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October, 2014.


Life is about Gratitude. .

Not everyone as lucky as yours.

To you, money is everything.

But to them, everything needs money.

To you, eating a piece of bread is just a light breakfast.

To them, eating a piece of bread is a meal for the whole day.

Every day I met people.

Every time I go to work.

The rhythms of what people always say playing in my head. .

“God create human being to be special in their own way”.

Yeah, now I realized, now I can see what’s so special. .

How everyone is very unique & special in their own way.

While sometimes we forget about it. .

And keep complaining about how bad our life is.

About how everyone else were so lucky. .

To have this and that.

Someone like me, perhaps. .

Who not thankful for what I have. .

Who always forgot how special God make me & my life has become.

Oh God! How come I forgot?

Forgot about Gratitude?

Forget about how wonderful Gratitude has made a person become.

Better, better and magnificent. .

That the whole universe was amazed by the gratitude you have.

Me and myself, stop and stare. .

Stumble by the spirit of a man. .

Walking without a leg, struggling with his bright smile. .

Going to work like everyone else,

but with no rushing, staying calm walking, not like everyone else. .

Surrounded by the people with a perfect figure . .

Who were walking like they’re running. .

Rushing, chasing the tick-tock of the “calm” clock.

Whilst, I am one of them, someone with a perfect figure,

who is not being thankful.

Feeling angry, feeling sucks. .

Saying that my life was fucked up.

Rushing, forgetting the Gratitude, the wonderful things about life.

And suddenly, realized that there are some. .

Who are behind me, infront of me, around me. .

Trying so hard everyday to live with their imperfections. .

Without a perfect pair of legs,

Without a perfect pair of hands,

Without a perfect pair of eyes,

But just to keep moving with a perfect smile and Gratitude.

Oh God! How come I forgot?

Forgot to have a perfect smile while I have..

A perfect pair of legs,

A perfect pair of hands,

A perfect pair of eyes,

A perfect figure of one normal human being. .

With a beautiful smile which have fading away with her egos.

Oh God! How come I forgot?

When I am having tasteless foods. .

While others are still not sure if they can eat any foods. .

Today, or tomorrow.

When I am mad with my family or friends,

While others are still not sure if they have any family or friends. .

After a disasters pay a visit.

When I feel like giving up on my studies,

While others are still finding chances if they could even learn how to read.

When I am sleeping on bed complaining on my rough day,

While others are sleeping on a cold streets thanking God for keeping them safe today.


-Syepha Alhabshee-

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