Unit IX Class

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Dipmeter Log presentation

& Well Log correlation


Well Logging: Instrumentation &

Petroleum Engineering, Sem IV
Locate and identify the major features of
geologic structure serving as oil traps
describing internal lithologic features and the
sedimentological processes responsible for
tool measures conductivity or resistivity
changes, hole size, and sonde orientation
 does not directly measure the dip of bed boundaries or the
dip of lithology changes
 conductivity changes are input into a computer program that
correlates the recorded wiggle traces and computes apparent
dip from the correlations
 Computed dips are then corrected for sonde tilt and
converted into true dips
 true dips are plotted and used to make inferences of
structural dips, bed geometries, and depositional

At the lowest level, the raw data may be used

to compute:
(1) a deviation survey,
(2) true vertical depth,
(3) the integrated hole volume (as an aid to
fracture detection)
(4) thin-bed definition.
At the intermediate level, computed dipmeter
results may be used to determine:
1. the gross geologic structural features crossed
by the wellbore,
2. sedimentary details within sand bodies,
3. the depositional environment, and
4. true stratigraphic and vertical thicknesses.
At the highest level, computed dipmeter results from
many wells may be combined to
produce structural cross sections and trend surface

The most important applications of the dipmeter

survey are in
• exploration drilling,
• to help identify local structure and stratigraphy, and
in development drilling,
• to help map the productive horizons and indicate
direction to follow for further field development.
 The dip magnitude is read from the position of the
base of the tadpole on the plot.
 The dip azimuth is read by observing the direction
in which the tail of the tadpole points.
 The azimuth convention is to measure angles
clockwise from north.
 Thus a north dip points up-hole, an east dip to the
right, a south dip down-hole, and a west dip to the
Well Log Correlation Techniques

Log correlation means comparisons, matching,

connecting or tracing formation encountered in
different wells

Correlation can be defined as the determination

of structural or stratigraphic units that are
equivalent in time, age, or stratigraphic position.

 The elevations of formations present

 Whether or not the well is within a given major
geological structure.
 Whether well depth has reached a known productive
 presence or absence of faults.
 existence of dips, folds, unconformities
SP Log Correlation
Resistivity Log
Gamma Ray Log
Sonic Log

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