Gold Key

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September 5, 2022

To: HR Department

Subject: Explanation for the missing Gold Safe Key

Cc: Admin, ORM

Good Day,

To have a better look at what happened with Vault and Gold safe key accountability here are some facts
I would like to point out;

1. The accountability for vault and gold safe key was not given to me in the initial commissioning of the
vault and gold safe, it was given to Sir Raul and observed by Beverly and Ryan.

2. The last opening of the vault was when Sir Raul was still here, I was only ordered then to retrieve the
gold alloy in the gold safe to be re-smelted and returned the key to Beverly.

3. During the time when Sir Raul is already out of the company, the set of keys was stored at my drawer
and not sure if the set of keys are complete or not. Accountability for the keys was also not officially
transferred to me.

It should also be noted that the current old vault key is under my accountability as it is given to me
directly by Sir Gaspar and during those times it was never lost, although in some occasions it was being
taken home by Beverly unconsciously but still I never lost track of it.

In the case above I don’t even know what set of keys are held by the Mill and who is accountable for the
other locks and keys in the new Vault and Gold safe as I was not briefed on it or accounted to it.

Best Regards,

Julio Bangguiyao
Mill Supervisor

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