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By Ley Lortie
The Earth goes round
From Yule to Imbolc
To Ostara and Beltane
To Litha and Lammas
Mabon to Samhain
And a waning down to new
Then waxing and full moon
Cold, Wolf, Snow
Worm, Pink, Flower
Strawberry, Buck, Sturgeon
Corn, Hunter’s, Beaver
And back around it all goes
Again and again and again
From dawn it goes to dusk
Sunrise to sunset
We feel and we flow
We wax and we wane
Colors changing and growing
Nature and us
Mother Earth
Yuletide merry Yule
Winter is here at solstice
December, full cold moon
Cold and darkest
At times of long nights
But today starts growth
At times of frost and ice
Welcome light, happy birthday
We stop and look at you
The sun is born, let it rise
Like every other month
Light the fire, light your hearts
Cold aster, pure white
Warmth and joy we conjure
Shining winter
Into the darkest night
Light in the dark
Merry merry Yule
And may your heart shine bright
Something shines through the snow
Something breathes in the trees
Wolfs howl at this moon
Light all your candles it’s Imbolc
January sadness
Candlemas, pure hope
January hunger
Wake up from slumber
Spiritual aura
Cleanse your soul
A monthly moment in the sky
Life will start anew, we can see it
From high up above
Rebirth is at our door
You reach us, you shake us
Rebirth is in our hearts
Blessed be Imbolc
Snow, heavy, bountifully Another month, life at last
It’s February, white as the moon The earth wakes, worm moon
You shine with the ground We start to blink, it’s March
And everything snow touches And you shine upon us
Stillness, whiteness, pureness Shimmering up there
Stars and snowflakes merge Energizing us further
Breathe in the fresh air Hope is here, you are here
Oh my moon Lively moon
Spring is upon us, equinox
Ostara we call you
Rejoicing to the new season
Small flowers, soft colors
Life and love you will bring
Pink moon, grass moon
Eggs and flowers of fertility
Greens are back among us
But in balance we now stand
Slowly but surely small babies
As only twice a year
Beautiful moon
Is light and dark equal
Growing energy of April
Feeling an odd peace
The moon is my mother
Ready to welcome the longer days
I smile, you smile, we laugh
Happy Ostara
Dancing around the maypole
I’m in love with you Nothing says may like a flower
Let’s go a-maying after circle My moon, I can feel it
May we later reap what we’ve sown Smell the air, and look up
Beltane, fertile grounds Illuminate my eyes, my sky
Beltane, colourful flowers I’m in love with the moon
Beltane, we are blooming Today we take our monthly break
The woods are calling me Hold your gaze a moment
Let me hold you close Feel the moon
Beautiful Beltane
The sun is my father
Litha, brightest fire
Warmth is rising, sweet harvest
Summer is here at solstice
Strawberry moon
Longest day, blessed flame
Late spring, early fruit
Tipping point to shorter days
Sweet June, sweet sky
Enjoy this divine moment
I smile at you, mother
Celebrate the light, the warmth
My aura is soft under your light
Bask in summer’s glory
Powerful as always
Dance, laugh, smile, rejoice
My heart beats to your pull
Let your heart burn
Powerful as the sun in the sky
The first harvest is here
Feed from the grain
A majestic buck grows a crown
Sacrificed plant for your life
And another moon falls upon us
Cycle of life, give to receive
July in your thunder heat
Lammas, Lughnasadh
The moon is strong and warm
Wheat, corn, barley, grain
Everything shines today
Reap what you’ve sown
Sun and moon, full brightness
Can’t take without giving
Flying moon, grounding moon
Energy flows this way
Lammas ebbs this way
Grain and sturgeon fish Corn is ready to be eaten
Is what you reap at this time And the moon is in the sky
Full moon of August As always, giving me comfort
You give, you energize At full force tonight, September
In what’s left of summer Do you feel the fall coming
I’ve always respected you Seasons change but you stay
My moon Constant moon, cyclic moon
Autumn has fallen upon us, equinox
Mabon, the leaves are pretty
But they are tumbling to the ground
Harvest, Hunter’s Brightest
We thank the earth for its gifts
The full moon is astounding
As we feel this unique balance
Everybody notices you
Light and dark are equal
My dear moon of October
As they are but twice a year
You move us, enlighten us
This time darkness is to come
In this comfortable fall night
The sun will be going to bed
And so are we, to rest now
Mabon, let’s fall together
The veil between the worlds is thin
Otherworld, spirit, at hand’s reach
Samhain, resilient October 31st Cold is coming, Beavers are busy
The blood of my ancestors I honour November’s full moon
Remember, reflect, look inward The first frost, chilly air
My tarot, my runes, pendulum And another moon shining
Let me see, let it speak, spirit, divine An aster we feel from inside out
Death is unavoidable to the eye Soft, strong, bright moon
Its energy giving us connection I love our monthly meetings
Let me reflect, let me feel you

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