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Year & Section: BSEE 2C

Place of Origin: Northern Luzon
The story “The Flood” was originated here in the Philippines around Cordillera Administrative Region in
Luzon and Northern Luzon. As time went by, where a lot of similar story was passed by in every
generation. The story of this myth still has its archetype and owns an originality in terms of the
characters playing, in terms of the different location or setting used in the myth, and more of course in
the way of how the story goes and delivered. And one more thing I think, that makes this myth original
and archetype is it’s being unknown and unfamiliar especially nowadays where generation z and
millennials is not fond of reading such.
Reading the myth for the first time in just once, seems to be very hard understand to. Yet, the
complexity of how the story goes, is rating that would probably a point on how unique the story is. And
of course, the level of difficulty of understanding the myth, for me is the way of the author to catch the
attention of the reader and make them feel more interested to the myth. To read it carefully again, make
me realize that this myth presents so many idiomatic, particular, patented and peculiar ideas, events
and stories behind its simple title. Starting from the description of the author on the settings wherein he
directly describes the world flat and plain. Also, to set the goal of the myth, the author already gives the
hint saying “there were no mountains”, and for me it is an archetype example that not all of the myth can
tell. Meanwhile, with regards to the characters of the myth, they were originally pictured out as brother
who were fond of hunting and are sons of a unique character and believed to be “the Great Spirit”. From
that type of image or portrayal of this main characters, I can say that the goal of how they play their
character will be unexplainable and unexpected. Without any idea, proceeding on the story where the
main characters “cause water to flow over all the world and cover it”, it makes a full of wonder
connection between the reader and the myth that originally before, people were powerful and can make
impossible things possible. Additionally, as the character of Lumawig enters in the story, the
unbelievable yet surprising idea on this myth is how a supernatural parent will discipline his spoiled son.
And at the same time, the challenge of saving lives and the world of Lumawig because of selfishness
act of his two sons. If we were be on that situation as they had, we will be blank and starts to be out of
our mind. But the author and the myth have its own original way of how to get rid and sort out of those
scenarios and crisis that a man made of. As the story goes by, another character enters, which is the
sister and brother of Lumawig, also the dog and the deer. Amidst of the coldness felt by this character
due to heavy water poured by the two sons of Lumawig. Their character was filled up with an
archetypal strength and hope that they will be saved. Smartly, the idea of getting and building fire to
warm up Lumawig’s sister and brother was sacrificially swam by the dog and deer. Where archetypally,
readers like me, never knew and has no idea that such animal can swim. In short, this myth is
surprisingly presenting a lot of things and happenings we are missing in life and must know eventually.
What more ahead of the story, as so much struggle is being experienced of making fire over the heavy
flow of water, the faith and hope in Lumawig is burning. Typically, if we relate it in true life, people would
rather choose other ways than burning fire over water. But, this myth really wants to prove something
different and useful. And as it goes on, Lumawig, the dog, and the deer finally achieve the fire for the
brother and sister of Lumawig. It is the proof of trusting on the process where originally way back then
before was strongly believed to. Moreover, the most amazing and surprising thing happened as the
myth end, the water was evaporated by the fire. It originally builds and mold the very first mountains in
the world.
I can really say that reading such myth is one of a kind adventures from any origins around the world.
And also, I would love to pass it archetypally to whoever is wanting to be amazed and surprised of how
wonderful myths are. More especially, as sharing the story to anybody, searching on or finding out
originality and archetype on it makes the myth more believable, unique, antecedent, foremost and

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