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T H E S O L A R R A D I A T I O N B E T W E E N 3300 A N D 1 2 5 0 0 ~.

Hamburger Sternwarte, Hamburg-Bergedorf, F.R.G.

Landessternwarte K6nigstuhL Heidelberg, F.R.G.

(Received 28 September, 1983)

Abstract. Results are presented, which follow from the merging of: (a) our previously published absolute
integrals of the disk-center intensity for 20 A wide spectral bands; (b) the ratios of mean to central intensity
derived from recent observations of the center-to-limb variation of those bands (2 < 6600 ~); (c) the ratios
of mean to central intensity derived from the observations of the center-to-limb variation at continuum-
wavelengths according to Pierce and Slaughter (2 > 6600 A); (d) the high resolution Fourier transform
spectra obtained by J. Brault at Kitt Peak for the disk-center and the irradiance; (e) some further auxiliary
data, which served mainly to eliminate the local perturbations caused by lines of telluric molecular bands.
The main result is the presentation of high precision radiation data for both the integrated disk and the
disk-center, concerning the line-averaged radiation and the continuum (in UV: highest 'window'-intensities)
as well.
The internal accuracy (the 'scatter') should not be worse than that of the FTS spectra, which is less than
0.2% (mean error); local systematic deviations exceeding 0.5% are not to be expected. The absence of a
significant systematic error - neutral or wavelength-dependent - has been proven already elsewhere.

1. Introduction

Three years ago, we published 'Improved Data of Solar Spectral Irradiance from 0.33
to 1.25 #' (Neckel and Labs, 1981), which were based (1) on our former observations
of absolute intensities in the center of the solar disk (Labs and Neckel, 1962, 1963, 1967,
1973), and (2)on improved values for the relevant ratios of mean to central intensity.
(N.B.: Throughout the paper 'mean intensity' denotes the intensity averaged over the
solar disk, and 'central intensity' the intensity at the disk-center.)
In that paper we showed that the random observational error (the 'scatter') of our
absolute central intensities is about + 1~o or even less, depending on wavelength.
Comparison of the resulting solar irradiance with the flux data of solar type stars
observed by Hardorp (1980) indicated furthermore, that any systematic, wavelength-
dependent errors exceeding 1 ~o are very unlikely. A comparison of the overall-irradiance
integral with all recent direct measurements of the solar constant confirmed also the
absence of a significant neutral scale error.
However, concerning the ratio s of mean to central intensity and the resulting irradiance
data some uncertainties remained "due to our incomplete knowledge of the centre-to-
limb variation of the absorption lines", and we considered "the improvements given as
preliminary only".
Since then, new observations have become available, which allow now the presenta-
tion of much more reliable solar radiation data for the spectral region cited above, and

Solar Physics 90 (1984) 205-258. 0038-0938/84/0902-0205506.60.

9 1984 by D. Reidel Publishing .Company.

this not only for the solar irradiance or mean disk intensity, but also for the intensity
at the center of the disk.
In April 1981 we used the McMath Solar Telescope at Kitt Peak to obtain scannings
of the center-to-limb variation for exactly the same 20 A wide spectral bands below
6600 A, for which we had measured in the early 1960's the absolute integrals of central
intensity. These CLV scans yielded with high precision the ratios between the mean and
central intensity integrals, which immediately led to the absolute 20 ,~ integrals for the
mean disk intensity and the irradiance as well.
The most significant contribution, however, comes from a set of high resolution
Fourier transform spectra (FTS) obtained by J. Brault (so far unpublished) using the
FTS spectrometer connected with the McMath Solar Telescope at Kitt Peak. These
spectra concern the radiation from the center of the disk as well as the disk-averaged
radiation (irradiance). In both cases, the spectral region spanned by our absolute
measurements (3300 to 12500 A) is covered by seven separate, mostly overlapping
spectral scans ('files'), each of which exhibits a unique, very smooth 'sensitivity
function'. It is the combination of these FTS spectra with our absolute integral values
for central and mean intensity, which leads to an up to now unreached precision of the
resulting radiation data.
Smoothing the ratios between our observed intensity integrals and the corresponding
FTS integrals, file for file, by proper polynomials in wavelength - using the least square
method-, one gets for each file its own 'calibration curve', which then converts the
relative FTS intensities into absolute units. It is evident that by this smoothing process
our observational random errors, which range - according to the least square fits - from
1.1 ~o at 3300 ,~ to 0.5 ~o at 5000 ~ and above, are eliminated to a large extent. Therefore,
the random errors of any intensities - or intensity-integrals, if they do not include telluric
lines - taken from the calibrated FTS spectra will be in general not significantly larger
than the internal errors of the FTS spectra themselves, which are about 0.1 to 0.2~.
These errors follow not only from the local scatter of the FTS 'continuum' data, but also
from comparing the FTS spectra in suitable spectral regions with other high-resolution
spectral atlases.
Systematic, wave-like local deviations may occur occasionally, but it is unlikely, that
the maxima of such error-waves exceed 0.5 ~o. In this connection it should be emphasized
that there are some obviously intrinsic 'dips' in the solar continuum - with amplitudes
of about 1 ~o - which are very distinctly traceable not only in the (uncalibrated) FTS
spectra, but also in the previous, fully independent reductions of our absolute data.
A minor systematic, wavelength-dependent error of less than 1 ~o, which affected our
preliminary improved data, has now been eliminated. This error resulted from the fact,
that the radiation of the black body, to which the solar radiation was actually related,
had been computed from Planck's law using the radiation constants adopted for the
"International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968". It was not realized by us - nor
was it by the 'parents' of the IPTS themselves - that these constants are valid only for
black body radiation observed in vacuum, and that for observations in air slightly
modified constants are to be used (Blevin, 1972).

To complete the compilation o f the basic data, which entered into the final reduction,
we have to quote those observations, which supplement our own C L V observations,
which extended only to 6600 A, in the infrared. Since in this region the solar line
a b s o r p t i o n is so small that its C L V could have been neglected at all, we a d o p t e d here
the p r o c e d u r e already applied for the preliminary improvements. The conversion from
central to m e a n intensity integrals was b a s e d on the CLV observations for the c o n t i n u u m
m a d e by Pierce and Slaughter (1977a, b), using the M c M a t h Solar Telescope at Kitt
Peak. F o r wavelengths shorter than 6600 A their observations served to prove the
correctness o f those ratios of m e a n to central intensity, which follow from the calibrated
F T S spectra for the specific Pierce-Slaughter-wavelengths.
Finally we should mention at this point the difficulties c a u s e d by lines o f telluric
molecular b a n d s , especially in the infrared. In this respect it can be stated, that for the
calibration o f the F T S spectra the adulteration by telluric lines could be eliminated
almost perfectly, due to the properly chosen spectral distribution o f the 20 A calibratl0n
b a n d s . This m e a n s : wherever the solar c o n t i n u u m is r e c o r d e d between a b s o r p t i o n
b a n d s , its intensity is accurately k n o w n in absolute units. This fact was utilized to derive
the solar intensity integrals for the region b e y o n d 6860 ,~, where no detailed information
about the telluric line a b s o r p t i o n is available.
The contents of this paper* are arranged as follows:
In Sections 2 and 3 we present all the data needed for the absolute calibration of the FTS spectra, so
that anybody can repeat the calibration - if desired. Section 2 deals with the revised 20/~ integrals of central
intensity (Tables I, II, and III), Section 3 with the ratios of mean to central intensity for those 20 ~ spectral
bands with known integrals of central intensity (Table III; Figure 1).
In Section 4 we discuss the calibration of the FTS spectra and the accuracy hereby achieved (Tables II,
IV, and V; Figures 1, 2, 3a and b). Section 5 gives the information available from the calibrated FTS spectra
concerning the course of the solar continuum (Tables VI and VII; Figures 4 to 8) and presents the ratios
of mean to central intensity for the - locally - highest points in the spectrum, which represent - of course
- by no means always 'continuum' (Figures 9 and 10).
Section 6 compiles - as the main result of this paper- those final, high precision values for central intensity
and irradiance, which follow from the calibrated FTS spectra. For wavelengths below 8700 ~ these values
are given as averages - including all solar absorption lines - within well defined spectral bands with a width
of either 10 A (3300-6300 A; Table Xa) or 20 A (6300-8700 ~; Table Xb). For the region below 6860
these averages were obtained from direct integration of the FTS spectra, taking the telluric line absorption
(above 5400 ,~; Table VIII) into account. For wavelengths between 6860 and 8700 A the averages were
derived from integration of the well defined FTS continua and the proper corrections for the solar absorption
lines (Table IX). For the region beyond 8700 ,~, however, the 50 ~ averages concern solely the solar
continuum; due to the lack of information no corrections are made here to allow for solar line absorption
(Table XI). A compilation of suited irradiance integrals shows the contribution of the different parts of the
spectrum to the total solar constant (Table XII).
In Section 7 finally we compare the 10 or 20 A integrals of the calibrated FTS spectra (a) with the
corresponding integrals of other high resolution atlases of the solar spectrum (Figure 12) and (b) with
absolute irradiance integrals, which had been previously published by us or other authors (Figure 13).

2. Revised 20 ~, Integrals for the Intensity of the Disk-Center

As the calibration o f the F T S spectra is b a s e d on our absolute m e a s u r e m e n t s m a d e

nearly 20 years ago ( L a b s a n d Neckel, 1962, 1963, 1967, 1973), we should recall very

* sections 2 and 3 by H.N. and D.L., the other ones by H.N.


shortly the principles of these observations:

(a) The absolute solar intensities were determined for 196 spectral passbands, which
had a width of 20.5 or 20.0 A. The corresponding intensity integrals we called 2;:
Z~+ A)tl2

2;,= f Iad2 {A2=20.5A for 2i<4001.05A,

A2 20.0A for 2;>4020.0,~. (1)
~i - Aa/2

(b) The region between 3288 and 6569 ~ is covered completely by a total of 169
spectral bands; further 27 bands are located between 6611 and 12480 .~ at isolated
positions with a minimum of solar and telluric line absorption.
(c) The spectral bands were separated using a grating double-monochromator; the
width of the entrance slit corresponded to the resolving power of about 50 000, so that
within the exit slit may spectral features with a width of 0.1 A were clearly resolved.
Consequently the 20 ~ wide apparatus profile was almost perfectly rectangular.
(d) The settings of the spectral bands had an accuracy of 0.1 ~,. To be insensitive
against slight displacements, their location in the spectrum was chosen so that strong
absorption lines near the edges were avoided as far as possible. Therefore, the spectral
bands do generally overlap and are not exactly equidistant.
(e) The actual observations concerned (1) the intensity ratios Sun/standard lamp at
the JungCraujoch Scientific Station (altitude 3600 m) and (2) the intensity ratios standard
lamp/black body at the Heidelberg Observatory.
(f) The temperature of the black body was determined with reference to the gold
point, its intensity was then computed from Planck's law. Comparisons with the
radiation scales of 4 national institutions (Berlin, Washington, Teddington, Pretoria)
had been made.
(g) The observations of the ratios Sun/lamp were completely restricted to perfect sky
conditions, which allowed a very accurate determination of the atmospheric extinction.
However, to save time, the extinction was not determined for each of the 196 spectral
bands, but instead only for 29 'extinction bands', which were evenly distributed
throughout the spectrum. Below 6600 .~ the average distance between two successive
extinction bands was about 150 A, beyond 6600 A - where the extinction varies only
slightly with wavelength - their separation was nearly 1000 A. For the intermediate
'interpolation bands' the proper extinction was obtained by a suitable interpolation of
the extinction-coefficients.
From this recapitulation (for details see Labs and Neckel, 1962, 1963, 1967, 1968,
1973) it is obvious, that the absolute intensities of the Sun depend - besides the observed
ratios Sun/black body - essentially on two quantities: the intensity of the black body
and the atmospheric extinction. Both these quantities turned out to be capable of minor,
but obvious improvement:
Concerning the black-body radiation we had overlooked - as nearly everybody else -,
that it depends slightly on the refractive index n of the medium, in which it is observed.
Concerning the extinction it had been disregarded, that above 5400 ~_ most of our
spectral bands include a few telluric lines. Therefore, for most of the i n t e r p o l a t i o n bands

the correction for atmospheric extinction was not quite correct, being either too large
or too small. However, only in two cases did the resulting errors exceed 0.7 To. (These
extreme errors are 1.7 and 2.8~o.) Both types of error are now eliminated by deriving
the proper correction factors f e b ('black body') and f r L ('telluric lines'), so that the
revised 2;-integrals of solar central intensity z~1984 follow from their old values z~1967
according to

Z~1984 = Z~1967 fBBfTL" (2)


The intensity Bx of a black body is a function of its temperature T, the wavelength 2,
and - to be precise - the 'radiation constants' C1 and c2:
B~ = 2CI 2 e (eC:/(z:~) _ 1)- 1 (3)
The radiation constants follow from the Planck-constant h, the Boltzmann-constant k,
and the velocity of light c:
C 1 = hc 2 , c 2 = hc/k. (4)
h and k are well-defined quantities, which leave no doubt about their proper numerical
values. But 2 and c depend on the medium - air or vacuum - in which the black-body
radiation is observed, and correspondingly one has to insert in Planck's law for these
quantities either their air- or their vacuum-values.
This almost selfevident rule - as far as we know pointed out first by Blevin (1972)
- was generally not obeyed in the past: although the black-body radiation was usually
observed in air and correspondingly the wavelengths were measured in the air-scale, the
radiation constants were based on the vacuum-value of the velocity of light.
From the complete formulas for the radiation constants,
C 1 = hc2/n 2 , c 2 = hco/(nk), (5)
where c o is the velocity of light in vacuum and n the refractive index of air, it follows
that - strictly speaking - for observations made in air C 1 and c 2 depend - like n - not
only on the wavelength, but even on the air-density or pressure. However, these depen-
dencies are negligible and it is fully sufficient to adopt a suitable mean value, namely
n = 1.00028. (n decreases - at 'normal' conditions - from 1.000288 at 3300 A to
1.000274 at 1 2 5 0 0 ' . )
For C1, and with it also for the black-body intensity itself, the corresponding
correction amounts to 0.0567o and is of course insignificant. This does not hold,
however, for c2, which is lessened from 1.4388 cm K in vacuum to 1.4384 cm K in air.
The resulting intensity corrections range - in our case - between 0.87~o at 3300 A and
0.20% at 12 500 A. So they are not very important, but nevertheless should be taken
into account.
As it is now for the third time, that we improve our Z-integrals due to improvements
of the radiation constants or of the gold-point, a compilation of the respective values
is given in Table I.

Radiation constants C~ and c2 and melting point of gold Tau, which define the black-body radiation scale;
compilation of values used in our main papers

Year 1967 1968 1970 1984

2C 1 1.1907 1.1910 1.1910 1.1903 102OWcm-2 s t e r - i A4

c2 1.4380 1.4380 1.4388 1.4384 108AK
TAw 1336.2 1337.58 1337.58 1337.58 K

1967: 'Best' values available at that time.
1968: Improved melting point of gold.
1970: 'International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968'.
1984: IPTS 1968 values, but which are valid only in vacuum, adapted to the conditions in air.

To go the most direct way, the revised integrals of central intensity given in this
paper (~]1984) were derived from the original values ~1967, which followed from our first
common reduction of all observed data (Labs and Neckel, 1967, Tables la and lb).
The correction factor fBs, which is a function of (air-)wavelength 2, is then given by
the ratio of new, correct black-body intensity to its old, incorrect value:

B2(2, T1984~
BB , C1984, c1984)
fB, (2) = (6)
g q.(/~, ~T1967BB
, C1967, c1967)

The black-body temperatures .TI967BBand T1984BBfollow from the 'comparison wavelength'

20 = 5500 it, and the intensity ratio black body/gold point observed at that wavelength,
(Ie~/IA,,)Zo = 6457 (log(ratio) = 3.8100), by using Planck's law:
"T1967BB= T(Zo, (IBe/IAu).;l.o, "T1967Au, C1967) = 2422.2 K ' ~ (7)
TI984~eB T(2o,
= (IBB/IAu).~o, ~Au'VI9*4,C~984) = 2426.2 K . J
With the correction feb given in (6) the 1;-integrals of solar central intensity are then
adapted to the wavelength- and intensity-system valid for observations made in air at
normal conditions.
With respect to solar intensity observations made in space, it should be pointed out,
that for the conversion of the intensity data given in this paper from air to vacuum only
the change of wavelength is important. The factors n - 3 (for the intensities) or n - 2 (for
intensity integrals), by which - in principle - the air intensities have to be multiplied,
are indeed negligible.
However, for the conversion of wavelength it is not sufficient, to adopt for the
refractive index n of air a constant, mean value, instead its wavelength-dependence must
be taken into account. (Concerning wavelength-conversion air-vacuum and vice versa
see Section 4.)


While measuring the solar central intensities at the Jungfraujoch, the precise, but time
consuming determination of the extinction coefficient was carried out only for about

each seventh of our 20 A spectral bands ('extinction bands'). For the intermediate
'interpolation bands' - on the average 6 out of 7 - the extinction coefficient was derived
by interpolation.
But at wavelengths longer than 5400 A many spectral bands include some telluric
lines, which h a v e - of course - a sporadic distribution with wavelength and are therefore
not capable of an adequate interpolation. Therefore, at the longer wavelengths the
intensities of the interpolation bands became partly slightly erroneous.
To describe the elimination of these errors we introduce the following designations:
k C = continuous extinction coefficient (due to Rayleigh-scattering, etc.);
k r = 'line extinction coefficient' (N.B.: All telluric lines included in our spectral
passbands are faint and therefore on the lower linear part of the curve of
k r = kc + kL = total, 'correct' extinction coefficient, which was (extinction bands) or
would have been (interpolation bands) obtained from a plot of log(intensity)
versus air mass;
k', k)~, k)< as before, but values obtained from interpolation between two successive
extinction bands;
M = air mass, at which the solar intensity wasobserved;
2;~ = solar intensity integral observed at airmass M;
Zo = correct extra-atmospheric integral, following from 22~ and kr;
Z; = extra-atmospheric integral, which was obtained from 12~t and k~.


Zo = ZM exp (krM) and 27; = 1;M exp (k'rM) (8)

we get then for the correction factor frL

fTL = ~'0/~; = exp ( ( k T - k'r)M). (9)

Taking now into account that for the continuous part of the extinction coefficient the
interpolation is correct, so that k; = k~ - k~ = k c, we obtain finally
fTL = exp ((k L - k'L)M). (10)
But kL is nothing else than the real fraction of solar radiation absorbed by telluric lines
within the respective 20 A spectral bands, for unit air mass (M = 1) at Jungfraujoch.
k 2 is then the value obtained by interpolation between the 'telluric line blocking
coefficients' (again at unit air mass) -for the two extinction bands flanking the inter-
polation band to be improved.
From Equation (10) it is obvious, that for the interpolation bands the correction
factors are either larger or less than 1, according as kL is larger or less than k~. So, in
the average, the telluric line error had mainly just increased the 'scatter' of our data
rather than having caused a systematic error. (For the extinction bands with k)~ = kL
the 'correction factor' is equal to 1.)
Concerning the actual value of the air mass M, which is needed for the evaluation of
the correction factor fTL, it was not possible to consider again each individual observa-

tion. But since the relevant observing period was restricted to about three weeks, and
the interpolation bands were observed only around noon, when the variation of air mass
is low, it was fully sufficient to adopt for the insertion in Equation (10) a mean value,
namely M = 1.5.
The line extinction coefficients kL and kj~, which enter also into Equation (10), could
be obtained fortunately for most of our spectral bands from high resolution spectra,
which were obtained at the same observing site, where we had observed the Z-integrals,
namely at the Jungfraujoch. So, except for the variation of the water content in the
atmosphere, which could not be allowed for any more, the resulting corrections are
almost the optimum one can achieve 20 yr after the original observations.
For the spectral region 5400-6860 J~ we adopted kL from the tables of the telluric line
blocking at unit air mass, which were published by Ardeberg and Virdefors either for
1 ]~ intervals (5400-6200 A; 1976, Table 2), or 10 ~ intervals (6200-6860 A; 1978,
Table 4). Their data were obtained from the Jungfraujoch atlas for the disk-center
spectrum by Delbouille et aI. (1973, 1976). As the limits of our 20 A spectral bands
generally did not coincide with the limits of the spectral intervals of the line blocking
tables, we had frequently to test, whether a particular line blocking value was to be
associated in the whole or in part either with the first, the second, or with both of two
successive Z-bands. However, consulting the solar line tables published by Moore et aL
(1966), in all cases the proper association could be done very clearly.
For the 18 spectral bands between 7850 and 12000 ]~, kL was derived by integrating
the telluric line absorption in the atlas of the solar infrared spectrum, which was
recorded by Delbouille and Roland (1963) at the Jungfraujoch. The identification of the
telluric lines was taken from the tables of Moore et al. (1966) and Babcock and Moore
(1947). The reduction to unit air mass was done using the values for the height of the
Sun given in the atlas for each record.
Only for 6 spectral bands (4 bands between 6860 and 7850 A and 2 bands beyond
12 000 A) could the telluric line absorption not be derived from spectra observed at the
appropriate observing site 'Jungfraujoch'. For these few bands kL was estimated either
from the equivalent-widths derived by Moore et al. (1966) using the spectral atlas of
Minnaert et al. (1940; 'Utrecht-Atlas') or - for the last two bands - from the line-
'intensities' given by Babcock and Moore (1947). As there are large overlaps between
the 'foreign' spectra and those obtained at the Jungfraujoch, the estimations were based
on rough 'calibrations' of the 'foreign' telluric line absorption by means of the Jungfrau-
The telluric line corrections resulting then for all our/;-integrals above 5400 A are
given in the second column of Table II. The values given here are the differences A
between 'true' and previously adopted extinction (in percent), which are related to the
correction factor frL by
A = IO0(fTL- 1). (11)
For 62 spectral bands the corrections turned out to be less than 0.1 ~ and are therefore
negligible. For the remaining 24 spectral bands the corrections correspond to a standard

Corrections for 20 ~ integrals due to telluric lines (in percent)

i A r/Kv i A r/Kv i A ~]KP

111 +0.02 0.03 141 +0.02 0.17 171 +0.01 0.03

112 + 0.01 0.03 142 - 0.02 0.09 172 0.00 0.01
113 + 0.02 0.04 143 - 0.05 0.02 173 + 0.14 0.13
114 0.00 0.02 144 - 0.04 0.00 174 0.00 0.00
115 - 0.02 0.00 145 0.00 0.00 175 0.00 0.00
116 - 0.02 0.00 146 0.00 0.00 176 - 0.02 0.00
117 - 0.01 0.00 147 0.00 0.00 177 + 0.16 0.16
118 -0.01 0.00 148 0.00 0.00 178 +0.13 0.13
119 - 0.01 0.00 149 0.00 0.00 179 0.00 0.04
120 0.00 0.00 150 0.00 0.00 180 - 0.04 0.05
121 0.00 0.00 151 0.00 0.00 181 - 0.14 0.00
122 - 0.02 0.00 152 0.00 0.00 182 - 0.25 0.03
123 - 0.03 0.00 153 0.00 0.00 183 - 0.16 0.19
124 - 0.04 0.01 154 + 0.01 0.01 184 0.00 0.71
125 +0.05 0.11 155 +2.81 2.50 185 -0.53 0.19
126 - 0.01 0.08 156 + 1.74 1.58 186 - 0.63 0.04
127 0.00 0.10 157 + 0.41 0.39 187 - 0.52 0.09
128 - 0.01 0.10 158 + 0.05 0.08 188 - 0.53 0.04
129 0.00 0.13 159 + 0.05 0.08 189 - 0.49 0.03
130 - 0.03 0.12 160 0.00 0.03 190 - 0.42 0.00
131 - 0.05 0.12 161 0.00 0.04 191 - 0.38 0.00
132 - 0.10 0.10 162 - 0.04 0.02 192 - 0.24 0.05
133 - 0.18 0.05 163 - 0.03 0.05 193 0.00 0.20
134 - 0.14 0.11 164 - 0.01 0.09 194 + 0.50 0.60
135 + 0.33 0.58 165 + 0.01 0.12 195 0.00 0.13
136 + 0.22 0.49 166 + 0.02 0.16 196 - 0.14 0.00
137 0.00 0.30 167 +0.02 0.17
138 + 0.08 0.34 168 + 0.05 0.22
139 + 0.05 0.27 169 0.00 0.21
140 -0.01 0.18 170 0.00 0.02

i = nnmber of spectral band (for wavelengths see Table III).

A = difference between 'true' and previously adopted extinction (for 'extinction-bands' per se equal to
t/Kv = telluric line absorption adopted for Kitt Peak FTS spectra.

deviation o f 0 . 5 9 ~ o . A s t h i s v a l u e is s l i g h t l y l a r g e r t h a n t h e r e m a i n i n g observational
mean error in this spectral region (compare Section4), the corrections are not
insignificant; in fact they did clearly reduce the scatter.
The final X-integrals, which follow from the 1967-values and the correction factors
fBB and fTz as described, are given in the third column of Table III. These data
represent then the intensity integrals for the center of the solar disk, now correctly
reduced to outside the Earth's atmosphere, b u t b e i n g in t h e w a v e l e n g t h - and intensity-
scale valid in air (at normal conditions).

Solar radiation data for 20 ,~ spectral bands
(band-width 20.5 A for i < 37, but 20.0 A for i > 38)

i ,~ ~ ~/~ i ), ~ ~/~

1 3298.15 4,529 0.6998 51 4267.9 6.460 0.7409

2 3317.65 4.149 0.7026 52 4286,4 6.561 0.7396
3 3337.95 3.984 0.7058 53 4306.4 4.930 0.7461
4 3358.55 3.810 0.7069 54 4326.4 6.988 0.7595
5 3378.65 3.717 0.7089 55 4339.7 6.366 0.7809
6 3398.25 4.187 0.7081 56 4359.2 7.190 0.7507
7 3418.65 3.972 0.7104 57 4371.9 7.261 0.7472
8 3437.95 3,644 0.7138 58 4391.9 6.588 0.7471
9 3458.25 3.899 0.7131 59 4409.0 7.046 0.7495
10 3478.55 3.929 0.7127 60 4428.0 7,657 0.7516
11 3498.15 4.041 0.7168 61 4447.2 7.615 0.7581
12 3518.55 3.990 0.7168 62 4464.0 7.238 0.7541
13 3538.95 4.705 0.7189 63 4483.2 7.869 0.7609
14 3559.05 4.398 0.7176 64 4503.2 8.275 0.7587
15 3579.35 3.139 0.7219 65 4523.6 7.755 0.7602
16 3599.55 4.417 0.7251 66 4543.6 7.806 0.7625
17 3620.15 4.335 0.7278 67 4563.6 7.968 0.7625
18 3640.55 4.119 0.7304 68 4583.7 7.794 0.7654
19 3661.05 5.182 0.7324 69 4603.7 7,804 0.7648
20 3677.75 4.752 0.7334 70 4623.6 8.068 0.7659
21 3698.25 4.895 0.7369 71 4643.6 7.681 0.7628
22 3718.65 4.700 0.7338 72 4663.6 7.527 0.7656
23 3736.65 3.933 0.7303 73 4683.5 7.720 0.7659
24 3754.75 4.147 0.7299 74 4703.5 7,455 0.7677
25 3775.25 5.424 0.7318 75 4723.3 7.729 0.7695
26 3794.35 4.708 0.7303 76 4743.3 7.769 0.7717
27 3813.95 4.708 0.7137 77 4763.3 7.535 0.7738
28 3833.55 2.869 0.7572 78 4783.3 7.819 0.7762
29 3853.75 4.349 0.7134 79 4803.3 7.859 0.7735
30 3873.75 4.206 0.7132 80 4823.3 7.767 0.7777
31 3894.15 4.634 0.7447 81 4843.1 7.523 0.7864
32 3911.95 5.297 0.7190 82 4863.1 6.099 0.8136
33 3932.45 2.919 0.7575 83 4883.1 7.044 0.7823
34 3950.25 5.184 0.7270 84 4892.9 7.359 0.7788
35 3969.25 3.387 0.7591 85 4912.9 7,145 0.7823
36 3989.25 6.509 0.7295 86 4932.9 7.327 0.7792
37 4001.05 6.957 0.7254 87 4951.5 7.520 0.7834
38 4020.0 7.273 0.7274 88 4970.7 7,529 0.7823
39 4040.0 6,630 0.7268 89 4988.9 7.255 0.7836
40 4060.0 6.690 0.7313 90 5008.9 6.888 0.7821
41 4078.8 6.771 0.7376 91 5028.9 7.244 0.7827
42 4098.8 6.189 0.7704 92 5048.9 7,213 0.7845
43 4117.1 7.168 0.7436 93 5068.3 7.395 0.7864
44 4137.1 6.983 0.7329 94 5088.3 7.242 0.7881
45 4156.5 7.187 0.7331 95 5108.3 7.252 0.7862
46 4175.9 6.799 0.7360 96 5128.3 7,109 0.7862
47 4191.2 6.645 0.7359 97 5148.3 6.946 0.7869
48 4211.2 7.266 0.7381 98 5168.3 6.286 0.7897
49 4231.0 6.583 0.7403 99 5188.3 6.468 0.7927
50 4247.5 6.980 0.7365 100 5199.5 6.803 0.7904

Table III (continued)

101 5219.3 7.026 0.7914 151 6200.0 6.148 0.8279

102 5238.8 7.137 0.7920 152 6219.7 6.057 0.8274
103 5258.0 6.832 0.7933 153 6239.0 5.935 0.8254
104 5278.0 6.741 0.7985 154 6259.0 5.935 0.8280
105 5298.0 7.217 0.7985 155 6279.0 6.049 0.8270
106 5316.5 7.186 0.7975 156 6299.0 5.883 0.8279
107 5335.2 6.851 0.7981 157 6319.0 5.887 0.8263
108 5353.9 7.186 0.7985 158 6339.0 5.855 0.8308
109 5372.0 6.861 0.7977 159 6359.0 5.906 0.8272
110 5391.5 6.830 0.7969 160 6379.0 5.923 0.8256
111 5410.0 6.687 0.8001 161 6399.0 5.771 0.8306
112 5430.0 6.859 0.8042 162 6419.0 5.728 0.8300
113 5450.0 6.972 0.8061 163 6439.0 5.759 0.8321
114 5470.0 6.808 0.8064 164 6459.0 5.709 0.8305
115 5490.0 6.887 0.8042 165 6479.0 5.689 0.8323
116 5508.0 6.847 0.8048 166 6499.0 5.548 0.8291
117 5527.3 6.827 0.8050 167 6519.0 5.669 0.8299
118 5547.0 6.917 0.8060 168 6539.0 5.600 0.8392
119 5566.9 6.623 0.8111 169 6559.0 4.656 0.8659
120 5586.9 6.613 0.8074 170 6621.0 5.566 0.8354
121 5606.9 6.623 0.8102 171 6663.0 5.475 0.8364
122 5626.9 6.794 0.8087 172 6790.0 5.170 0.8396
123 5646.0 6.701 0.8092 173 7090.0 4.810 0.8464
124 5666.0 6.670 0.8130 174 7465.0 4.447 0.8542
125 5686.0 6.706 0.8126 175 7552.0 4.315 0.8559
126 5706.0 6.529 0.8105 176 7815.0 4.070 0.8609
127 5726.0 6.824 0.8163 177 7875.0 3.996 0.8619
128 5746.0 6.711 0.8138 178 7980.0 3.923 0.8635
129 5766.0 6.712 0.8136 179 8465.0 3.472 0.8705
130 5784.5 6.578 0.8146 180 8570.0 3.400 0.8719
131 5804.5 6.708 0.8121 181 8633.0 3.406 0.8728
132 5824.5 6.734 0.8149 182 8 880.0 3.200 0.8755
133 5844.5 6.698 0.8173 183 9042.0 2.991 0.8770
134 5864.5 6.539 0.8143 184 9815.0 2.550 0.8836
135 5884.0 6.325 0.8207 185 9904.0 2.547 0.8841
136 5903.7 6.308 0.8210 186 10010.0 2.484 0.8849
137 5923.5 6.435 0.8215 187 10100.0 2.446 0.8857
138 5943.5 6.440 0.8193 188 10179.0 2.396 0.8863
139 5963.5 6.519 0.8204 189 10270.0 2.356 0.8870
140 5983.0 6.302 0.8230 190 10440.0 2.267 0.8881
141 6003.0 6.273 0.8213 191 10510.0 2.198 0.8887
142 6023.0 6.190 0.8213 192 10640.0 2.130 0.8897
143 6043.0 6.360 0.8196 193 10768.0 2.085 0.8907
144 6063.0 6.269 0.8215 194 11860.0 1.669 0.8986
145 6080.0 6.231 0.8224 195 12330.0 1.580 0.9020
146 6100.0 6.190 0.8200 196 12470.0 1.517 0.9031
147 6120.0 6.250 0.8207
148 6140.0 6.108 0.8229
149 6160.0 5.996 0.8226
150 6180.0 6.189 0.8235

2 = wavelength for center of band (in air, unit = 1 A).

Z = revised integral of central intensity (W c m - 2 ster - i ).
~b/S = ratio of mean to central intensity.

3. Absolute 20 A Integrals for the Intensity of the Disk-Averaged Radiation

('Mean Intensity') and for the lrradiance

When we planned the absolute measurements of the solar radiation more than 20 years
ago, there were several reasons to concentrate the efforts on the spectrum of the center
of the disk rather than on the flux- or irradiance-spectrum:
(1) In relation to black-body radiation, intensity ratios can be measured easier and
more precisely than irradiance ratios (compare, e.g., Labs and Neckel, 1973).
(2) The resulting radiation data should allow a most precise calibration of high
resolution spectral atlases. The atlases, which existed at that time or were in preparation,
concerned generally the center of the disk. (Absolutely calibrated spectral atlases are
the most universal source for any desired information concerning the intensities in the
spectrum, for example with respect to the localization of the continuum, which in those
days was urgently required to test the various models of the solar photosphere.)
So, the determination of the absolute irradiance data seemed to be - at least from our
point of view - a secondary problem.
Then we realized the growing interest in precise absolute irradiance values, as well
as the obvious lack of such data and derived from our central intensity integrals 27the
corresponding integrals of the mean disk intensity 9 and of the irradiance O (Labs and
Neckel, 1968, 1970; Neckel and Labs, 1981) - but only with restricted precision and
reliability. The restrictions were due to the fact that the conversion from central to mean
intensity had to be based on the limb darkening data available in the literature, but which
concerned only the continuum. Thus, in the line-crowded region of the spectrum - say
below 6600 A - the complexity of the center-to-limb variation (CLV) of all the absorption
lines within a 20 ?t band entered the problem and could be allowed for only approxi-
mately (compare Neckel and Labs, 1981).
To get rid of these limitations, we have recently observed the CLV of all 169 spectral
bands below 6600 A, for which the absolute central intensity integrals had been
measured. An analysis of the limb darkening curves yielded then directly and with high
precision the ratios ~/Z, which lead immediately to the wanted integrals of mean
intensity and irradiance (Section 3.1).
For wavelengths longer than 6600 A there was no need for special CLV observations
of the 20 A bands - for obvious reasons. For the 27 spectral bands, which had been
selected between 6600 A and 12 500 A at isolated positions with a minimum of absorp-
tion lines, the ~/27-ratios were adopted from our preliminary improvements (Neckel and
Labs, 1981; Section 3.2).
All final ~/27-ratios are compiled in Table IiI, column 4 - beside the 2J-integrals for
central intensity. To get the 20 A integrals of the mean disk intensity ~, both values have
to be multiplied. The corresponding 20 A integrals of the irradiance at Earth's mean
distance follow then from
O = 6.800 x 10-5 q~. (12)



Using the 77 cm primary image of the McMath Solar Telescope at Kitt Peak, in April
1981 limb darkening scans have been recorded along that Sun's diameter, which is
defined by the daily motion. Technical equipment and procedure were - with few
exceptions - exactly the same ones as used by Pierce and Slaughter (1977a, b) for their
limb darkening observations in the continuum windows.
The main exceptions are:
Instead of the spectrometer, which is permanently installed below the focus of the
telescope, we used for our observations the same double pass grating monochromator
that had been used in the early 1960's for the absolute measurements at Jungfraujoch
(for details see Labs and Neckel, 1962, 1973). This monochromator was installed on
top of the built-in spectroheliograph, which rotated during the observations at the
diurnal rate to keep the direction of the solar motion perpendicular to the entrance slit.
The Sun was imaged above the monochromator on a solid screen which had in its
center a 3.6 mm diaphragm to make a preselection of the light to be measured. According
to the image scale of 2': 5/ram ( f = 82.46 m) the diameter of the diaphragm corresponded
to 9':0 on the solar disk.
To adapt the f-ratio of the telescope (1 : 54) to that of the monochromator ( ~ 1 : 8),
the diaphragm was imaged on the entrance slit by means of a UV-transparent achromatic
lens-system ( f = 60 ram, ~ = 15 mm), so that the diameter of its image was reduced
to 0.3 mm ( = effective length of the entrance slit). The maxinaum width of the entrance
slit was 7 pro, corresponding to 0'.'2 along the solar diameter.
On the other side, this maximum slit width corresponded to about 0.1 A in the -
first order - monochromator spectrum, so that it did not restrict the resolution of the
monochromator resulting from the two gratings ( ~ 50 000). As on the Jungfraujoch, the
width of the exit slit (nearly 1.4 mm) corresponded exactly to 20.5 .~ for wavelengths
below 4010 A, but to 20.0 A for longer wavelengths. These sizes were precisely adjusted
by observing visually in the exit slit at several wavelengths pairs of faint lines, the
distance of which was almost equal to the desired slit-width.
Similarly, for wavelengths above 3900 A any settings of the spectral bands were made
by observing the well resolved line spectrum in the 20 ,~ wide exit slit. Only in the UV
the spectral bands were set according to the scale of the grating drive, which was
repeatedly calibrated by recording short, relevant parts of each spectral band with the
exit slit temporary narrowed to an equivalent of about 0.1 ]~. So, for the settings of the
spectral bands we can insure again an accuracy of about + 0.1 ~.
For wavelengths longer than 6200 ,~, a 3 mm GG14 filter was mounted in front of
the achromatic lens-system to exclude the second-order spectrum, and a set of various
neutral filters behind the exit slit served to reduce the radiation reaching the multiplier
(EMI 6256 S 1 l-Q), whenever advisable.
The multiplier output was then handled exactly as described by Pierce and Slaughter:
"it was fed to a low-pass, band-limited (400 Hz cut-off-frequency) amplifier and

digitized at 1 kHz. Sixty-three consecutive digitizations were summed by an on-line

computer and each sum was recorded on magnetic tape."
To test the linearity of the total electronic equipment, well defined voltages were fed
into the input o f the amplifier. Deviations from linearity did not exceed 1 0 - 4
The solar limb darkening curves were obtained as by Pierce and Slaughter by stopping
the telescope drive. (N.B.: Thus the zenith distance is kept constant during one scan
and any effects due to differential extinction are excluded.) Each scan consisted of 4096
data elements ('points') recorded in a period of 4.3 rain. Examples for typical 'drift
curves' are shown by Pierce and Slaughter (1977a, Figure 1). In our case - however -
the scans were arranged as follows:
(1) About 60 points for the dark current (with screen-diaphragm closed).
(2) About 150 points for the preceding sky.
(3) Between 2053 (on April 14) and 2086 (on April 30) points for the limb darkening
curve from 'limb' to 'limb'. (The angular resolution corresponding to the distance
between two successive points varied from 0': 932 on April 14 to 0': 913 on April 30.)
(4) About 1800 points for the subsequent sky.
Some 'blind' scans - with the screen-diaphragm closed - insured that no, possibly
variable stray light entered the entrance slit during the drift of the solar image across
the screen.
Unfortunately, the weather conditions were exceptionally bad during our observing season between
April 13 and April 30. Out of 16 days that we had been granted for our program, only two days had a perfect
sky; two days were lost because of total cloudiness. A lot of scans had to be made in partly cloudy skies,
and quite often these were not finished before the next cloud interfered with the Sun. Therefore we do note
that the sky conditions were permanently controlled by (1)recording all limb darkening curves also on a
strip chart recorder, (2) monitoring the Sun's Hc~-image,(3) recording continuously the solar intensity at one
fixed wavelength by using the main spectrograph, (4)watching the cloud-movement from outside the
building. Only completelyundisturbed scans were finally accepted. Nevertheless, for the 169 spectral bands
below 6600 A a total of 563 reliable scans were obtained, that means in the average 3.3 scans or nearly 7 radii
per spectral band.

To have a direct comparison with the results obtained by Pierce and Slaughter, eight
additional scans were made in four continuum windows at Pierce-Slaughter-wave-
lengths (with the width of the exit slit reduced to the equivalent of about 0.1 A).
With respect to the data reduction it should be emphasized, that the basic a i m of our
CLV observations was to derive the correct ratios of mean to central intensity rather
than to determine the 'true' variation of the 20 ,~ intensity integrals across the disk
including the extreme solar limb. Therefore it was not necessary to adopt the procedures
for 'limb restoration' etc. applied by Pierce and Slaughter. Instead it turned out to be
fully sufficient to handle the data as follows:
(1) The 'true' location of the solar limb was assumed to be at the position with the
largest recorded gradient. This position was infered from the two consecutive intensities
with the largest difference in the limb region, but taking into account also the two
adjacent differences.
Let be x 1 ... x4 the - integer - numbers ( = coordinates on the 'x-axis') of the four successive intensities
yielding the limb position x L (with x2 < x L < x 3 ) , and A1 = li2 - i 11, A2 = 1i3 - i 2 1 , A3 = ]/4 - i3 [ the
i 1 . . . i4

relevant differences, taken absolutely because they are negative at the second limb. The precise specification
of xl ... x4 is then: A~ < Az and A3 < A2. x L was derived from

x L = x 2 + 0 . 5 ( A 2-At)/(A ; - A 3 ) for AI>A3' (13a)

x L = x 3 - 0 . 5 ( A z-A3)/(A z - A ~ ) for AI < A 3.
From both limb positions xr~ and XL2 follows the angular diameter of the Sun:
D" = 0.063 (xr2 - Xra ) cos ~5360~AT, (13b)
where 6 denotes the Sun's declination and A T the time (in hours) between two successive meridian passages.

(2) The limb positions yielded not only the position of the disk-center, but also the
apparent radius of the solar disk. Both quantities assigned then each data point between
the limbs its cos 0.
(3) Excluding the 20 points nearest to the limb, least square fits of 5th order
polynomials in cos 0 were made to the remaining, about 1000 data points on each radius.
As long as there were any points with residuals exceeding the standard deviation by a
factor larger than 3, the least square fits were repeated, with those points being excluded.
This simple procedure turned out to be well suited for the elimination of regions
disturbed by spots or faculae, which on several days crossed one or the other radius.
From the good agreement of the results obtained on different days it is obvious, that
in spite of the exceptionally large activity during our observing period it did not cause
any restrictions on the precision of the desired ratios.
(4) Having the coefficients of the polynomials
~(0)/~2(0) = A + B cos0 + Ccos20 + D cos30 + E cos40 q- FcosS0 (14a)

established for each scanned radius, the corresponding ratios between the 20 A integrals
of mean (~) and central (2;) intensity were then easily obtained from

~b/22= 2(A/2 + B/3 + C/4 + D/5 + El6 + F/7). (14b)

Finally, for each spectral band all results were averaged. It is these average ~/2;-ratios,
which have been plotted in Figure 1 (plot a) and are tabulated in column 4 of Table III
(only for spectral bands 1-169).
Results and accuracy of the data reduction may be summarized as follows:
(1) The formal mean error of the angular diameter of the Sun derived from one single
scan is + 1 '.'4. This value implies that the mean error of one limb position is just + 1 "!0.
(2) The average value of the Sun's semidiameter (at mean distance), resulting from
all scans made, is 959'.'62 + 0':03. So it is in perfect agreement with the standard value
used for eclipse ephemeris, which is 959':63.
(3) The standard deviation of the data points along one solar radius, which was
basically due to the granulation, decreased with increasing wavelength and ranged
generally between 1.5 ~o and 0.6 ~o. Only for some special spectral bands including lines
sensitive to activity did the standard deviation occasionally exceed 2.5~o.
The maximum number of points, which were excluded by means of the 3a-barrier to
eliminate spots and/or faculae, was 88, which is not quite 9~o. But the typical exclusion
rate - along 'undisturbed' radii - was less than 10 points.

085 qb/Zoo~ ~o~o,~ ...'"-" "......'y'" ... d I i

(F/I)cont {polygonalcurves)





j/ . ,.,9

0.70 "".'" koi~ [AI

I L I ,, i I ............. t
3300 /,000 5000 6000

Fig. 1, Ratio ~/Z of mean to central intensity for 20 ~ integrals (a) from special center-to-limb scans and
(b) from calibrated FTS spectra. Points in wings of strong lines have been connected. The polygonal curves
are the continuum-ratios following from the polygonal tracks which approximate the radiation temperatures
for the 'continuum-windows' (compare Figures 6 and 8 and Table VII),

(4) The mean errors of the final, average ~/Z-ratios, which follow from the multiple
observations, range between 0.02 and 0.62%. A variation with wavelength is not
detectable9 Taking the average for all 169 spectral bands, the mean error is 0.259/0.
(5) Almost the same size of error is obtained from the scatter of the final ~/X-ratios,
if they are plotted against wavelength (Figure 1, plot a). Their standard deviations with
respect to least square fitted second-order polynomials in 2 are then 0.22% for
2 < 3 7 0 0 ] t (from all 21 spectral bands in that region), and 0.269/0 for
3800 ~ < )~ < 6600 A (from 127 bands, with 14 bands affected by 'strong lines' ex-
cluded). These values still include the intrinsic scatter, which is to be expected from the
different CLV of the normal lines. However, as is evident from a plot of the ~/X-ratios
resulting from the calibrated FTS spectra (compare Section 4 and Figure 1, plot b),
except for the regions affected by the hydrogen fines, the H- and K-lines of Ca + , or the
Balmer 'discontinuity', the intrinsic scatter is relatively small. So it may be assumed that
the standard deviations given are mainly due to observational errors. The result is
then, that the accuracy of our O/X-ratios is comparable v4th the accuracy of the
F//-ratios following from the CLV observations made by Pierce and Slaughter at

continuum wavelengths (6 points with 2 < 3600 A: + 0.48% ; 20 points with

3850 ~ < 2 < 4850 A: + 0.28% ; 21 points with 4850 A < 2 < 6610 A: + 0.20~o ; com-
pare Figure 9, plot a).
(6) Our observations of the CLV in 4 continuum-windows yielded F//-ratios, which
agree within observational errors with those following from the observations by Pierce
and Slaughter. At the wavelengths 4573.45 A., 4929.05 A, 5798.80 A, 6409.70 A_ our
ratios deviate from the Pierce-Slaughter-values by -0.14~o, +0.26%, -0.06~o,
- 0.07%, respectively. As the average deviation is practically vanishing, it seems likely
that no significant systematic errors have been made in the course of both observation
and data reduction.

3.2. R A T I O S OF M E A N TO C E N T R A L I N T E N S I T Y F O R TH E 20 A I N T E G R A L S B EY O N D
For the remaining 27 calibration bands between 6600 and 12 500 A_,the q~/2;-ratios were
derived as described by Neckel and Labs (1981), using the relation

~ :/I~)/ t -1 2- t/disk I " (15)

E cont L 1 - t/center.)
Here (F/I(O))cont is the ratio of mean to central intensity as derived from center-to-limb
observations of the continuous radiation, and the t/'s are the line blocking coefficients
for the 20 A bands for disk-averaged radiation (irradiance) and central intensity,
The proper (F/I(O))oont-values for our Z-wavelengths were taken from second-order
curves fitted to the F//-ratios, which follow from the limb darkening observations made
by Pierce and Slaughter (1977a, b; compare our Figure 10) in the continuum, using the
McMath Solar Telescope at Kitt Peak. The random errors of these least-square-curves
are negligible.
The t/-factors were derived using the approximation applicable in this spectral region
for 'normal' lines, namely t/disk = 1.02t/oenter. However, as the largest t/oenteris only
1.9~o, the t/-factor could have been omitted as well: in this worst case it is namely
0.9996 !

4. Absolute Calibration of Kitt Peak FTS Spectra for Central and

Mean Intensity (Irradiance)

With the realization of Fourier transform spectra (FTS) covering the visible and
ultraviolet domain, which has been made possible by modern computer and laser
techniques, a big gap in solar spectroscopy has finally been bridged; for the first time
spectral records have become available also for these spectral regions, which exhibit
within a limited, but nevertheless remarkably wide spectral region a completely smooth
'sensitivity function', which allows a precise, absolute calibration.
In this respect one should remember, that formerly all 'normal' high resolution

spectral records were generated piece by piece in separate parts, which usually had a
width in the order of 10 to 20 A only! And practically each single record had its own,
individual sensitivity function, which was subject to at least one variable quantity,
namely the atmospheric extinction. The efforts to produce from a correspondingly
comprehensive collection of single records one 'spectral atlas' with a unique and
reasonably smooth sensitivity function by 'adjusting' the solar 'continuum' to atlas level
'100', could not easily yield reliable results especially in those spectral regions, where
the 'continuum' is only seldom traceable between the absorption lines or where it has
an intrinsic wavy structure. Accordingly, it is a questionable task trying to calibrate the
complex relative intensity scales of such a spectral atlas in absolute units (compare
Section 7).
The Kitt Peak FTS spectra, which were kindly placed at our disposal by J. Brault,
are almost perfectly suited for an absolute calibration. As this paper is not the place to
deliver any details on the FTS techniques used at Kitt Peak, nor on the procedure of
data collection and handling, we refer in this respect to the competent description given
by J. Brault (1979). But concerning the arrangement of the spectral data on the magnetic
tapes, we need to compile a few details which are necessary for the understanding of
the calibration procedure.
For both types of the solar spectrum- mean and central intensity- the data are stored
in 8 files, which correspond to 8 independent, but overlapping spectral scans, which
cover the whole domain from less than 3000 it to about 15000 ,~. Mainly due to the
optical device used for the isolation of the particular spectral region (optical filter or low
resolution, zero-dispersion monochromator), and to the detector, each scan has its
individual, approximately bell-shaped sensitivity function. The usable range lies about
between those wavelengths, in which the sensitivity function drops to less than 20-30 ~o
of its maximum value.
The usable range of the first file in each spectrum concerns the spectral region below
3300 A, which is outside the range covered by our absolute measurements. Therefore,
the calibration to be described deals only with files 2 to 8. The usable spectral domains
of these files are evident from Figure 2 and Tables IV and V. (N.B.: The file numbers
used in this paper were chosen by us to be in the order of increasing wavelength. They
are not necessarily identical with the numbers on the original Kitt Peak tapes.)
Within each file, 4096 successive intensity data are gathered within one 'record', and
according to the spectral width of a file, the number of records per file ranges between
18 and 68; the typical number lies around 50. The 4096 intensity data of a record are
given for spectral positions, which are equidistant in the wavenumber-scale. The
interval-widths, which change only very slightly within a file from record to record, range
between 0.035 c m - 1 (file 2) and 0.012 c m - 1 (file 8). In the wavelength-scaie these
values correspond to a spectral resolution ranging from about 0.004 A at 3300 A to
nearly 0.02 A at 12 500 ~.
Each 'solar file' is followed by an additional, supplementary file, containing the
intensity data from the continuous spectrum of a suitable reference lamp. The lamp runs
were obtained under the same instrumental conditions as the corresponding solar scans,

but with less spectral resolution. With respect to the solar scans, the intervals between
two successive intensities are here larger by a factor of either 32 or 64.
As the scans of the reference lamps do not show any significant scatter nor a critical
curvature within the range of a few successive points, the lamp intensity for any (solar)
wavelength can be easily obtained from linear interpolation between two successive
lamp data points. Dividing the solar spectrum point for point by the spectrum of the
reference lamp, the instrumental sensitivity function is fully eliminated; instead it is now
replaced by the spectral intensity distribution of the reference lamp.
Let S o and SL be the spectral data recorded on the tape for Sun and lamp respectively,
I o and I L the corresponding absolute intensities, To and T r the 'transmission' (including
also mirror-reflectivity) of all optical media modifying either only the solar radiation
(mainly the Earth's atmosphere and the telescope mirrors) or only the lamp radiation
(including the factor resulting from the arbitrary geometry of the optics), and P the
sensitivity function of the spectrometer including the detector and all optics common
to Sun and lamp, especially the device isolating the spectral domain for each file. All
these quantities are functions of the wavelength.
The relations between the recorded spectral data and the absolute intensities are then
given by

S o = lo(ToP ) , (16)
S L = 1L(TLP ) , (17)
So/SL = zo/(& rL/7"o) . (18)
Accordingly, the calibration functions C, by which the original solar spectral data S o
or the ratios S o / S L have to be multiplied to yield solar intensities in absolute units, are
given by either

C = I o / S e = 1~(TOP ) (19)

c = Q/(S| = TL/To. (20)

As the calibration functions I L TL/Te, which are clearly dominated by the spectral
intensity distribution of the reference lamp (It) , are much straighter and more homo-
geneous than the calibration functions 1/(TeP), which are dominated by the more or
less bell-shaped sensitivity functions P, it is advisable to base the absolute calibration
on the ratios S o / S r rather than on the original solar data S o. The two advantages of
a straighter calibration curve are: (1) its analytical representation is simpler, and (2) one
can replace without any risk in Equation (20) I e and S e / S r - both taken at wavelength
2 - by 20 * integrals centered at 2 or - what is of course the s a m e - by the corresponding
20 A-averages. To simplify the matter, from now on we mean always the ratios S e / S r ,
if we refer to 'the solar FTS spectrum'. It needs to be pointed out, however, that not
all lamp-scans were obtained from the same reference lamp. To get in the various
spectral domains optimum signals, the most suitable lamp was selected from a set of
224 H E I N Z N E C K E L A N D D I E T R I C H LABS

4 lamps with different power and correspondingly also with different intensity distribu-
tions. This fact and the atmospheric extinction prevented us from dealing with one
unique calibration function, that runs evenly through all the seven files of each spectrum.
The derivation of the calibration functions C by means of the absolute 20 4 integrals
2~or 9 for central or mean intensity respectively, which must be done separately for each
file, is then straightforward and may be sketched as follows:
(1) Derive - in analogy to Equation (20) - discrete values of the calibration factor
for the wavelengths defined by the 20 4 spectral bands with known absolute intensities.
(2) Fit an appropriate smoothing curve to the discrete calibration factors obtained
Taking into account, that the FTS spectra are affected by telluric lines, but not so
the 2~- and ~integrals, the discrete calibration factors - e.g. for the central intensity
spectra - follow then from

2~(1 - ~h(v)/A~
C= (21)
Herein A~. is the precise width of the spectral passband (20.5 or 20.0 4); ~]KPis the
corresponding fraction of radiation absorbed by telluric lines in the Kitt Peak FTS
spectra; N is the number and [S o/SL ] the sum of all FTS data (S e / S z) within the limits
of the spectral band. It should be noted, that the calibration factor C is then coordinated
to the wavelength at the band-center.
In Equation (21) 11 is to be replaced by ~, if we are dealing with mean rather than
with central intensities. For both quantities, 1~ and ~, the proper numerical values are
to be taken from Table III.
Concerning the other data entering Equation (21), the deduction of N and [S e/S L ]
is almost selfevident. But as the FTS data are given as a function of wavenumber rather
than of wavelength (in air), we have to specify, that the conversion from air- to
vacuum-wavelengths was made using the approximation

2vao = 1.000273 25 2 a i r -- 0.0107 + 196.24/2air, (22)

with the wavelengths measured in A.

We add at once the approximation for the inverse relation, which is used in Section 5:

/~air = 0.999726 83 ~vao + 0.0107 - 196.25/K,~o. (23)

Both approximations introduce errors less than 0.001 A.

Denoting the central (vacuum) wavelength of a spectral band with 2c, the wave-
numbers na and n z at the band-limits are then given by

na = 1/(2c + A2/2), n z = 1/(2~ - A2/2). (24)

N and [So/SL] were derived from all FTS data, for which the wavenumber n fulfills
the condition
na < n < G . (25)

The crucial quantity entering into Equation (21) is t/Kv. But as already established in
Section 2.2, for the calibration bands the telluric line absorption is relatively weak and
does not call for a thorough treatment. Therefore we declined to evaluate r/Kv from the
FTS spectra themselves - which would have been a laborious and time consuming
undertaking - but adapted instead the Jungfraujoch-values derived in Section 2.2 to the
Kitt Peak atmospheric conditions. This adaptation was done using the crude, approxi-
mate relation

flier, = (PKv/P,j).MrI~ + rio). (26)

HereinpKp andpjj are the mean atmospheric pressures at Kitt Peak (590 mm Hg) and
Jungfraujoch (467 mm Hg) respectively, M is a mean value adopted for the air mass,
at which the FTS spectra were obtained (M = 1.1), t/j~ is the telluric line absorption at
Jungfraujoch at unit air mass (which is identical with the 'line extinction coefficient' k L
in Section 2.2), and t/o finally is the intrinsic solar line blocking coefficient. The factor
(1 + qo) occurs to relate t/top to the actual solar radiation integrals - which include the
absorption lines - rather than to the continuum-integrals. The telluric line corrections
resulting then from relation (26) are given in column 3 of Table II.
Having so established for all files the discrete calibration factors, these were then fitted
- file for file - by a series of polynomials in wavelength 2 (vacuum-scale), the orders n
of which usually ranged from 1 to 10:

C = ao + a1(2 - 2o) + "'" + a~(2 - 20)n . (27)

Here 20 is an arbitrarily chosen wavelength near the center of each file.

From each family of polynomials we had then to select the 'most reasonable' one, to
represent the 'final calibration function'. It is at this point that obviously some sort of
subjectivity enters. To avoid the creation of 'unrealistic' waves and inflections in the
calibration curve - remember, that its dominant contributor is the intensity distribution
of the reference lamp - the basic rule was: take the polynomial with the lowest possible
order, but watch, that the corresponding standard deviation is not crucially larger than
its minimum at higher orders. The orders of the polynomials finally adopted never
exceeded 6 and could be as low as 1 (straight line).
The next step was then to verify, that no systematic errors were introduced by deriving
the calibration functions from 20 A integrals - according to Equation (21) - rather than
from monochromatic absolute intensities and single FTS values. Of course, through the
action of both, the actual FTS sensitivity function and the uneven distribution of
absorption lines, the effective wavelengths of the 20 A FTS integrals and the absolute
2;-integrals do not agree with each other nor with the central wavelengths of the 20 *
passbands. (Note the advantage, that the positions of the calibration bands were chosen
so that the strongest lines are found near the center of a band. Compare Section 2.)
The crucial test was made by comparing the absolute 2;-integrals with the cor-
responding integrals of the calibrated FTS spectra. (That means, the polynomial value
- C - and the calibrated FTS intensity - C S o / S L - was computed for each single point




I //
..... 7 0o~
i /


i -\



Ii m05

~ 0
1 ~ o
~o Lo o

+ ! § i § 1 +

Fig, 2. Calibration curves for files 2-8 of Kitt Peak FTS spectra (ratio Sun/reference lamp), drawn in
relation to their maximum values. The curves are polynomials in 2 fitting the ratios between observed
absolute 20 A intensity-integrals and corresponding FTS-integrals. (The orders of the polynomials are given
below the file numbers, for all other data see Tables IV and V.) The residuals of the least square fits are
plotted above the curves. Dashed vertical lines mark the wavelengths adopted for the linkage between two
successive files.

of the solar FTS spectrum.) In analogy to Equation (21), for all calibration bands the

R = 2;(1 - r/Ke)/A2 (28)

[ CS| ]IN

were computed and then fitted - file for file - by polynomials in 2 as before.
The result was, that for all files the zero-order polynomials (R = eonst; with
0.999 95 < const < 1.000 06) yielded the fit with the lowest standard deviation, and that
all these standard deviations (in Tables IV and V denoted with suffix b) were lower than
those obtained from the primary fits (suffix a). This error reduction is partly due - of
course- to the reduced number of unknowns, but partly also to the fact, that the integrals
of the calibrated FTS spectra harmonize better with the 27-integrals than the integrals
of the uncalibrated spectra. So we can adopt then without any hesitation the original
polynomials - which were fitted to the C-ratios defined by Equation (21) - for the final
calibration of the FTS spectra.
The graphs of the final polynomials, in terms of their maximum values, are shown for
all files in Figure 2 together with the residuals, which have been plotted separately.
Please note, that file 7 of the irradiance spectrum was split into two, overlapping parts
(7a and 7b), to achieve a more reasonable fit.
All the relevant numerical data concerning the calibration functions have been
compiled in Tables IV and V: the numbers of points used for the fits, the orders and
coefficients of the polynomials, and the standard deviations resulting from the primary
- higher order - and the subsequent zero order fit. It should be emphasized that the
standard deviations, which range between 0.3 and 1.1 ~ , but are mostly found to be near
0.5 ~o, will be primarily due to the observational errors of our 27- and ~integrals rather
than to irregularities in the FTS spectra. So it must be anticipated that the random errors
of the calibrated FTS spectra will be significantly less.
To complete the calibration details, three special points have to be noted:
(1) From the 196 absolute intensity integrals the one centered at 6790 A, which is
included in both files with number 6, was excluded from the least square fits, because
its deviation was outside the acceptable range. We assume, that this is due to either an
observational error or a mistake in the original reduction.
(2) In Table IV, the coefficients for the polynomials representing the calibration
function for the disk-spectrum yield absolute irradiance data (at the Earth's mean
distance) rather than mean disk intensities. To get mean intensities, the polynomials
must be divided by 68 000 x 10-6 ster.
(3) For the spectrum ofcentral intensity the magnetic tape we got contained for some
reason truncated versions of the 8 files, with the extended wings cut off. For this cause
there is no satisfactory overlap between files 7 and 8. Even worse, for the first calibration
band of file 8 the FTS integral is not very reliable because of the steep flank of the
sensitivity function towards shorter wavelengths. So there are no accurately calibrated
FTS data between the last point of file 7 and the second point of file 8, which means

C a l i b r a t i o n d a t a f o r files 2 - 8 o f K i t t P e a k F T S s p e c t r u m o f s o l a r i r r a d i a n c e ( r a t i o S u n / r e f e r e n c e l a m p )

File 2 3 4 5 6 7a 7b 8

21 3299 3499 4002 4605 5728 7467 8467 9044

22 3951 4041 4785 5846 7554 9044 10273 12473

nbr 34 29 42 65 48 10 11 14

23 3300 3680 4040 4750 5760 7530 8 850 10280

24 3680 4040 4750 5760 7530 8850 10280 12500

n 4 4 4 6 6 4 3 3 N
2o 3600 3800 4400 5300 6600 8500 9500 11000 Z
ao 2.8269 00 9.8156 00 2.5813 00 2.8633 01 2.6296 01 2.8077 01 2.1479 01 6.0126 00 t~
- -
a1 4.7094 - 03 1.1850 - 02 1.6534 - 03 5.7989 - 03 3.3252 - 03 -4.6905 - 03 - 6 . 3 2 3 2 - 03 - 8.5710 04
a2 - 3.2115 - 07 8.9583 - 06 6.5426 - 07 4.2142 - 06 - 1.0451 - 06 - 7.1165 - 06 6.9466 - 07 1.7218 - -
a3 -4.0928 - 09 9.8885 - 09 -9.4526 - 10 1.3796 - 08 6.1787 - 09 3.4117 - 09 4 . 1 5 9 9 - 10 - 5.1976 - - 1 1
a4 2.7011 - I1 -4.4136 - 11 4.7015 - 12 1.9220 - 11 1.0571 - 13 4.3256 - 12
a5 -4.9654 - 14 - 5.1350 - 15
a6 -4.9630 - 17 8.0530 - 19

S.D. a 1.10 0.78 0.69 0.47 0.51 0.40 0.49 0.56

b 1.02 0.72 0.65 0.45 0.47 0.30 0.41 0.49

21, -~z = w a v e l e n g t h - l i m i t s o f c a l i b r a t i o n (in v a c u u m , u n i t = t ]k).

nbr = n u m b e r o f 20 ~ i r r a d i a n c e i n t e g r a l s u s e d for l e a s t s q u a r e fit o f t h e c a l i b r a t i o n c u r v e .
23, 24 = wavelength-limits of adopted spectral range.
n = order of polynomial representing the calibration curve,
2o = a r b i t r a r y w a v e l e n g t h n e a r c e n t e r o f file (in v a c u u m , u n i t = 1 A).
a o . . . a6 = coefficients o f p o l y n o m i a l (calibr. f a c t o r = s u m [ a x ( 2 - 2o)X]; x = 0 . . . n; 2 = F T S w a v e l e n g t h in v a c u u m , unit = 1 it; unit o f calibr, fac-
t o r = 1 0 - 6 W c m - 2 ~ - 1),
S.D. a / b = s t a n d a r d d e v i a t i o n s (in ~o) li'om l e a s t s q u a r e fit u s i n g 20 ]~ i n t e g r a l s o f (a) original F T S d a t a a n d (b) t h e c a l i b r a t e d s p e c t r u m .
C a l i b r a t i o n d a t a for file~ 2 - 8 o f K i t t P e a k F T S s p e c t r u m o f d i s k - c e n t e r i n t e n s i t y ( r a t i o S u n / r e f e r e n c e l a m p )

File 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2~ - 3299 3835 4118 4545 5786 7467 9 044

~'2 3951 4138 4645 5866 7554 8882 12 4 7 3

nbr 34 17 29 69 45 9 14 :z

23 3300 3910 4140 4560 5800 7490 8970

24 3910 4140 4560 5800 7490 8970 12500

n 4 3 1 6 6 4 3
20 3600 4000 4400 5300 6600 8500 11000
ao t.6396 - 01 1.8462 - 01 5.879I - 01 4.6922 - 01 3.5830 - 01 4.6522 - 01 1.0177 - 01
a1 1.7851 - 04 2.8351 - 0 4 5.5180 - 0 4 3.0219 - 04 3.6260 - 05 -9.2711 - 05 - 1.3191 - 05 Z
as 7~7961 - 08 - 5.0793 - 07 3.5178 - 08 -9.8341 - 09 -9.3666 - 08 2.6176 - 09 ~
a3 3.4599- 10 -2.0210- 09 3.2742- 10 1.0068- 10 9.5973- 11 -1,2914- 12
a4 1.5487- 12 2.8725- 13 -2.9576- 14 9.0344- 14
a5 - 8,8239 - 16 - 8.9609 - 17
a6 - 9.5314 - 19 4.2666 - 20

S.D. a 1.13 0.51 0.71 0.44 0.54 0.36 0.53

b 1.06 0.46 0,70 0.42 0.51 0.26 0,46

21 , 2~
= w a v e l e n g t h - l i m i t s o f c a l i b r a t i o n (in v a c u u m , u n i t = 1 A).
= n u m b e r o f 20 ,~ i n t e n s i t y i n t e g r a l s u s e d for l e a s t s q u a r e fit o f t h e c a l i b r a t i o n curve.
23, ~4
= wavelength-limits of adopted spectral range.
= n o r d e r o f p o l y n o m i a l r e p r e s e n t i n g t h e c a l i b r a t i o n curve.
=20 a r b i t r a r y w a v e l e n g t h n e a r c e n t e r o f file (in v a c u u m , u n i t = 1 A).
ao...a 6 = coefficients o f p o l y n o m i a l (calibr. f a c t o r = s u m [ a : , ( 2 - 2o)~]; x = 0 . . . n; 2 = F T S w a v e l e n g t h in v a c u u m , u n i t = 1 A ; u n i t o f calibr, f a c -
t o r = I W c m z s t e r - ~ A - 1).
S . D . a / b = s t a n d a r d d e v i a t i o n s (in }'o) f r o m l e a s t s q u a r e fit u s i n g 20 ]~ i n t e g r a l s o f (a) o r i g i n a l F T S d a t a a n d (b) t h e c a l i b r a t e d s p e c t r u m .


between 8880 and 9815 A. Nevertheless, from the well defined irradiance spectrum it
can be concluded, that in this range the continuum is capable of a well reliable inter-
Finally, the calibrated, but still file-subdivided FTS data had to be pieced together
to get two unique, complete spectra (for central intensity and irradiance). To select the
most appropriate wavelengths for the linkage between two successive files, we plotted
in Figures 3a and b for the overlap regions the ratios of the calibrated FTS data in the
sense (file n + 1)/(file n).
Clearly, due to the scatter of the discrete calibration factors, the calibration curves

1.01 O 9 X 9 9 central intensity 3/2

X NK oe
X, & 9
9 X 0
eoO~ 9

I | I I I \/I
3840 3860 3880 3900 3920 3940
1.01 4/3

099 9 1

4100 4120 4140

1.01 5/4
I X9 9 9 el< 9 elk 9
,&Xe e ~ eO~ 9 tX 9 c3~,.

X .oi 9 ^


4540 4560 4580 4600 4620 4640

1.01 6/5
"OX %
"X e OX 9 X ~ 9 X

0.99 I
t I I I I I

5780 5800 5820 5840 5860 5880

1.01 7/6
Q 9

0.99 I

7460 7480 7500 7520 7540 7560

Fig. 3a. Calibrated FTS spectrum of central intensity: ratios of intensity data in overlap regions of
successive files (file numbers at the right), plotted against vacuum-wavelength (in A). Circles: 20 A integrals,
crosses: 10 A integrals; points: maxima in 5 or 10 A wide intervals. The vertical lines mark the wavelengths
adopted for the linkage between the two files.
THE SOLAR RADIATION BETWEEN 3300 AND 1 2 5 0 0 / k 231

are of restricted accuracy only, and - for obvious reasons - the accuracy is lowest at
both ends of a file. Therefore, in the overlap regions the absolute data of two successive
files will generally not agree exactly, but will show instead slight differences varying with
wavelength. To avoid any breaks in the continuous run of a spectrum, it appears to be
reasonable, to make the linkage at or near those wavelengths, were these differences go
through zero. For practical reasons, the linking wavelengths we have chosen are then

1.01 irrodiance 312

I I I I l I

3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4000

1.01 o x 9 ]
9 9 x o •
t Xeg X 9

I I i I

4000 4020 4040 4060

~ ~ . ,,~ 9 ~'..~/-^: 9149 x _ .
.~ ~ ~.~'~. ~' ~,.~ .. ,~

0.99 9 I
I I I a I

4600 4650 4700 4750 4800


x~ x,o ix ^I~"~L"

I I I l I i I

5720 5740 5760 5780 5800 5820 5840

u, 9

0.99 I

7460 7480 7500 7520 7540 7560

1.01 7b/7a
_ J ~ , .~ee ~ ~ "j'c*

'% 9 ~176176149163149176176 " ~ I

I I I I I l

8500 8600 8700 8800 8900 9000

9. . . ~ 9 1 4 9 ~9 ~ . . . . . ~. . . . . . . .
I9 oe I

9800 9900 10000 10100 10200 10300

Fig. 3b. Like Figure 3a, but for the irradiance spectrum.

at the nearest tens in the (vacuum) A-scale. These wavelengths are included in Tables IV
and V and are marked by short, vertical lines in Figures 3a and b (as well as in some
subsequent figures).
Figures 3a and b also yield information on the accuracy of the calibration curves near
the ends of a file. As the differences exceed only occasionally 0.5 ~o - and then only at
the very last end of one or the other file - we conclude, that 0.5 ~/o is about the maximum
systematic error, by which the calibration curves can be locally affected. Furthermore,
Figure 3a clearly demonstrates the variability of the disk-center intensities in the range
of the Ca K line.
One obvious pecularity shows up for the overlap region of files 2 and 3 of the
irradiance spectrum: The ratios of the calibrated FTS data oscillate with an amplitude
slightly larger than 1 ~/o and a period of about 25 A. This oscillation is - of course - not
traceable in the distribution of the 20 A integral values, but is evident in the 5 A maxima
(compare Section 5).
The reason for this behaviour must be searched for in the production of the FTS
spectra themselves. (According to J. Brault, one simple explanation could be a bird
flying through the solar beam while one of the interferograms was recorded.) So, for
wavelengths below 4000 A the calibrated irradiance spectrum is, as far as monochro-
matic intensities are concerned, of slightly less reliability. But this restriction is almost
insignificant for the integral values.

5. Intensity Maxima and the Position for the 'Continuum' in the Calibrated Kitt
Peak FTS Spectra for Central and Mean Intensity

Having now at hand the absolute calibrated FTS spectra, it is a rather selfevident task
to search in both spectra for the position of the continuum, or, where it is poorly defined,
to study quality and reliability of the 'continuum-windows'. As a by-product one gets
immediately the corresponding ratios of mean to central (continuum) intensity, which
can be used - by comparison with other data - to prove the consistency of the FTS
For these purposes, we extracted from both calibrated FTS spectra the maxima m
successive spectral bands, which had a width of either 5, 10, or 20 A. The air-wavelengths
of these maxima were derived using relation (23). For both spectra - mean and central
intensity - the spectral distributions of the intensity maxima are shown in Figures 4
and 5 for the spectral domains from 3300 to 7000 A (10 A-maxima) and from 6000 to
12 500 A (20 A-maxima), respectively.
The radiation temperatures, which follow from the maximum intensities and their
wavelengths via Planck's law - using the proper 'air-values' of the radiation constants
- have been plotted in Figure 6 (20 A-maxima for 3300 < 2 < 12 500 A) and in Figure 8
(5 A-maxima for 3300 < 2 < 4650 A). Not only for practical reasons, but also to get
synoptical plots, neither intensities nor temperatures were plotted at their precise wave-
lengths, but rather in equidistant intervals at the proper band centers.

w cm -2 ster-1 J~-i


O.Z,O Ix




020 I t I............
3500 /" t,000 5000 6000 7000

Fig. 4. Calibrated FTS spectra for central and mean intensity: maxima in 10 ~ wide spectral bands, which
may serve to localize the 'continuum'. Points in wings of strong lines have been connected. V-shaped symbols
indicate values, which are not plotted at the correct - lower - position.

In that spectral domain, where local maxima are well defined - say below 4500 ~_ - the maxima found
in both spectra within a particular spectral band have usually almost identical wavelengths. Of the 240
maximum-pairs in 5 ~, intervals between 3300 and 4500 :k, 208 pairs exhibit wavelength-differences of less
than 0.1 ~. For these pairs the average difference - in the sense center minus disk - is 0.006 A, while the
standard deviation is 0.015/~. The 32 larger differences are generally due to the fact that we are deahi~g
actually with two, separate maxima, one of which is a tiny bit higher in the center-spectrum, but the other
in the disk-spectrum.
A slightly worse, but still completely satisfying agreement is found, if the wavelengths of the FTS maxima
are compared with those wavelengths, which are quoted by Pierce and Slaughter (1977a) for selected
'continuum-windows'. From their 33 window-wavelengths between 3290 and 5000 A, 26 are found to lie
within 0.3 A of a 5 A FTS maximum; the average difference (FTS-center minus Pierce--Slaughter) is here
- 0.020 A, the standard deviation 0.089 h .

Except for those regions, where the solar continuum is obviously blocked by solar
lines or telluric molecular bands, the maxima plotted in Figures 4 to 6 follow well defined
and smooth courses, and it seems reasonable, to identify them with the course of the
solar continuum - as we did. But this proceeding needs a few comments. First it has
to be noted, that the instrumental 'noise' of the FTS spectra is distinctly less than 0.1%,
so that it can not have a noticeable influence on the height of the maxima and the
resulting continuum level. Nevertheless, also the apparently undisturbed continuum

w cm'2 ster-1 ,~-1

Ix "-..
030 I I%

"~..... ",...
,., %

0.20 ~1%

~'~ doubtfu[
0.15 ~"'*,~ central

"~.. -""~,-,.~,,,._..~
sirong " ~
•oir ['~1 I= tellu,ic
[ I l I I l I i I i I bondsl I i
6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000

Fig. 5. Calibrated FTS spectra for central and m e a n intensity: maxima in 20 ,~ wide spectral bands.

behaves not like a 'mathematical curve', but shows slight intrinsic fluctuations, which
imply, that at an accuracy-level of a few tenths of a percent the exact localization of
the continuum becomes a question of definition. We adopted the definition given by the
maxima, since it avoids any judging on the 'cleanness' of extended continuum-regions.
Furthermore, since the maxima represent generally much more than one data point, the
so defined continuum is within certain limits almost independent on the width of the
spectral intervals, for which the maxima are extracted.
For the discussion of details in the spectral distribution of the continuum it is useful,
to consider the plots of the radiation temperatures, which correspond to the intensity
maxima, rather than the plots of these maxima themselves. The advantage lies in the
facts that (1) the overall variation of the temperatures is much less than the variation
of the intensities and (2) for 2 > 4000 A very simple smoothing curves can be drawn,
which may serve as reference lines, to which any spectral features may be related.
Nevertheless, any characteristics found in the temperature plots have - of course - their
counterparts in the intensity plots.
From Figure 6 it is evident that in the whole region between 4000 and 12 500 A, which
we consider first, the 'highest radiation temperatures' of both spectra follow well defined
courses, which can be represented in quite reasonable approximation by simple
parabolas. These approximations are in fact so close, that the deviations are only

5500 - ! [ K ] 2~3 3 ~ . ' -(center' T=6060+20.9.10-e(X[/~.]-8575) 2



5200 >
6100 disk . .. ..- .'." 7":" "" " "

5900 9 .. ""~.~ ~ T ~ ~ 718 ~ ": Z

5800 >
strong strong
illl. . . . . . . IIII [ l II.: It I I {{ I I teuuric II i{l{ {{ I { t~lluric I {
bands b~nds

3300 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 g000 10000 11000 12000

Fig. 6. Radiation temperatures from intensity maxima in 20 A intervals for bmh calibrated FTS spectra. For 2 > 4000 ~ the 'continuum'-temperatures follow roughly
parabolic curves. A more detailed approximation is obtained from polygonal tracks (compare Table VII), here drawn 100 K above the temperature plots. Vertical
fines at the bottom show the wavelengths of the spectral bands used for calibration (not complete for X < 6500 ]k, where the average distance is 20/~. or less). Vertical
lines and numbers above the plots mark the linkage between successive files. Error bars on the polygonal tracks correspond to intensity variations of + 1%. V-shaped
symbols indicate values, which are not plotted at the correct - lower - position.

occasionally - and then just slightly - outside the range corresponding to +_ 1% in

intensity. (Of course, for these considerations those local maxima are ignored, which
very obviously do not represent the 'continuum' due to the action of teUuric absorption
bands or of strong solar lines, e.g. of the hydrogen Paschen- and Balmer-series.)
Although the deviations from the parabolas are small, their more or less wavy pattern,
which is almost identical in both spectra, seems nevertheless to be significant. As the
calibration curves are much smoother (compare Figure 2), this pattern can not be
produced by the calibration procedure, but is an attribute of the (uncalibrated) FTS
spectra. Even though it can not be excluded, that one or the other feature is caused
or enhanced by faint unresolved telluric molecular bands, which extend over more than
100 A, we suppose, that the general pattern is intrinsic to the solar radiation itself. In
this respect it needs to be noted, that e.g. the two distinct 'dips' centered near 6000 and
10 600 ,~ are not only traceable in the uncalibrated FTS spectra (see Figure 7), but follow
also from our completely independent I2- and 4Mntegrals with proper reduction
(extinction bands!) to zero air-mass (compare Figures 1 and 2 of Neckel and Labs,
1981). The dips are not detectable in the corresponding integral ratios, which define the
calibration curves (check the relevant residuals in Figure 2). This behaviour clearly
indicates solar origin.
Nevertheless, the dip at 10 600/~ coincides with an absorption band of the telluric
(O2)2-complex, which was observed by Curcio (1966) at large air masses (6 < M < 35).

1.1 1.1

1.0 10
"'"" ........ . ...... central intensity .."-"--'.

09 "'.... rite 6 file 8 "'-




09 -- "**+.** 1.1

0.8 - - -%~ 1.0

.............. 9-. ........ irradience .+

0Y . . . . rite 6 I file 8 0.9

~ + ' - - . +,


, I , I , I , I , I , i I i i i ~ I i i i , I J i
5800 6000 6200 6400 10000 10500 11000

Fig. 79 Selected plots of 10 .& maxima in the original, uncalibrated FTS spectra (ratio Sun/reference lamp),
which show slight continuum 'depressions' near 6000 and 10600/~. Both 'dips' are clear features in our
independent, absolute data (see Neckel and Labs, 1981, Figures 1 and 2).

Certainly this band can not be the main cause for the local, very distinct minimum of
the radiation temperatures. However, a minor modulation, but which we assume to be
almost negligible, can here not be excluded.
To have then a better approximation, but still simple mathematical representation,
which does not follow the very last details and is easy to handle, we fitted the radiation
temperatures by polygonal tracks. Both tracks are included in Figure 6 but displaced
by 100 K, so that they do not overlie the original temperature plots.
From Figure 6 it is obvious that at least for wavelengths above 4600 A the polygonal
tracks represent the spectral distribution of both FTS continua within a few tenths of
a percent. Surely, the next better approximation are the original FTS data themselves.
Concerning the polygonal tracks, which we have chosen to approximate the
'continuum' below 4650 A down to 3300 A, we refer to Figure 8, which shows the
temperature maxima in 5 A intervals. It should be emphasized that it is this figure which
reveals for the first time in solar spectroscopy the real, relative quality of the so-called
Apparently, the solar continuum is well defined down to 4420 ~, and may even be
quite reasonably established down to 4020 A. But below that limit, especially in the

2 213 314 415 /
6500 i i i I I I I I r i I I I I I I I I I II I Ii i

6400 .T [K] center

/ ""
~ . . -"
~ O

6300 9 "." "., ." , ,

9~ 1 7 6 ,9
9 9 ~9 . . 9 .
99 9 9 9 j, "% ~
2 213 314 4

6100 disk
/, %. , 9 .
} 9 9 ****
6000 ;'.. ,"

.'... .-: ...-....::..... .

9; 9 9 "


I I I I I I 1 I I I I f I
1300 3500 4000 4500

F i g 8. Calibrated FTS spectra for central and m e a n intensity between 3300 and 4650 ,&: Radiation
temperatures from intensity maxima in 5 A intervals. A polygonal track connecting the highest points
approximates what may be called 'local continuum'. Vertical marks and numbers indicate linkage between
successive files. V-shaped symbols indicate values, which are not plotted at the correct - lower - position
Vertical marks above the upper temperature plot indicate the wavelengths chosen by Pierce and Slaughter
(1977a) for their CLV-observations.

vicinity of the B almer-limit, its localization is - at least from the observer's point of view
- necessarily subject to personal arbitrariness.
Already from a rough inspection of Figure 8 it becomes evident that not all of the
maxima below 4420 ]~, which seem to be a candidate for a real continuum window in
one of the two spectra, can represent the continuum in the other spectrum. So their
qualification has to be doubted in any case, and the existence o f such obvious pseudo-
windows illustrates well the ambiguity of all the windows.
Including these doubtful cases, there is only a total of 13 possible windows below
4425 ~ , which may serve as a guide to localize the 'continuum' - whatever this word
may mean in this wavelength region. Their relevant data have been compiled in
Table VI.

The only 'continuum windows' between 3295 and 4425 ~, which may serve to estimate the
position of the 'local continuum'

Center Disk

2 Ix T 2 F~ T

3298.97 0.3235 6366 3298.97 0.2295 6063

3300.24 0.3238 6367 3300.24 0.2300 6064
3355.43 0.3269 6347 3355.43 (0.2322) (6042)
3658.69 0.3523 6294 3658.70 0.2619 6009
3661.54 0.3527 6294 3661.54 0.2618 6007
3740.87 0.3654 6304 3740.86 (0.2641) (5986)
3755.75 0.3677 6306 3755.75 (0.2650) (5984)
3782.92 0.4083 6409 3782.91 0.2942 6074
4020.71 0.4589 6489 4020.66 0.3369 6146
4163.21 (0.4633) (6482) 4163.19 0.3454 6145
4279.27 0.4652 6478 4279.32 0.3496 6141
4287.21 (0.4641) (6474) 4287.24 0.3498 6141
4419.41 0.4597 6457 4419.41 0.3480 6121

2 = wavelength (in air, unit = 1 A).

I~ = intensity at disk-center "~unit = 1 W era- 2 ster - 1 A - 1.
Fz = disk-averaged intensity
T = radiation temperature.
Brackets indicate 'windows' of poorer quality appearing in one of both spectra.

Taking then into account the obvious restricted reliability of the 'windows' below
4420 ~_, in this region the polygonal tracks should be considered merely as 'tracks
connecting the by chance highest maxima according to the personal choice of the
authors' rather than as qualified approximations o f the real 'solar continuum'.
Those wavelengths and temperatures, which define the complete polygonal tracks
between 3300 and 12 500 A, are compiled in Table VII. This table includes also the
corresponding values for mean (F) and central (I) intensity as well as their ratios, F/L

Polygonal tracks of radiation temperatures representing the solar 'local continuum'

x r~ T~ F~ 5 F/I

3 300 6065 6365 0.2303 0.3232 0.7125

3 500 6020 6305 0.2460 0.3351 0.7342
3 650 6010 6295 0.2613 0.3518 0.7428
3 770 6010 6310 0.2739 0.3707 0.7390
3 780 6075 6410 0.2942 0.4085 0.7203
3 900 6125 6465 0.3208 0.4407 0.7279
4000 6145 6490 0.3351 0.4578 0.7319
4150 6145 6490 0.3446 0.4657 0.7400
4 300 6140 6480 0.3500 0.4665 0.7503
4 450 6120 6455 0.3486 0.4592 0.7590
4 550 6100 6430 0.3446 0.4504 0.7651
4 625 6080 6405 0.3398 0.4413 0.7700
4 675 6050 6372 0.3317 0.4297 0.7720
4 975 6013 6330 0.3214 0.4098 0.7842
5 500 5940 6240 0.2931 0.3633 0.8069
5 850 5920 6215 0.2773 0.3389 0.8182
6000 5895 6185 0.2668 0.3241 0.8234
6 200 5900 6195 0.2598 0.3145 0.8258
6950 5815 6100 0.2151 0.2553 0.8423
7 500 5810 6085 0.1919 0.2241 0.8561
7 600 5790 6060 0,1857 0.2162 0.8591
8 500 5795 6060 0.1529 0.1751 0.8733
8 800 5820 6090 0.1447 0.1653 0.8754
10000 5860 6130 0.1119 0.1260 0.8879
10 500 5855 6125 0.0994 0. l 115 0.8916
10600 5845 6115 0.0968 0.1085 0.8920
11 800 5985 6280 0.0781 0.0872 0.8951
12300 6070 6360 0.072I 0.0799 0.9016
12 500 6080 6360 0.0692 0.0764 0.9059

2 = wavelength (in air, unit = 1 It).

tTD, T c = radiation temperatures for disk and center, respectively.
Fa = mean intensity corresponding to TD ~ unit = 1 W cm- 2 ster- ~ it - ~.
I~ central intensity corresponding to T c J
F/I = ratio of mean to central intensity for 'local continuum' defined by TO and T c.
(For To and T c we get interim values from linear interpolation, but for Fr Ix, and F/ I from interpolated

I n F i g u r e s 9 a n d 10 w e show, finally, the ratios o f m e a n to c e n t r a l intensity, w h i c h

f o l l o w ( a ) f r o m the l i m b d a r k e n i n g o b s e r v a t i o n s o b t a i n e d by P i e r c e a n d S l a u g h t e r
(1977a, b) for selected c o n t i n u u m w i n d o w s , a n d (b) f r o m t h e c a l i b r a t e d F T S s p e c t r a for
the local m a x i m a in 10 o r 20 A w i d e spectral b a n d s . A s r e f e r e n c e lines, w e a d d e d in b o t h
plots t h e p o l y g o n a l tracks, w h i c h are defined by t h e F / I - r a t i o s g i v e n in T a b l e VII.
T h e F T S ratios w e r e c o m p u t e d for e a c h s u c c e s s i v e spectral b a n d , r e g a r d l e s s o f
w h e t h e r the m a x i m a are in b o t h s p e c t r a at the s a m e w a v e l e n g t h o r not, a n d are p l o t t e d
at the b a n d - c e n t e r . T o e n a b l e an e a s y c o m p a r i s o n , t h o s e m a x i m a , w h i c h c o r r e s p o n d to
P i e r c e - S l a u g h t e r - w i n d o w s , h a v e b e e n p l o t t e d as o p e n circles, all o t h e r ratios as points.

0.85 l


. ~ ' "9 " ' " T,~



I I l I I I I I
3300 /.000 5000 6000 7000
Fig. 9. Ratio of mean to central intensity for local maxima in the spectral curves: (a) from the CLV of
'window'-intensities as observed by Pierce and Slaughter (1977a; points) and by us at Kitt Peak for four
Pierce-Slaughter-wavelengths within the 20 ~-CLV-program, but using a 0.1 ~ passband (circles); (b) from
the calibrated Kitt Peak FTS spectra of mean and central intensity (maxima in 10 ~ wide intervals); values
at Pierce-Slaughter-wavelengths are plotted as circles; points in wings of strong lines have been connected.
The polygonal curves are tbe continuum-ratios following from the polygonal tracks which approximate the
radiation temperatures for the 'continuum-windows' (compare Figures 6 and 8 and Table VII).

Noticeable features in the FTS plots are - of course - the peaks caused by the
hydrogen lines and by H and K of Ca + . Furthermore, it is evident that in those regions,
where the FTS maxima do not represent the continuum, their F/l-ratios are generally
below the continuum-curve, as a consequence of the fact that in the average the solar
absorption lines do increase in strength towards the limb (compare also Figure 1).
The slight 'depression' located between 8000 and 8500 A needs a special comment.
Although one could argue that the dashed lines connecting the corresponding
Pierce-Slaughter-values seem to show a similar pattern, and that therefore this feature
might be real (e.g. a solar molecular band that strengthens towards the limb), we are
inclined to explain it by the fact that just in this region the calibration curves of both
files 7 have their maxima, but which are poorly defined due to a nearly 500 A wide gap
in the absolute intensity integrals (compare Figure 2). Slight systematic errors in the
calibration curves for both spectra on the order of 0.25 % at maximum, but of opposite
sign, account fully for this imperfection9
Concerning the comparison between the Pierce-Slaughter-ratios and the correspond-
ing FTS values one could hardly expect a more satisfactory agreement. The slight
systematic differences, which occur between about 5250 and 6100 ,~ and again around
10 000 A, have very likely a similar origin as the dip near 8000 A: they are to be explained


./~ - ~ ' ~ "

0.85 I % ! P6 Py

- bands

Xoir [A] ,..

0.80 I i I i f I I ~ I i I I I I
6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000
Fig. 10. Ratio of mean to central intensityfor local maxima inthe spectral curves: (a)from the CLV at
continuum-wavelengthsas observedby Pierceand Slaughter(1977a, b); (b) fromthe calibratedFTS spectra
of mean and central intensity(maximain 20/~ wide intervals); values at Pierce-Slaughter-wavelengthsare
plotted as circles. For polygonalcurves see Figure 9.

by the accuracy-restrictions for the least square fits of the calibration curves and for the
localization of the continuum in the calibrated FTS spectra by means of the intensity
maxima. (We remind, that in the infrared the conversion of our absolute 20 ,~ integrals
from central into mean intensity was based on the Pierce-Slaughter-ratios themselves.)
Only in the visible region minor systematic differences in the limb-darkening-data may
yield a slight contributionl But again, even the largest differences are explainable by local
systematic errors, which do not exceed 0.3 To in either calibrated FTS spectrum. This
is clearly the limit attainable from our absolute data.

6. Spectral Averages of Irradiance and Disk-Center Intensity for Successive

Spectral Bands

For many applications absolute radiation data are required which concern the actual
spectral distribution with all the solar absorption lines included rather than the position
of the continuum. The advantages in deriving appropriate spectral averages from the
calibrated FTS spectra appear to be obvious: practically no intrinsic scatter, which
could result from random observational errors, and no limitations for the choice of
location and width of the spectral bands, for which the averages should be given.
However, restrictions are set by the telluric lines, which occur throughout the largest part
of the spectrum. Again we declined to evaluate the telluric line blocking from the F T S
spectra themselves (compare Section 4), but tried to profit from the relevant data which

are available in the literature. For this reason we can give reliable spectral averages only
for the wavelength region below 8700 ~,; beyond that wavelength the continuum data
and a lumped solar line absorption have to serve as a substitute.
The average values of the irradiance ?~o and of the disk-center intensity iao, which are
presented in Tables Xa (3300-6300 ,~; 10 ,~ averages) and Xb (6300-8700 A; 20
averages) for the line spectrum and in Table XI (8700-12 500 A; 50 A averages) for the
continuum, are defined by
2c + d)./2

~ - ,t2/2

& - Ax/2

s(2) and 1(2) denote the absolute spectral distribution of irradiance and disk-center
intensity respectively, concerning either the line spectrum (4 < 8700 A; Tables Xa
and b) or the continuum (2 > 8700 ,~; Table XI). A2 is the width of the band (10, 20,
or 50 A) and 2c the air-wavelength of its center.
Both, the distribution of the telluric line absorption throughout the spectrum and the
availability of appropriate data, required a subdivision of the whole spectral domain into
four parts, which demand an individual treatment. In these four spectral regions the
averages ~ and I - we omit the suffix 2c - were derived as follows:
3300-5400 ft. Below 5400 A there is no significant absorption by telluric lines; the
few extremely weak lines have been ignored. The average radiation data are here most
easily obtained by averaging all calibrated FTS data being located between the particular
or i = [ C S e / S L ] / N . (31)
As in Section 4 (compare Equation (28)), [ C S o / S L ] denotes the sum and Nthe number
of all calibrated FTS data within the band. Concerning the precise wavenumbers of the
band-limits we refer to Section 4, Equations (22), (24), (25) and to the relevant text.
5400-6860 A. As pointed out already in Sections 2 and 4, in this region the absorption
by telluric lines is not negligible, but nevertheless so weak that a thorough treatment is
not required. So we made again use of the absorption data published by Ardeberg and
Virdefors (1975, 1978) for unit air mass at Jungfraujoch (compare Section 2.2), and
adapted their values to the atmospheric conditions at Kitt Peak according to
Equation (26). The resulting telluric line blocking coefficients t/reP are given in Table VIII.
The average radiation data ~ and 7 follow then from the supplemented version of
Equation (31):

or i - [CSe/SL]/N (3.2)
1 - r/KV

Telluric line absorption for 10 A spectral bands adopted for Kitt Peak FTS spectra
between 5400 and 6860

2 ~KP 2 ~KP 2 ~KP 2 ~KP

5405 0.00 5805 0.11 6205 0.00 6605 0.04

5415 0.06 5815 0.20 6215 0.00 6615 0.03
5425 0.04 5825 0.03 6225 0.00 6625 0.01
5435 0.01 5835 0.04 6235 0.00 6635 0.01
5445 0.01 5845 0.05 6245 0.00 6645 0.01
5455 0.07 5855 0.04 6255 0.00 6655 0.03
5465 0.01 5865 0.14 6265 0.03 6665 0.03
5475 0.03 5875 0.23 6275 3.23 6675 0.00
5485 0.00 5885 0.79 6285 1.99 6685 0.01
5495 0.00 5895 0.52 6295 2.30 6695 0.00
5505 0.00 5905 0.47 6305 1.14 6705 0.00
5515 0.00 5915 0.38 6315 0.69 6715 0.00
5525 0.00 5925 0.30 6325 0.11 6725 0.01
5535 0.00 5935 0.26 6335 0.07 6735 0.01
5545 0.00 5945 0.45 6345 0.08 6745 0.04
5555 0.00 5955 0.30 6355 0.12 6755 0.04
5565 0.00 5965 0.27 6365 0.03 6765 0.00
5575 0.00 5975 0.22 6375 0.07 6775 0.00
5585 0.00 5985 0.17 6385 0.00 6785 0.01
5595 0.00 5995 0.18 6395 0.03 6795 0.01

5605 0.00 6005 0.21 6405 0.06 6805 0.01

5615 0.00 6015 0.03 6415 0.00 6815 0.00,
5625 0.00 6025 0.13 6425 0.04 6825 0.00
5635 0.00 6035 0.05 6435 0.04 6835 0.00
5645 0.00 6045 0.03 6445 0.05 6845 0.05
5655 0.00 6055 0.00 6455 0.07 6855 0.03
5665 0.00 6065 0.00 6465 0.11
5675 0.04 6075 0.00 6475 0.08
5685 0.17 6085 0.00 6485 0.16
5695 0.08 6095 0.00 6495 0.14
5705 0.07 6105 0.00 6505 0.17
5715 0.13 6115 0.00 6515 0.27
5725 0.08 6125 0.00 6525 0.07
5735 0.04 6135 0.00 6535 0.19
5745 0.11 6145 0.00 6545 0.24
5755 0.11 6155 0.00 6555 0.22
5765 0.18 6165 0.00 6565 0.21
5775 0.10 6175 0.00 6575 0.08
5785 0.11 6185 0.00 6585 0.18
5795 0.18 6195 0.00 6595 0.03

2 = wavelength for center of band (in air, unit = 1 ~).

r/KP = telluric line absorption (in percent).

A s t]KP is a s m a l l q u a n t i t y , w h i c h o n l y for a f e w b a n d s e x c e e d s 0.5 % , it c a n b e s u p p o s e d

t h a t t h e a c c u r a c y o f t h e final a v e r a g e s d i d n o t suffer n o t i c e a b l y u n d e r t h e a p p l i e d

6860-8700 A. For the wavelength region beyond 6860 .~ no information on telluric

lines is available, which allows an easy and reliable estimate of the telluric line blocking
in the Kitt Peak FTS spectra. Nevertheless, below 8700 ~ sufficiently precise spectral
averages can be derived by merging the well defined FTS continuum with the absorption
of the solar lines, for which equivalent widths are given in the 'Solar Spectrum Tables'
of Moore et al. (1966). Since in this region the absorption by solar lines is in the average
less than the telluric line blocking, this procedure is here in any case the more reliable
Actually, between 6860 and 8700 A the spectral averages ofirradiance and disk-center
intensity were derived using the formulas
,1.c + A 2 / 2

s2o- = 0.995(1A2- /']disk) f Scont(2) d2", (33)

2 e -- /i2/2

2 c + A2/2

0.995(1 t/o.~ter)
]2c = - / Icom(2) d2. (34)
A2 J
2 c - A,l/2

Seo=t(2) and I~o~t(2) denote the absolute continuum functions for irradiance and disk-
center intensity respectively, being defined by the polygonal tracks of the radiation
temperatures given in Table VII. t]disk and r/~o~t,r are the proper fractions of radiation
absorbed by solar lines, which follow - in principle - from a summation of the
equivalent widths (for details see below). The factor 0.995 is an average, empirical
correction term, which was found to be necessary to avoid slight systematic differences
between the averages derived from (33) or (34) and those which would have been
obtained from direct integration of the FTS spectra in absence of telluric lines. Such
a correction factor, which is slightly less than 1, is quite plausible: it accounts for those
weak absorption features, which are not included in the 'Moore-Tables', and for a minor
difference between the continuum curve defined by the intensity maxima and that
average background level, from which the equivalent widths had been counted.
The solar line blocking coefficients r/~e~ter were generally obtained from the 'Moore-
Tables' by summing up the equivalent widths of all lines having their centers within the
particular spectral bands. There are three exceptions from this rule: the strong Ca II lines
centered at 8498.05, 8542.13, and 8662.17 A, which affect up to four successive 20 it
bands, were splitted properly using the line profiles - and equivalent widths - published
by de Jager and Neven (1967).
Deriving the proper coefficients for the disk-averaged radiation, t/disk, we made use
of the approximation
~]disk = Y]center[ 1 + 0"43(~]0.3//']center -- 1)], (35)

which results from the relation

~/ooss - t/oenter ~ 1 -- COS8 (36)

and the particular limb darkening coefficients (for details see Neckel a n d Labs, 1981).
F o r all ' n o r m a l ' lines taken from the ' M o o r e - T a b l e s ' we adopted (as in our 1981-
paper) ~]0.3/~]center = 1.05; for the three C a n lines individual values were used, which
result from the profiles for c o s 0 = 0.3 a n d cos0 = 1.0 given by de Jager a n d Neven.
The resulting line blocking coefficients are compiled in Table IX. F o r those bands,
for which separate disk-values are n o t given, we adopted - according to relation ( 3 5 ) -
/']disk = l ' 0 2 Y ] c e n t e r "
Intrinsic solar line blocking at disk-center for 20 ~ spectral bands; for bands including strong Can lines
with abnormal CLV - or their wings - disk-averaged values are appended

2 r/ 2 t/ 2 t/ 2 t/

7310 1.66 7810 1.04 8310 0.83

7330 1.81 7830 1.47 8330 3.61
7350 2.07 7850 0.71 8350 1.46
6870 0.98 7370 1.85 7870 0.61 8370 1.07
6890 0.87 7390 3.53 7890 0.43 8390 1.61
6910 1.23 7410 4.63 7910 1.31 8410 0.91
6930 0.74 7430 2.14 7930 2.14 8430 1.99
6950 1.02 7450 2.27 7950 2.51 8450 1.18
6970 2.01 7470 1.54 7970 0.57 8470 1.46
6990 1.01 7490 2.11 7990 1.61 8490 6.64/6.24
7010 3.24 7510 2.17 8010 0.58 8510 2.81/2.79
7030 2.71 7530 1.82 8030 1.26 8530 5.66/5.36
7050 0.53 7550 1.44 8050 2.02 8550 15.34/14.32
7070 1.12 7570 1.35 8070 1.20 8570 0.94/0.93
7090 1.87 7590 1.36 8090 2.96 8590 1.91
7110 1.40 7610 1.10 8110 0.91 8610 1.55
7130 1.84 7630 0.37 8130 0.37 8630 0.97/0.98
7150 1.96 7650 1.55 8150 0.63 8650 3.83/3.58
7170 2.44 7670 3.95 8170 0.50 8670 13.37/12.20
7190 3.93 7690 2.15 8190 3.73 8690 3.12/3.16
7210 3.29 7710 1.64 8210 1.77
7230 1.70 7730 0.94 8230 1.93
7250 1.12 7750 2.15 8250 1.41
7270 1.03 7770 1.10 8270 0.83
7290 2.56 7790 1.39 8290 0.77

2 = wavelength for center of band (in air, unit = 1 ~).

t/= line blocking coefficient(in percent),

8700-12500ft. D u e to the lack of reliable solar line blocking values, the average
radiation data given for this d o m a i n concern the c o n t i n u o u s spectrum rather than the
line spectrum. We estimate that in this region the total solar line absorption lies between
1.5 a n d 2.5~o a n d propose to take 2~o as a m e a n correction to get nearly correct
line-spectrum averages; their errors should seldom exceed 1 ~o. Special attention should
be paid to the hydrogen lines P7 at 10 938.1 A and P5 at 10049.4 A. Their equivalent-
widths are - according to de Jager and N e v e n (1967) - at disk center 2.14 A (P~,) and

Average radiation data for 10 ~ bands (lines included)

3305 10.07 0.2082 3805 12.91 0.2628 4305 11.38 0.2224

3315 9.69 0.2024 3815 10.98 0.2272 4315 16.90 0.3324
3325 9.22 0.1936 3825 7.34 0.1464 4325 16.50 0.3226
3335 9.06 0.1889 3835 6.85 0.1288 4335 17.35 0.3286
3345 9.41 0.1961 3845 10.28 0.2106 4345 16.74 0.3130
3355 9.83 0.2070 3855 9.55 0.1970 4355 17.27 0.3377
3365 7.66 0.1592 3865 10.72 0.2222 4365 19.34 0.3799
3375 8.67 0.1805 3875 9.67 0.1974 4375 18.11 0.3577
3385 9.17 0.1913 3885 9.13 0.1776 4385 15.71 0.3091
3395 9.38 0.1960 3895 12.29 0.2434 4395 18.30 0.3609
3405 9.93 0.2057 3905 12.25 0.2498 4405 17.17 0.3379
3415 9.37 0.1952 3915 14.00 0.2884 4415 19.36 0.3794
3425 9.96 0.2062 3925 9.56 0.1924 4425 19.85 0.3890
3435 9.86 0.2041 3935 4.90 0.0868 4435 19.14 0.3740
3445 7.20 0.1475 3945 11.03 0.2232 4445 19.78 0.3862
3455 9.68 0.1997 3955 13.80 0.2795 4455 18.26 0.3552
3465 9.20 0.1892 3965 6.51 0.1222 4465 18.96 0.3695
3475 9.03 0.1857 3975 10.41 0.2018 4475 20.82 0.4044
3485 9.49 0.1951 3985 15.40 0.3096 4485 19.78 0.3830
3495 8.66 0.1777 3995 16.57 0.3359 4495 20.32 0.3949
3505 11.21 0.2294 4005 16.51 0.3344 4505 21.49 0.4166
3515 9.94 0.2037 4015 17.99 0.3640 4515 21.14 0.4098
3525 8.72 0.1779 4025 18.06 0.3652 4525 19.46 0.3762
3535 11.17 0.2282 4035 16.60 0.3369 4535 19.75 0.3821
3545 11.35 0.2313 4045 16.04 0.3244 4545 19.84 0.3832
3555 10.59 0.2170 4055 16.74 0.3379 4555 20.39 0.3935
3565 9.39 0.1917 4065 16.26 0.3289 4565 20.82 0.4024
3575 8.92 0.1818 4075 15.47 0.3112 4575 21.05 0.4066
3585 6.28 0.1266 4085 18.27 0.3644 4585 19.76 0.3812
3595 11.38 0.2306 4095 17.08 0.3316 4595 20.14 0.3893
3605 9.80 0.1980 4105 15.04 0.2832 4605 20.45 0.3950
3615 8.95 0.1795 4115 18.22 0.3602 4615 20.60 0.3969
3625 11.77 0.2387 4125 17.94 0.3582 4625 21.09 0.4058
3635 9.59 0.1921 4135 17.60 0.3521 4635 20.45 0.3939
3645 10.16 0.2055 4145 17.41 0.3491 4645 19.81 0.3818
3655 12.65 0.2542 4155 17.38 0.3476 4655 20.47 0.3936
3665 12.51 0.2522 4165 18.47 0.3686 4665 19.26 0.3702
3675 12.16 0.2449 4175 16.69 0.3333 4675 20.20 0.3875
3685 10.90 0.2197 4185 16.88 0.3367 4685 19.99 0.3841
3695 13.33 0.2684 4195 17.05 0.3418 4695 19.95 0.3826
3705 10.77 0.2162 4205 17.62 0.3522 4705 18.82 0.3593
3715 13.09 0.2640 4215 18.02 0.3606 4715 20.23 0.3866
3725 10.66 0.2151 4225 15.86 0.3155 4725 20.46 0.3904
3735 8.39 0.1679 4235 17.15 0.3416 4735 19.96 0.3798
3745 8.79 0.1769 4245 17.72 0.3529 4745 20.56 0.3901
3755 11.43 0.2307 4255 16.99 0.3396 4755 20.21 0.3835
3765 11.03 0.2224 4265 17.02 0.3383 4765 19.61 0.3719
3775 12.93 0.2591 4275 15.73 0.3128 4775 20.80 0.3933
3785 13.43 0.2774 4285 15.91 0.3157 4785 20.14 0.3816
3795 10.01 0.1982 4295 14.79 0.2922 4795 20.81 0.3940

Table Xa(continued)

4805 20.40 0.3855 5305 19.57 0,3606 5805 18.43 0.3334

4815 20.95 0.3955 5315 19.68 0,3620 5815 18.58 0.3356
4825 20.28 0.3826 5325 17.75 0,3267 5825 18.78 0.3387
4835 20.24 0.3808 5335 19.28 0,3545 5835 18.62 0.3357
4845 19.74 0.3697 5345 18.63 0.3428 5845 18.65 0.3359
4855 18.35 0.3357 5355 19.95 0.3665 5855 17.88 0.3217
4865 16.29 0.2925 5365 18.76 0.3437 5865 18.35 0.3300
4875 18.35 0.3422 5375 18.87 0.3468 5875 18.53 0.3331
4885 19.19 0.3604 5385 19.09 0.3499 5885 17.54 0.3153
4895 19.65 0.3692 5395 18.37 0.3376 5895 16.16 0.2911
4905 20.12 0.3789 5405 17.74 0.3257 5905 18.18 0.3265
4915 19.01 0.3583 5415 18.86 0.3454 5915 17.92 0.3218
4925 19.01 0.3579 5425 18.30 0.3352 5925 18.13 0.3255
4935 18.93 0.3565 5435 18.84 0.3460 5935 18.01 0.3229
4945 20.63 0.3883 5445 18.84 0.3450 5945 17.78 0.3191
4955 19.31 0.3627 5455 19.06 0.3491 5955 17.87 0.3206
4965 20.22 0.3807 5465 18,84 0.3447 5965 18.10 0.3242
4975 20.23 0.3809 5475 18,38 0.3365 5975 17.85 0.3198
4985 18.71 0.3515 5485 18,68 0.3419 5985 17.62 0.3154
4995 19.75 0.3717 5495 19,00 0.3476 5995 17.79 0.3185
5005 18.62 0.3500 5505 18,67 0.3414 6005 17.50 0.3132
5015 18.17 0.3413 5515 18,76 0.3429 6015 17.55 0.3139
5025 18.99 0.3569 5525 18,51 0.3376 6025 17.23 0.3079
5035 19.39 0.3638 5535 18.87 0.3447 6035 17.92 0.3205
5045 18.74 0.3520 5545 19.03 0.3469 6045 17.81 0.3183
5055 19.98 0.3750 5555 19.02 0,3467 6055 17.68 0.3158
5065 19,66 0.3688 5565 18.26 0.3327 6065 17.64 0.3152
5075 19.11 0.3584 5575 18.51 0.3370 6075 17.62 0.3147
5085 19.24 0.3611 5585 17.92 0.3264 6085 17.47 0.3123
5095 19.21 0.3598 5595 18.13 0.3298 6095 17.48 0.3124
5105 19.52 0.3662 5605 18.48 0.3359 6105 17.07 0.3047
5115 20.02 0.3752 5615 18.29 0.3322 6115 17.50 0.3126
5125 18.72 0.3511 5625 18.55 0.3373 6125 17.09 0.3052
5135 18.66 0.3486 5635 18.66 0.3389 6135 16.87 0.3012
5145 18,79 0.3514 5645 18.59 0.3375 6145 17.17 0.3063
5155 19.05 0.3562 5655 18.03 0.3269 6155 17.17 0.3060
5165 16.73 0.3123 5665 18.34 0.3325 6165 16.13 0.2876
5175 17.30 0.3212 5675 18.92 0,3425 6175 17.11 0.3051
5185 16.58 0.3066 5685 18.15 0.3286 6185 17.28 0.3083
5195 18.33 0.3407 5695 18.65 0.3379 6195 17.11 0.3052
5205 18.36 0.3414 5705 17.74 0.3211 6205 17.38 0.3098
5215 19,11 0.3550 5715 18.28 0.3305 6215 16.94 0.3021
5225 18.28 0.3392 5725 18.97 0.3430 6225 17.17 0.3063
5235 18.99 0.3517 5735 18.81 0.3399 6235 16.70 0.2972
5245 19.63 0.3636 5745 18.72 0.3381 6245 16.60 0.2956
5255 19.35 0.3584 5755 18.35 0.3312 6255 16.36 0.2915
5265 16.78 0.3103 5765 18.51 0.3339 6265 17.01 0.3031
5275 18.33 0.3382 5775 18.62 0.3363 6275 17.01 0.3036
5285 19.02 0.3510 5785 17.88 0.3240 6285 17.01 0.3034
5295 19.23 0.3546 5795 18.33 0.3316 6295 16.81 0.2996

2 = wavelength for center of band (in air, unit = 1 ,~).

~_a = irradiance at mean distance (10 - 6 W cm - 2 A - 1).
14 = intensity at disk center (W cm - 2 ster - 1 /~k - 1 ).

Averageradiationdata ~ r 2 0 A bands(linesincluded)

2 sz Ia X ~ ]a 2 sa 7x

6310 16.43 0.2926 7110 13.89 0.2414 7910 11.61 0.1976

6330 16.55 0.2944 7130 13.77 0.2391 7930 11.46 0.1950
6350 16.60 0.2948 7150 13.70 0.2377 7950 11.37 0.1934
6370 16.58 0.2944 7170 13.57 0.2355 7970 11.55 0.1963
6390 16.55 0.2936 7190 13.31 0.2308 7990 11.38 0.1934
6410 16.18 0.2867 7210 13.34 0.2312 8010 11.45 0.1945
6430 16.25 0.2880 7230 13.51 0.2339 8030 11.32 0.1922
6450 16.31 0.2886 7250 13.53 0.2342 8050 11.18 0.1899
6470 16.07 0.2843 7270 13.49 0.2333 8070 11.23 0.1906
6490 15.62 0.2764 7290 13.22 0.2286 8090 10.98 0.1863
6510 16.10 0.2843 7310 13.29 0.2296 8110 11.17 0.1893
6530 16.03 0.2821 7330 13.21 0.2281 8130 11.18 0.1895
6550 15.36 0.2663 7350 13.12 0.2265 8150 11.10 0.1881
6570 13.88 0.2369 7370 13.10 0.2259 8170 11.07 0.1875
6590 15.53 0.2723 7390 12.81 0.2209 8190 10.66 0.1805
6610 15.75 0.2770 7410 12.61 0.2174 8210 10.83 0.1833
6630 15.59 0.2743 7430 12.89 0.2220 8230 10.76 0.1822
6650 15.64 0.2750 7450 12.82 0.2206 8250 10.78 0.1823
6670 15.39 0.2705 7470 12.86 0.2212 8270 10.79 0.1825
6690 15.50 0.2724 7490 12.73 0.2188 8290 10.75 0.1817
6710 15.20 0.2670 7510 12.65 0.2174 8310 10.70 0.1808.
6730 15.25 0.2676 7530 12.62 0.2166 8330 10.35 0.1749,
6750 15.14 0.2654 7550 12.58 0.2159 8350 10.54 0.1779
6770 15.12 0.2651 7570 12.51 0.2145 8370 10.53 0.1778
6790 15.02 0.2633 7590 12.43 0.2129 8390 10.43 0.1760
6810 14.96 0.2621 7610 12.40 0.2122 8410 10.46 0.1764
6830 14.83 0.2597 7630 12.44 0.2128 8430 10.29 0.1736
6850 14.59 0.2553 7650 12.24 0.2093 8450 10.34 0,1742
6870 14.71 0.2574 7670 11.88 0.2033 8470 10.26 0,1729
6890 14.65 0.2562 7690 12.06 0.2062 8490 9.72 0.1630
6910 14.52 0.2538 7710 12.07 0.2063 8510 10.04 0.1690
6930 14.52 0.2536 7730 12.11 0.2068 8530 9.74 0.1634
6950 14.40 0.2515 7750 11.91 0.2033 8550 8.78 0.1461
6970 14.20 0.2478 7770 11.99 0.2046 8570 10.12 0.1703
6990 14.29 0.2492 7790 11.90 0.2030 8590 9.98 0.1680
7010 13.90 0.2424 7810 11.90 0.2028 8610 9.98 0.1680
7030 13.92 0.2426 7830 11.79 0.2010 8630 10.00 0.1683
7050 14.19 0.2469 7850 11.83 0.2016 8650 9.71 0.16281
7070 14.04 0.2443 7870 11.80 0.2009 8670 8.81 0.1461
7090 13.88 0.2413 7890 11.77 0.2003 8690 9.68 0.1628,

i = wavelength for center of band (in air, unit = 1 ~).

~_~ = irradiance at mean distance (10 -6 W cm -2 ~ - 1).
Iz = intensity at disk center (W cm - z ster - 1 ~ - 1).

1.80 A ( P b ) ; t h e d i s k v a l u e s are 1.64 a n d 1.25 A, r e s p e c t i v e l y . F o r 50 ,~ w i d e s p e c t r a l

b a n d s w h i c h are c e n t e r e d at t h e l i n e - c e n t e r s , t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g a b s o r p t i o n a m o u n t s to
4.3 o r 3.3~o ( e T ) a n d 3.6 o r 2.5~o (Pb).

Average radiation data for 50 A bands (continuum values, solar line blocking not included)

10025 7.56 0.1252 11525 5.58 0.0917

10075 7.47 0.1237 11 575 5.53 0.0909
10125 7.38 0.1222 I 1625 5.48 0.0900
10175 7.30 0.1207 11675 5.43 0.0892
8725 9.98 0.1677 10225 7.21 0.1192 11725 5.38 0.0884
8775 9.89 0.1661 10275 7.13 0.1178 11775 5.33 0.0876
8825 9.79 0.1644 10325 7.05 0.1164 11825 5.29 0.0868
8875 9.69 0.1626 10375 6.96 0.1150 11875 5.25 0.0861
8925 9.58 0.1607 10425 6.88 0.1136 11925 5.20 0.0853
8975 9.48 0.1589 10475 6.80 0.1122 11975 5.16 0.0846
9025 9.38 0.1571 10525 6.72 0.1108 12025 5.12 0.0839
9075 9.28 0.1554 10575 6.63 0.1092 12075 5.08 0.0831
9125 9.18 0.1536 10625 6.55 0.1080 12125 5.04 0.0824
9175 9.09 0.1519 10675 6.49 0.1070 12 t75 5.00 0.0817
9225 8.99 0.1502 10725 6.44 0.1061 12225 4.96 0.0810
9275 8.89 0.1485 10775 6.38 0.1051 12275 4.92 0.0803
9325 8.80 0.1468 10825 6.32 0.1041 12325 4.88 0.0795
9375 8.70 0.1452 10875 6.27 0.1032 12375 4.83 0.078~
9425 8.61 0.1435 10925 6.21 0.1023 12425 4.78 0.0777
9475 8.52 0.1419 10975 6.15 0.1013 12475 4.73 0.0768[
9525 8.43 0.1403 11025 6.10 0.1004
9575 8.34 0.1387 11075 6.05 0.0995
9625 8.25 0.1372 11 125 5.99 0.0986
9675 8.16 0.1356 11 175 5.94 0.0977
9725 8.07 0.1341 11225 5.89 0.0968
9775 7.98 0.1326 11275 5.83 0.0960
9825 7.90 0.1311 11325 5.78 0.0951
9875 7.81 0.1296 11 375 5.73 0.0942
9925 7.73 0.1281 11425 5.68 0.0934
9975 7.65 0.1267 11475 5.63 0.0925

2 = wavelength for center of band (in air, unit = 1 ~).

~. = irradiance at mean distance (10-6 W cm -2 ~ - i ) .
]j~ = intensity at disk center (W cm - 2 ster - 1 ,~ - ~).

I n T a b l e X I I w e h a v e finally c o m p i l e d t h e o v e r a l l i r r a d i a n c e i n t e g r a l s w h i c h f o l l o w
f r o m T a b l e s X a , X b , a n d X I for t h e f o u r s u b d i v i s i o n s t r e a t e d b e f o r e . F o r t h e r e g i o n s
w h i c h a r e n o t c o v e r e d b y t h e c a l i b r a t e d F T S d i s k s p e c t r u m , w e a d o p t e d - as i n o u r
1 9 8 1 - p a p e r - t h e a p p r o p r i a t e i r r a d i a n c e i n t e g r a l s f r o m t h e l i t e r a t u r e as i n d i c a t e d . A
s u m m a t i o n o f all t h e s m a l l e s t a n d all t h e l a r g e s t v a l u e s yields l o w e r a n d u p p e r limit f o r
t h e s o l a r c o n s t a n t : 1.369 a n d 1.378 k W m - 2. ( F r o m t h e p r e l i m i n a r y r e d u c t i o n p u b l i s h e d
in 1981 w e h a d o b t a i n e d 1.368 a n d 1.377 k W m - 2 . )
Recent quotations of the solar constant, which are based on measurements made
f r o m b a l l o o n s , r o c k e t s o r satellites b y m e a n s o f r a d i o m e t e r s r e c o r d i n g t h e t o t a l s o l a r
flux, r a n g e f r o m 1.3655 ( B r u s a , 1983) t o 1.3727 k W m - 2 ( H i c k e y et aL, 1982). W i l l s o n
( 1 9 8 2 ) gives 1 . 3 6 8 2 k W m - 2 as t h e m e a n v a l u e o b t a i n e d o n t h e S o l a r M a x i m u m

Integral values of solar spectral irradiance in kW m - 2

1510-2100 A a: Donnelly and Pope (1973) 0.0002

b: Samainand Simon (1976) 0.0002
2100-3000A a: Donne~y and Pope (1973) 0.0160
b: Broadfoot (1972) 0.0162
3000-3300 ~ a: Tousey (1963)( x 0.844) 0.0208
b: Arvesen et al. (1969) 0.0220
3300-5400/~ Integrated FTS spectrum 0.3338
5400-6860/~ Integrated FTS spectrum
plus telluric line corrections 0.2493
6860-8700 A FTS-continuum minus 0.5 ~o
minus solar lines 0.2204
8700-12 500/~ a: FTS-continuum minus 2.5 ~o 0.2562
b: FTS-continuum minus 1.5~o 0.2589
12500-25000 A a: Pierce (1954)/Labs-Neckel(1968/70) 0.2257
b: Arvesen et aL (1969) 0.2289
25000-100000 A a: Several authors/Labs-Neckel(1968/70) 0.0456
b: Thekaekara (1970) 0.0479
> 100000A Mankin (1977) . 0.0008
Total a: 1.369
b: 1.378

Mission. A compilation given by Fr6hlich (1983) - see also E d d y and Foukal (1983)
- seems to favour a value slightly above 1.367 k W m -2. This is 0.44% lower than the
value proposed by him in 1977, which was 1.373 k W m - 2. So it is again demonstrated,
that the - unavoidable - average systematic error in our radiation data can not exceed
1 To, but is very likely - by chance - much smaller.

7. Calibration of Spectral Atlases Obtained with Grating Spectrographs and

Comparison with Other Absolute Data

Before the Kitt Peak F T S spectra became available, the most reliable high resolution
spectral atlases were those published by Beckers e t a L (1976) for the irradiance
('Sacramento Peak atlas') and by Delbouille et al. (1973, 1976, 1981) for the disk-center
radiation ('Jungfraujoch atlas'). The Sacramento Peak atlas covers the region from 3800
to 7000 ~ , the Jungfraujoch atlas extends - in its 1981 version - from 3601 to 8000 ~.
Both atlases are available on magnetic tapes, which yield relative intensities as a function
of air-wavelength. The distance between two successive intensity points is either 0.005
(Sacramento Peak atlas) or 0.002 ~ (Jungfraujoch atlas). These atlases were constructed
from many individual scans, which had a width of approximately 15 ~ (Sacramento
Peak atlas) or 10 ~&(Jungfraujoch atlas). In both cases each single scan was scaled so
that the assumed 'local continuum' is located throughout the atlas at an almost constant

level, which is slightly below atlas level 1.000 ( = full scale; it corresponds to the integer
1000 on the Sacramento Peak tape, but to 10000 on the Jungfraujoch tape). So, in the
Sacramento Peak atlas the assumed 'continuum' is found near atlas level 0.90, in the
Jungfraujoch atlas near 0.99.
With the intention to provide also these atlases with absolute scales, but also to test
the reliability of the adopted continuum levels, we calibrated both atlases by using
(1) our original 20 A integrals for mean (q~) and central (2;) intensity, and (2)the
successive 10.0 or 20.0 A integrals, which were derived from the calibrated Kitt Peak
FTS spectra.
The calibration factors Csp (Sacramento Peak atlas) and Cjj (Jungfranjoch atlas)
were derived - in analogy to Equation (21) - from

Csp - , (37)
s(1 - njj)/A,~
GJ - (38)

~b and 2~ denote here either our original absolute integrals given in Table III or -
exceptionally - the 10 or 20 A FTS integrals following from Tables Xa and Xb. [Ssp]
and [Sjj ] are the sums and Nthe numbers of all atlas data within the particular spectral
band (e.g., N = 5000 for a 10 A band in the Jungfraujoch atlas), tbj is the actual telluric
line blocking coefficient for the Jungfraujoch atlas, according to Ardeberg and
Virdefors(1975, 1978). In the case of the Sacramento Peak atlas we declined to evaluate
the proper telluric line corrections, thereby admitting at a few wavelengths slight
adulterations of the calibration factors.
The resulting, discrete calibration factors ( = absolute intensities at atlas-level 1) are
plotted in Figures 11 and 12. In the cases of strong variations or special, noteworthy
features successive points are connected by straight lines. It seems to be evident that
both atlases are capable of a reasonable calibration only in that spectral region, where
the continuum is well defined, namely above 4500 A (compare Figure 8). It is also
obvious that for the derivation of a suitable, smoothed calibration curve at least the
region around Hfi must be excluded, because the real continuum level is here in both
atlases significantly distorted. (Note, that a depression in the calibration curve implies
that here the continuum was assumed at a level being too low.) Only Figure 12 reveals
that noticeable distortions occur also in the vicinity of the strong MgI lines (5167, 5173,
5184 A), of Na D and of Ha. Concerning the intrinsic, wavy pattern of the continuum,
clearly many details, which show up in Figure 12, would be lost, if the calibration curves
would have to be derived from Figure 11 alone.
It is no surprise that for the region below 4500 ~ the calibration curves show a rather
complex structure. From a comparison of the details in Figures 11 and 12 one must
conclude that a calibration by means of 20 A integrals does not yield reliable results,
and that even the use of 10 A integrals may not be sufficient. So, if in this region a precise

Catibrafion factor [w cm'2sfer "1/~-1 ]

"Jl "
.. U*. . '


I ., 9
I """ 9
'". I I%
.9176 9149149149 *.'.'%'~
..." 9176149
.. .
. , 9

9 .9176 9
9- ....%.
0.35 9 .

b f~ 91499 9149149 "9 ' " % , " . ' .

9".~ "9
9o 9 9

"'-.~ "9149149


I , I I I ,
3500 4000 5000 6000
Fig. 11. Calibration factors (a) for the spectral atlas of central intensity by Delbouille etal. (1981;
'Jungfraujoch atlas'), and (b)for the atlas of mean disk intensity (or irradiance) by Beckers et al. (1976;
'Sacramento Peak atlas')9 The figure shows the ratios of the absolute 20 A integrals of central and mean
intensity given in Table III to the corresponding atlas integrals. These ratios are the absolute intensities
at atlas level 1000, which corresponds to level 10000 (Jungfraujoch atlas) or 1000 (Sacramento Peak atlas)
on the magnetic tapes9 Note, that in the Sacramento Peak atlas the 'continuum' is near level 0.90

calibration of these atlases is desired, it should be done using successive 1 A integrals,

which have to be deduced from the calibrated Kitt Peak FTS spectra9
A valuable conclusion can be drawn from curve 'a' in Figure 12 concerning the
accuracy of the 10 or 20 A averages of irradiance and disk-center intensities, which are
given in Tables Xa and Xb. The extremely low scatter of about 0.15 %, which is found
above 5300 it for any section not including Na D, Ha, or the two points near 5600 .&
(which very likely deviate because of a local distortion of the continuum level in the
Jungfraujoch atlas), clearly demonstrates (1)that the telluric lines did not cause any
restrictions on accuracy and (2) that the internal, random errors of the FTS spectral
averages are definitely below 0.2%. There is no reason to expect for the FTS spectra
larger errors at wavelengths below 5300 A.
The slightly larger scatter found in curve 'b' results - of course - partly from the fact
that in the Sacramento Peak atlas the telluric lines were not eliminated. But part of the
scatter must be due to a somewhat less smooth continuum-level in that atlas.
THE SOLAR RADIATION BETWEEN 3 3 0 0 AND 1 2 5 0 0 .~ 253

0 50
Co[ibration factor [w cm-2sterl/~ -1 ]

r.' ~.'.:......:.:...:.


1 9:")"t~''"":'.-..
r.- .:..'.
':'-.-..:. -:%
..',..., "~...

"'.",. ,
.9 ...
0.25 -
Xoi~ [M
J I i I
3500 ~000 5000 6000 7000

Fig. 12. Calibration factors for (a)the Jungfraujoch atlas and (b)the Sacramento Peak atlas as in
Figure 11, but here derived by using the 10 A integrals or - for 2 > 6300 A - the 20 ~ integrals of the
calibrated FTS spectra given in Tables Xa and Xb. For the Jungfraujoch atlas its integrals are corrected
for telluric lines according to Ardeberg and Virdefors, for the Sacramento Peak atlas no corrections are made.
This explains the three deviating points near 6300 ~, which are put in brackets,

A standard deviation of less than 0.2%, which must be supposed for the integral
values - or spectral averages - deduced from the calibrated FTS spectra, is without
doubt the minimum ever reached for any tabulation of absolute solar radiation data. To
give an idea about the internal accuracy of some previously published irradiance
integrals - including those which served to calibrate the FTS irradiance spectrum -, we
have plotted in Figure 13 the ratios between these integrals and the corresponding FTS
integrals. The plotted ratios concern:
(a) our revised 20 A integrals - 2~(r - given in Table III;
(b) the preliminary improved 20 A integrals published by us in 1981;
(c) 10 ~ integrals compiled by Makarova and Charitonov (1972);
(d) 50 and 100 A integrals given by Thekaekara (1971).
Note, that the scatter in plot 'a' corresponds to a standard deviation, which decreases
- according to Table IV - from 1.0% at 3300 A to 0.5% at 4700 A and is slightly less
than 0.5 To at longer wavelengths. A comparison of plots 'a' and 'b' reveals clearly the

I 2 I 3 I L, I S I 6

1,02 9 %~
9 ~ ~ .... ~ 9 . 9 "-~149 o, " ~ , o ,. ~ 0 .', ,~ ,~ o
1.00 9, , %% ~ o ,% o., ~ ~ ~ %~ o, .9 9 ...,..: ,. 9 ~t, 9 1 4 9 "o .. ~ 9 ,. _. 9176 o.,. ,Oo'o, 9149 ~149149176 9J , , ,9


1.o4 b
1,02 i ~ t mgo 0 ~Q
9 o

1.00 ~ o .
Io i ~149
,9 .o 9
"~ ; 9 ~176176o ",',9 ~149149176149149149176
~,.~ . 9149149149149149149
% 9 9 ~149176149149176149176176149
.9 - 9 ~
0.9B ,9

1 i i l i I i

110 ,9 9

: 9 ..
. 9
, 9
.... i: i .

, .
.,'" ...'.
"..'-. ~ o
1.00 -
9. . . .,..,
. .-...-.? . . . . .... ...

9 , . . . . . .
9 ,. ....., -.-.......-..---"
. ' . . . .'.." : . . ..- -

0.95 ,o


, , I i I , I



1 .lO


1.o5 O O O
o,o 9 'o %9 o o o

9 o o o9 o o9
,o o ,o o o
1 . o 0 - - o o o o o~ ~
9 , ,%

9149 o
0.95 o ~ o 9176 o
9 o9 ,o. ~ o


Xo~, [,L] .
0.85 I i i I I i i i

3300 4000 5000 6000 6700

Fig. 13. Ratios of published irradiance integrals to the corresponding integrals of the calibrated FTS
irradiance spectrum (numbers and limits of files at the top). The plots are made for the following data:
(a) 20 A integrals according to Table III, which served to calibrate the FTS spectrum; (b) 20 A integrals
given by Neckel and Labs (1981, Table II), which resulted from a preliminary improvement of the ratios
of mean to central intensity for the 20 A intensity integrals; (c) 10 A integrals given by Makarova and
Charitonov (1972, Table 32); (d) 100 ,~ integrals (circles) and 50 A integrals (points) given by Thekaekara
(1971, Table V, cols. 2 and 3).

reduction of the scatter - especially near the Balmer limit and in regions affected by
strong lines (Hfi, HT, H and K of C a I I ) - resulting from the improvement of the ratios
between mean and central intensity described in Section 3 (CLV-observations of our
20 A integrals).
The reliability of the absolute data shown in plots 'c' and 'd' must be judged - of
course - from the scatter alone, rather than from the systematic deviations which could
be caused - in principle - by systematic errors affecting our absolute data and cor-
respondingly also the calibrated FTS spectra. However, the absence of systematic errors
in our observations seems to be well established (compare, e.g., Neckel and Labs, 198 J),
and we consider the systematic deviations occuring in plots 'c' and 'd' just as another
consequence of the poor internal accuracy of these data which is manifested by the
scatter. In plot 'd' it is also the two sharp bend-offs found near 4400 and 5500 A, which
do not harmonize with the smooth course of the FTS spectra in that regions; a
calibration of the FTS irradiance spectrum by means of the Thekaekara data would yield
a rather unrealistic calibration curve. In both cases the resulting distribution of the
radiation temperatures representing the 'continuum' would be rather unrealistic (project
the systematic deviations of curves 'c' and 'd' on to the parabolic curves shown in
Figure 6 !).

8. Concluding Remarks

The results presented in the sections before have two essential bases: (1)the absolute
measurements of the disk-center intensities made by us more than twenty years ago and
(2) the still unpublished Fourier transform spectra obtained by J. Brault at Kitt Peak,
which clearly yielded the decisive contribution. It is for these FTS spectra that we could
derive such a homogeneous and consistent set of absolute radiation data with high
internal accuracy. With the standard deviation being less than 0.2 ~ , the maximum -
random - errors to be expected are in the order of 0.5~o.
This value- 0.5 ~o - seems to be also the upper limit (1) for a neutral scale error, which
may affect the overall irradiance integral (solar constant) and (2) for systematic devia-
tions occuring in relatively short spectral regions because of the limited accuracy of the
calibration curves.
But also the overall spectral distribution cannot be seriously affected by systematic
errors. This conclusion must be drawn from the fact that the solar irradiance distri-
bution, which followed from our preliminary improvements, agrees within observational
errors with the flux distributions observed by Hardorp (1980) for solar type stars (see
Neckel and Labs, 1981). Further we refer to the results reported by Shaw and Fr6hlich
(1979), who measured the solar irradiance from Manna Loa at 9 wavelengths from 4100
to 10 100 A by means of absolutely calibrated 'sunphotometers', which are interference
filter/silicon cell combinations. According to Figure 2 given by Fr0hlich and Brusa
(1981), their values are in the average 0.09 ~o higher than our preliminary improved data;
the standard deviation is + 1.2 ~o, which is well within the accuracy limits set for such
a comparison. (Note, that the bell-shaped filter transmission curves require a rather

detailed consideration of the distribution of the absorption lines within the filter band.)
As there are no significant systematic differences between our preliminary data (Neckel
and Labs, 1981) and those ones presented in this paper (compare plots 'a' and 'b' in
Figure 13), we estimate from both comparisons that the maximum systematic errors,
which we must admit possibly to occur at both ends of the analyzed spectral domain
with opposite sign, cannot exceed 1~o. But we do emphasize, that there are no conclusive
hints for such errors.
So it appears, that the precision of the solar absolute spectrophotometric data, which
result from the calibrated FTS spectra, is well comparable to the accuracy obtainable
in (relative) stellar photometry, which is also in the order of half a percent. Obviously
this size of error is near the limit set by instrumental a n d - for ground-based observations
- atmospheric characteristics.
Finally, we have to point to the accuracy-limits set by the Sun itself. Observations
made, e.g., by WiUson (1982) with an 'Active Cavity Radiometer' aboard the Solar-
Maximum-Mission satellite and by Hickey et al. (1982) aboard the Nimbus 7 satellite
revealed variations of the solar constant reaching 0.2~o (Willson) or even 0.45~/o
(Hickey et al.). Intensity variations in special spectral regions, which depend on solar
activity, need no emphasis at all (spectroheliograms !). From the upper plot in Figure 3a
it is evident that in the disk-center spectrum such variations can amount - even aside
active regions - up to 2 ~o (K-line of Ca H). Therefore, the merging of solar radiation data,
which were obtained from diverse observations made at completely arbitrary times
within a 20 yr period, is certainly not quite correct, but nevertheless at present the only
expedient to get such precise results. Possibly it contributes to the remaining residuals.
Certainly, a further significant improvement in precision needs new observations -
to be made from outside the Earth's atmosphere, e.g. aboard of Spacelab - which have
an accuracy in the order of a tenth of a percent and take fully into account the variations
of the solar spectrum with time. Considering the complex structure of the solar spectrum
and of its likely variations, this will not be an easy task. However, for most applications
the concept of a 'mean spectrum' will be fully sufficient. The calibrated Kitt Peak FTS
spectra seem to be already a rather close approximation.

The CLV observations described in Section 3.1 were made while both authors were
Visiting Astronomers at the Kitt Peak National Observatory, which is operated by the
Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the
National Science Foundation. This observing stay was supported by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft with a travel grant and a subsidy for technical equipment
under Ne 91/4-1.
It is a special pleasure to thank Dr A. K. Pierce for his helpful suggestions concerning
the installation of our monochromator and the arrangement of the observations. Jack
'Buzz' Graves advised us skilfully how to run the McMath telescope and the diverse
auxiliary equipment. Further, we are most grateful to Dr J. W. Brault, who put his

Fourier transform spectra at our disposal prior to publication and assisted with detailed,
valuable comments on the FTS calibration and its results. We have to thank Greg Ladd
for managing the very convenient arrangement of all the data on the final magnetic tapes.
The hospitality of these and many other staff members of KPNO made our stay at Kitt
Peak very enjoyable.
All numerical reductions were carried out on the Telefunken computer system TR440
of the Hamburg University. The least squares solutions and many plots were performed
using ALGOL-procedures kindly put at our disposal by Prof. de Vegt of the Hamburg
Finally, we are very indebted to Drs Pierce and Brault for reading critically the major
part of the draft manuscript and smoothing the writing.

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