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Belgrade by Night

A Discord play-by-post
Table of Warghouls...................................................17
2.16.7 Resources.............................................................17
2.16.8 Spirit Slaves..........................................................17
2.17 Disciplines.....................................................................17
2.17.1 Blood Sorcery.......................................................18

Contents Abyss Mysticism...........................................19 Anarch Sorcery............................................19 Dur‘An‘Ki....................................................20 Necromancy Rituals....................................20
1. Character Creation..............................................................4 Setite Sorcery...............................................21
1.0 Prelude...........................................................................4 Thaumaturgy Rituals...................................21
1.1 Material.........................................................................4 2.17.2 Combo Disciplines..............................................21
1.2 Options.........................................................................4 2.17.3 Animalism............................................................22
1.3 Blood Sorcery...............................................................5 2.17.4 Auspex..................................................................22
1.4 Merits and Flaws............................................................5 2.17.5 Celerity.................................................................23
1.5 Specializations..............................................................6 2.17.6 Chimerstry...........................................................23
1.6 Languages.....................................................................6 2.17.7 Dementation........................................................23
1.7 Restrictions and Changes.................................................6 2.17.8 Dominate.............................................................24
1.8 Logging.........................................................................7 2.17.9 Fortitude..............................................................24
1.9 Submission......................................................................7 2.17.10 Melpominee.......................................................24
2. House Rules.........................................................................8 2.17.11 Necromancy........................................................24
2.1 Experience Points...............................................................8 2.17.12 Obeah.................................................................26
2.2 Willpower...........................................................................9 2.17.13 Obfuscate...........................................................26
2.3 Humanity...........................................................................9 2.17.14 Obtenebration....................................................26
2.4 Dice and Difficulties..........................................................9 2.17.15 Presence..............................................................27
2.5 Discerning the Transmundane........................................10 2.17.16 Protean................................................................27
2.6 Blood................................................................................10 2.17.17 Quietus...............................................................27 Getting it.........................................................10 2.17.18 Serpentis.............................................................27 Human Bodies................................................10 2.17.19 Temporis.............................................................28
2.6.2 Keeping it................................................................11 2.17.20 Thaumaturgy......................................................28
2.7 Vitae.................................................................................11 2.17.21 Vicissitude..........................................................28
2.8 The Blood Bond..............................................................11 2.18 Numina.........................................................................28
2.9 Ghouls..............................................................................11 2.18.1 Astral Projection..................................................28
2.10 The Embrace..................................................................12 2.18.2 Path of Healing....................................................29
2.11 Damage (Healing and Soak)..........................................12 2.18.3 True Faith............................................................29
2.12 Torpor.............................................................................12 2.19 Occult Knowledge........................................................29
2.13 Diablerie.........................................................................12 2.20 Miscellaneous Rules.....................................................29
2.14 Combat...........................................................................12 2.21 Downtimes....................................................................31
2.14.1 Initiative.................................................................12 2.22 Transitioning onto a Path of Enlightenment..............31
2.14.2 Maneuvers..............................................................12 2.23 Rumors.........................................................................32
2.15 Equipment......................................................................13 2.24 Boons............................................................................32
2.15.1 Form......................................................................13 2.23.1 Trivial Boons.......................................................32
2.15.2 Firearms.................................................................13 2.23.2 Minor Boons.......................................................32
2.15.3 Damage..................................................................14 2.23.3 Major Boons.......................................................32
2.15.4 Armor....................................................................14 2.23.4 Blood Boons.......................................................33
2.16 Backgrounds...................................................................14 2.23.5 Life Boons...........................................................33
2.16.1 Armory...................................................................14 The Camarilla...........................................................34
2.16.2 Contacts.................................................................15 Anarch Movement....................................................34
2.16.3 Influence...............................................................15 Age of Antiquity.......................................................35 Influence Rolls.............................................15 Classical Era.............................................................35
2.16.4 Library and Mentor...............................................15 Plot summary for February 2005:........................................37
2.16.5 Nosferatu Information Exchange..........................16 Influnces Expanded.............................................................38
2.16.6 Retainers................................................................16 1. Business......................................................................38 Animal Retainers..........................................16 2. Church.......................................................................38
3. Health...........................................................................39
4.High Society..................................................................39
5. Law Enforcement.........................................................39
7. Politics...........................................................................40
8. Transportation.............................................................41
9. Underworld..................................................................41
10. University....................................................................41
Downtime – How to..............................................................43
Vicissitude Modifications......................................................44

of the blood (p. 428-439) and, in extremely rare cases,

1. Character
Bloodlines. You may also play a mortal or a ghoul. Certain
options may become unavailable depending on player
population or the ongoing plots in the story.

Creation Characters may not start as Sabbat, ex-Panders or (mortal)

hunters. Primarily-Sabbat clans (ex. the Tzimisce and
Lasombra), Caitiff, thinblooded vampires, and members of
the 14th and 15th Generation should not expect to be
1.0 Prelude welcomed by the Camarilla, excepting circumstances
covered by roleplay, Merits, or Backgrounds. The Camarilla
only accepts members of the Bloodlines: Daughters of
Before putting your character down to a sheet, please contact Cacophony and True Brujah.
a storyteller or a narrator with your character’s broad concept
(Clan, history, personality) and any oddities such as rare Bloodline options are limited to the Daughters of
Merits or Flaws. This will save you the time of creating Cacophany, Kiasyd, Nagaraja, Salubri, Samedi, and True
something that may not be allowed or isn't available at the Brujah. If your bloodline character dies or is retired, your
given moment. It will also allow them to assist you in making next character cannot also be from a bloodline. All of this,
the concept. Use the four-page character sheet.pdf provided as always, is up to storyteller approval. Bloodline characters
in the 🧻resources🧻 channel. are generally discouraged from play, and will require
The sheet has shown massive incompatibilities with any web additional justification.
browser-based .pdf viewer, and several desktop .pdf viewers as
well, resulting in a partially-erased or otherwise corrupted Ghouls may use the “In the Master’s Footsteps” system
document. Use only either Acrobat Reader or Foxit Reader (Ghouls & Revenants, p. 121) to possess two of their
to edit the sheet, to minimize the chance that you will need regnant’s Clan Disciplines, rather than the conventional
to recreate it from a clean copy. Potence + 1 in-Clan Discipline. Clan signature Disciplines
(such as Vicissitude, Protean, any bloodline Discipline) are
Additionally, use the Excel spreadsheet, a.k.a. character rarely taught, but can be at the regnant’s discretion.
tracker provided in the 🧻resources🧻 channel for your Additionally Ghouls & Revenants p. 120 describes
character log (essentially, a mirror of your character sheet’s Generational limits for Discipline dots.
contents that provides a more detailed and trackable
breakdown of how your character was built and where XP is No fresh character may be older than the year 1900 (i.e.
spent). If you do not own a license for Microsoft Excel, older than 105 cumulative years).
LibreOffice is free and can open it.
Before submitting the character sheet and tracker to a Base distribution: Attributes (7/5/3), Abilities (13/9/5,
storyteller or a narrator, please rename both of them with maximum 3 in any given Ability before freebies),
your character’s name at the start of the (or in replacement Disciplines (3), Backgrounds (5), Virtues (7), Freebies (15),
of the original) filename for ease of filing. Merits and Flaws (7 points of Flaws maximum).
Freebie points (15): Attribute (5 per dot), Ability (2 per dot),
1.1 Material Discipline (7 per dot), Background (1 per dot),
Virtue (2 per dot; does not raise Humanity or Willpower),
Humanity (2 per dot), Willpower (1 per dot).
V20 Corebook, and all the supplement books listed in the
V20 Guide, plus additions from Dark Ages V20, and Dark Caitiff Disciplines: Auspex, Animalism, Celerity, Dominate,
Ages V20: Tome of Secrets, both of the latter at Storyteller‘s Fortitude, Obfuscate, Potence, Presence, Protean.
Caitiff may take the homebrew Merit "Echoes of Faded
Glory" (+3, Supernatural) to select any single Discipline not
of the above nine. Taking this Merit makes your sire a
1.2 Options member of that Clan or Bloodline. Caitiff cannot take
Additional Discipline Merit.
What you may play is generalized to the thirteen Clans listed
on Vampire: The Masquerade p. 20, Caitiff, some variants Via the initial dot allocations and freebie points combined,
the character can not have more than three dots in any
Discipline at creation. Buying dots with XP is capped by Effectiveness of Merits such as: Primogen Friendship,
generational limit. Personal Masquerade etc. are purely outside of Storyteller’s
control and effectiveness may vary or not apply at all, based
Ghouls: on the in-game circumstances.
Base distribution: Attributes (6/4/3), Ability (11/7/4,
maximum 3 in any given Ability before freebies), Merit based bonuses of any kind do not stack with each
Disciplines (1 + Potence 1 or two Disciplines at 1 from your other. This includes difficulty reductions and bonus dice
domitor’s disciplines, except Blood Sorcery), that would apply to the same roll. Mortals and ghouls
Backgrounds (5), Virtues (7; 5 for revenants), Freebie points should be built as they are meant to be once they become a
(21), Merits and Flaws (7 points of Flaws maximum). Freebie ghoul or vampire, and are able to possess Merits and Flaws
costs: Attribute (5 per dot), Ability (2 per dot), Discipline (10 limited to categories they are not at present. Whatever your
per dot), Background (1 per dot),Virtue (2 per dot; does not character cannot have as a mortal is considered inactive
raise Humanity or Willpower), Humanity (1 per dot), until they are ghouled or Embraced, at which point it is
Willpower (1 per dot). applied. (Keep in mind that this does not guarantee that
your character will be ghouled or Embraced. That is purely
a decision made by characters in play.) The Merits
Mortals: Additional Discipline and Blessed by St Gustav provide you
Base distribution: Attributes (6/4/3), Abilities (11/7/4, with a dot of the Discipline you chose/Auspex (and make
maximum 3 in any given Ability before freebies), those Disciplines in-Clan) in addition to the three
Background (5), Virtues (7), Freebies (21), Merits and Flaws Discipline dots you get at character creation.
(7 points of flaws maximum). This does not prevent mortals
from taking Supernatural Merits, Flaws, and Numina. Additional Discipline Merit only covers the following
Freebie costs: Attribute (5 per dot), Ability (2 per dot), Disciplines: Auspex, Animalism, Celerity, Dominate,
Numina (7 per dot), Background (1 per dot), Virtue (2 per Obfuscate, Fortitude, Potence, and Presence.
dot; does not raise Humanity or Willpower), Humanity (2
per dot), Willpower (1 per dot). Enchanting Voice: This Merit only provides -1 Difficulty
Reduction to Discipline Rolls.

1.3 Blood Sorcery Eyes of Shadow: This merit may only be taken as a 1 pt. or a
2 pt. version

If your character’s Clan or Blood Sorcery entry indicates that Grand Library: This merit does not apply to any Ritual
a particular Path of Blood Sorcery is its primary Path, you rolls.
must start on that Path Tremere start on the Path of Blood
per Vampire: The Masquerade p. 213, and Rites of the Blood Iron Will: This merit does not affect Dementation 1 in any
lists primary Paths for other traditions in various locations way because it is entirely emotional in nature.
(p. 55, 57, 58 for Anarch sorcerers; p. 86 for all Necromancy
practitioners). Natural Linguist: This Merit’s bonus dice applies to
addressing groups/public speaking, translation, or
Novel Rituals may be incepted, or existing rituals from other interpreting the meaning of closely related languages like
Sorcery Traditions may be adapted, once you have mastered Spanish and Portuguese, and nothing else.
your primary Path of Sorcery and have at least one Ritual of
all five levels. Recruitment Target: This Flaw can only be taken for
Camarilla or Anarchs, provided your character isn't a
member of that Sect already. Sabbat will not look to recruit
1.4 Merits and Flaws any players in this venue.

Vicissitude Modifications: Receiving Modifications during

The following Merits and Flaws are not available: Advanced play is restricted until whichever Character you’re currently
Tech, Arcane, Apostate, Berserker, Bullyboy, Cold Read, playing has been approved and in play for 60 days in real
Child, Dynamic Personality, Former Prince, Introspection, time.
Half-Life, Hidden Diablerie, Lawman’s Friend, Paragon,
Precocious, Styx Baptism. True Faith: (unlike other Numina) requires the purchase of
its related Merit at character creation to access. • The only Paths of Enlightenment available are
those listed in the V20 Guide document. (Roads
The following Flaws prevent access to the Domain and Paths from DAV20 are prohibited).
background: New Arrival, Infamous Sire, Botched
Presentation, New Kid, Sympathizer, Probationary Sect • Path rating is capped at 5, with every 100 years of
Member, Blood Hunted, Red List, Disgrace to the Blood. age above the default limit raising the cap by 1 dot
to be purchased with XP.

1.5 Specializations • ••••• in any Ability means that your character

is one of the best at what they do, which would
require an explicit justification. Try to focus on
You must specialize at the first dot in the following Abilities: having a more rounded up character, instead of
Expression, Crafts, Performance, Academics, Law, Occult having one that is the world‘s elite in one thing,
(which specializes at 1st, 3rd and 5th dot), Science, and but terrible in many others.
Other Abilities gain specialization as usual, when the fourth • Abilities and Backgrounds with •••• and higher
dot is purchased for it, and the second at 5th dot. Additional will require a backstory justification of how the
specializations can be purchased in play. character got them.

The first specialty in Occult must always be [your Clan] Lore, • Allies Background has been removed from play,
if applicable. and Retainers Background has been doubled to
replace it. (A single Retainer still caps out at
•••••. Kindred cannot be Retainers).
1.6 Languages • Armory Background is closely tied to Resources
Background and therefore cannot exceed it. This
Due to the nature of the game, the written and spoken background is temporarily capped at ••• at
language in the area will be English. This will make it easier character creation, for the foreseeable future.
on the players, and will prevent confusion when taking
Language Merit. The names of NPC‘s and popular locations • Artifact Background cannot be bought at creation,
in the venue will be "Americanized" for the easier only acquired during play, and only on rare
pronunciation and identification. occasions.

Characters start with their native language + English for no • Cult Background is limited to ••• at creation.
cost. Everyone can speak those two. Any other language has Cult is a significant piece of the character identity.
to be bought through Language Merit. (This includes Please work out with the storyteller the details of
Serbian, if it's not the character's native language). this Background before submitting for approval.

Lost and forgotten languages, as well as those without a • Domain (size) Background is limited to •• at
written form cannot be taken with this merit, while others creation. (It will provide the difficulty reduction
may require the purchase of Natural Linguist Merit. for Hunting, but Camarilla characters will still
have to seek the Prince‘s permission to control the
All characters are considered to be literate, but exceptions do actual territory in play. Non-Camarilla characters
exist. can claim as much territory as they can hold, but
should expect their claim to be challenged).

1.7 Restrictions and Changes • Influence Background is temporarily capped at

••• at character creation, for the foreseeable

• Willpower is capped at 8 at Character Creation and • Library Background has been clarified in more
can only be raised higher with XP. detail later in the document.

• Mentor Background is capped at ••• at character Once your first character has been approved, you receive
creation, for the foreseeable future. It has been 60XP. This is a one-time bonus, you do not receive it for
clarified in more detail later in the document. subsequent characters; additionally, it is applied after
character creation is finished and thus cannot be applied to
• Nosferatu Info Exchange Background has been XP expenditures. The minimum XP for starting characters
clarified in more detail later in the document. is 60 XP and cannot be less.

• Oubliette Background cannot be bought at

creation, only acquired during play.

• Retainers Background has been clarified in more

detail later in the document.

• Resources Background has been clarified in more

detail later in the document.

• Status Background is limited to •• at creation. It

does not guarantee any titles. They have to be
earned during play.

1.8 Logging
Log where every dot went on your character sheet with the
tracker. XP gains and expenditures are to be similarly logged
on the fourth sheet of the tracker, noting the date, amount,
and reason (either where it was received from or what it was
spent on).

Each gain or expenditure of XP should be noted on a

separate line, and expenditures should either be surrounded
with parenthesis or prefaced with a minus sign to properly
mark them as negative values.

1.9 Submission
When your character is complete, submit both your sheet.pdf
and tracker.xlsx to the storyteller or narrator you had initially
discussed your character concept with; each file renamed
with or to your character’s name as mentioned above. They
will review it and inform you of any issues.

Once your character is approved, write a brief bio containing

any publicly-available information about your character and
post it, alongside a portrait, to the 🧛player-characters🧛
You may use,, or any of a host of other similar services to obtain
art; if you are using a real person’s visage as the base for
services like these, ensure it is in the public domain.
Alternately, you may produce your own original works.

Rituals of any Blood Sorcery tradition are obtained by

2. House Rules
having access to materials or teachers to impart the
knowledge, and the expenditure of (2 × Ritual level) XP, or
(3 × Ritual level) for Abyss Mysticism rituals.

Once the 5th dot in an Attribute or Ability has been

2.1 Experience Points reached, additional Specializations can be purchased with
XP at the cost of (2 x current number of Specializations) XP.
Storyteller still holds the right to demand justification or
Experience is distributed weekly as follows: deny these purchases.
• 1 XP for having an approved character.
• 2 XP for participating in Unguided RP. With storyteller approval, Flaws may be bought off for (2 ×
• 1 XP for participating in at least one player- current rating) XP. This does not apply to every Flaw. Must
organized event (if any). be justified in-character.
• Additional XP may be distributed based on
organized Voice/Text Game Sessions. Merit Name Requirements/Restrictions

XP may be spent at any time you are not in a scene; mark Acute Sense (ST Approval)
down the expenditure on your tracker and add the Ambidextrous (Dexterity 4)
purchased dots to their appropriate location in your sheet
and tracker. You do not need to notify a storyteller for XP Broken Bond (Must have a Blood Bond faded
expenditures that do not explicitly require them (as below); in play)
rather, be prepared to submit a current copy of your sheet Bruiser (Intimidation 3)
and tracker upon request.
Calm Heart (Self Control 5)
If you retire your character, 75% of the XP on your sheet, Code of Honor (Conscience or Conviction 4)
rounded up, carries forwards to your next character. Retired
characters may never return to play, but if they are Computer Aptitude (Computers 2)
sufficiently setting-important, may be converted into NPCs at Concentration (Willpower 6)
the storyteller‘s exclusive privilege.
Added a grace period of 7 days for players to try out their
character, and if it doesn‘t work, they can retire without a Early Riser (Humanity only)
Eat Food (Humanity only)
If your character dies, 90% of the XP on your sheet, rounded Elysium Regular
up, carries forwards to your next character. Enchanting Voice (Training: 180 days + ST
These penalties may be waived, and full XP may be returned,
if the storyteller determines the character has met a Entrepreneur (Finance 3)
narratively satisfying end. False Reflection (Science 3 (Any Spec))
The following XP expenditures are available when carrying Fatalist (ST Approval + Humanity must
over XP from a prior character: be 4 or less.)
• Numina can be advanced for a cost of (7 × current Grand Library (Downtime Actions + XP)
rating) XP. True Faith requires storyteller or
narrator approval. Heart of Needles (Chimerstry 3)
• Characters made with XP may add 0-3 years to Impressive Restraint (Self Control 4)
their age as a vampire or ghoul per 1 XP on their
starting sheet. This age has no mechanical benefits Indelible (ST Approval)
or penalties (except possibly for ghouls). Inoffensive to Animals (Animal Ken 2 Required)
• Backgrounds may NOT be purchased with XP
Iron Will (Willpower 8)
during creation.
Language (may be bought multiple times)

Legerdemain • Unless specifically mentioned in system, powers
that require Willpower to be spent for their
Lesser Mark of the (Gangrel only) activation cannot also have Willpower spent to
Beast gain an automatic success on their activation roll.
Light Sleeper (Willpower 8)
Long Term Planning (Intelligence 3)
Loyalty (ST Approval)
2.3 Humanity
Master of the (Performance 3 + Subterfuge 3,
Masquerade either at 4) • At 3 Humanity, character gains the effects similar
to the Eerie Presence Flaw. They will have trouble
Mole (ST Approval) operating in the open without disguise.
Mute Devotion (Animalism 3) Additionally, Hunters and Werewolves will
instantly recognize what they are, unless
Occult Library (Downtime actions) masterfully deceived.
Outside Haven (Chantry Tremere only; ST approval)
• At 2 Humanity, everyone will blatantly move away
Peacemaker (ST Approval)
from them while making frightened noises and
Personal Masquerade (ST Approval) will flee or attack if they draw near depending
upon Willpower, Self Control, Courage and
Prized Patch (ST Approval)
circumstances. Character‘s unaltered appearance is
Quartermaster (ST Approval) considered a Masquerade breach at this point.
Rep (ST Approval)
• At 1 Humanity or Path rating 1, normal humans
Scholar of Enemies run screaming into the night or fight with all their
Scholar of Others tiny might if cornered. Only supernatural powers
can mask this monstrous nature.
Science Laboratory (Resources 3 + Science 3)
Secret Society Member (ST Approval)
Sense Influence (ST Approval) 2.4 Dice and Difficulties
Sleep Unseen (Obfuscate 3)
Slowed Degeneration (Conscience 5) • Humanity/Path and Virtue Pools are capped at 10
dice. Aggravated Damage Pools are capped at 10,
Spirit Mentor (Necromancy Discipline + Lethal Damage at 15 dice and Bashing damage, as
Downtime) well as all other dice pools are not capped.
Thousand Meter Killer (ST Approval)
• Automatic successes gained by spending blood to
Tunnel Rat (ST Approval) activate Potence bypass this cap for damage pools.
Using dice pools above ten for obvious actions in
2.2 Willpower the presence and under the observation of mortals
is usually a breach of the Masquerade. You may
willingly subtract dice from your pools to prevent
• Expended dots of temporary Willpower recover at a this.
rate of 1 point every two days. If you reach zero
temporary Willpower, your dice pools are halved for Difficulties are always between 2 and 10, unless specified
all non-reflexive rolls, stacking with wound otherwise. Any difficulties that would fall under 2 will
penalties to a minimum of 1 die in any pool. automatically be rolled at difficulty 2. Any difficulty that
would exceed 10 will still be rolled at difficulty 10, but every
• You may not spend more than one Willpower per number that exceeds the difficulty will instead subtract the
combat round on an extra success for an action. number of successes from the achieved total. Storyteller may
overrule this, at their discretion. The player must always roll

to account for 1s and Exploding 10s due to Specialties, when Flaw (such as, but not limited to, Beacon of the
applying damage. Unholy, Cold Breeze, Eerie Presence, etc.)

Supernatural disguise and appropriate Merits can remove

2.5 Discerning the Transmundane the first three modifiers.
Domain, Fame, and Herd apply their pool or difficulty
effects per Vampire: The Masquerade, p. 112-114.
Vampires and ghouls are immediately capable of recognizing
each other when no means of disguise are in place (ex. The difficulty of hunting rolls by region is as follows, per
Obfuscate, certain Merits): their Beasts know, as a Vampire: The Masquerade p. 259-260:
supernatural effect, when they encounter another Beast • Slum neighborhood/the Rack: 4
(although this does not inform whether the character is a • Lower-income/Bohemian: 5
ghoul or vampire). This extends to the impact of the • Downtown business district: 6
Conviction Virtue any character with it is tangibly off, even • Warehouse district: 6
beyond the sense of the Beast. • Suburb: 7
• Heavily patrolled area: 8
• Mortals with Awareness who succeed on a • Wilderness: 9
Perception + Awareness roll (difficulty 7) can
determine a vampire’s state in this supernatural Once per calendar day, player may make a hunting roll in
way. the #hunting channel. This roll should include a full
• The radius for recognizing the Beast in this way is breakdown of its difficulty (any applicable modifiers listed
approximately 5 meters. above, applied to the chosen region), what dice pool is
being used, whether you are storing the blood, etc. The
Sensing the Beast is a homebrew mechanic introduced with minimum difficulty for Hunting cannot be less than 3, after
the intention of simplifying the roleplay aspect of the game all modifiers have been accounted for.
between strangers. As such, it doesn’t come into play in
scenes where it would negate stealth actions (ex. sneaking by In certain situations, players might need to use their
another vampire, or ambushing a ghoul). In such situations, Retainers to help them hunt. Such may be where character
only a clear perception of the character allows another to has taken too much damage to hunt on their own, or
sense their Beast, i.e. they need to be seen, heard etc. before cannot reach their prey without breaching the Masquerade.
the Beast can be sensed. In these situations, player may opt to use the dice pool of
their Retainer as a hunting method, to lure the prey to the
vampire. This action consumes the players daily hunting
2.6 Blood roll, regardless of result. As a recommendation, a Social roll
is best suited for this action. Violent methods will have
negative consequences even if the roll is successful. Getting it
Your successes on this roll are the number of blood points
The hunting system is subject to the following cumulative you receive, unless you are storing the blood, in which case
modifiers: the stored amount of blood is half the amount, rounded
• +1 difficulty if you are at 2 or 3 Humanity (as per down, of successes on the roll.
the Bearing modifier).
• +1 difficulty if you are at 1 Humanity (as per the
Bearing modifier), or have the Conviction or Human Bodies
Instinct Virtues.
• +2 difficulty if you break the Masquerade by The sensory ecstasy of the Kiss, combined with the blood
appearance alone (Appearance 0, Kiasyd, Nagaraja, loss from feeding, leaves mortals in a brief, mild fugue.
Gangrel of sufficient Curse affliction, certain Flaws They will remember something, but nothing distinct
such as Glowing Eyes), or if you are of Clan (excepting effects such as the Giovanni Clan curse).
Ventrue or Giovanni (representative of their Clan
curses; this cannot be mitigated by disguise). Mortals and Ghouls have a natural recovery rate of 1 blood
• +Variable difficulty if you have any Flaw that would point per day.
ward mortals away from you, as specified by the

• Taking 1 blood point from them will leave them consume as much or as little as they desire, failure causes
light headed until they eat and rest. them to consume a full blood point’s worth, and a botch
• Taking 2 blood points will leave them woozy and causes them to drink until they are sated (this cannot cause
slightly low for a few days. accidental Diablerie). Effects such as the Foul Blood Merit
• Taking 3 blood points will most likely cause them to and the Assamite Clan curse override the prior mechanics
pass out and feel drained for a week. in their entirety, and the Addictive Blood Merit increases
• Taking 4 blood points will harm them to the extent the Self-Control roll’s difficulty to 8.
of needing several days of medical care.
• Taking 5 or more blood points will almost certainly
The taste of vitae cannot ever be disguised or altered, but
kill them without immediate transfusion beyond its baseline, varies from kindred to kindred based
on diet due to the emotional resonance and health of their
Mortals and Ghouls suffer 1 Lethal damage per turn/minute prey. A vampire, ghoul, or previously exposed mortal may
for every BP drained below half of their pool. (most detect vitae by taking a moment to smell it with a
commonly 5) When their blood pools are drained, they must Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty 6). Mixing with other
be Embraced, or die. sorts of potable liquids preserves vitae’s ability to ghoul and
bond but removes its ability to confer the Embrace.

2.6.2 Keeping it Vitae sitting in the open loses its ability to ghoul in 3 hours,
its ability to bond and attune to Disciplines in 6 hours, is
useless for Blood Sorcery that requires a target’s vitae after
One blood point extracted from any source other than a 12 hours, and is spoiled in all ways after 24 hours.
vampire (ex. a point of blood, not vitae) is about Refrigeration and sterile isolation double these times.
one US pint or half a liter. Freezing or boiling vitae destroys all its supernatural
Sterile drawing and sealed preservation in a refrigerated
environment (requiring Resources 2+ and Medicine 2+)
preserves blood’s drinkability for 3 weeks. When storing
blood in this way, explicate it in your hunting roll. 2.8 The Blood Bond
Maximum amount of blood that a character can have stored
at one time is equal to 5 × (Resources Background) blood Beginning or advancing a blood bond requires ingestion of
points. (A character with Resources 5 can have up to 25 a full point of vitae, per Ghouls & Revenants p. 36. Bonds
blood points stored, which is the maximum) Maximum are no longer maintained by proximity or interaction alone,
amount of blood that a character can bring with them into a more vitae must be provided. Blood bonding requires the
character to have a sufficient understanding of the
scene at one time is equal to their Resources Background.
properties of vitae, which is covered by Occult Knowledge
(Occult 1)
A character cannot use Medicine Knowledge of other At a third-level bond, attempting to do any of the following
characters (or their Retainers) to store blood. They can use things to your regnant requires a successful Willpower roll
Medicine Knowledge of their own Retainers, but have to as per Vampire: The Masquerade p. 288: disobeying them,
note that in the hunting roll (in case of potential botches). physically resisting them, scheming against them, damaging
Characters can use pooled Resources Background of their their property, relationships, or interests, divulging their
coterie to store blood. secrets, or attempting to directly harm them.

2.7 Vitae 2.9 Ghouls

One blood point of vitae is approximately a mouthful of Creating a ghoul requires the mortal be fed an entire point
fluid. of vitae, per Vampire: The Masquerade p. 269, in
The first time in a scene that a given vampire’s vitae is tasted addition to the expenditure of one temporary Willpower.
directly from the source (ex. from an opened vein), the Increasing a ghoul’s Blood Pool takes an entire blood point
drinking party must make a Self-Control roll at difficulty 6 to of vitae as well. Ghouls do not inherit Clan weaknesses
resist a terrible thirst incited by its intoxicating, addictive from their regnant (i.e. they are all treated as having the
taste. Success on this roll allows the drinking character to
Blood Flaw Immunity Merit from Ghouls & Revenants p. vampire into torpor. Further Bashing or Lethal damage to a
137) Creating ghouls requires the character to have a torpid vampire will overflow into Aggravated damage,
sufficient understanding of the properties of vitae, which is although exceptional damage (such as decapitation, major
covered by Occult Knowledge (Occult 1) crushing force, fire and Sunlight) can cause Final Death
regardless of damage taken beforehand.
You may ghoul animals without Animal Ken or Animalism
Discipline, but their effectiveness as thralls is significantly
reduced as you don‘t possess any way of communicating or
training them. They will be your harmless pets at best
2.12 Torpor
(approaching them in the first place will prove to be a
significant obstacle without Inoffensive to Animals Merit). A torpid vampire donated at least one blood point by
Once an animal is ghouled, its instinctive aversion to another vampire of three or more Generations below them
vampires is gone, and any vampire (not just the original automatically awakens (with a new blood bond, should it be
domitor) can maintain its ghouldom, though Animalism is applicable).
still necessary to command and Animal Ken is still necessary
to train ghouled animals. A vampire who falls to torpor as a result of damage can only
awaken by spending a blood point and making the
Ghouls count as “mortal” rather than “supernatural” for Awakening roll (Humanity/Path diff 8). Only one roll per
purposes that distinguish between the two, except where night may be attempted this way. A vampire without any
explicitly stated otherwise (eg. Burning Blade does not deal blood in their bodies cannot make the roll until fed at least
aggravated damage to ghouls). one blood point. Feeding a torpid vampire a point of vitae
will cause them to awake with a level-one Blood Bond to
every kindred who‘s vitae they‘ve been fed. A kindred who

2.10 The Embrace awakens with insufficient blood in their system must make
Hunger Frenzy check rolls.

To imbue vitae with the power to Embrace, the sire-to-be A vampire in voluntary torpor may choose to wake up dusk
must expend one temporary Willpower and transfer vitae at any day after the first spent in torpor, and may wake
directly to the childe-to-be. If the sire is unable to spend immediately by spending a point of Willpower if they sense
Willpower, the childe will rise a Caitiff of the appropriate blood or danger in their vicinity.
Generation; if the transfer of vitae is either interrupted or
indirectly administered, the Embrace fails. If the childe-to-be
possesses any Numina other than True Faith, they are lost at
the moment of Embrace, and the XP spent on them is fully
2.13 Diablerie
We will be using the Diablerie rules found on pg. 180 of
The Black Hand: A Guide to the Tal’Mahe’Ra.

2.11 Damage (Healing and Soak)

Aggravated damage may be healed once every real-time day
2.14 Combat
with the mechanics on Vampire: The Masquerade p. 285.
Strenuous activity during the night prevents healing
aggravated damage that night. 2.14.1 Initiative
If multiple types of damage are applied at the same time and Wound Penalties will reduce character‘s initiative
the character is able to soak all three of them, the soak roll is (clarification, since the V20 left the rule vague; corrected in
applied first to Aggravated, then to Lethal, then to Bashing, the DAV20)
otherwise, first to Lethal, then to Bashing.

Filling the health track with Bashing damage will not send 2.14.2 Maneuvers
vampires into torpor, and will instead overflow into Lethal
damage. Filling the health track with lethal damage sends a

Clinch & Hold (Vampire: The Masquerade p. 276): “No • Legs (difficulty +2): applies the movement (but not
other actions are allowed until one combatant breaks free.” dice pool) penalty of the Mauled health level until
This sentence is replaced with “Any action may be employed the wound is healed.
except attacking with weapons not concealable in a pocket • Disarm (p.276) can be performed with ranged
(P) or jacket (J), moving away from the being you are in a weapons. The difficulty for this roll is at +2 instead
clinch with, dodging, and hiding without the aid of of +1, and is made with a Dexterity + Firearms
supernatural powers. Being in a clinch counts as touch for pool.
any power that requires touch to be used.”
Breaking Cliches & Holds through additional actions with Crippled Limb: If a character suffers a targeted attack, it
Celerity (or similar) abilities is cumulative with the intended may cripple a limb temporarily at Storyteller discretion.
action and will count as an Extended Action towards Actions using that limb are at +2 difficulty so long as the
breaking the said grab action. All the successes from these health levels of damage causing the complication remain.
actions are cumulative until the grab is broken. The holder
may also spend their Celerity (or similar) action for the Cover: Taking cover is now a full action that will, in most
purpose of resisting to breaking of grabs. Additionally, these cases require no roll, unless the storyteller or narrator
actions may also be used by both combatants for other requires one, due to circumstances of combat.
actions that don‘t require the breaking of grab as per normal
rules, listed above. Immobilized Target: Bonus doesn‘t apply if the target is
immobilized by the attacker. (ex. Striking a target while in a
Headbutt: (Dexterity + Brawl; difficulty 6; Damage: Strength Clinch with them). Maneuvers made against a paralyzed or
(Bashing)) This maneuver can be performed during Clinches otherwise incapacitated target are always considered a
& Holds, but only against the grappling opponent. If the success, but the roll should be made for all actions that can
target soaks all the damage, any number of successes that benefit from accuracy dice. All successes from this roll add
exceed the damage soaked inflict as Bashing damage on the to the damage roll as accuracy dice.
user instead.
Pull Punches: When you wish to do less damage than you
rolled, you may subtract as much damage as you want from
the hit, to a minimum of 1 damage still inflicted (this does 2.15 Equipment
not allow damage to be shifted between type, i.e. aggravated
damage cannot be “pulled” to lethal). Characters in frenzy
cannot pull punches. Automatic successes on damage rolls
2.15.1 Form
from activated Potence cannot be affected by this mechanic
and will always do full damage. Punches cannot be „pulled“ So long as you preserve the mechanical aspects of an
using Firearms attacks. equipment entry, it can take whatever physical form that
you like within reason (ex. a sword can be a rapier or
Reloading: Requires no roll, and is automatically successful if katana).
performed as a full action. If reloading is a part of Multiple
Actions, the dice pool used for reloading is Dexterity +
Firearms (difficulty 6), which is the dice pool that is being
split. Accuracy dice cannot be split to benefit reloading as a
2.15.2 Firearms
part of Multiple Actions, Crossbows still require 3 turns to
reload. Only the Firearms from the Ranged chart on Vampire: The
Masquerade p. 281 are available in the game, with the
Targeting: (Vampire: The Masquerade p. 274): now has addition of weapons listed in the 16.1 Armory section of
expanded effects for the following hit locations: this document. Below is a detailed explanation of how these
• Head (difficulty +2): lethal (as per usual); +1 firearms can be acquired. All weapons have more than one
difficulty to Perception-based rolls until the wound option of acquiring, and fulfilling either of requirements is
is healed. sufficient
• Hands (difficulty +2): if armed, see Disarm (p.276) • Light Pistol – Armory Background 1 | Influence
instead (Underworld) 2 + Resources 2
• Arms/Shoulders (difficulty +1): can bypass Armor, • Light Revolver – Armory Background 1 |
but otherwise same as targeting the torso. Influence (Underworld) 2 + Resources 2
• Small SMG – Armory Background 1 | Influence
(Underworld) 2 + Resources 2
• Heavy Pistol – Armory Background 2 | Influence
(Underworld) 3 + Resources 2
2.15.4 Armor
• Heavy Revolver - Armory Background 2 | Influence
(Underworld) 3 + Resources 2 You may conceal armor. Purchasing armor requires
• Riffle - Armory Background 2 | Influence Resources Background dots equal to (Armor class) -1
(Underworld) 3 + Resources 2 • Class One (Reinforced/Heavy Clothing): Needs no
• Shotgun (pump-action) - Armory Background 2 | concealment.
Influence (Underworld) 3 + Resources 2 • Class Two (Armored T-Shirt): Street clothes,
• Large SMG – Armory Background 3 | Influence outside work clothes, suit jacket, dress.
(Underworld) 5 + Resources 3 | Influence (Law • Class Three (Kevlar Vest): Trench coat, heavy
Enforcement) 4 winter gear.
• Assault Riffle - Armory Background 3 | Influence • Class Four and Five: You may not conceal this
(Underworld) 5 + Resources 3 | Influence (Law level of armoring without supernatural abilities.
Enforcement) 4
• Shotgun (Semi-auto) - Armory Background 3 | Light helmet is universally accessible. It removes one
Influence (Underworld) 5 + Resources 3 | damage success, before soak. Heavy helmet is only available
Influence (Law Enforcement) 4 with Armory 5 Background and has doubled effects.
Helmets cannot be concealed without supernatural abilities.
These are only the requirements for obtaining the weapons,
not for maintaining or keeping them (maintenance is Armor soak rolls are made separately and before the normal
covered by the Armory Background). Everything not listed soak rolls. If the damage dealt exceeds twice the rating of
here needs to meet special requirements to obtain, and needs the armor or helmet after soak, it is ruined and no longer
to be approved by the storyteller. provides soaking benefits.

2.15.3 Damage 2.16 Backgrounds

• Explosions use the Fire & Burns table on Vampire:
The Masquerade p. 297. 2.16.1 Armory
• All arrows and bolts behave as bullets do: bashing
damage to vampires, that becomes lethal when they Armory dots can be transferred to other players via
hit the head or the heart. Wooden arrows and bolts Downtime actions. Additionally, the Background can be
may stake at range. pooled with the Coterie, for other characters to reap
benefits from it.
• Brass knuckles and other similar weapons (boxing
gloves, metal gauntlets, etc.) use the Brawl Ability, •
but only ever inflict Bashing damage and cannot be At this level you only have access to simplest of low caliber
used to parry melee attacks (but can block Brawl weapons, such as pistols and SMG‘s, as well as molotovs,
attacks). Additionally, they are always capped at and nothing more.
Strength +1 damage. A similar bladed weapon (such • Molotov Cocktail (single use, 3 AoE fire damage in
as a tiger’s claw, dragon knuckles etc.) always uses a 3-5m radius, Throw mechanics, can induce
Melee. Rötschreck in nearby kindred even if not targeted)

• Nagaraja bite is different from all other kindred‘s. It ••

exclusively does Lethal damage instead of At this level you have access to more powerful weapons that
Aggravated, and can never perform the Kiss attack. can rarely be possessed by civilians, such as revolvers,
The bite inflicts one point of unsoakable Lethal hunting riffles and shotguns.
damage, but any additional damage can be soaked
normally. •••
At this level you have access to military-grade weaponry and
equipment, such as assault and sniper riffles, military
shotguns, flash and smoke grenades. Possessing this level of
Armory, as well as anything beyond is prohibited by the taken multiple times to represent different spheres of
government and will require some effort to retain it, like influence.
proper Contacts or Influence levels in the right department,
or bribery and extortion of the officials, or you will be Added another separate document - Influences_Expanded
tracked by the government and find yourself in trouble with where the Influence Background is broken down into
the law. tiniest of details, explaining what a character can actually
achieve with each dot of each Influence category.
•••• and ••••• grant access to more powerful hardware,
rather than granting a larger and larger stock of more Taking the 4th and 5th dot of this Background will require
mundane weapons and the ability to service them. These an explicit justification, and may only be available to those
dots also grant the equipment to store, service and repair who fulfill certain requirements, like having enough dots in
everything listed below. appropriate Abilities, Disciplines and other Backgrounds.

•••• Available categories:

• Heavy Machine Gun (100 ammo, 8 damage, 150 • Business (Covers categories of finance, industry
range, 3 rate) and partial bureaucracy)
• Hand Grenade (single use, 8 damage +2 AoE fire • Church (The non-secular world. This includes all
damage in 15m radius, Throw mechanics) faiths, places of worship, and religious hierarchy.)
• Health (Hospitals, blood banks, doctors.)
• High Society (Culture and subculture, fame,
••••• fashion, trendsetting.)
• Phosphorus Grenade (single use, 6 dice of fire • Law Enforcement (Covers categories of Police, Fire
damage +4 AoE fire damage in 15m radius, Throw department and Legalism in general)
mechanics) • Media (Newspapers, television and radio)
• RPG (single use, 8 dice of fire damage +2 AoE fire • Politics (Elected officials; sheriffs, mayors, state
damage in 15m radius, 150 range) and congressional representatives, county
• Heavy Helmet (removes two damage successes, commissioners, and City Councils and partial
before soak) bureaucracy)
• Incendiary ammunition (tracer rounds, used for • Transportation (By land, water, or air. Cabs, buses,
pistols, rifles and smg’s convert first point of freeways, trains, shipping, airports.)
damage to Aggravated, after soak. For shotgun slug • Underworld (Homeless people, street gangs,
shells – two points. The effective range is 5 meters, unorganized and organized crime, prostitution,
and all attacks that exceed the range apply only gambling, fraud, extortion.)
Bashing damage. • University (Higher education, research,
administration of colleges.)
2.16.2 Contacts
Influence 5 now only covers nearby nations, rather than
global scale.
Individual contacts can provide you with information in the
relevant categories. Specializing Contacts in the same
category as Influence Background (listed below) can provide Influence Rolls
a mechanical benefit in form of additional dice equal to your Influence can be rolled for various results, even against
dots in Influence Background when making appropriate dice other characters. The dice pool is (Attribute) + Influence.
rolls that use Contacts instead of Abilities. Consult the Storyteller for more details, including the
difficulty, which will be adjudicated on a case by case basis.
Willpower cannot be spent on these rolls. If roll is made
2.16.3 Influence against another player, it will always be a contested roll.
Characters without any related Influence can still make a
resisted roll using the appropriate Attribute only.
This Background is too vaguely described in the Corebook
and therefore is expanded and categorized to give it more
meaning. Upon taking Influence • it MUST be specialized
in one of the categories below. This Background may be

2.16.4 Library and Mentor
2.16.6 Retainers
Library Background can support learning Blood Sorcery.
This source comes from a single tradition of Blood Sorcery
(ex. Thaumaturgy, Abyss Mysticism, etc.) which must be Retainer NPCs have drastically reduced stats for ease and
chosen at the time the first dot in the Background is taken. balance of play. Additionally, they have no Freebie points,
Merits, Flaws or Backgrounds. Note that this is narrativist,
• - One Path to level 1. 3 Rituals up to level 1. not simulational; that is, their stats represent how much
•• - One Path to level 2. 6 Rituals up to level 2. they will do for you in specific more than they represent
••• - Two Paths to level 3. 12 Rituals to level 3. their total capabilities in the abstract.
•••• - Three Paths to level 4. 18 Rituals to level 4. • • Retainers have Attributes of 2, with one at 3,
••••• - Unlimited, as though you were a member of the two Abilities at 2, and two at 3, Willpower 3 and
Clan and trained in its practice. all Virtues at 2
• •• Retainers have Attributes at 2, with two at 3,
Secret, Clan Specific, or Unique Rituals are not included or four Abilities at 2 and two at 3, Willpower 5 and
taught with these Backgrounds. Examples include but are all Virtues at 3
not limited to: Pavis of Foul Presence, From Marduk’s • •••+ Retainers have their own sheets that must
Throat, Eternal Mask, Nectar of the Bitter Rose, and others be submitted and approved.
like them. Bloodline Disciplines are also excluded from these
methods. Full-sheet Retainers (•••+ ) are still fully-statted per the
base point allocation and are limited to their dot rating for
Dots in Mentor Background represent not the overall power any Attribute or Ability (ex. a ••• Retainer can have a
of the Mentor, but rather how much they are willing to aid maximum of ••• in any given Attribute or Ability).
the protége. This means that a character may still have a
powerful Mentor even at one dot of the Background, but Players may spend XP on full-sheet Retainers. No Retainer
cannot expect to be aided much. Mentor is only willing to may have any sort of Numina.
teach Disciplines up to the level of the dots invested in the
Background. Mentor will only teach them common Animal Retainers
Disciplines known to them, and none of their Clan-specific
ones. If a character is found out knowing a certain Discipline
by other characters that feel specifically protective of its Each individual animal Retainer will use the stats from
secrets, that is a just cause for entering PvP, regardless of the Ghouls and Revenants p. 172-176 and Vampire: the
Mentor Background. (Storytellers reserve the right to deny Masquerade p. 388-391 for the animals not listed in the
certain Disciplines being learned via this Background.) A supplement book (with the exception of Intelligence stat),
character may have multiple lesser-value Mentors, but the and for the simplicity of play will be the only animals
Background still caps at ••••• available as Retainers (no Giraffes, sadface). As it states in
Ghouls and Revenants p. 170 „Should a vampire simply let
the animal feed on vampiric blood, the maximum Blood
2.16.5 Nosferatu Information Exchange Pools are halved to reflect the fact that its blood has not
been drained.“ This rule applies (halved Blood Pools are
Works in similar fashion to Anarch Information Exchange rounded down to a minimum of 1).
Background. Higher dots of this Background give access, not
only to the verbal aspect of trading in secrets but also deeper Due to a significant difference in stats, different animals
access to Schrecknet 2.0. will require a different amount of dots invested in the
Background before they can be acquired as Retainers, listed
Only members of the Clan Nosferatu or those who posses below:
Friend of the Underground Merit can acquire this
Background at creation, but there are various ways to get • Aligator or Crocodile – •••
involved in this network in play • Ape or Gorilla – •••
• Chimpanzee – •••
Any character that can get access to a Schrecknet terminal or • Bat (singular) – •
uses a device that can access Schrecknet can get a -2 difficulty • Bear – •••
on any Investigation rolls involving Kindred society. • Lion or Tiger – •••
• Leopard, Jaguar, Panther or Cougar – ••
• Small Bird – • Resources 5 now excludes the phrases proximate to national
• Substantial Bird – • and government import. You’re not a multi-billionaire in
• Large Bird – •• 2022 terms; it’s more around 100 million in total.
• Camel – •••
• Bobcat or Lynx – •• 2.16.8 Spirit Slaves
• House Cat – •
• Small Dog – •
• Medium or Large Dog – •• All Spirit Slaves represented by • of the Background use
• Bratovich Hellhound – NO the stats for Recently Deceased wraiths (Vampire: the
• Small Horse – •• Masquerade p. 385), while those represented by ••• use
• Large Horse – ••• the stats for Spectre Wraith, instead. They have all Virtues
• Small Pig – • of 0, and all Disciplines or Rituals that would invoke the
• Large Pig/Boar – •• target‘s Virtue as a subject for a roll or difficulty
• Rat (singular) – • automatically fail. They possess the Discipline equivalent of
• Constrictor Snake (singular) – • those listed in their stats and cannot improve them further.
• Poisonous Snake (singular) – • Spirit Slaves are able to use the Manifest mechanics from
• Wolf – •• the sidebar in Lore of the Clans p. 109 like any other
Additionally, instead of ghouling individual animals,
characters may choose to ghoul swarms or packs of animals.
Swarms and packs have their own mechanics and stats listed
in Ghouls and Revenants p. 170-172.
2.17 Disciplines
Due to a significant difference in stats, different swarms and • When first learning an out-of-Clan Discipline, you
packs will require a different amount of dots invested in the must receive instruction and purchase the first dot
Background before they can be acquired as Retainers, listed in that
below: Discipline at the same time, within the same night
you drunk a point of vitae from someone with the
• Small Bugs – • Discipline. While subsequent advancements do
• Large Bugs – • not require further vitae to be drunk (per Vampire:
• Flying Bugs – • The Masquerade p. 128), XP must still be spent at
• Birds (small ones only) or Bats – ••• the same time instruction is provided. Advancing
• Rats – •• out-of-Clan Disciplines requires an instructor for
• Feral Cats – •••• every level, except Potence, Celerity, and Fortitude,
• Wild Dogs or Wolves – ••••• which only require instruction for the first dot.

• Learning and advancing an out-of-clan Discipline Warghouls
will require a sufficient understanding of its
functions in addition to a teacher and attunement.
All Szlachta and Vozhd will use the stats from their entries in This understanding is gained through Occult
Ghouls and Revenants p. 177-180 except their „Attack“ Knowledge. Occult 1 to learn the common
mechanics listed there. Instead they will use the dice pools Disciplines (Animalism, Auspex, Dominate,
like any other ghoul, being the sum of their Attribute + Obfuscate, and Presence) Occult 2 to learn the
Ability values, appropriate for the action they use. uncommon Disciplines (Chimerstry,
Dementation, Obtenebration, Protean, Quietus,
Serpentis, and Vicissitude) and Occult 4 to learn
2.16.7 Resources the rare Bloodline Disciplines (Melpomenee,
Mytherceria, Obeah, Thanatosis,Temporis etc.)
Physical Disciplines (Celerity, Fortitude and
Taking the 4th and 5th dot of this Background will require Potence) are excluded from this rule. Sorcery
an explicit justification, and may only be available to those Traditions (Thaumaturgy, Necromancy etc.) are
who fulfill certain requirements, like having enough dots in excluded from this rule, and follow their own set
appropriate Abilities, Disciplines and other Backgrounds. of restrictions.
• No Discipline or other supernatural ability can
2.17.1 Blood Sorcery
cause damage across dimensions (except where
explicitly noted) or remotely through any power that All rituals from all traditions that lack explicit casting times
has the capacity to expand or relocate your senses now take 5 minutes per level to cast, as generalized from the
(Auspex, etc.). rules for Thaumatugy rituals on Vampire: The Masquerade
p. 230.
• All powers with listed duration may be canceled at
any point prior to the end of their duration. Botching a roll to activate a power or ritual incurs the
following cumulative penalties:
• Any Discipline that requires a roll on the part of its -1 botch = Lose 2 blood points,
target involving a Knowledge as part of the pool for -2 botch = Lose 2 temporary Willpower,
that roll (ex. resisting Chanjelin Ward) may be -3 botch = Take 3 lethal damage, soakable with Stamina +
rolled at a +1 difficulty if no dots in the Knowledge Fortitude,
are possessed. -4 botch = Lose one permanent Willpower

• Discipline effects that add dice to pools (chiefly Rituals like Scry, Vision of Shadows, and certain other
Potence to Strength, Celerity to Dexterity, and powers allow their users to remotely sense other locations,
Fortitude to Stamina) also add their ratings as which functions much better in a traditional coterie-based
“phantom” dot modifiers to appropriate Traits’ raw game than the LARP-style multiscene gameplay here. When
ratings when applicable (ex. for the purposes of employing these powers, awareness of the scene or subject
calculating movement speed, use Dexterity + begins after an amount of real time equal to the casting
Celerity, for the purposes of calculating lifting or time of the power, if applicable.
throwing capacity, use Strength + Potence). These
benefits are only gained when the Disciplines aren’t Only one difficulty reduction mechanic may apply to
being actively used, just as the Disciplines only casting Path Dots of Blood Sorcery. If more mechanics are
contribute to pools when not activated. operating than allowed, the Player may choose one.

• All Mind and Emotional Control Disciplines • Path of the Focused Mind is restricted from being
(including Presence, Dominate, Path of Corruption, the Primary path in all Sorcery Traditions.
and all similar effects) have a subtle effect upon
activation. In no way shall a character express that
their hand is being forced, but instead, there shall Incepting Novel Rituals/Adapting Rituals From Other
be a focus on internalizing the effects. Exceptions to Traditions: As stated in the #character-creation channel, you
this rule can be made with Storyteller approval (this must have ••••• in a Sorcery Path and have one Ritual at
is usually in the case of witnesses. Targets of the each level.
power will have much difficulty recognizing that • Incepting or Adapting Rituals is a function of
they are targeted). Failure to do this will be Downtime. To do either requires a variable
considered metagaming. (Presence can still be number of successes for each Level:
resisted as normal.) 10/15/20/25/30. The pool to roll is Intelligence +
Occult. Once you acquire your successes, the
• All Discipline powers and Rituals that remove dots Ritual is now recorded in a form of your choice
permanently, or for a period longer than a year that any Sorcerer from your Tradition may review
automatically have their duration reduced to one and learn the Ritual on their own if you don’t
year of real time, upon which the dot is returned. choose to destroy the notes after learning it.
(The exception to this rule is The Revelations of Regardless, once you’ve codified the Ritual, you
Eden, which has it‘s duration reduced further. must then spend the appropriate amount of
Listed below in the Setite Sorcery section.) Experience Points to add it to your sheet like any
other Ritual.
• Koldunic Sorcery is not available in this venue. It
cannot be accessed at Character Creation or • Adapting secret Rituals from other Traditions
learned in play. (Storytellers still reserve the right to requires you to have Occult 5 to know about them.
use it as plot device) These include, but aren’t limited to: Pavis of Foul

Presence, Eternal Mask, Nectar of the Bitter Rose, only one Shade under his control at a time, but
and so on. they can assist other casters in summoning their
own. Shades possess all Social and Mental
• Death‘s Communion Ritual is strictly tied to the Attributes of 0, which makes them only effective in
Necromancy Discipline and cannot be adapted to combat or intimidation. They cannot speak,
any other Sorcery Tradition under any investigate, craft etc. They don‘t possess any
circumstances. Knowledges. They are a manifestation of the Abyss
in a humanoid form, and cannot be disguised via
The approval process will depend on the scope and reach of mundane methods or wear clothing. They can be
the Ritual. Replicating the effects of already existing Rituals armed only with Melee weapons. They can only
will be approved. Those that are variations of the Rituals that assume the Physical Disciplines of the caster. They
affect different creatures, things or powers also have a decent can be harmed with all forms of damage, but take
chance of approval. Completely novel Rituals that don’t double damage from fire or sunlight. All damage
resemble anything already in any of the books will be much that Shade inflicts with Brawl is considered Lethal.
more difficult to adjudicate and have a high chance of being It‘s unable to communicate with anyone other
denied. than its caster. Abyss Mysticism Anarch Sorcery

• Abyss Elemental (Vampire: the Dark Ages p. 271- Rituals and Paths labeled as Anarch Sorcery are stolen from
272): The casting time for this Ritual is 5 minutes. other Blood Sorcery traditions. Anarch sorcerers have access
Only one Elemental can be summoned at a time. to all the rituals listed on pg 230-240 of the V20 Core, and
Elemental is used for scouting and spying purposes, additionally Rites of the Blood pg 23-29 and pg. 145-156,
and therefore cannot be used for combat. additionally they have access to all the Paths and rituals of
Otherwise uses the same stats as Talon of the Abyss. their appropriate Anarch thaumaturgy school as well as the
It only possesses Obtenebration 1 as its Discipline. rituals Ascension of the Blood and Sanguine trail from Lore
Elemental is immune to Clinch, Hold, Tackle and of the Clans.
similar combat maneuvers due to it‘s tiny size, but
can be targeted with Brawl, Melee and Firearms at However they do NOT have access to the following rituals:
+2 diff. It has two health levels (Ok, Faded -2)
before it‘s destroyed. It can be harmed with all • Brotherhood of the Cup
forms of damage but fire or sunlight destroys it • Deflect the Wooden Doom
immediately upon contact. It‘s unable to • Ward/Warding Circle vs Ghouls, Kindred,
communicate with anyone other than its caster. Lupines, Spirits, Ghosts and Demons
• Pavis of Foul Presence
• Talon of the Abyss (Vampire: the Dark Ages p. 272): • Chime of Unseen Spirits
The casting time for this Ritual is 5 minutes. Only • Sigil of Authority
one Talon can be summoned at a time. It only • Preservation of the Sanguine Heart
possesses Obtenebration 1 as its Discipline. Talon is • Transubstantion of the Seven
immune to Clinch, Hold, Tackle and similar • The Curse Belated
combat maneuvers due to it‘s tiny size, but can be • Track Transgressor
targeted with Brawl, Melee and Firearms at +2 diff. • Abandon the Fetters
It can be harmed with all forms of damage, but take • Nectar of the Bitter Rose
double damage from fire or sunlight. All damage
that Talon inflicts is considered Lethal. The following Anarch Rituals are available to the below
listed blood sorcery groups and may be purchased for In
• Calling the Hungry Shade (Vampire: the Dark Ages Clan XP Costs: (Some rituals appear in multiple traditions.)
p. 272): The casting time for this Ritual is 3 hours.
If Successful, the Shade is under the caster’s Assamite Sorcery:
control. The controlling caster for group Rituals • Ward vs Vitae
must be decided when the Ritual is begun. Shades • Blood Crystal
remain until the next sunrise, destroyed, or • Bloody Mary
dismissed by the caster. A single caster can have • Calling Card
• Beat Your Way To Glory • Vitality Hack
• Baron Zaraguin’s Sting • Whispers of the Ghost
• A Touch of Nightshade
Necromancy: • Amulet of the Mnemosyn
• Sanctify the Temple • Brotherhood of the Cup
• All Old Skool Rituals • Dante’s Urban Legend
• Bloody Mary • Pavis of Foul Presence
• Ward of the Winged Sepulcher
Obtenebration: • Sanguine Assistant
• Bloody Mary • Soul of the Homonculus
• Transubstantiation of the Seven
Setite Sorcery: • Innocence of the Child’s Heart
• Flatline • Mirror Walk
• Enfolding The Believers • Stolen Kisses
• Transcending Barriers Through Love • Track Transgressor
• Sanctify the Temple • Asymmetrical Reproduction
• Bloody Mary • At Our Command It Breathes
• Blood Contract
Tremere Thaumaturgy: • Cobra’s Favor
• Iron Body • Mirror of Blood
• Nectar of the Bitter Rose
The Pursuit of Apotheosis is prohibited in this venue. It • Ward vs Technology
cannot be learned or adapted into any Sorcery Tradition.
Directing Ahriman‘s Lance does not apply to Reflexive
rolls. Dur‘An‘Ki
From Marduk‘s Throat is prohibited in this venue, and
Assamite Sorcerers have access to everything mentioned in cannot be learned by Assamite Sorcerers, or adapted into
their section on page 440 of the V20 Core, the sidebar found other Sorcery Traditions (Storytellers still reserve the right
there, and ALL the Tremere Thaumaturgical Rituals except to use it as plot device).
the following:
• Bind the Accusing Tongue
• Blood into Water The Primary paths of Assamite sorcerers varies. It can be
• Blood Rush either Spirit Manipulation, Lure of Flames, or Movement of
• Chime of Unseen Spirits the Mind.
• Devil’s Touch
• Domino of Life Necromancy Rituals
• Impressive Visage
• Incantation of the Shepherd
• Learning the Mind Enslumbered • Divine Sign Ritual provides an insight into target‘s
• Purify Blood next action. If used on mortals or supernaturals
• Purity of Flesh (other than wraiths) it provides either a +2 score
• Sense The Mystical for initiative roll (if used prior to combat), or +2
• Wake With Evening’s Freshness dice on a defensive action against the target, or +2
• Widow’s Spite dice for an offensive action that is opposed by a
• Communicate with Kindred Bond Mate defensive action of that target. This effect can be
• Eyes of Babel used only once for a single instance of the ones
• Eyes of the Nighthawk listed above. If the ritual is used on a wraith, it
• Hidden Haven provides the user +2 dice on any Necromancy
• The Jinx power or ritual roll against that wraith for the rest
• Machine Blitz of the night.
• Oinos of Dionysus
• Rutor’s Hands • Chill of Oblivion Ritual cannot extinuish or
• Recure of the Homeland mitigate the flames of Burning Blade or other
supernatural flames, caused by Discipline powers or use the system described for Thaumaturgy and its Rituals
Rituals (ex. Daimoinon), but can fully affect the located on pg. 213 & 230 of the V20 Core, respectively.
natural flames from Disciplines (ex. Lure of Flames
Thaumaturgy) • The Revelations of Duat. With the level 3
(Pharaoh‘s Sentry) and level 4 (Imbue with the
• Dead Man‘s Hand Ritual will cause the subject to Grace of Anubis) of this power, the sorcerer can
make Courage rolls (diff 6) for each level of damage summon up to three sentries in total, even if
taken after Injured, as they consciously witness their combining the levels of the power. With the level 5
body rotting and getting infested with maggots. A (The Sorcery of Life) of this power, the sorcerer
kindred who falls to torpor after 12 hours of can summon only one bane-mummy, and it
Incapacitation due to effects of this ritual cannot prevents them from summoning any lesser sentries
awaken with blood expenditure and must be fed in addition.
blood from an outside source to awaken.(They will
still spend one blood per night, even in torpor until • The Revelations of Eden Sorcery Path’s permanent
completely exsanguinated) effects now last two Real Time weeks and the
Rating/Permanent Dot then returns.
• Grasp the Ghostly Ritual doesn‘t allow the user to
summon any kind of Artifact or supernatural item, Primary starting Path for Setite Sorcerers is Weather
but all other sorts of items, including weapons, Control
electronics, and explosives can be brought back, if
they have been destroyed in the past week. Thaumaturgy Rituals
• Haunting Breeze Ritual does not affect the caster.
Blood Walk reveals Vinculum ratings to the caster, same as
• Word of Insight Ritual only applies the mechanical if they were Blood Bonds.
effect of it‘s system. The caster may reroll one failed
action during the same night that the ritual was Incorporeal Passage Ritual also makes any damage you deal
cast, and only once. The caster receives no whispers out incorporeal, and thus useless, unless used against an
that would predict the future. opponent also under this Ritual.

• Point of the Needle Ritual requires the user to learn Pavis of Foul Presence Ritual can reflect Presence: Awe back
the Baleful Doll Ritual prior to learning this one. at the user, even in circumstances where they are
As it states in the flavor text, this ritual was unintentionally targeted.
developed by the Necromancers already adept in
being able to create the Baleful Doll. Principal Focus of Vitae Infusion: Releasing the blood
stored in an item produced by this ritual takes one
• Etherial Horde Ritual summons Drones (mindless turn, and only one Principal Focus per turn can be
wraiths). All Drones summoned this way use the activated in this way. While in combat, it takes only a half-
stats for Recently Deceased wraiths (Vampire: the action to bring a pellet from your person to your mouth,
Masquerade p. 385) and cannot use the Manifest and therefore other actions can be taken on the same turn
mechanics (Lore of the Clans p. 109). They will without splitting dice pools, but the effects of the Ritual will
obey caster‘s every command but otherwise won‘t take after the turn is over. This ritual can only be made with
take any actions on their own. Drones follow the the caster‘s own vitae and therefore can be released by their
caster for the rest of the night, no matter where the mental command only.
caster goes.
Wards cannot be bypassed through planar travel,
• Enochian Passage Ritual will not be used in this transformation, teleportation, possession or other such
chronicle. methods. You must defeat the mechanics mentioned in the
ward to travel past it, no matter the situation. If you fail to
defeat the mechanics, you can‘t go past it or interact with Setite Sorcery
the warded objects until you do. This also applies to any
objects you try to get past the ward, including projectiles
Where the Corebook does not specify what systems are used and ammunition, as well as to all of your powers, etc.
to invoke these powers, this branch of Blood Sorcery shall
Different types of Wards may be cast on the same object, but immediately fall to torpor. Wraiths and other ghostly
the same type of Ward cannot be cast multiple times on the apparitions are immune to this power. Table is listed in the
same object. Lore of the Bloodlines p. 71

Warding Circles cannot be stacked atop each other and Thaumaturgical Sight does not automatically reveal
require at least 2 feet/1 meter between their active fields. Thaumaturgically hidden beings. Use “Seeing the Unseen“

2.17.2 Combo Disciplines

2.17.3 Animalism
Any physical combo Discipline incorporating Celerity (such
as Burning Wrath, below) cannot be learned by a Animalism 3 (Quell the Beast) has been replaced with Song
character possessing True Celerity rather than Celerity. of Serenity (Vampire: The Dark Ages p. 192):
Mental-based combo Disciplines, such as Doubletalk or As an extended action requiring a number of successes
Scalpel Tongue, can be learned with either. equal to the target’s Willpower, roll Manipulation +
Intimidation (if cowing) or + Empathy (if calming) at
Blood Thorns uses Dexterity + Athletics dice pool for ranged difficulty 7. Failure negates all previously accumulated
claws attack. successes, and a botch renders the target immune to the
vampire’s Animalism for the scene. If a mortal
Burning Wrath applies generic aggravated damage, not is successfully affected by this power, they cannot regain or
specifically fire. spend Willpower, nor will they act in any way
except to preserve their own life; this effect persists until the
Dreamstalker always applies the loss of concentration effect mortal gets a number of successes equal to the
on the target (difficulty of extended rolls increased by +2). vampire’s Willpower on an extended, daily Willpower roll
The user must choose to apply the positive effect (-1 diff to (difficulty 6). If a vampire is affected, they cannot
Willpower rolls) or the negative effect (+1 diff to Willpower be provoked to frenzy (or gain an additional roll against
rolls) in addition, when using this power. Frenzy if Quell the Beast is used on them as they
begin to Frenzy) and the extended Willpower roll occurs
Exquisite Corpse: the effects of this power trigger every time every scene instead.
a target makes an attack roll against the user, after the first
successful attack. Animalism 5 (Drawing Out the Beast) has been replaced
with the Animalism 6 (Species Speech) power.
Retaliatory Terror: activation is optional.

Fear of the Dark uses Dominate rather than Presence. 2.17.4 Auspex
Necromancy is separate from the other Blood Sorceries for
these purposes and has specific Combos that require it. (Lore Auspex 1 (Heightened Senses) does not decrease the
of the Bloodlines pages 49 and 71). All the other Blood difficulty of other Auspex powers.
Sorceries meet the “Thaumaturgy” requirement listed in the
Combo’s requirements unless it specifies a specific Path; in Auspex 2 (Aura Perception) can only be used on beings, not
which case you must have that Path or your Tradition’s objects, therefore cannot detect any sort of Blood Sorcery,
equivalent. Hedge Magic, or Mortal Sorcery, operating on objects or
Sacrifice to Nightmare: lasts for the half number of nights
(rounded down) equal to the successes scored on a Chanjelin Any dots in this discipline that exceed the level of this
Ward roll. The Abyssal creature is hostile to any and all power can be used as difficulty reduction modifiers down to
intruders that would enter the warded room, even the caster. a minimum of diff 4 (ex. Auspex 5 is -3 diff on Aura
Perception rolls.)
Soul Separation: 2-successes effect applies the 1-success effect
in addition to it‘s effect listed in the table. This effect lasts Auspex 3 (Spirit‘s Touch) The following difficulties shall be
for 2 turns in combat. 4-success effect instantly kills Mortals, used for this power:
Ghouls and other living supernaturals, while Vampires • Diff 4 – up to a week


Diff 5 – up to a month
Diff 6 – up to three months
2.17.5 Celerity
• Diff 7 – up to a year
• Diff 8 – up to a decade Activating the first dot of this power is not considered a
• Diff 9 – up to two centuries Masquerade breach.
• Diff 10 – everything beyond
Cannot be learned alongside True Celerity (which can only
Objects do not contain information about events they be learned via Temporis and the True Celerity Merit) and
weren’t used for or during. Only very scant visual vice-versa. If you possess one, you cannot acquire the other
information is gained, enough for a positive ID on the through any means.
person using the object, and the person or thing the object is
being used on. To read impressions from previous owners
adds +2 Difficulty for each previous owner before the most 2.17.6 Chimerstry

Auspex 4 (Telepathy) If the target of Telepathy is aware the (Additions from Vampire: The Dark Ages p. 204)
power will be used on them (i.e. if they have been told in Chimerstry 1 (Ignis Fatuus) The user must be able to sense
advance), they can allow the telepath to read their without the area where the illusion is created. For example, they
making a roll. Only the chosen memories can be perused - cannot create the illusion of a coin inside a box unless he
further digging requires a roll as normal. The target cannot can see or feel the inside of the box, but they can create the
be coerced into this choice by other supernatural powers – sound of coins rattling around if the box is shaken.
probe their mind instead. When projecting thoughts to a
target, the projections must be described as visions/ series of Chimerstry 2 (Fata Morgana) The user must choose what
imagery or experiences rather than words of the user. Do not the illusion is anchored to at the time it is created.
confuse this power for a Auspex 6 (Telepathic
Communication), which gives the user the ability to have Chimerstry 5 (Horrid Reality) lasts until either the scene
mental conversations with other characters. ends or the individual is convinced that the illusion is not
real. The power can also end if the user falls to torpor,
Auspex 5 (Psychic Projection) Only the Projector may see the meets the Final Death, or cancels the power prematurely.
entire length of their own cord. All others who are able to Does damage each turn equal to successes received, but
interact with the projector can see the short lengths requires maintained focus. Damage from this power is
extending from projectors and their bodies and may attack it. unsoakable, but can be healed with blood expenditure,
• A “location” may not be larger in volume than a
single high-rise building.
• A projector may use Heightened Senses, Aura 2.17.7 Dementation
Perception and Telepathy powers, and nothing else
while in the projection form.
(Additions from Vampire: The Dark Ages p. 213.)
These difficulties apply for the roll in addition to those in Each level of Dementation may only be used once per night
the corebook: on a victim. While Malkavians are the natural masters of
this Discipline, it is usable by any vampire who possesses a
• Difficulty 5: Very closely known, familiar location; Derangement. Vampires learning Dementation will
have an object owned by the person in your gradually develop a Derangement; if this Derangement is
possession. cured by means magical or mundane, their knowledge of
• Difficulty 7: Passing acquaintance; Picture of them; Dementation becomes unusable academia.
Psychic reading.
• Difficulty 9: Verbal or written description only. Dementation 1 (Passion) is now replaced with its version
from Vampire: The Dark Ages p. 213 (Incubus Humor) with
Having none of these makes the task impossible. the following system: Roll Manipulation + Empathy against
a difficulty of the target’s Humanity/Path rating (for
vampires) or Willpower (for mortals). Each success extends
the duration of the inflamed humor. Effects might include
one or two-point changes to difficulties of frenzy or Virtue

rolls, rolls to resist Presence powers, etc. Respite comes only successful roll. No matter how the command is issued the
if the humor imbalance is properly diagnosed and treated target must perform the valid action that was commanded
(Intelligence + Medicine, difficulty 8) — every success on the without delay. Whatever else was said by the user may be
treatment roll cancels one of the Malkavian’s duration considered by the target, but not obeyed without question.
successes. Modifiers applied by this power usually range as (+ However, the target may still be inclined to do exactly as
or -) 1, or in extremely successful uses (+ or -) 2. told, depending on the individual.

Dementation 2 (The Haunting) Precisely what form the

visions take is up to the storyteller, but they inflict a -2 Dominate 2 (Mesmerize) as it states in the fluff text in
penalty to all dice pools for two turns after manifestation. Vampire: the Masquerade p. 152 „A subject can have only
The effects of the power activate immediately, if in combat, one suggestion implanted at any time.“ This suggestion can
otherwise up to the Storyteller. be a simple sentence or a complex one, but cannot be a
chain of complex commands that requires alteration the
Dementation 3 (Eyes of Chaos) The player asks a storyteller a subject‘s consciousness over a long period of time. The user
direct question about hidden information in the situation at cannot chain multiple complex commands into a single
hand. The answers are relaid to the player directly and to the power use and force the target to perform them each,
character via metaphors and imagery, with more successes subsequently. Every additional directive will require an
providing a clearer and more complete answer. Failure override of the previous one, using the mechanics listed in
produces imagery unrelated to the matter at hand, while a the system. The target is no longer affected by this power
botch on the roll relates a completely untrue but nevertheless upon their next awakening.
believable answer. Viable questions include, but are not
limited to: Dominate 4 (Conditioning) only breaks down the target‘s
⬩ What’s this person’s Nature and Derangements? will, making the further usage of Dominate powers by the
⬩ What’s the worst choice I could make? same user easier to take effect, and nothing else. It will by
⬩ What’s the safest choice? no means implement the use of lesser Dominate powers on
⬩ Is this person being controlled by another? the same target without rolling for the use of intended
⬩ What’s the underlying or hidden message here? power.
⬩ How relevant to our overarching goals is this scene?

Dementation 4 (Voice of Madness) will now invoke the 2.17.9 Fortitude

effects of it‘s equivalent power (Fire Voice) from Vampire:
The Dark Ages p. 214-215 where it will no longer cause any
Frenzy rolls, but Rötschreck rolls only. The power activates (Addition from Vampire: The Dark Ages p. 221.)
immediatelly upon usage, and the supernatural targets A character’s Fortitude rating adds to all their Stamina-
(including Ghouls) must make a Courage roll (diff 8) to based dice pools. Once per turn, they may spend a blood
resist. Mortals cannot resist this power. The user may target point to automatically soak their Fortitude in damage,
only one person with this power. Any other victim (if any) is instead of adding it to their Stamina; this can be used to
adjudicated by the Storyteller based on successes scored, soak aggravated damage as well, but not damage from fire or
Willpower ratings and circumstances of the scene (such as sunlight.
proximity, noises etc). The user must also make a Courage
roll (diff 5) to not fall prey to Rötschreck.
2.17.10 Melpominee
2.17.8 Dominate Melpominee 4 (Siren’s Beckoning) Each tick on the
extended roll is one song (approximately four minutes).
Characters with specifically resistant Natures may attempt a
dice roll to recognize usage of Dominate on their character. Melpominee 5 (Mosh Pit) is not an available power in this
Players need to consult the Storyteller to make this attempt venue.
in addition to either having the power themselves or enough
Occult Knowledge (•) to understand its application.

Dominate 1 (Command) The target of this power is

obligated to perform the command issued immediately on a

2.17.11 Necromancy Most kindred crumble into ash in less then a second when
they suffer the Final Death.

The Cenotaph Path 4 (Death Knell) Instead of always

Necromancy does not cause Sequela (Tome of Secrets p. 52)
sensing when someone dies, the user may choose to roll as
per normal to get a sense of the most recent passing that
The Sepulchre Path 1 (Witness of Death) Activating this
resulted in a wraith‘s appearance and be driven towards it.
power is considered a Reflexive action for the purposes of
Any subsequent uses of the power in the same week
automatically raise the base difficulty of the power by +1,
although the storyteller or narrator may additionally raise
The Sepulchre Path 2 (Summon Soul) A target summoned
the difficulty of the roll due to disturbances in the Shroud
with this power will always appear in a form of a Recently
or other factors.
Deceased wraith (Vampire: the Masquerade p. 385), unless
the roll is botched. If a roll is botched, the target appears as a
The Haunting Path 2 (Summon Wisp) The Wisp under
Spectre (Vampire: the Masquerade p. 385) and is always
Necromancer‘s control can only move inside the
hostile to the user that summoned it.
Necromancer‘s field of vision. If the user breaks the field of
vision, the Wisp remains static until it is dispelled or the
The Sepulchre Path 3 (Compel Soul) The user must
field of vision re-established. The Wisp lasts until sunrise,
immediately issue tasks or ask questions, as per successes
but can be dispelled earlier by the user. The Wisp has no
achieved on the roll, and cannot delay them for later. Upon
substance, and therefore cannot harm anyone in any way,
successfully Compelling the wraith, Necromancer loses all
and is immune to all damage, Disciplines, Rituals etc.
control over the wraith, and cannot re-summon it, or change
the Compel orders or questions. The wraith cannot be
The Haunting Path 3 (Harrowing) The effects of this power
ordered to become a protector or a slave to any person or
can be prolonged for the number of nights equal to the
guard a specific location or an item. Upon answering the
successes scored on the activation roll.
questions or completing the tasks or the duration of the
power expiring, the wraith disappears into the Shroud and is
The Haunting Path 4 (Phantasms) This power can only be
unlikely to ever return, even if summoned, although rare
targeted at another character, The target gains the flaw
exceptions can be made for powerful or plot-related wraiths.
„Haunted“ (Vampire: the Masquerade p. 495) for the rest of
the night. The user may direct their successes to increase the
The Sepulchre Path 4 (Haunting) After successful use of this
intensity of the flaw by invoking the more powerful wraiths,
power, additional Necromancy powers can be used on the
or summon additional wraiths, essentially stacking the same
same wraith as normal. The wraith becomes imprisoned in a
flaw on the victim for every success scored on the activation
location or an item, but can be further manipulated with
roll. Recently Deceased wraith costs 1 success, Spectre
other powers such as Compel Soul etc.
wraith costs 2 successes, Old Soul costs 3 successes. This
power lasts until sunrise, but can be canceled earlier by the
The Ash Path 1 (Shroudsight) Activating this power is
considered a Reflexive action for the purposes of combat.
The Haunting Path 5 (Torment) The wraiths summoned
with this power are Spectres (Vampire: the Masquerade p.
The Ash Path 2 (Lifeless Tongues) lasts for one Scene. This
385) and the number of wraiths that will plague the target is
power allows the user to converse with any wrath fluently in
equal to the user‘s Necromancy rating. If not prematurely
Wraithspoken language, like it was their native.
canceled the power will cause a permanent Derangement to
the victim when the power diminishes naturally.
The Bone Path 2 (Apprentice‘s Brooms) The maximum
number of corpses (Zombies) the user can animate with this
The Nightshade Path 1 (Tend the Body Garden) cannot be
power cannot exceed their Necromancy rating.
used on kindred older than a century after they suffer the
Final Death. Their bodies turn to ash faster than a single
The Bone Path 3 (Shambling Hordes) The maximum
turn, and a Necromancer cannot cast fast enough even with
number of corpses (Zombies) the user can animate with this
the use of supernatural powers. With 5 successes, the user
power cannot exceed their Necromancy rating.
can preserve or age the body for / by two years, with each
additional success adding another year.
The Bone Path 4 (Soul Stealing) Cannot be used on kindred
in any way, no matter how quick the Necromancer can cast.

The Nightshade Path 2 (Witch‘s Fruit) This power works on one Aggravated wound per success to each target. (ex. the
all targets, even kindred, with the exception of those who Player spends what is required for 2 targets and gets 4
possess Necromancy or similar powers that allow them successes, thus they both take 4 aggravated wounds.)
contact with the Shadowlands. „Targets may be any kind of living creature,“ is now removed
from the mechanics, as the power can affect both living and
The Nightshade Path 4 (Wails and Whispers) lasts for a scene undead creatures equaly, supernatural or otherwise.
for any purpose of it‘s use. The user must have a direct vision
of the target for the power to work. The damage inflicted or
reserved with the use of this power follow the standard 2.17.12 Obeah
damage rules. The damage that would cause the Final Death
of the target cannot be reserved with the use of this power.
Obeah 2 (Anesthetic Touch) the pain-removing effect of this
The Nightshade Path 5 (Chtonic Womb) The user doesn‘t power can be used on kindred, but they cannot be put to
need to make contact with the target at the moment of their sleep by the power‘s secondary application.
death, but they need to consume their blood prior to it, as
well as make an immediate roll to activate this power at the
moment of the target‘s death. The target must remain in the 2.17.13 Obfuscate
field of vision for the power to activate. The maximum
number of wraiths stored this way cannot exceed the user‘s
Necromancy rating. All wraiths use the stats of the Recently This Discipline covers the senses of Sight, Hearing and
Deceased (Vampire: the Masquerade p. 385) Smell.

The Vitreous Path 1 (Eyes of the Dead) This power can no Obfuscate 2 (Unseen Presence) Even when seen or unseen,
longer perceive the imminent death, or Final Death of other a secondary use of this power allows a vampire to conceal
characters. It is absolutely impossible for the storyteller or small items already on their person, or, with a successful
narrator to predict the correct time and date of characters‘ Manipulation + Subterfuge from 5 to 9 (based on the
deaths and provide them as accurate information to the user, amount of observation) they can grasp and conceal an easily
especially if the target is another Player Character. moved item.

The Vitreous Path 2 (Aura of Decay) The power starts Obfuscate 5 (Cloak the Gathering) The range for targeting
damaging the items affected immediately, rendering them individuals with this power is the same 5 meters per dot of
harder to use with each blood expended. Every item in the Wits + Stealth that governs the range of Obfuscate’s mental
radius of the power suffers a +1 difficulty increase to use for occlusion.
each BP invested in the power, decaying them to complete Applying Obfuscate 3 power on another character through
uselessness after the period of time listed in the Vampire: usage of this power can only be done with the out-of-
The Masquerade p. 175. The user is still limited to his character consent of the player. Mask of a Thousand Faces
Generational maximum expenditure for using this power. cannot be enforced on another character without their
player‘s consent.
Vitreous Path 3 (Soul Feast) Entropy points acquired using
this ability fades during the daylight, counts as bloodpoints,
is limited by the user‘s maximum blood pool. 2.17.14 Obtenebration
Obtenebration 1 (Shadow Play) Lasts until sunrise, but can
The Vitreous Path 4 (Breath of Thanatos) If a person is
be canceled earlier by the user. Counts as attack for the
targeted by the power instead of an area, in addition to the
mechanical purposes and suffers all the penalties of such
mechanics in the Vampire: The Masquerade p. 176, the
actions (ex. breaking Unseen Presence)
target also becomes a beacon for the wrath of Spectres, who
will plague the victim for the rest of the night. The number
Obtenebration 2 (Shroud of Night) The effects cease after
of Spectres that will target the victim is equal to the successes
combat ends, but last for 5 minutes outside of combat.
rolled on the activation roll of the power, but cannot exceed
Counts as attack for the mechanical purposes and suffers all
the user‘s Necromancy rating.
the penalties of such actions (ex. breaking Unseen Presence)
The Vitreous Path 5 (Night Cry) The buff lasts for one scene,
Obtenebration 3 (Arms of the Abyss) The effects cease after
and the damage done by the offensive use of this power does
combat ends, but last for 5 minutes outside of combat.
Maximum number of Arms that can be summoned at one skin. They may erupt from hands, feet, or perhaps even her
time is equal to caster‘s Obtenebration rating. Recasting the face like tusks or horns. Her player marks off a blood point
power spawns a new set of Arms with fresh stats to replace spent. The transformation takes one turn in combat and
the previous ones, with all the previous Arms disappearing. lasts for the scene. Her claws deal Strength +1 aggravated
damage. The dice pool for climbing rolls increases by two
Obtenebration 4 (Black Metamorphosis) The effects cease when using Feral Weapons in the hands and feet.
after combat ends, but last for 5 minutes outside of combat.
Protean 4 (Shape of the Beast) On learning this power, a
Obtenebration 5 (Tenebrous Form) Lasts until sunrise, but character may select any appropriately-sized fight and flight
can be canceled earlier by the user. Falling unconscious or to form (as though they were a Gangrel) the mechanical
torpor cancels the power. Some Rituals can also cancel the benefits applied to the wolf and bat forms
power prematurely. The user takes double aggravated damage remain applied irrespective of the flavor choice. These
from fire and sunlight while this power is active. selections are permanent unless the character has the
Totemic Charge merit. In essence, the rules on Lore of the
Clans p. 91 for form selection apply to all characters. When
2.17.15 Presence in any Flight or War form that has teeth, you still have
access to your Vampire Fangs and you cause The Kiss when
you bite. In bat form you may only drink 1 Blood Point
(The additions from Vampire: The Dark Ages p. 235-237.) every 2 combat turns. War Forms may drink 3 per combat
Presence 1 (Awe) The player chooses what impression they turn.
want to make. The impression should be something that can
be summed up in one or two words: honest, competent, or Protean 5 (Mist From) Lasts until sunrise, but can be
dangerous are good examples. The character gains their dots canceled earlier by the user. Falling uncouscious or to
in Presence as additional dice to any action that would foster torpor cancels the power. Some Rituals can also cancel the
or take advantage of the chosen reaction against an affected power prematurely.

Presence 4 (Summon) Dissipates at dawn, unless extra

successes have been spent to prolong it. The vampire can
2.17.17 Quietus
allocate successes either to make the subject make haste or to
prolong the duration of the Summoning. Retired characters, Quietus 2 (Scorpion's Touch) This excerpt from V20: pg
and characters unrelated to the chronicle cannot be 204 is stripped out:
Summoned. „Weapons so envenomed must be of the melee variety —
arrows, sling stones, bullets, thrown weapons, and the like
Presence 5 (Majesty) In order to spend Willpower to contest cannot carry enough of the stuff to do damage, or it drips
Majesty via the general Presence resist mechanic, you must off in flight.“ and added is the following excerpt from Dark
first overcome the mechanics inside Majesty itself. If you Ages: V20: pg 245
physically attack someone affected by your Majesty, they are „An envenomed weapon that is swung or fired loses the
freed from its effect for the remainder of its activation. potency of its poison at a rate of one success per attack until
depleted (whether it’s dodged, parried, deflected by armor,
misses, or hits). Envenomed weapons bathed in water, or
2.17.16 Protean open to the mercy of heavy wind or rain, lose the potency of
their poison the turn after exposure, while those passing
through fire or sunlight lose it instantly and appear dusted
The addition to Eyes of the Beast is from Vampire: The Dark in a fine ash.“
Ages p. 240.
Sorcerer Quietus 2 (Scorpion’s Curse) does not affect the
Protean 1 (Eyes of the Beast) The dice pool for Intimidation caster of the power in any way.
rolls increases by one when the power is active.
Quietus 3 (Dagon’s Call) Damage caused by this power can
Protean 2 (Feral Claws) is now replaced Protean 2 (Feral be soaked by the target normally, after the resistance roll has
Weapons) from DAV20 system (pg. 240): been made.

The character spends effort to force the claws through her

Quietus 4 (Baal’s Caress) gains the effects of Quietus 5 (Taste two. In the hybrid form the tail gains five dots to Strength
of Death) from V20 pg. 205, in addition to its already instead of two.Obviously, both forms are unquestioningly
existing effects. super-natural. The vampire inspires terror and awe in
mortals. Mortals with fewer Willpower dots than the
Quietus 5 (Taste of Death) is replaced with Quietus 5 vampire’s Serpentis score must flee or subjugate themselves.
(Quicken the Mortal Blood) from Vampire: The Dark Ages They can act for a single turn by spending a point of
pg. 246-247 Willpower. Mortals with more Willpower can roll
Willpower (difficulty the vampire’s Serpentis) to avoid awe
Poisonous blood still retains the supernatural properties of and fear. When learning Typhonic Avatar, choose either the
Vitae, and therefore poison is rendered innert after 24 hours. animal form or the hybrid form. You can purchase the other
form later at half the normal experience cost.

2.17.18 Serpentis
2.17.19 Temporis
All Serpentis powers last a scene unless ended prematurely,
and can be used while other Serpentis powers are active. (This Discipline uses mechanics from Vampire: The Dark
Ages p. 256-259)
Serpentis 1 (The Eyes of the Serpent) is now replaced with
Serpentis 1 (Enchanting Gaze) from DAV20 system (pg. 252):
2.17.20 Thaumaturgy
No roll is required. While active, the Setite enjoys a -1
difficulty to all Social actions due to her alluring feature. Her
paralyzing gaze can only affect a single character, who must Path of Blood 2 (Blood Rage) The difficulty increase to
be paying attention to the vampire. The gaze will affect frenzy from this power lasts for the current scene.
supernatural characters as well as mortals, but supernatural
characters may spend a point of Willpower and roll Path of Blood 3 (Blood of Potency) takes a full action to
Willpower (difficulty the vampire’s Charisma + Subterfuge) activate during combat. Once the effect ends, all
in order to break the gaze. An affected character breaks the Generation-related effects applied during it (for example,
gaze if clearly endangered. Vicissitude, Dominate) re-key to the thaumaturge’s original
Serpentis 2 (The Tongue of the Asp) is now replaced with
Serpentis 2 (Typhonic Maw) from DAV20 system (pg. 252): Path of the Focused Mind does not apply to Reflexive rolls.
Spend a blood point to reflexively activate Typhonic Maw.
The tongue’s lashes cause aggravated wounds (difficulty 7 to
attack, Strength damage). Additionally, if she wounds her 2.17.21 Vicissitude
enemy, the proboscis of her tongue allows her to feed from
her victim as if she’d bitten him. This causes the Kiss like a
bite. She also suffers no penalties from the darkness while Vicissitude 4 (Horrid Form) Lasts until sunrise, but can be
her tongue is extended. Her jaw allows her to make bite canceled earlier by the user. Falling unconscious or to
attacks without a grapple. Successful bites cause one torpor cancels the power. Some Rituals can also cancel the
additional die of damage and initiate a grapple automatically. power prematurely. The Attribute bonuses both exceed
When she bites an opponent, her enlarged throat can Generational limit and stack with Blood Buffing. All
consume five points of blood per turn instead of three. Physical traits are still capped at 10 for all kindred. All
unarmed damage while in this form is Lethal.
Serpentis 4 (Form of the Cobra) is now replaced with
Serpents 4 (Typhonic Avatar) from DAV20 (pg. 252-253) Vicissitude 5 (Bloodform) Lasts until sunrise, but can be
with the following system: canceled earlier by the user. Falling uncouscious or to
Spend a blood point. The transformation takes three turns, torpor cancels the power. Some Rituals can also cancel the
but additional blood points can be spent to reduce the time power prematurely.
by a turn. Either form gains two dots to Strength, Dexterity,
and Stamina (to a maximum of 10). The animal form moves
at twice the vam-pire’s speed, does two additional dice of bite
damage, and reduces difficulties to resist losing balance by

2.18 Numina Occult is specialized at 1st, 3rd and 5th dot, and these
specializations represent the sum total of knowledge outside
the general kindred lore provided by it. (Additional
Specializations can be purchased with XP)
2.18.1 Astral Projection • Occult 0 - Understanding of the basic necessity
(blood) and the banes (fire, sunlight, and stake) of
Astral Projection Numina is very similar in mechanics to the a vampiric existence.
Auspex 5 (Psychic Projection) and as such will follow the
same restriction rules. • Occult 1 - Knowledge of the eight common
Disciplines (Animalism, Auspex, Celerity,
Only the Projector may see the entire length of their own Dominate, Fortitude, Obfuscate, Potence, and
cord. All others who are able to interact with the projector Presence). Knowledge that kindred are separated
can see the short lengths extending from projectors and their into Clans, with millennium-spanning lineages.
bodies and may attack it. Understanding all the properties of vitae. A
nuanced understanding of the Embrace, the blood
A “location” may not be larger in volume than a single high- bond and creating ghouls. The names of the most
rise building. common Clans in your area. Knowledge of other
supernatural creatures in existance, but nothing of
These difficulties apply for the roll in addition to those in their lore.
the corebook:
Difficulty 8: Very closely known, familiar location; have an • Occult 2 - Can name the 13 Clans and know their
object owned by the person in your possession. descriptions, including the common weakness of
Difficulty 9: Passing acquaintance; Picture of them; Psychic each Clan. Understanding of the rarer Clan
reading. disciplines (Chimerstry, Dementation,
Difficulty 10: Verbal or written description only. Obtenebration, Protean, Quietus, Serpentis, and
Vicissitude). A nuanced understanding of the
Having none of these makes the task impossible. Generation and diablerie. Has heard of the
existence of the Book of Nod and vague, nameless
rumors of the concept of Gehenna. A rough
2.18.2 Path of Healing knowledge of major events in Cainite history.

•••• and ••••• of this Numina can be used on • Occult 3 – Knowledge of the several of the legends
Vampires (and other undead, at Storyteller’s discretion) of the First Days or Gehenna. Knowledge of the
many of the old terms and their meanings.
Knowledge of the existence of the Antediluvians as
2.18.3 True Faith figures past mythic archetypes. A basic, non-
practicable understanding of Blood Sorcery
traditions. Has heard rumors of the existence of
True Faith requires Humanity 8+ at creation and if you Golconda. Know of Clan-specific open history,
degen check then you run the risk of losing your True Faith, such as the Gangrel/Tzimisce/Nosferatu war
If you get embraced then you get to keep your True Faith, against the Tremere.
and your religious faith for your true faith must be approved
by the STs. (No Set, Lilith or Caine, Rastafarianism ect true • Occult 4 – Knowledge of the commandments of
faith) Caine. Basic knowledge of the minor bloodlines,
Aggravated damage done by True Faith can only be soaked including the names and nature of Disciplines
with a Fortitide roll (difficulty 9) and cannot be autosoaked common to them. Heard rumors of the Inconnu
by activating Fortitude. and Tal’mahe’ra. May know something about
Golconda. Can name many Antediluvians and
many of the major Methuselah.
2.19 Occult Knowledge • Occult 5 - Partial familiarity with translated
editions of the Book of Nod sourced from other
Noddist scholars, as well as rumors of apocrypha
such as the Erciyes Fragments. Knowledge of the This mechanic may be invoked without the
legends surrounding the diablerie of the supervision of the staff by the players.
Antediluvians (Saulot, Brujah, Cappadocius).
Heard rumors about the City of Enoch in the • Traps are set with the following system: first, roll
Shadowlands, and the buried Second City in Tanis. Dexterity + Subterfuge to set and conceal it; when
sprung, damage is determined by the trap type:
There are many knowledges even beyond the scope of Occult guns use their base damage, pits and drops cause
5, some of which can be covered with appropriate falling damage, spring loaded systems do damage
Specializations, and some are beyond the grasp of kindred equal to your successes on an Intelligence +
who aren‘t low enough Generation to learn them. Survival roll. Consult STs for alternative options
for building traps, and maintain a list of where
and what traps they have setup for STs to refer to.
2.20 Miscellaneous Rules Limited by (Resources/Domain Size/Domain
Security) x 5.

• When characters enters Frenzy, this change is • Maximum blood absorption rate is 5 per round.
obvious and apparent to all other characters present
in the scene. • Characters who are not actively in a scene are
allowed one change of their Nature per lifetime.
• During frenzy, the character may actively use
Potence, Celerity, and Fortitude, and certain • Holding any position of power in the city requires
shapeshifting powers (ex. Protean 2). The Storyteller the character to have Politics 1 minimum.
reserves the right to adjudicate what exact powers
qualify for this requirement. If unsure, ping a • All Influence rolls are capped at a minimum
Storyteller to adjudicate. Outside of those difficulty of 4, regardless of modifiers applied.
Disciplines, blood may only be spent to heal or
increase physical Attributes. • Checking for the reflection (or the lack of) of
other characters can be done with a contested roll.
• Brujah characters must spend at least one turn in Perception + Alertness against the Wits + Stealth
Frenzy before having the ability to spend Willpower of the target, provided there is a reflective surface
to completely stave off Frenzy. which can be used in the scene.

• When character‘s blood pool reaches 7 - Self- • Vampires without the Indelible Merit return as
Control/Instinct or lower level, „Need for Blood“ closely to the state in which they were Embraced as
becomes a valid reason for a Hunger Frenzy check. possible. If the change causes no appreciable
Difficulty is 4 or higher in extreme cases. damage (ex. shaving, cutting one’s hair, piercing a
body part, getting a tattoo) the vampire’s body
• „The Sus“ mechanic: At any point during a dialogue eliminates the change during the day.
in a scene, a player may call for the opposed roll, if
they consider that their character is doubting what • Revenants age approximately 20% slower than
they are being told. They roll a Perception + Mortals, and in rare cases can live to be up to 300
Empathy vs the target‘s Manipulation + Subterfuge years old.
(difficulty equal to the opposing dice pool to a
minimum of 4, maximum 10) • Cosmetic surgery: Characters with Medicine 4
On a tie, the target is considered a defender and (Surgery) or higher have sufficient knowledge to
wins the opposed roll. If the target wins, the perform mundane cosmetic surgery on others.
character doesn‘t doubt what they‘re being told. If Conscious targets that aren‘t sedated must make a
the character wins they are provided an insight Courage roll (diff 6) to not flee from the painful
whether the information they‘ve been given is the procedure. With a successful Dexterity + Medicine
truth or not. This, however doesn‘t provide them (diff 9) roll, the user can increase the Appearance
the information of what the actual truth is, only Attribute of the target by 1 dot, and no more. A
that the statement was a lie. This mechanics failure makes no change, but the procedure cannot
operates on the Honor System, and players are be repeated. A botch lowers the target‘s
expected not to metagame themselves out of a lie. Appearance by the number of dots equal to the
botch. This type of surgery can be performed only Difficulty 7 Mixing kindred vitae with mundane
once on the same target, even by other surgeons. substances
Characters cannot raise their Appearance Trait Difficulty 8 Mixing other supernatural vitae with
beyond their Generational maximum by using this mundane substances
method. Mortals, Ghouls and Vampires with
Indelible Merit can retain the new appearance • All animals have 1 dot of Intelligence, except
permanently, while all others return to their monkeys. Monkeys will have 2, because they are
previous state the next time they awaken. smart.
Characters who have a Clan Curse or Flaws that
prevent them from raising Appearance beyond a • Oracular Ability and Prophetic Dreams can be
certain level cannot use this mechanic. arranged during downtime, Prophetic Dreams is
limited by a character‘s willpower points as usual,
• Hiring Mortals as security: Characters with and Oracular Ability is limited to a time period of
appropriate amount of Resources dots can hire 1 dice roll for it per month.
mortals from security agencies to protect a location.
(Resources 3 = two mortals; Resources 4 = four • Storyteller may award characters with Merits and
mortals; Resources 5 = eight mortals) These mortals Flaws, Status Background, or other various
will only serve as guards and won‘t perform any Backgrounds or traits (ex. True Faith) during the
other tasks for their employer. They work for a course of play.
paycheck and have 8 hr shifts, when they will be
replaced by a colleague. They have no knowledge of • Blood buffing, and Willpower expenditures are
the supernatural and are likely to panic and call the not required to be a part of the syntax when
police at the first sign of a Masquerade breach, even declaring actions in combat. Simply informing the
if caused by their employer. Each guard is registered Storyreller is sufficient.
at their workplace, and their disappearance or death
will raise questions, or possibly cause trouble for the
employer, if not covered up. Each guard is armed
with only a Light Pistol, and nothing else. They 2.21 Downtimes
cannot be armed with weapons from the employer‘s
Armory. Each guard uses the stats of a one-dot When Downtimes are called for, players may begin the
Retainer (Dexterity 3, all other Attributes at 2, process of preparing their downtime actions - a document
Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Firearms 3, describing goals their character works towards (divided
Willpower 3, and all Virtues at 2). While on duty, across three downtime actions), and how they go about it.
these guards will not shoot on sight. Instead, they This can be a Background dot (or concurrent progress on
will opt to alert their employer and the police of the several Background dots), information, rendering assistance
threat and resort to using diplomatic means to to another character, or a way to further certain plotlines.
remove the threat. They will use their weapons only Once it is written, send the document the storyteller. The
in self-defence or if the property they‘re guarding is storyteller will provide a pool or pools to roll based on the
endangered. narrative presented (with bonus dice provided by
Disciplines and Merits where appropriate; Willpower may
• Kiasyd Alchemy: To create an alchemical be spent on these rolls).
concoction, roll Intelligence + Expert Knowledge
(Mixology) typically, Kiasyd are the only ones with The following Backgrounds take the corresponding number
knowledge of this practice and protect its secrets, of downtime successes to advance, based on the next step
but it can be taught. Success on the roll creates a from their current rating (ex. advancing from Fame 3 to
cocktail consumable by kindred as though it were Fame 4 requires 30 downtime successes). If you meet or
blood (this does not overcome feeding restrictions exceed the threshold needed for advancing a Background,
like the Ventrue Clan curse). The difficulty varies mark the increase in the Background and record any excess
based on what is being attempted: successes towards the next dot.
Difficulty 5 Mixing kine blood with water (includes • Retainers, Spirit Slaves 15 (no matter what)
adding ice) • Fame, Alternate Identity, Domain, Mentor, Herd,
Difficulty 6 Mixing kine blood with mundane Contacts 15, 20, 25, 30, 35

• Armory, Influence (Category), Library, Memento de per week, independent of any plots. Players who want to
Morte, Nosferatu Info Exchange 15, 25, 35, 45, 55 silence the uncovered rumors can do so within a 24 hour
• Resources, Cult 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 limit by scoring more successes than the one who spread
them with a contested Manipulation + Subterfuge (diff 6)
Downtime rolls are always rolled at a difficulty of 6, no roll.
matter what. Any applicable modifiers that would lower the
difficulty would instead add to the dice pool the number of
dice equal to the difficulty reduction modifier. Storyteller or 2.24 Boons
narrator may assign additional dice to the pool for discipline
usage, applicable Backgrounds or other factors, at their Trivial and minor boons combine, at a three-to-one ratio,
discretion. into a boon of the next category.

Record your boons owed in the #prestation channel with

2.22 Transitioning onto a Path of the following formatting:
Enlightenment <BOON TYPE> boon(s) by <DEBTOR>
• The <BOON TYPE> boon(s) owed by
<DEBTOR> was transferred to <NEW OWNER>
To switch from Humanity to a Path of Enlightenment (or
from one Path to another) with Downtimes, the player must Fullfilled or otherwise negated boons can be simply crossed
invest Downtime Actions to represent your study. A out.
minimum of 6 (with a Mentor) or 12 (without a Mentor)
Downtime Actions is required to transition to a new Path.
The player must spend at least one action per Downtime
studying their chosen path; if they skip a full downtime, they
2.23.1 Trivial Boons
must start over from the beginning. Each downtime action
spent studying a Path drops their character’s Humanity or A trivial boon is a simple favor owed for receiving a minor
Path rating by 1. If this drop would reduce their character’s service, political consideration, or forgiving a faux
current morality to a rating of 0, they must immediately roll pas. This type of boon should be freely offered and
Willpower at difficulty 6 (no Willpower can be spent on this accepted, much like a business card. Payment of a trivial
roll). If they succeed on this roll and have spent enough boon should involve simple one-time favors or services that
downtime actions to study the Path, their character moves take no more than a single game session or a night to
from their current morality to the new Path at a rating of 1. complete. Example scenarios involving trivial boons
If they succeed on this roll but haven‘t invested enough include:
downtime actions to study the Path, the character remains at • Making a formal social introduction to an
1 on their current morality. A failure leaves the character at 1 important Kindred.
on their current morality, and a botch causes the character to • Covering a potentially embarrassing social faux
wassail. pas.
• Supporting a political or social agenda that does
This process can be sped up with normal Degeneration, but not undermine your own position.
the time to study the Path is still required. • Assisting with a task for the evening, such as
working security for a salon.
Once your character has successfully transitioned onto a Path • Leveraging one of your disciplines to aid your
(or between Paths), invert the applicable Virtues to conform creditor’s cause.
to the Path’s Virtues, and if gaining an Alternate Virtue,
remove one dot from it.
2.23.2 Minor Boons
2.23 Rumors A minor boon represents a favor that requires a significant
amount of time or effort, but is ultimately low-risk.
Dice pool for spreading a rumor of your choice is
Manipulation + Subterfuge (diff 6). Dice Pool for uncovering
already spread rumors is Wits + Investigation (diff 6).
Characters are allowed to uncover up to two separate rumors
Payment of a minor boon should involve simple one-time
favors or services that take no more than a month to
2.23.5 Life Boons
complete. Example scenarios involving minor boons include:
• Leveraging backgrounds and influences on A life boon is a rare boon that should only be given in
someone’s behalf. circumstances when a vampire saves another vampire from
• Revealing crucial information. an external threat that will destroy the life of the debtor. A
• Disposing of a threat without risking life or blood. powerful vampire cannot simply threaten a weak enemy and
• Teaching low levels of common disciplines. claim a life boon for not destroying her. Many vampires
consider owing a life boon as equivalent to being an
unreleased childer. To owe a life boon is to surrender all of
2.23.3 Major Boons your own will until you have saved the life of the one that
owns your life boon. Example scenarios involving life boons
A major boon represents a large debt that requires a good • Protecting a fugitive (who might even be
deal of time or resources to pay, and may involve risking your Bloodhunted or on the Red List) on behalf of your
personal political or social capital. Payment of a major boon creditor.
should involve one-time favors or services that take no more • Protecting your creditor from the Prince’s justice
than three months to complete. Example scenarios involving to the bitter end.
major boons include: • Hiding a terrible crime, such as diablerie or
• Leveraging your backgrounds and influences to infernalism.
someone else’s agenda. • Saving the life of another vampire from an enemy
• Teaching advanced levels of a common discipline or at significant risk to your own life.
low levels of an uncommon discipline.
• Revealing a major secret that is potentially very
• Purchasing a major business, building, or land.
• Aligning yourself with a political or social agenda
that potentially harms your own position with your
clan and allies, such as supporting someone’s bid
for praxis.

2.23.4 Blood Boons

A blood boon is a sacred debt that can only be repaid by
shedding blood on behalf of the creditor. The debtor will
betray allies, ruin her reputation, or place herself in a
potentially life-threatening situation in order to further the
agenda of the creditor, thus the name “blood boon”.
Example scenarios involving blood boons include:
• Coming to another’s aid and suffering grievous
• Betraying clan secrets or teaching proprietary
disciplines, knowing that you will be labeled a
• Assisting in a praxis seizure via force, and killing
allies to see it done.
• Holding off a fearsome enemy so that the creditor
can flee.
• Murdering a rival or an enemy knowing that you
might be blood hunted if you are caught.

many museums, landmarks, night clubs and restaurants,

Story and
Toreador and Ventrue clans have a thriving success in the
city and have become the most numerous Clans. The
Gangrel and Malkavians have split with some remaining
loyal to the Tower, while others joined the Movement or
became Autarks. The Tremere and the Nosferatu remained

as they always were, loyal to their Clans above all, and
remained as part of the city's Chantry or hiding
underground or the local cemeteries.

Due to the nature of the game, the written and spoken 2005
language in the area will be English. This will make it easier The Camarilla has expanded their Domain across both
on the players, and will prevent confusion when taking rivers, though only slightly. They now have control over
Language Merit. The names of NPC‘s and popular locations majority of the bridge crossings into East Belgrade. They
in the venue will be "Americanized" for the easier have been a target of constant raids from the east, mainly by
pronunciation and identification. the Sabbat stationed in Pančevo, but have successfully
fended off most attempts, including wining a major battle
The year is 2005. The city has been ruled by the iron fist of in Višnjička Banja. The Prince also made a declaration to
the Prince Ian of Clan Brujah since the late 19th century, welcome Brujah back under the protection of the Tower.
who has subdued the Camarilla to his will by sheer force. It
wasn't until late 1990s when the Camarilla Clans united to
depose the power-hungry Prince, who had fallen prey to a
Anarch Movement
Baali mistress in search of the infernal sorcery. A seed of After the death of Prince Ian and his Domain falling apart,
discontent was planted among the Brujah by a mysterious the Brujah were exiled out of the Camarilla due to a
figure named Caius, prompting the young rebels to stand up masterful plot by the Ventrue and Toreador Clans. The
against their leader. During the massive uprising on the 5th Brujah were the Clan who suffered most casualties out of all
of November 2000. a united coalition force of Clans Brujah, during the uprising and were unable to fight back. What
Gangrel, Malkavian, Toreador, and Ventrue, supported by remained of the Clan, along with some Malkavians and
the clan Nosferatu from the shadows have clashed with the Gangrel took refuge in New Belgrade across the river Sava.
Prince and his loyalists and mercenaries, which led to the Petra Janković of the Clan Brujah gathered the exiles and
Final Death of the Prince Ian, his Baali lover, his supporters, attempted to create an Anarch Movement, a pseudo-Sect
and all but one of his Childer. A quick coup was staged that skirmished with the Camarilla on a couple of occasions
immediately to place a Ventrue Neonate named Mark as the forcing them to take note of the newly formed force across
new Prince of Belgrade, and all the remaining members of the river. The arrival of the Tzimisce Antitribu in the
the Clan Brujah were exiled out of the Camarilla territory to Northern Territories forced the Baroness to make a choice.
prevent their "power hungry ambitions". The exile of the Ally with the Fiends, or fight a two-front war. The choice
Brujah led to further discontent, and some Gangrel and was clear. Use the forces of the Warlord up north to exact
Malkavians vacated the Camarilla and joined this newly revenge on the Camarilla, and then get rid of them too. She
formed Anarch Movement. The Tremere have remained will have the Free State she dreamed of. The hostilities were
neutral during this shift of power, which was seen as a very small scale and short-lasting, and by the year 2003, *the
suspicious act at the very least. Armistice of Friendship Park* was signed between the
Camarilla, Baroness, and Warlord Andrei.

The Camarilla 2005

What was once held by Prince Ian is no longer. What The originally founded Movement is no more. First it
remains of the current Camarilla has fortified their positions weakened due to infighting between Baroness Petra and
on the right side of both rivers in Belgrade proper, claiming Warlord Andrei. More infighting soon followed between
Domains in the areas from Visnjica to Banovo Hill, and the Anarch members. Eventually, Petra's Movement
from Kalemegdan to Mirjevo and to Rakovica, with the completely fell apart with her sudden, and mysterious
majority claiming havens downtown or in the villas of death, followed by the death of her Sweeper, Rook. Many
Dedinje. Prince Mark and the Seneschal have claimed the kindred have tried reviving the Movement after Petra's
largest and the most valuable personal domain, stretching death. First it was attempted by Eigyr O'Toon, a Brujah
from the royal complex to downtown Belgrade. With so Neonate, who was ousted from power by the infighting.
Next one to attempt so was Jessica Smithy, another Brujah
Neonate, who was unironically begotten by the same fate, at
the hands of her fellow Anarchs. The most recent, fresh
Movement was established by Caitiff, Mikhail Yaroslavich
Zuyev, who has established a working relationship with the
Camarilla, and plans to uphold the Armistice, signed by his

Age of Antiquity
Ever since the Great Deluge, the Childer of Caine have
spread far and wide across the globe. As the Blood thinned
and spread, so have the kindred numbers increased.
Although the technology of the era doesn't provide much
information about the prehistoric kindred, the Obertus
Revenants still keep the information of the early days of the
Clan Tzimisce as well as those who stood to oppose them.
The area would be traversed by the Thracian tribes of the
south-eastern Balkans in the period of the 6th century BC.
Although their numbers were insignificant, it is believed that
these tribes would house the Clan Toreador in Balkans,
while the Greek tribes would house Clan Malkavian, and the
Cimmerian tribes would number many Gangrel. A Celtic
invasion in the 3rd century BC, led by the Scordisci, a
bloodthirsty, warlike people, as well as Illirian tribe of
Autariatae were settled in the region, and among them -
kindred of the Baali origin. They would build a settlement
called Singidunon, and more than two millennia later, it was
the same place where the city of Belgrade would stand.

Classical Era
The Third Punic War would see the end of Carthage, but it
wasn't the end for the Clan Brujah, or that of the Baali.
Many would flee to the Balkans seeking shelter along the
Danube, while others would flee further north. Yet, others
chose to blend in with the population of the imperialistic
Rome. Following the fall of Cathage, their Greek allies of
Macedon would soon follow their fate, and the Ventrue-led
Roman Republic would mobilize to take Illiria and Moesia.
Those would become the frontiers for the Ventrue war
against the Tzimisce residing in Dacia. Once the Thracia
submitted to the Roman rule, Clan Toreador would pledge
to the Ventrue cause. Romans would build a mighty fortress
of Singidunum in place of a Celtic settlement which would
house the 4th Legion and stand tall for more than 6
centuries until it was finally destroyed by the Slavs after the
fall of the Roman Empire.

Belgrade is the financial center of Serbia and Southeast

The City of
Europe, with a total of 17 million square metres (180
million square feet) of office space. It is also home to the
country's Central Bank.

New Belgrade is the country's Central business district and

one of Southeastern Europe's financial centers. It offers a
range of facilities, such as hotels, congress halls (e.g. Sava
Centar), Class A and B office buildings, and business parks
(e.g. Airport City Belgrade). Over 1.2 million square metres
Welcome to Belgrade, one of the oldest cities in Europe. It is (13 million square feet) of land is under construction in
located at the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers. The New Belgrade, with the value of planned construction over
first human inhabitants in the area date back to the the next three years estimated at over 1.5 billion euros. The
prehistoric Vinča culture in the year 4800 BC. The very first Belgrade Stock Exchange is also located in New Belgrade,
settlement was built here by the Celtic tribes in 3rd century and has a market capitalization of €6.5 billion (US$7.1
BC, before it was conquered by Romans and renamed to billion).
Singidunum. After the Slavic tribes settled the area, they
renamed it to Belgrade, meaning "The White City". In the Belgrade has a reputation for vibrant nightlife; many clubs
year 1405. the city was proclaimed the capital of Serbian that are open until dawn can be found throughout the city.
Principality, and in the year 1521. it falls to the Ottoman The most recognizable nightlife features of Belgrade are the
empire. In the year 1878. Belgrade becomes the capital of the barges (splav) spread along the banks of the Sava and
independent Kingdom of Serbia. It became one of the key Danube Rivers. The Times reported that Europe's best
cities in the Balkans and started to develop rapidly. After the nightlife can be found in Belgrade.
end of the World War I it became the capital of the newly
found Kingdom, and after the World War II the capital of Belgrade has an extensive public transport system consisting
Yugoslavia under the communist regime. In September of of buses (118 urban lines and more than 300 suburban
the year 2000. The Socialist Party lost to the Democratic lines), trams (12 lines) and trolleybuses (8 lines)
Opposition Party which eventually led to dissolving of
Yugoslavia in February of the year 2003. Situated at the confluence of two major rivers, the Danube
and the Sava, Belgrade has a lot of bridges, the most
Belgrade lies 116.75 metres (383.0 ft) above sea level. Since important of which are Branko's bridge, the Gazela Bridge,
the 19th century, the city has been expanding to the south and the Pančevo Bridge. The Port of Belgrade is on the
and east; after World War II, New Belgrade was built on the Danube, and allows the city to receive goods by river. The
left bank of the Sava river, connecting Belgrade with Zemun. city is also served by Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, 12
Smaller, chiefly residential communities across the Danube, kilometres (7.5 mi) west of the city center, near Surčin. At
like Krnjača, Kotež and Borča, also merged with the city. its peak in 1986, almost 3 million passengers traveled
The city has an urban area of 360 square kilometres (140 sq through the airport, though that number dwindled to a
mi), while together with its metropolitan area it covers 3,223 trickle in the 1990s. Following renewed growth in 2000, the
km2 (1,244 sq mi). On the right bank of the Sava, central number of passengers reached approximately 2 million in
Belgrade has a hilly terrain, while the highest point of 2004.
Belgrade proper is Torlak hill at 303 m (994 ft). The
mountains of Avala (511 m (1,677 ft)) and Kosmaj (628 m
(2,060 ft)) lie south of the city. Across the Sava and Danube,
the land is mostly flat, consisting of alluvial plains and
loessial plateaus.

Belgrade has a humid subtropical climate, with four seasons

and uniformly spread precipitation. Monthly averages range
from 1.4 °C (34.5 °F) in January to 23.0 °C (73.4 °F) in July,
with an annual mean of 12.5 °C (54.5 °F).

According to the census of 2002. Belgrade had the

population of 1,119,642 people.

association with the Romanian mob, a group of Anarch

Plot summary for February leaning kindred began recently attacking warehouses used
by the Romanians for drug labs, human trafficking and

2005: meeting spaces. The group shot and burned the groups
leaving many dead. They left "anarchy" symbols along with
the phrase "Long Live Simon Coates."
All of the following information is known to all Kindred,
Ghouls and Revenant PCs in Belgrade IC unless they have
New Arrival, New Kid or similar flaws.

Since the dawn of the New Year, the Sword of Caine has
been trying to expand their foothold into Belgrade from
their stronghold in Pancevo, bringing some truth to the
claims of Ventrue Antitribu potentially working with Garou
in the Sewers, to smuggle goods and try and find loopholes
in the Camarilla's hold on the surface of the city, what
motivation the Garou and their associated Spirits have for
their activity in the Sewers is currently unknown at this time,
some kindred are speculating this may have something to do
with some things that happened months ago on Great War
Island, with rumors of other Garou and similar creatures
being disturbed there by local Kindred, additionally there has
been rumors of Hunters and other strange creatures like
perhaps the Ratkin trying to disturb and sabotage the local
Sewer Rats.

Word is spreading that one of the local runaways from the

Sabbat, a Brute named Caellach is continuing to kill kine in
a ritualistic fashion evading both Kindred and Mortal
authorities, and details of her fellow traveler and sire remain
murky, some say it may the same elder who posed as under
the name Barrabus claiming to be an Elder who was suppose
to make an appearance some months ago at a Rock concert
where the Toreador Tenebra performed before there was an
attack by Garou and then local Hunters arrived to clean up
what was left after the skirmish.

There is rumors that something may be brewing in the city

soon due to the recent final death of a infernalist named
Presuda, people are wondering what his fellow infernalist
and his demon patron might do as revenge if or when they
discover who exactly was involved in the matter. Additionally
there is discussion of problematic ghouls wandering the
night in search for new domitors, the abandoned servitors of
the recently deceased Baroness Petra, and there has been
rumors that there may be more trouble left to come from
Red Sand Solutions with reports that one of the former
shareholders Dragomir Balog persists as a Wraith, there is
also rumors of rebellious Autarkis Assamites from an
organization known as the Cabal sabotaging some of the
efforts of their mainline clan, and rumors that many of the
Camarilla in the far away city of Sarajevo are looking
establish footholds in Belgrade amidst much of the city's
chaos. Following the death of Simon Coates and his

Influnces Expanded Advanced dots power (coterie only):
7 - You own many businesses locally, and contribute greatly
to the local economy. Organize major strikes.
8 - You can affect the financial stability of other cities
within 50 miles of your own. Control at least one national
1. Business 9 - You have the wealth and backing of a major
corporation/ Fortune 500 company; you own several major
(Covers categories of finance, industry and partial companies; Wall Street jumps when you sneeze. Arrange
bureaucracy) major “accidental” fires; orchestrate a large-scale wakeout or
factory recall.
Manipulating or shutting down businesses, faking or 10 - You number among the richest people in the world.
acquiring permits and identification papers and You can actually throw money at all your problems. Oil
manipulating public utilities and facilities. Government spills, chemical accidents, factory shutdowns - all just a
clerks at the city and county level, utility workers, surveyors phone call away.
and other civil servants are potential contacts or allies.
Manipulating markets, stock reports and investments is a
hobby of many, especially those who use their knowledge to
keep their wealth hidden. Although your actual available
money is a function of your Resources, you can use Business
2. Church
Influence to start or smother businesses, crush or support (The non-secular world. This includes all faiths, places of
banking institutions and alter credit records. The grinding worship, and religious hierarchy.)
wheels of labor fuel the economies and markets of the world.
Machines, factories and blue-collar workers line up in endless Although the modern church has arguably less control over
drudgery, churning out the staples of everyday living. temporal society than it did in the Middle Ages, church
Business Influence sways the formation of unions, the policies still exert considerable influence over the direction
movements of work projects, locations for factories and the of politics and communities. Knowing the appropriate
product of manufacturing concerns. Union workers, people gives a character insight into many mainstream
foremen, engineers, construction workers, manual laborers religions, such as Christianity, Judaism,
and all manner of blue-collar workers exist among these Islam, Hinduism, Shinto or Buddhism, and even lesser
ranks. Clearly, such power over money is not to be trifled religious sects. When you exercise Church Influence, you
with. Fortunes are made and destroyed with this sort of can change religious policy, affect the assignment of clergy
power. and access a variety of lore and resources. Contacts affected
by Church Influence would include ministers, priests,
Dots power: bishops, Church-sponsored witch-hunters, holy orders and
1 - Trace utility bills, Learn about major transactions and various attendees and assistants.
financial events, Learn about general economic trends, Learn
about industrial projects and movements. Dots power:
2 - Trace an unsecured small account, Raise capital to 1 - Identify most secular members of a given faith in the
purchase a small business (single, small store), Have minor local area, Pass as a member of the clergy, Peruse general
projects performed, Dip into union funds, Arrange small church records (baptism, marriage, burial, etc.)
accidents or sabotage. 2 - Identify higher church members, Track regular church
3 - Purchase a decent-sized business (a few small branches or members, Suspend lay members
a single large store or service) Ruin finances of small 3 - Open or close a single church, Find the average church-
business temporarily, Organize minor strikes, borrow associated hunter, Dip into the collection plate, Access
appropriate machinery for a short time. private information and archives of a church
4 - Manipulate local banking (delay deposits, alter credit 4 – Discredit, manipulate or suspend high-level church
ratings), Render a small business inert, Close down a small members
plant, Revitalize a small plant 5 - Organize major religious protests, Access ancient church
5 - Manipulate an aspect of city-wide banking (shut off lore and knowledge
ATMs, arrange a bank “holiday”) Ruin a large business,
Purchase a major company, Manipulate large local industry, Advanced dots power (coterie only):
Shut down a big business on a violation temporarily.

8 - You control a nationally known evangelist or organization The glitterati at the top of society move in circles of wealth
of comparable stature. and elegance. Many people find such positions alluring, and
9 - You have access to the Society of Leopold or other they indulge in the passions of the famous and wealthy.
Church-sponsored hunter groups; you have influence in a Access to famous actors, celebrities and the idle rich grants
monastic order. a certain sway over fashion trends. Combined with Fame, a
10 - You have sway in a major religious denomination. modicum of High Society Influence turns a character into a
Possibly the Pope on speed dial. debonair darling of the most exclusive social circles. Among
these circles, one finds dilettantes, artists of any stripe, old
money families, models, rock stars, sports figures and jet-
3. Health
Dots power:
(Hospitals, blood banks, doctors.) 1 - Learn what is trendy, Obtain hard-to-get tickets for
shows, Learn about concerts, shows or plays well before they
Some creatures rely on connections in the medical are made public
community to acquire blood. Necromancers and 2 - Track most celebrities and luminaries, Be a local voice in
practitioners of arcane arts may also require body parts or the entertainment field, You most likely have a sugardaddy.
medical data to further their studies. These sorts of research 3 – Hinder promising careers, Hobnob well above your
and development fall under the purview of Health Influence. station. You can orchestrate to be „seen“ when it‘s
Coroners, doctors, lab workers, therapists, pharmacists and important.
specialists are just a few of the folks found in this field. 4 – You have local celebrities on speed dial.
5 – Can orchestate to appear on national TV at whim, can
Dots power: ruin reputation of a new club, gallery, festival or other posh
1 - Access to local patient‘s health records, Fake vaccination gatherings with just a phone call.
records and the like, can utilize Contacts to get blood bags.
2 - Access to wide range of medical records, Have minor lab Advanced dots power (coterie only):
work done, Get a copy of a coroner’s report. 6 – You have major national and regional celebrities on
3 - Corrupt results of tests or inspections, Alter medical speed dial.
records, can issue a quarantine on a single residential 7 - The local social scene is completely malleable to your
building. whims. Whatever you say is trendy probably is.
4 - Completely rewrite medical records, Abuse grants for 8 – Wide range of celebrity influence, you can affect trends
personal use, Have minor medical research performed on a all across the region, trendsetters probably ask you what is
subject, Institute quarantines on larger areas like city blocks. „in“ or not.
5 - Shut down businesses for “health code 9 – You can orchastrate yourself in world‘s most viewed talk
violations”,Commission special research projects, Have shows, major global events, and alter fashion weeks with a
people institutionalized or released legally. snap of a finger
10 – You are fashion, you make the cultures come and go as
Advanced dots power (coterie only): you please, world‘s most influential people ask for your
6 - Absolute control over a local clinic or a blood bank. permission to appear in public, you have world‘s most
7 – Absolute control over a major city‘s hospital famous celebrities on speed dial.
8 – Absolute access and manipulation over domestic health-
care system
9 – Full access to national medical funding, drug research
and access to worlds cutting-edge technology and medical
5. Law Enforcement
10 – Influence over global health-care system. You can list (Covers categories of Police, Fire department and Legalism
world‘s most renowned doctors among your contacts and in general)
have their services for free.
Since many of the operations that supernatural characters
4.High Society tend to undertake are at least marginally illegal, a good
amount of sway over judges and lawyers is indispensable.
(Culture and subculture, fame, fashion, trendsetting.) Those who dabble in Law Enforcement often pull strings in
the courts to make sure their questionable practices go
unpunished. Law Enforcement Influence can be very handy

in protecting one’s holdings or raiding the assets of another. 1 - Learn about breaking stories early, Submit small articles
Police of all ranks, detectives, clerical staff, dispatchers, (within reason)
prison guards, special divisions and local highway patrol 2 - Suppress small articles or reports, Get hold of
officers make up these ranks. investigative reporting information
3 - Initiate news investigations and reports, Some parts of
Dots power: Media funding find their way into your pockets, Ground
1 - Hear police information and rumors, Avoid traffic tickets, stories and projects.
Get free representation for minor court cases. 4 - Broadcast fake stories - the local media.
2 - Avoid bail for some charges, Have minor charges dropped, 5 - Kill local articles or reports completely before they reach
Have license plates checked, Avoid minor violations (first the public
conviction), Get “inside information” from a Contact in the
PD Advanced dots power (coterie only):
3 - Get copies of an investigation report, Have police hassle, 6 - Broadcast fake stories – the entire region, or wider.
detain or harass someone, Manipulate legal procedures 7 – Manipulate all aspects over newspapers, pupeteering all
(minor wills and contracts, court dates), Get representation the editors.
in most court cases. 8 – Universal Press Pass that could get you an interview
4 - Tie up court cases, Have most legal charges dropped, with anyone, even National Presidents
Cancel or arrange parole, Have Law Enforcement turn a 9 – Manipulate the most popular worldwide read magazines
blind eye on illegal weapons or contraband goods, Start an and papers. You control what the people read.
investigation on any person with a record of existence. 10 – Broadcast whatever your heart desires via most viewed
5 - Institute major investigations involving all of the city‘s global networks like CNN, BBC, FOX etc.
PD‘s and private detective agencies

Advanced dots power (coterie only):

6 – Absolute control over a city‘s renowned judge 7. Politics
7 - Control over a law firm, can manipulate the court system
even outside of the city, Instigate a military police raid. (Elected officials, sheriffs, mayors, state and congressional
8 - Get people extradited to supreme courts, Manipulate the representatives, county commissioners, and City Councils
parole board, Arrange a governor’s pardon, can circumvent and partial bureaucracy)
multiple major courts in the region, Can have sealed records
opened. Altering party platforms, controlling local elections,
9 - Can manipulate the Supreme Court, Access to all court changing appointed offices and calling in favors all fall
documents in the region. Have police chiefs and judges under the purview of Politics Influence. Well timed
replaced. blackmail, bribery, spin-doctoring and sundry other tricks
10 – Absolute control over the city police, fire department, are the stock in trade on both sides of this fence. Some of
and Supreme Court, and partial control over military police. the likely contacts and allies include pollsters, lobbyists,
activists, party members, spin-doctors and politicians from
rural zoning committees to the mayors of major cities.

6.Media Dots power:

1 - Identify the real platforms of politicians and their
(Newspapers, television and radio) parties, Be in the know.
2 - Meet small-time politicians, Garner inside information
Directing media attention away from one’s activities is a key on processes, laws and the like, Fake a birth certificate or
component of survival for some supernatural creatures. driver’s license, Disconnect a single small residence’s
Putting specific emphasis on certain events can put an enemy utilities, Close a small area or park to the public.
in an uncomfortable spotlight or discredit a rival. With 3 - Fake a death certificate, passport or green card, Close a
Media, you can crush or alter news stories, control the public school for a single day, Shut down a minor business
operations of news stations and reporters and sway public on a violation, Sway or alter political projects (local parks,
opinion, with DJs, editors of all varieties, reporters, renovations, small construction)
cameramen, photographers and broadcasters at your 4 - Enact minor legislation, Dash careers of minor
disposal. politicians, Initiate a phone tap, Fake land deeds, Initiate a
department-wide investigation.
Dots power:

5 - Start, stop or alter a city-wide program or policy, Shut
down a big business on a violation, Obliterate records of a Ignored and often spat upon by their “betters,” those in the
person on a city level. dark alleys and slums have created their own culture to deal
with life and any outsiders who might intrude. When
calling on Underworld Influence, you use your connections
Advanced dots power (coterie only): on the underside of the city to find the homeless, gang
6 - Get your candidate into a minor office members of all sorts, street buskers,petty criminals,
7 - Get your candidate in a major office prostitutes, residents of the slums or barrios and fringe
8 - Affect foreign policy; utilize the resources of the CIA; elements of so-called “deviant” cultures. The world of crime
access the Secret Service. offers lucrative possibilities to strong-willed or subtle
9 – You have the President on speed dial leaders. Anyone talented or simply vicious enough to do so
10 - You have people inside the Oval Office or the UN; can traffic in guns, money, drugs and vice. Underworld
influence diplomatic relations of nearby countries; can Influence lets you reap the benefits of all manner of illegal
acquire diplomatic immunity. dealings, and its ranks are filled with drug-dealers, bookies,
hit-men, fences and criminal gangs.

Dots power:
8. Transportation 1 - Locate minor contraband (knives, small-time drugs, petty
gambling), Open an ear for the word on the street, Identify
(By land, water, or air. Cabs, buses, freeways, trains, shipping, most gangs and know their turf and habits.
airports.) 2 - Live mostly without fear on the underside of society,
Keep a contact or two in most aspects of street life, Obtain
Most supernatural creatures make their homes in defensible pistols, small smg‘s, serious drugs, stolen cars, Hire muscle
parts of cities. Traveling across the wilderness is difficult to rough someone up.
without this Influence, with the problems of marauding 3 - Get insight into other areas of Influence. Obtain a rifle
werewolves and other supernatural threats. Getting access to or shotgun, heavy pistols and revolvers and uncommon
special, supplies and services can also take a measure of melee weapons, Arrange a minor “hit” on a “nobody”
Transportation. All these things can be controlled with a bit 4 - Mobilize groups of homeless, Have a word in almost all
of sway over truckers, harbors, railroads, airports, taxis, aspects of gang operations.
border guards, pilots and untold hundreds, as well as more 5 - Manipulate a single medium-sized gang, Arrange
mundane aspects like shipping and travel arrangements. impressive protests by street people, Arrange gangland
assassinations, Hire a demolition man, Supply local drug
Dots power: needs. Can access the purchase of large smg‘s, assault riffles
1 - Know what goes where, when and why, Travel locally and military grade shotguns.
quickly and freely
2 - Track an unwary target if he uses public transportation, Advanced dots power (coterie only):
Arrange passage that is safe (or at least concealed) from 6 - Access large quantities of contraband, including all the
mundane threats (robbery, terrorism, sunlight, etc.) drugs you‘ll ever need.
3 - Can travel nationally without problems via private 7 - Manipulate a local Mafia family or a (crime) clan, drug
transport. Seriously hamper an individual’s ability to travel, cartel, pornography empire.
Avoid most supernatural dangers when traveling 8 - Have a word in most crime syndicates across the country
4 - Shut down one form of transportation (bus lines, ships, and wider. Manipulate all gang activity in the city.
planes, trains, etc.), temporarily 9 - Arrange high-level political assassinations. Nothing
5 - Travel internationally with almost no degree of risk, happens on the street without you knowing about it.
Reroute major modes of travel, Smuggle with impunity. Shut 10 - Some international terrorists are under your control.
down major airlines or cause serious delays for other You can draw in crime lords from the entire region to help
travelers. your cause.

9. Underworld 10. University

(Homeless people, street gangs, unorganized and organized (Higher education, research, administration of colleges.)
crime, prostitution, gambling, fraud, extortion)

Institutions of learning and research are the purview of the
University Influence. Access to the halls of learning can
grant any number of resources, from ancient languages to
research assistance to many impressionable young minds.
School boards, students from kindergarten through college,
graduate students, professors, teachers, deans, and a variety
of staff fill the ivy-covered buildings.

Dots power:
1 - Know layout and policy of local schools, Obtain records,
up to the high school level
2 - Know a contact or two with useful knowledge or Abilities,
Have minor access to facilities, Fake high school records,
Obtain college records
3 - Call in faculty favors, Cancel a class, Fix grades, Discredit
a student
4 - Organize student protests and rallies, Discredit faculty
5 - Falsify an undergraduate degree

Advanced dots power (coterie only):

6 - Falsify a post-graduate degree.
7 - Have faculty fired
8 - Close down school districts
9 - Affect curriculum statewide and wider.
10 - Complete control of curriculum, faculty and all records;
falsify doctorate

2. [Increase Background flavor text] (Manipulation +
Downtime – How to Subterfuge)
3. [Increase Background flavor text] (Manipulation +
Downtime is the process by which your character may pursue Subterfuge)
additional backgrounds, plotlines, research, or other personal
goals. It represents multiple nights of work „off-camera“ and Willpower CAN be spent on these rolls, and it is highly
doesn‘t interfere with your Unguided RP, but can be recommended that you do it.
vignetted if the player wants to, or required by the Staff. If you are continuing to build up a Background, make sure
to note at what number of successes you left off in the
Procedure: document you send.

• Determine your character’s goal (Example: Increase

a dot of Background; pursue plotlines; hinder other
character‘s progress or aid your allies.)
• Write your method for achieving your goal. This can
be as short as a few sentences or as long as a few
paragraphs, bullet points, or a complete short story.
• Propose a dice pool for achieving it. Note any
merits, disciplines, and backgrounds you feel may
benefit you. Your pool should be justified by your
method. The Staff member will adjudicate it and
make alterations or propose different pools,
methods etc at their discretion.
• Once your downtime write-up is complete, DM it in
.odt format to the Storyteller. You will be contacted
when it is time to perform your rolls by one of the

Each downtime is composed of three Downtime Actions,

which will be translated into dice rolls in most cases. Raising
Backgrounds has a set amount of successes needed for each
dot of each Background. Check the House Rules document,
Section 21. Downtimes for more details on this.
Advancing plotlines through Downtime will usually require
15 or 30 total successes, depending on the plot in question.
Any amount of successes achieved through Downtimes must
be recorded on the Tracker document, in the proper section
on the right-hand most side of the Backgrounds section in
the document. If you manage to raise a dot of a Background,
any additional successes carry over on your Tracker for the
future rolls.

Some backgrounds, such as Generation and Status, may not

be earned during downtime. Additionally, accruing the target
number of successes may simply represent a milestone, not
ultimate success. This is especially common in research: you
may learn a method is not viable or a goal unattainable.

Make sure to always separate each of your three actions, and

to mark a desired dice pool in parenthesis at the end, even if
all three actions are the same.
1. [Increase Background flavor text] (Manipulation +
equal to the severity of the botch. Vicissitude Modifications

Vicissitude Modifications take 2 hours per point of value to apply, and must be
applied in one “surgery” for lack of a better word. (Note:
Applying 12 points total of modifications would require a
Vicissitude can add Physical Merits and remove Physical 24-hour surgery, deeming it impossible for a vampire to
Flaws, requiring at least Vicissutide 3 (Bonecraft) or greater. perform in a single night)
Application of Vicissitude in this manner requires the
recipient make a Courage roll (difficulty 6), and inflicts Vicissitude Modification follow the standard rules for
unsoakable aggravated damage (1 point for a 1-point healing Vicissitude (Vampire: The Masquerade pg. 241), as
Merit/Flaw, 2 points for a 2- or 3-point Merit/Flaw, 3 points following: “When a Kindred uses Vicissitude to alter
for a 4+ point Merit/Flaw). Success on the Courage roll mortals, ghouls, and vampires of higher Generation, the
allows the recipient to spend XP on the Merit or Flaw as effects of the power are permanent; vampires of equal or
normal. (Gaining Merits or removing Flaws with this method lower Generation can choose to heal the effects of
must be approved by the Storyteller) Vicissitude as though they were aggravated wounds.” All
weaponry gained through Vicissitude Modifications apply
Ghoul Viccisitude upgrades are bought with XP just like exclusively lethal damage.
upgrading other ghouls, see pg 134, 135 requiring Vicissitude
3 (Bonecraft) Note: Ghouls/Revenants and Mortals may never heal
Vicissitude modifications, not even through usage of vitae.
Generally speaking, most modifications necessitate the The only exception are ghouls who themselves possess
purchase of the Flaw: Monstrous. As a rule, the Tzimisce Vicissitude, but their rating in the Discipline must be equal
make sufficient cosmetic alterations to ruin the looks of all or higher than that of the vampire who applied the
their Warghouls, even those whose modifications are not in modifications.
and of themselves hideous. Those Modifications that don’t
necessitate this Flaw all have identical sentences attached to
Merit Monstrous?
Vicissitude user may grant a number of Merit and Flaw Friendly Face (1pt) No
points (not including Monstrous, if required) equal to 7 +
[user’s Medicine rating]. Target of modifications may only Acute Sense (1pt) No
sustain 12 Points of total Modifications, not including Circular Vision (1pt) Yes
Monstrous. The target does not receive any Freebie Point
Bioluminescence (1pt) No
refund for the flaws removed through Vicissitude
Modifications. Fangs (1pt) Yes
Lizard Limbs (1pt) No
Common Knowledge: The modifications listed under the
Merit “Vicissitude Modifications” (Ghouls and Revenants p. Long Fingers (1pt) Yes
134) are known to every Vicissitude user, as are all properties Monstrous Maw (1pt) Yes
and mechanics listed in Vampire: the Masquerade pg. 241-
242. All others must be researched, taught, discovered, etc. Slimy (1pt) No
which can only be achieved through Downtimes. Enchanting Voice (2pts) No

System: The user spends one Blood Point (plus additional Iron Stomach (2pts) No
one Blood Point for every modification beyond the first) and Spurs (2pts) Yes
makes a simple (never extended) Bonecraft roll (Strength +
Medicine), Difficulty is variable (5 for applying crude Flaws, Pain Tolerance (2pts) No
6 for removing them and 9 for applying costly Merits) and Carapace (3pts) Yes
should always be adjudicated by the Storyteller, prior to
making the roll. For modification to be successful, 2 or more Huge Size (4pts) No
successes are required. A single success is considered a failed Patagia (4pts) Yes
roll. If the roll is a failure it must be either healed by the
Tough Hide (2pts) Yes
target (see below), or retried by the user, resulting in wasted
time and Blood Point expenditure. Botching the roll results Darksight (2pts) No
in number of unsoakable Aggravated damage to the target,
Relocated Heart (4pts)* No
Blush of Health (2pts) No

*This is a Homebrew Merit that relocates target’s heart to

somewhere else in their body. Players must get Storyteller
approval and list on their character sheet where the heart is
relocated to.

Hard of Hearing (1pt)
Short (1 pt)
Bad Sight (1 pt or 3 pts)
Unblinking (1 pt)
Disfigured (2 pts)
One Eye (2 pts)
Venomous Bite (2 pts)
Forked Tongue (2 pts)
Dulled Bite (2pts)
Fangless (2pts)
Deformity (3 pts)
Lame (3 pts)
Monstrous (3 pts)*
Deaf (4 pts)
Mute (4 pts)
Blind (6 pts)
Infectious Bite (2pts)
Glowing Eyes (3pts)
Permanent Fangs (3pts)
Contagious (5pts)

*Monstrous Flaw that comes as a result of Vicissitude

Modifications cannot be removed with this method without
removing the Merits that were gained via Modifications.


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