amounts.

All wells drilled today some form of drilling operations data have recorded. This information
should be an integral consideration in the formation evaluation programme. Initially, efforts
were to monitor the returning mud stream continuously at the well site, housing the equipments
in a trailer and operated by semiskilled people.

Presently, automatic instruments monitor and record many of the drilling variables and well
trained geologists and engineers operate the instruments including examinations and
descriptions of the cuttings.

Mud Log

A mud log consists of the continuous monitoring of the drilling operation, including the drilling
mud the formation cuttings returns variety of data as ROP, lithology, HC shows, total
combustible gas and individual hydrocarbon compounds of mud gas (and possibly cuttings
gas), descriptive information, and basic geo-pressure plots. The formation evaluator should
assist in the design of the mud program in order to optimize the quality of the cuttings and mud
analysis data.


During drilling, chips of rock, usually less than about 1/8 inch (6 mm) across, are cut from the
bottom of the hole by the bit. Mud, jetting out of holes in the bit under high pressure, washes
the cuttings away and up the hole. During their trip to the surface they may circulate around
the turning drill pipe, mix with cuttings falling back down the hole, mix with fragments caving
from the hole walls and mix with cuttings travelling faster and slower in the same upward

They then are screened out of the mudstream by the shale shaker and fall on a pile at its base.
Determining the type of rock being drilled at any one time is a matter of knowing the 'lag time'
between a chip being cut by the bit and the time it reaches the surface where it is then examined
by the wellsite geologist (or mudlogger as they are sometimes called).

A sample of the cuttings taken at the proper time will contain the current cuttings in a mixture
of previously drilled material. Recognizing them can be very difficult at times, for example
after a "bit trip" when a couple of miles of drill pipe has been extracted and returned to the hole
in order to replace a drill bit. At such a time there is a flood of foreign material knocked from
the borehole walls (cavings), making the mudloggers task all the more difficult.

Tools utilised

Microscope: A mudlogger uses a low powered stereoscopic microscope to determine the

lithology of the formation being drilled and to estimate porosity and possible oil staining,
analysis of rock properties.

UV Chamber: A portable ultraviolet light chamber or "Spook Box" is used to examine the
cuttings for fluorescence. Fluorescence can be an indication of crude oil staining, or of the
presence of fluorescent minerals. They can be differentiated by placing the cuttings in a solvent
filled watchglass or dimple dish. The solvent is usually carbon tetrachlorethane. Crude oil
dissolves and then redeposits as a fluorescent ring when the solvent evaporates.

Gas Analysis/Gas Chromatography: The agitator is efficient for releasing methane from the
mud, but it is not dependable in releasing heavier components such as ethane and propane. Gas
chromatography is used to analyse each hydrocarbon accumulation for the identity and relative
proportion of each environment.

Fig: A Gas Analyser


The rate of penetration in minutes per foot is recorded at two-foot intervals and plotted on a
log at 5 inch equal 100 ft. Changes in rate of penetration are very important to the geologist
because they indicate a change in lithology.

An increased penetration rate is called a drilling break and may indicate a sand. It may also be
the first indication of an abnormally high pressure zone that might cause a blowout.

The driller always has before him a dial showing the weight on the derrick (weight on the
hook). Subtracting the weight of the drillstring, this gives the weight on the bit which is
periodically recorded. The rotary table speed is recorded. These two parameters affect the
drilling rate. The torque on the drill string is also sometimes recorded.

Fig: An example of mud log

Core Analysis

Core samples obtained from subsurface are studied to identify and analyse the presence of
hydrocarbons. There are basically two coring methods:
1. Conventional Coring
2. Sidewall Coring

Conventional Coring:
Conventional cores are cut using a special core bit and retrieved in a long core barrel.
The recovered core sample may undergo physical changes on its journey from the core
depth to the surface, where it can be analysed.

Fig: Conventional coring tool

Sidewall coring
Rock samples are required after the well has been drilled and before it has been cased.
These methods require wire line tools that cut core plugs from the sides of the wellbore.

Fig: Sidewall Coring tool

Fig: Importance of cores in different fields

Core Samples are generally 1 inch to 1 ½ inches in diameter and 1 inch to 2 inches in length.

Fig: Core sample (whole core) and core plugs

Routine Core Analysis:

The set of measurements normally carried out on core plugs or whole core. These generally
include porosity, grain density, horizontal permeability, fluid saturation and a lithologic
description. Routine core analyses often include a core gamma log and measurements of
vertical permeability. Measurements are made at room temperature and at either atmospheric
confining pressure, formation confining pressure, or both. Routine core analysis is distinct from
special core analysis (SCAL). Recommended practices for routine core analysis are available
in the API document RP40. Some parameters fall under this category. They are:

Special Core Analysis (SCAL)

This include higher experiments which includes:

1. Capillary Pressure
a. centrifuge, porous plate
b. Mercury injection capillary pressure
2. Relative Permeability
a. Steady-state and unsteady state
3. Wettability Determination
4. Reservoir Condition Core floods
5. Improved Oil Recovery (IOR, EOR) studies
6. Petrophysical Correlation Measurements
a. Archie Exponents - a, m, n

Drilling Operations Log (MWD/LWD)

These are logging operations that are carried out while the well is being drilled. They fall in
advanced category of drilling operations. There are mainly two ways to do this:

a) MWD: Measurement While Drilling

b) LWD: Logging While Drilling

Fig: Logging tool in drilling operations

When drilling progresses, data is acquired from drilling rig sensors for a variety of purposes
a) Decision support to monitor and manage smoother operation
b) Making of detailed records of geologic formation penetrated
c) To provide well planners with accurate historical operations-performance data
MWD refers to measurements those concerning (a), while LWD refers to measurements
concerning (b).

Thus, MWD systems are designed as a measure of improving the efficiency of the drilling
operations by minimising the lost time. During drilling, three main parameters measured
toolface, azimuth(direction) and inclination (angle) at different locations of survey. The
information collected downhole can be sent in real time while drilling continue.

MWD generally measures and Records the following while drilling:

• Fluid Pressure
• Torque
• Rotation Speed
• Thrust-on-bit
• Penetration Depth
• Time
• Drilling-Speed (reciprocal of time)
LWD offers additional advantage to above parameters in that it can measure roc and fluid
properties in real time. It offers provide measurements of resistivity, density, GR for lithology
from new tools built into special drill collars.

Real time logging while drilling presents a typical engineering challenges. To take an existing
technology and adapt it to do the same job under much more difficult conditions.

Combining LWD and MWD measurements yield several benefits:

a) Assessment of rock mechanical properties, hence better borehole and more efficient
drilling because of correct decisions about drilling speed and bit changes.
b) Improved pore pressure estimates, real time adjustment of mud eight and identifying
why and where mud gains and losses.
c) It helps in allowing to minimise mud overbalance, which improves rate of penetraton,
core recovery and mud economics.

Wireline logging

Logs measured by use of wireline to connect surface systems to downhole system is simply
termed as wireline logging. I has mainly the following:
a) Surface Recording System
b) Electrical cable for transmitting power to tools and downhole data to surface system
c) Downhole logging tool

Surface System: It consists of logging truck which has laboratories that consists:

Fig: A logging truck

Principal winch: It holds approximately 9000 m multi conductor steel armoured cable, with a
pulling capacity of several tons.

Auxiliary winch: It is thinner mono-conducting cable generally used during production or

workover operation.

Winchman’s control panel: It has following:

 Computer
 Video Screen
 Logging Panels –Power and control the down hole tool. It processes incoming
information and transmit the information to the recording equipment.

 Depth-measuring system (F)
 Electrical generator (H)
 Printer

Fig: Inside of a logging truck

Electrical Cable:

The tool is attached to a cable. Its functions are:

 running in and pulling out the tool
 electrical interface- tool and surface equipments
 depth measurements: Magnetic marks are detected by the Integrated Dual Wheel (IDW)

Cables are having two layers of helical steel (outer and inner armors), wound in opposite senses
Copper conductors isolated in teflon. All the components are being isolated in a neoprene
matrix. Some properties are:

 very low stretch coefficient

 must have electrical Properties
 signal distortion is minimum
 long distance transmission
 high temperature (2000C)
 high pressure (30000 psi)

Fig: A cable structure

Downhole Logging Tool

It has following:
a) Sonde
b) A Cartridge
c) Telemetry System
d) The Recording Equipment
Sonde contains measurement sensors. Their purpose is to perform acquisition of physical

A Cartridge which has multiple roles

 power supply to the sonde emitter system
 power supply to the detector system
 filtering and amplification of the incoming signal
 transmission of the signal up the cable
 control the telemetry system
 power supply and control of any sonde operation
In telemetry system, the information arrives as a function of time at a well-defined frequency.
Data can be transmitted through cable as well as mud. Drilling muds help transfer signals
through the generation of pressure pulses in the mud.

Recording Equipment: Data can be stored on tapes, disks, SSDs and HDDs and are reproduced
as logs at different depth scales.

Production Logging Technique

The sub-surface measurements in production (injection) wells which yield information on the
nature and movement of fluids within the well are referred to as production logging. They are
run after the production casing string has been cemented and the well placed on production.

Production logging is vital for effective measurement of oil and gas asset. Reservoir engineers
need detail information about the types and rates of fluid flow in their reservoirs and wells. The
main aim of production logging is to measure the performance of producing and injecting wells.
This involves providing diagnostic information that can pinpoint where fluids enter the well,
and indicate the efficiency of perforations.

PLT is a cased hole service that includes cement monitoring, corrosion monitoring, formation
fluid monitoring and saturation, packer settings etc. They are used to allocate production on a
zone by zone basis and also to diagnose production problems lke leak, cross flow etc.

Typical production logging measurements

1. Fluid velocity commonly measured with spinner flow meter.

2. Pressure measured using device like strain, sapphire and quartz or even manometer.
3. Temperature measured by sensors like resistance temperature detectors.

4. Fluid density measure obtained from methods like Compton scattering of gamma rays,
pipe vibrations etc.
5. Auxiliary measurement by PLT are casing collar logs, Gamma ray logs, Caliper and
deviation logs.


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