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What does position mean?

In physics, we love to precisely describe the motion of an object.

Seriously, the first few chapters of basically every physics textbook are
devoted to teaching people how to precisely describe motion since it is so
important to everything else we do in physics.

But to describe an object's motion, we have to first be able to describe its

position—where it is at any particular time. More precisely, we need to
specify its position relative to a convenient reference frame. Earth is often
used as a reference frame, and we often describe the position of an object
as it relates to stationary objects in that reference frame. For example, a
professor’s position could be described in terms of where she is in relation
to the nearby white board (Figure 1). In other cases, we use reference
frames that are not stationary but rather are in motion relative to Earth. To
describe the position of a person in an airplane, for example, we use the
airplane, not Earth, as the reference frame (Figure 2).

The variable xxx is often used to represent the horizontal position. The

variable yyy is often used to represent the vertical position. 
[What about z?]

What does displacement mean?

If an object moves relative to a reference frame—for example, if a
professor moves to the right relative to a whiteboard, or a passenger moves
toward the rear of an airplane—then the object’s position changes. This
change in position is known as displacement. The word displacement
implies that an object has moved, or has been displaced.
Displacement is defined to be the change in position of an object. It can
be defined mathematically with the following equation:
\text{Displacement}=\Delta x=x_f-x_0Displacement=Δx=xf
−x0start text, D, i, s, p, l, a, c, e, m, e, n, t, end text, equals, delta, x,
equals, x, start subscript, f, end subscript, minus, x, start subscript, 0, end

x_fxfx, start subscript, f, end subscript refers to the value of the final

x_0x0x, start subscript, 0, end subscript refers to the value of the initial
\Delta xΔxdelta, x is the symbol used to represent displacement.
[What does the triangle symbol mean?]

Displacement is a vector. This means it has a direction as well as a

magnitude and is represented visually as an arrow that points from the
initial position to the final position. For example, consider the professor
that walks relative to the whiteboard in Figure 1.
Figure 1: A professor paces left and right while lecturing. The +2.0\
text{ m}+2.0 mplus, 2, point, 0, start text, space, m, end text displacement
of the professor relative to the whiteboard is represented by an arrow
pointing to the right. (Image credit: Openstax College Physics)

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