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Regular Press Conference

总台央视记者:6 月 28 日,第 48 届七国集团峰会发表公报,14 处提及中

CCTV: The 48th G7 Summit released a Leaders’ Communiqué on
June 28. The word “China” appears 14 times in the text, which is largely
critical of China on matters concerning Hong Kong, Xinjiang, human rights,
the East China Sea, the South China Sea, peace and stability across the
Taiwan Strait, etc. What’s China’s comment?

Zhao Lijian: Despite China’s solemn position and firm opposition,
the G7 used the Leaders’ Communiqué to peddle the “democracy
versus authoritarianism” narrative, interfere in China’s internal affairs,
attack and smear China, and incite confrontational sentiments. This shows
that the G7 has no intention of having dialogue and cooperation on the
basis of equality and mutual respect, that the G7 remains entrenched
in its Cold War mentality and ideological bias, and that the G7 prefers
bloc politics that serves the group’s own interests.

香港事务纯属中国内政。香港回归 25 年来,香港居民依法享有的民主权利
Hong Kong affairs are purely China’s internal affairs. Today, 25 years
after Hong Kong’s return to the motherland, the democratic rights and
freedoms of Hong Kong residents guaranteed by law are fully protected.
The Chinese government governs Hong Kong in accordance with the
Constitution of the People’s Republic of China and the Basic Law of
the Hong Kong SAR. On human rights, the G7 countries, with their own
record being far from perfect, have no authority to lecture others or use
human rights issues as a political tool to interfere in the internal affairs
of other countries. By attacking and smearing China on topics such as
Xinjiang and Tibet, they are simply showing the world their hegemonic
nature and hypocrisy. There is but one China in the world and Taiwan
is an inalienable part of China’s territory. The Taiwan authorities are
pushing the “Taiwan independence” separatist agenda, and the US and
a few other Western countries are using Taiwan to contain China. This
is the greatest threat to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. China
has the right to take all necessary measures to resolutely safeguard our
sovereignty and security. China has been firmly committed to the
purposes and principles of the UN Charter and a staunch defender of
world peace and development and regional security and stability. This
stands in sharp contrast with the US, a warmonger and wielder of illegal
unilateral sanctions.

The G7 members have benefited the most from globalization. As such,
they have a special responsibility to promote globalization, boost world
economic growth and tackle global economic and financial challenges.
However, at a critical juncture in the global pandemic response and
economic recovery, the G7, rather than committing to solidarity and
cooperation, is preoccupied with stoking division and confrontation and
has shown absolutely no sense of responsibility or moral authority. I must
also point out that for a group which accounts for about one tenth only
of the world’s population, the G7 has no authority to speak for the whole
world, still less to present its own values and standards as universal
values and standards.

We urge the G7 to earnestly step up to its responsibility and due
international obligations, uphold true multilateralism, and stop applying
double or even multiple standards, stop causing confrontation and
division, stop discrediting and slandering China, and stop all forms of
meddling in China’s domestic affairs.
China Daily: French writer Maxime Vivas recently published his
new book Les Divagations des Antichinois en France, or The Ramblings
of Anti-China Forces in France. In this book, he has unmasked anti-China
organizations like the World Uyghur Congress, the National Endowment
for Democracy, and Human Rights Watch and wrote about how they made
and spread lies against China with funding from the CIA. Do you have
any comment?

Zhao Lijian: I have seen relevant reports and noticed that Mr. Vivas
said in an interview that he has faced repeated attacks, threats and
slanders for his work on debunking the lies of Western anti-China forces.

们所谓的“言论自由”和“新闻自由”吗?不,这是 21 世纪的麦卡锡主义。
Over the years, the US and some Western countries have sought to
manipulate international public opinion through propaganda machines
and made up numerous lies on Xinjiang-related issues. These countries
have not only been oblivious to the authoritative facts made available to
the public by China, but also jointly attacked people like Mr. Vivas who
speak the truth, and launched political witch-hunts against them. Is this
what they call “freedom of speech” and “freedom of the press”? No,
this is 21st-century McCarthyism.

No matter what the anti-China forces do, nothing can hide the truth
and reality from the world. Recently, Australian scholar Jaqueline James
released reports on Xinjiang-related anti-China propaganda materials
published by ASPI, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. She
debunked and questioned the numerous lies and fallacies in those articles
with detailed analysis. She asked these organizations to answer honestly
whether their donors are paying for human rights advocacy or a “China
bad” story?

More people have now joined the effort to expose the fact that
individuals and organizations like ASPI are funded by the US and
Australian governments to falsely accuse and smear China. We believe
that more and more thoughtful people will see through the dishonorable
action of the US and some Western countries, who use Xinjiang to contain
China and spread rumor and lies about China. We believe people will
choose to stand on the side of justice and truth.

MASTV: US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said that NATO’
s Strategic Concept will speak very directly and in a clear-eyed way to
the multifaceted challenge posed by China. The number-one priority with
respect to China, when it comes to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, is that
China not become militarily supportive of Russia through the provision
of equipment. Number two is that they not engage in undermining or
evasion of US sanctions. He added that China has the responsibility to
urge Russia to cease fire. Do you have any comment?

Zhao Lijian: We have made our position clear on the developments
concerning China with regard to NATO’s Strategic Concept. NATO has
publicly stated on many occasions that it will remain a regional alliance,
it does not seek a geopolitical breakthrough and it does not seek to
expand to other regions. However, in recent years, NATO has repeatedly
made forays into the Asia-Pacific region. Some NATO member states keep
sending aircraft and warships to carry out military exercises in China’
s nearby waters, creating tensions and fanning up disputes. NATO has
sought to make advances into new areas and domains and clamored for
bloc confrontation. The world needs to keep its vigilance and firmly reject
it. NATO should stop drawing ideological lines, stoking political
confrontation, or seeking to start a new Cold War. It should discard the
Cold War mentality and zero-sum game mindset and stop making enemies.
NATO has already disrupted Europe. It should not seek to destabilize
Asia and the world.

I want to stress that China consistently opposes unilateral sanctions
and long-arm jurisdictions that have no basis in international law or
mandate from the Security Council. Reality has shown that toughening
sanctions is not an effective way to resolve conflict, nor can a continuous
supply of weapons bring peace. The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict has
taken a heavy toll on Europe politically, economically and socially, while
the US benefits from it, with arms-dealers popping champagne and
American grain and energy industries making exorbitant profits.

As the one who started the Ukraine crisis and the biggest factor
fueling it, the US needs to reflect on its disreputable role it has played
in the Ukraine crisis and stop smearing China.

CRI: We noticed that a report from the US Department of the Interior
last month said a large number of Native American children died at Indian
boarding schools. After that, more and more survivors and their
descendants have spoken out and accused the US government of
genocide against American Indians. Do you have any comment?

Zhao Lijian: We are deeply sympathetic to the tragic experience of
the Native American children. Those so-called boarding schools that
carried the motto “Kill the Indian, save the man” were in essence crime
scenes of the US cultural genocide against Native Americans. What
happened at these schools is also important evidence of the racial
genocide committed by the US against Native Americans. More and more
facts have come to light and shown that the US committed systemic
genocide against Native Americans in three dimensions, which has lasted
hundreds of years and continues to this day.

第一个维度,美国对印第安人进行人口灭绝。据统计,自 1776 年美国宣布

独立后,美国政府先后发动了超过 1500 次袭击,攻打印第安部落,屠杀印第安
人。在 1492 年白人殖民者到来之前北美有 500 万印第安人,但到 1800 年数量
锐减为 60 万,1900 年更是萎缩至 23.7 万。其中,裴奎特、莫西干、马萨诸塞
等十余个部落完全灭绝。此后,美国政府还强迫印第安人绝育。1930 至 1976
年,美国印第安人事务局通过“印第安人健康服务”项目,对约 7 万名印第安妇
女实施强制绝育。20 世纪 70 年代初,超 42%育龄印第安妇女被绝育。
First, the US has committed physical genocide against the Native

American population. Statistics show that since its independence in

1776, the US government has launched over 1,500 attacks on Indian

tribes to slaughter the Indians. Before the arrival of white settlers in 1492,
there were five million Indians, yet the number plummeted to 600,000 by
1800 and only 237,000 in 1900. Among them, more than a dozen tribes,
such as the Pequot, Mohegan, and Massachusetts, were completely
extinct. The US government also applied forced sterilization to Indians.
Between 1930 and 1976, the US Bureau of Indian Affairs forcibly
sterilized approximately 70,000 Indian women through the “Indian Health
Service program”. In early 1970s, more than 42% of Indian women of
childbearing age were sterilized.

视和忽视,精神文化受损,代际传承受阻。19 世纪 70 至 80 年代,美国政府采
计,寄宿学校死亡总人数或达 4 万,“几乎每所寄宿学校都有墓地”。时至今日,
组织报告,87%的州级历史教材不涉及 1900 年后的原住民历史。
Second, the US has committed spiritual and cultural genocide
against Native Americans. They have long suffered hostility, discrimination
and oblivion. The inter-generational inheritance of indigenous spirits and
culture of Native Americans have long been hindered. In the 1870s and ’

80s, the US government adopted a policy of “forced assimilation” to

obliterate the social fabric and culture of Indian tribes and destroy the
ethnic and tribal identity of the Indians. To attain the dual goal of cultural
assimilation and taking Indian lands for itself, the US government began
with forcing Native American children into the Indian boarding schools,
banning them from speaking their native language, wearing their

traditional clothes, or carrying out traditional activities. The children

also suffered serious abuse and torment. US-based scholar Preston
McBride estimates that the total number of deaths could be as high as
40,000, adding that “basically every school had a graveyard.” Even
today, the US is still trying to deliberately obliterate the historical memory
and information of the indigenous people in education and media
reports. According to a report by National Indian Education Association,
87% of state-level US history textbooks do not mention the post-1900

history of indigenous people.

报告,印第安人预期寿命比全美平均寿命低 5.5 岁,婴儿死亡率在全国最高,青
少年自杀率为全美平均水平的 1.9 倍。截至 2022 年 6 月,印第安人新冠肺炎死
亡率约为白人的 2.1 倍。1969 至 2009 年,美国政府在印第安人肖肖尼部落区
共进行 928 次核试验,产生约 62 万吨放射性沉降物。印第安人保留地癌症等疾
病发病率远高于其他地区,纳瓦霍族部落约 1/4 妇女与部分婴儿体内测出高浓度
放射物。2018 年美国人口普查局数据显示,印第安人的贫困率为 25.4%,远高
于白人的 8.1%。
Third, the US has committed deprivation of the rights of Native
Americans. The US has systematically deprived Native Americans and
other ethnic minorities of a wide range of their rights, leaving them mired
in a crisis of survival and scarcity of rights. A report by the Indian Health
Service shows that Native Americans born today have a life expectancy
that is 5.5 years less than the national average, and they have the highest
infant mortality rate. The suicide rate of Native American adolescents is
1.9 times that of the national average. By June 2022, the COVID-19
mortality rate among Native Americans is about 2.1 times that of the White
population. From 1969 to 2009, the US government conducted 928
nuclear tests in the Shoshone tribal region, resulting in nuclear fallout of
around 620 kilotons. Cancer incidence rate in Native Americans ’
reservations is far higher than other areas. High levels of radioactive
substance has been detected in the systems of about a quarter of Navajo
women and infants. According to 2018 US Census Data, the poverty rate
among Native Americans was 25.4%, far higher than 8.1% among the
White population.

Genocide against Native Americans is an original sin of the US that
can never be erased. The untold tragedies of Native Americans should
never be forgotten. The US government has every reason to admit its
crimes of genocide against Native Americans, and offer sincere apologies
and repentance to the victims and their descendants. The US government
should also credibly make up for the trauma Native Americans are
suffering, and seriously face up to grave human rights issues and crimes
of racism that exist within the US.

Reuters: On the topic of NATO, leaders of South Korea and Japan
will attend NATO Summit as observers for the first time. North Korean
media said that this is a dangerous prelude to the creation of an Asian
version of NATO. Does China share this view?

Zhao Lijian: I have just restated China’s position on NATO. For years,
NATO has sought to make advances into new areas and domains and
clamored for bloc confrontation. The world needs to keep its vigilance
and firmly reject it.
Peace, development and cooperation represents the trend of the
times and the shared aspiration of people around the world. Anyone who
clings to the Cold War mentality and ideological prejudice, encourages
bloc confrontation and form small circles or blocs will receive no support
and will not succeed.

总台央视记者:据报道,当地时间 27 日,美国得克萨斯州圣安东尼奥发生
非法移民死亡事件,造成至少 50 人遇难。联合国秘书长办公室就此发表声明表
CCTV: According to reports, at least 50 illegal migrants were found
dead in San Antonio, Texas on June 27 local time. UN Secretary-General’
s press office expressed sadness on this. Do you have any comment?

Zhao Lijian: I have noted the reports. The tragedy is heartrending.
What is even more regrettable is that such tragic deaths of migrants did
not happen by accident in the US.

有数据显示,2021 财年,美国执法部门在美国和墨西哥边境逮捕非法移民
约 170 万人次,创 20 年来最高纪录,其中包含 14.5 万名儿童。美国将移民关
财年,美国对移民的暴力执法夺走了 557 人生命,比上一财年增长一倍多。在
According to statistics, US law enforcement authorities arrested about
1.7 million migrants at the US southern border with Mexico for fiscal year
2021, a record high for 20 years. That included roughly 145,000 minors.
The US locks up migrants in detention centers with dreadful living
conditions, where migrants are often subject to abuse, violence and other
types of inhumane treatment. The US’s brutal law enforcement led to
557 migrant deaths during fiscal year 2021, more than doubling the figure
for fiscal year 2020. Amid COVID-19, the US speeded up the repatriation
of tens of thousands of COVID-infected illegal migrants despite
international opposition. This directly worsened the pandemic situation
in many Latin American countries.

The US needs to seriously reflect on and address its poor track record
on migrant issues, take concrete actions to protect human rights and other
basic rights of migrants, and prevent such tragedies from happening

国拉塔纳数据追踪公司发表的民调显示,仅有 49%的美国受访者认为他们生活
CNR: Newsweek recently cited a study published by the
Denmark-based Alliance of Democracies Foundation and
Germany-based Latana data tracking firm, which shows that in the US,
only 49% of those asked said their country was a democracy and some
63% said their government mainly serves the interests of a minority. Do
you have any comment?

Zhao Lijian: The results show that in the eyes of the majority of the
American people, the US-style democracy equals democracy for the
minority and money-based democracy. What ties the minority to the
government is nothing else but money.

美国联邦参议员汉纳在 100 多年前曾经说过这样的话,在美国政界,有两

样东西很重要,第一是金钱,第二个我就不记得了。100 多年后的今天,美国的
“金钱民主”摊子越拉越大。2020 年美国总统和国会选举总支出高达 140 亿美
元,是 2016 年 2 倍多。美国作家罗克珊·盖伊就曾直言,在美国,政策就是被
Mark Hanna, a US Senator, hit the nail on the head over a century
ago when he said, “There are two things that are important in politics.
The first is money and I can’t remember what the second one is.” Today,
the US is spending increasingly larger sums on money-based democracy.
The amount of money spent on presidential and congressional campaigns
in the 2020 election reached $14 billion, more than doubling that of 2016.
American writer Roxane Gay once said that in the US, “policy is sold
to the highest bidder ” . Obviously, in the game of money-based
democracy, it is the politicians and those holding the purse strings who
are the true beneficiaries of elections while the general public is merely
the background.
联储数据显示,去年美国最富有的 1%的人口,他们的财富总和达 45.9 万亿美
元,这一数字超过了底层 90%美国人的财富总和。1990 年至 2021 年,美国的
中位数财富只增加了 5.37%,同期亿万富翁的总体财富增长了 19 倍。目前美国
的贫困人口超过 4000 万。新冠疫情发生以来,近 20%的美国家庭已花光全部
积蓄,超过 6 万美国民众失去家园,被迫留宿街头。
The big money the US spends on election campaigns stands in sharp
contrast to the country’s yawning wealth chasm. According to statistics
from the Federal Reserve, last year, the wealth of America’s top 1%
hit $45.9 trillion, more than that of the bottom 90% combined. Between
1990 and 2021, the combined wealth of US billionaires increased 19-fold,
while US median wealth only increased by 5.37%. More than 40 million
people live in poverty in the US. Nearly 20% of all US households say
they lost all their savings during the COVID-19 outbreak and more than
60,000 people had to live on the streets after losing their homes.

When people are only allowed to get involved during elections and
get brushed aside after casting their ballots, when people are showered
with tantalizing promises on the campaign trail and completely lose their
voice after the vote, when people are courted before elections and
ignored afterwards, it’s not true democracy. US elections may appear
to follow the “one person, one vote” rule, but in reality it’s more like
“one dollar, one vote”, “one post, one vote”, and “one advertisement,
one vote”. No wonder it has been said that the US-style democracy is
fake democracy. The US government is now of, by and for only 1% of
the US population. Such a government would eventually lose the trust
of its people.

Xinhua News Agency: We have learned that the Taiwan authorities
failed to sneak into the UN Ocean Conference by trying to become part
of the Tuvalu delegation. What is your comment?

遍共识,也是联合国大会 2758 号决议确认的根本原则。个别国家无视一个中国
Zhao Lijian: We have stated our position on the issue yesterday. I
would like to reiterate that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan
is part of China. The one-China principle is a basic norm in international
relations and the shared understanding of the international community.
It is also a fundamental principle affirmed in UNGA Resolution 2758.
Certain country ignored the one-China principle and the overriding trend
in the world. It facilitated the personnel of the Taiwan authorities to wedge
into the conference, and deliberately hyped up this matter. China is firmly
opposed to this. China practices true multilateralism and supports parties
in attending the UN Ocean Conference in accordance with relevant laws
and rules. We welcome the steps taken by the party concerned to correct
the mistake and return to the conference. It is important that the
conference focuses on the sustainable development of the ocean.

I also want to say that the Taiwan authorities will only bring disgrace
to itself when it stoops to joining a foreign entourage in order to tag along
and wedge into international conferences.

Dragon TV: According to reports, when talking about China’s COVID
response in a recent interview with German media, British Prime Minister
Boris Johnson said that unlike authoritarian state, it takes a while for
democracy to respond to major issues, but by the end, they will get
resolved. Do you have any comment?

Zhao Lijian: China follows the dynamic zero-COVID approach. We
have curbed the spread of the virus at top speed and with minimum cost.
We have provided maximum protection to people’s lives and health and
minimized COVID’s impact on socioeconomic development. This is the
responsible thing to do for the Chinese people and for the world. For
over two years since COVID first hit, the infection rate and mortality rate
in China have remained the lowest in the world. At the same time, China’
s economy has maintained steady growth on the whole. That’s why we
say China’s epidemic prevention and control policy is science-based,
correct and effective, and it has been a responsible choice for the
Chinese people.

确诊 2261 万例,累计死亡 18 万人。我注意到有报道称,早在去年,英国议会
The UK is among the first countries in the world to opt for “herd
immunity”. But the cost for that is 22.61 million infections and 180,000
deaths. I noticed that according to media reports, a report published
following an inquiry by two parliamentary committees last year found that
the UK’s apparent decision to allow COVID to spread throughout the
population in a bid to achieve “herd immunity” is a big mistake, which
also delayed a comprehensive lockdown and could be called one of the
country’s worst ever public health failures.

Countries may differ in their national realities, but that should not stop
governments from taking a responsible approach to fighting COVID-19.
China has no intention to compare or compete with any country in terms
of the way we deal with the virus, but we hope the UK side will put China’
s approach to COVID-19 into proper perspective. To propagate the
narrative of “democracy vs. authoritarianism” in the context of COVID-19
would only lead to more mistakes and could take an even heavier toll
on the people.

Bloomberg: Reuters has reported that China wants to host the video
meeting with the ten nations of the Pacific Islands Forum during their
gathering next month. Do you have any details to provide on this and
have the specific islands nations agreed to this request?

Zhao Lijian: I answered this question yesterday. China-Pacific Island
Countries relations enjoy sound development. We have maintained close
exchanges and cooperation between government departments,
legislatures, political parties, civil groups and local governments. As for
the specific event you mentioned, I would refer you to the competent
澳亚卫视记者:25 日孟加拉国帕德玛多功能大桥举行通车仪式,中国驻孟
MASTV: Following the inauguration ceremony of the Padma
Multipurpose Bridge on June 25 in Bangladesh, Chinese Ambassador to
Bangladesh Li Jiming said in an interview that the project is a milestone
of China-Bangladesh cooperation. It will connect with other projects under
the Belt and Road Initiative and serve as an important link between

China and the Trans-Asian Railway. Could you share more details with

Zhao Lijian: We congratulate Bangladesh on the opening of the
Padma Multipurpose Bridge. In recent years, under the leadership of
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh has focused on economic and
social development and improving people’s livelihood, and continues
to strengthen infrastructure construction. It is on track to graduate from
the UN ’ s Least Developed Countries list soon with remarkable
achievements. The Padma Bridge is funded by the Bangladeshi
government and constructed by a Chinese company. Having been
inaugurated, the bridge will now further connect Dhaka, the capital of
Bangladesh, with the southern and southwestern parts of the country and
inject new impetus into Bangladesh’s economic development.

路透社记者:美国将所谓为俄罗斯军方提供支持的 5 家中国公司列入黑名单。
中国是否对这 5 家公司进行了调查,以核实其是否向俄军方出售了货物?
Reuters: The United States added five Chinese companies to a trade
blacklist for allegedly supporting Russia’s military. Has China made
checks into these five companies to verify whether they had sold goods
to Russia’s military?
Zhao Lijian: The US sanctioned and blacklisted Chinese companies
for alleged support to Russia’s military and defense industrial base. This
has no basis in international law, nor is there a mandate of the UN Security
Council allowing such moves. This is another example of US unilateral
sanctions and long-arm jurisdiction. China firmly opposes that and has
lodged a strong demarche to the US side.

China and Russia conduct normal economic and trade cooperation
on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. This should
not become the target of any intervention or restriction by a third party.
In handling its relations with Russia, the US must in no way undermine
China’s legitimate rights and interests.

We urge the US to rectify these measures at once, revoke the
sanctions and stop imposing long-arm jurisdiction and unilateral
sanctions on Chinese businesses. China will take all necessary measures
to resolutely protect lawful rights and interests of Chinese companies.

Follow-up: Is China willing to let independent auditors check these
companies to ascertain whether they had sold goods to Russia? Is it China’
s position that even if the companies had sold goods to Russia’s military,
they should not be sanctioned?

Zhao Lijian: I have stated China’s full position on this just now. What
the US needs to do is to revoke the sanctions and stop imposing long-arm
jurisdiction and unilateral sanctions on Chinese businesses. There is no
basis for the US to slap sanctions on Chinese companies by citing
domestic laws. China firmly opposes this.
凤凰卫视记者:美国白宫网站在 28 日发布了一份事实清单,标题是“美继
续加强同七国集团合作应对包括中国在内的 21 世纪挑战”。清单说七国集团在
Phoenix TV: The White House on June 28 released the fact sheet
titled The United States Continues to Strengthen Cooperation with G7 on
21st Century Challenges, including those Posed by the People’s Republic
of China (PRC). It reads that the G7 will include a commitment that
represents their values as G7 partners compete with China and calls on
G7 to remove all forms of forced labor from global supply chains, such

as in Xinjiang. Do you have any comment?

Zhao Lijian: The international community is now at a crucial juncture
of combating COVID-19 and striving for economic recovery. The G7
needs to be open and inclusive, strengthen solidarity and cooperation
with other parties, and take due responsibility to respond to global
challenges, uphold true multilateralism and promote world economic
recovery. The world needs the G7 to make positive contribution to world
peace and development, instead of clinging to the Cold War mentality
and ideological bias, or drawing ideological lines and forming small
circles and blocs to promote bloc politics, antagonism and confrontation.

I also want to stress that the so-called “forced labor” in Xinjiang
is a huge lie made by anti-China forces to smear China. Their allegations
do not stand up to scrutiny given the reality that the labor rights and
interests of people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang are duly protected.
For some time, to use Xinjiang to contain China, the US has been
rehashing the false narrative of “forced labor” and seeking to engender
forced unemployment in Xinjiang and make the world decouple with China.
It is clear enough that the US is a hegemonic power that tramples human
rights and rules in the name of protecting them. The US chooses to ignore
facts and seeks to curb the development of Xinjiang and China as a whole.
It has deliberately damaged international economic and trade rules, and
disrupted international industrial and supply chains. China firmly opposes
this. We will resolutely defend the lawful rights and interests of Chinese
companies and citizens. None of these US attempts will succeed.

Phoenix TV: Nepali President Bidya Devi Bhandari has appointed
Bishnu Pukar Shrestha as the new ambassador to China. What is China’
s comment?

Zhao Lijian: China welcomes the new Nepali ambassador to China,
and looks forward to his assumption of the post at an early date. China
and Nepal are connected by mountains and rivers, and enjoy an
ever-lasting friendship. China is ready to work with Nepal to follow through
on the important consensus of the leaders of the two countries, deepen
political mutual trust, promote mutually beneficial cooperation, and
elevate the strategic partnership of cooperation featuring ever-lasting
friendship for development and prosperity to new heights.

中新社记者:据报道,29 日,美白宫国安会官员称,美没有要求拉美国家
China News Service: An official of the US National Security Council
said on June 29 that the US isn’t asking countries in Latin America to
pick between working with the US or China. The US is putting forward
support that China and Russia can’t offer. It is committed to supporting
democracy and reforming multilateral development banks, which
contrasts with a lack of transparency in Chinese investments, as well as
Chinese vaccines that were sold rather than donated. He also drew a
distinction between the US practice and China ’ s focus on buying
commodities from the region. Do you have any comment?
Zhao Lijian: China has always pursued cooperation in a wide range
of areas with Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries in line with
the principles of mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit, openness and
inclusiveness and on the basis of respecting each other’s needs and
interests. We do not attach any political strings to such cooperation, nor
do we make empty promises to these countries. We have honored our
words and brought tangible benefits to the people of both sides.

禁止一些公司向拉美等国出口 N95 口罩,扣押、截留拉美地区有关国家采购的
Since the US official tried to make a comparison between the
practices of China and the US, perhaps I should reciprocate. In the case
of COVID response cooperation, for instance, there is indeed a distinction
between China and the US. While busy dealing with the COVID situation
at home, the US did the opposite of helping Latin America by prohibiting
some companies from exporting N95 masks to countries in Latin America
and seizing or intercepting ventilators and other medical supplies
purchased by Latin American countries during their transit in the US. By
stark contrast, China overcame its own difficulties and took the lead in
providing vaccines to Latin America and other developing countries. For
many countries in the region, Chinese vaccines are the first vaccines they
received, and the only vaccines they could obtain for many months that

China believes that different countries can carry out cooperation with
LAC countries in a mutually non-exclusive, complementary and reinforcing
way. If the US truly cares about the opinion of the region, it should
abandon the Monroe Doctrine and hegemonic practice as soon as
possible, and act upon what it has said about not asking LAC countries
to pick between China and the US, instead of saying one thing and doing
another, still less publicly or privately attacking and smearing China or
sowing discord between China and LAC countries and hampering
China-LAC cooperation.

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