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Grade 12

(September 13-17)
Name of Learner: ______________________________________________________________
Grade Level: ______________________________________________________________
Section: ______________________________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________________________

Learning Activity Sheet

Nature of the Different Dances
Learning Competency:Demonstrates proper etiquette and safety in the use of
facilities and equipment (PEH12FH-Ia-t-12)

What this module is about?

Physical Education and Health module is designed to equip senior high

students with knowledge, skills and the right attitude in order to graduate as
persons who live not only a life of fitness through sports and recreation, but also
according to known health practices.
The curriculum has five main sections covering topics like proper etiquette and
safety in the use of facilities and equipment, optimization of energy systems,
physical fitness test, among others. These topics are otherwise known as H.O.P.E
or Health Optimizing Physical Education.
For this semester, we will be focusing on the different types of dances with an
adjunct on the five main sections to fully emphasize the Spiral Progression
Approach that has been adapted to enhance the student’s knowledge, skills and
attitude. This also entails that you as an individual must be always physically fit
and healthy as well.

What you are expected to learn?

This module will enable you to:

1. Learn the different Nature of Dances

2. Perform Warm-up, Stretching, and Cooldown Routine
3. Check your level of fitness through a Physical Fitness Test
4. Demonstrate proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and equipment
5. Demonstrate understanding of dance in optimizing one’s health; as requisite for
physical activity assessment performance, and as a career opportunity.
6. Lead dance events with proficiency and confidence resulting in independent
pursuit and in influencing others positively

How to learn from this module?

1. Read and understand the module very well.
2. Follow directions accurately.
3. Answer every activity exercises in each lesson.
4. Write your answers on the provided sheets.
5. Use appropriate vocabulary to understand the lessons in this module.
6. Perform warm-up exercises, Activities and Record your workout session in each
7. Accomplish the activity sheet within the given time. Explore!
a. When was the last time you danced?
b. Pick one dance that you know and describe it.
c. Pick a dance that you are interested to learn and write why you
are interested in it.
Write your answers in 1-2 paragraphs inside the given table.


The Nature of Different Dances

Dance is an expression of the body following rhythmic patterns, and is accompanied
by music. From the primitive man expressing emotions in such high events such as
birth, death, marriage, war, among other things, dance has evolved to modern
forms of social dancing. Below are the different forms of dance:
a) Traditional Dances (Folk and Ethnic)
b) Modern and Contemporary Dances
c) Ballroom (recreational and competitive)
d) Cheer Dance
e) Hip-hop/ Street Dance
f) Festival Dance

Proper Etiquette and Safety in the Use of Facilities and Equipment When engaged
in training, exercise and dancing, a lot of activities make use of the school facilities
and equipment.
Activity A: Write the word “Like” if the following are the guidelines for the
observation of Proper Etiquette and Safety in the Use of Facilities and Equipment
and “Dislike” if it’s not.
1. Do not loiter around the venue
2. Remember to be nice as a general rule
3. Hug the equipment when lifting
4. Take care in using facilities and equipment
5. Practice proper personal hygiene and care
6. Only use equipment that you already know how to use.
7. Return the equipment properly, or leave the venue clean.
8. Be alert and aware in the training area
9. Practice good firm first when performing exercises and movement in
10.Bring back all the equipment in place after use.

Activity B:
a) Why is it important to practice proper etiquette in the use of facilities?
b) Name at least 2 safety practices in the use of facilities.

Activity I:Warm-up, Stretching, and Cooldown Routine

In order to avoid injuries and to prepare the muscles and joints for
physical activity, a proper warm-up and stretching routine must be
performed prior to exercise.

1. Choose and perform among the given warm-up and stretching routine:
2. Check if you have properly performed the activity.
3. Indicate how many counts or repetitions you have performed in each activity.
4. Write a short comment about the activity.

Activity Performed Repetitions/Counts Comments

Neck Series
Head Rotation
Sideward Neck Bends
Forward and Backward
Neck bends
Neck Circumduction
Shoulder, Chest, Arm Series
Hand at back elbow pulls
Hand at side elbow pulls
Horizontal arm swings
Vertical arm swings
Arm circles
Shoulder rotations
Wrist Series
Inward, Upward,
Forward, Downward
Forward pronated,
Forward supinated
One hand wrist rotation
Fingers Clasped Wrist
Trunk, hips, thighs, calves Series
Straddled back stretch
Side bends
Forward bends
Hip rotation
Back stance forehead to
knee-toes down
Back stance forehead to
knee-toes up
Bow and arrow
Gecko stretch
Kneeling hip stretch
Wall push
Foot circles
Quad stretch
Floor Stretch Series
Sitting toe reach
One leg bent toe reach
Figure four toe reach
Both legs bent
(downward push)
Both legs bent (forward
One hand toe touch
Spread legged forehead to
Spread legged forward to

Activity II: Physical Fitness Test

It is important to perform the PFT before the start of an exercise program and at its
A. Perform the following PFT activities.
B. Note and record your workout session.
Standing long jump Distance between take-off
and landing?
Bent-knee curl ups How many repetitions?
Push-ups (male: regular) How many repetitions?
Push-ups (female: on
30-second stationary How many
high knees sprint seconds/minutes?
Sit and reach How many seconds?
ACTIVITY III:Pick a dance of choice and practice it.
Observe proper etiquette and safety protocols for exercise. Perform all parts
of workout: warm-up; stretching; activity portion (dance); and cool down stretching.
The dance exercise must be at least 30 minutes.

Guidelines in recording your session:

Write what type of dance have you performed.
The duration of the entire workout.
Write a short comment about your experience and if you have demonstrated proper
etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and equipment

Record your workout session on the space provided.


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