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WEEK 14 (Sept. 2-6, 2019) Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

Types of Speeches Types of Speech Types of Speech Types of Speech
A. According to purpose Expository/Informative Speech Persuasive Speech Entertainment speech
o Expository/Informative Speech o
Persuasive Speech
o Entertainment Speech

LEARNING COMPETENCY: Distinguishes types of speeches.  Identify the features of an  Identify the features of a  Identify the features of an
EN11/12OC-IIcj-23 informative speech persuasive speech entertainment speech
 Evaluate and critique an  Evaluate and critique a  Evaluate and critique a
informative speech persuasive speech entertainment speech
 Develop and deliver an effective  Develop and deliver an  Develop and deliver an
informative speech effective persuasive speech effective entertainment
LEARNING RESOURCES: Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School by Sipacio & Balgos
LEARNING DELIVERY A. Activity A. Activity A. Activity A. Activity
MODE: Let students watch videos of the World Prepare three pieces of 1/8 sheet of paper. The class will be divided into five groups. Find a partner. Take turns sharing your
(4 A’s of Learning) Champions of Public Speaking. All of the Write a topic you are deeply interested in Read the ff. scenario. scariest experience, paranormal or not.
featured speakers are winners of a public and knowledgeable about. When called by “Five famous world personalities are in Share your partner’s scariest
speaking competition organized by the teacher, ask seatmate to pick one from hot air balloon. The balloon is quickly experience to the class within two
Toastmasters International. the three pieces of paper you have. Once a losing heat, and only one safety parachute minutes.
topic is chosen, you will be given one is available to save a person.”
B. Analysis minute to introduce it in class. Make sure to B. Analysis B. Analysis
Find a partner and discuss answers to the incorporate facts and supporting information With groupmates, think of a famous As a class, watch Mariana Pascal’s
following questions. when talking about the topic. personality from any field or discipline speech:
1. What are your observations on the who you think contributed much to the
delivery of the speaker. Give at least five B. Analysis world. Then, think of various reasons v=9u2BtGHa_0Y
observations. Watch the speech titled “ My Philosophy of why your chosen personality has to Work with a partner and answer the
2. How do you find the style of speech A Happy Life” delivered by Sam Berns on receive the parachute. following questions.
delivery in eliciting its purpose? TedTalks through the following link: Choose a representative who will assume 1. Does the speech catch the attention
3. Do you think it is appropriate to his/her the persona of the chosen personality. All of the audience?
audience. Why? Why not? tM05g the representatives will stand in front of 2. Does the speech amuse or entertain
Then answer the following questions. the class. Then have to present their the audience while the message is
C. Abstraction 1. What type of informative speech types arguments why they should be chosen to delivered? Why? What are the factors
Discuss some insights on Public speaking did Sam Berns deliver? have the parachute. that make the speech amusing or
Discussion on the types of speeches A. speech about events entertaining?
according to purpose: B. about issues C. Abstraction ……………………………………….
A. Informative/Expository Speech C. about objects Discuss the qualities of an effective
B. Persuasive speech D. about people persuasive speech and types of claims in C. Abstraction
C. Entertainment speech E. about steps or processes persuasive speech.
Provide evidence to support your choice.
Discuss the aims of an entertainment
D. Application speech, how to make your speech
Go back to the videos you have watched. C. Abstraction entertaining and steps in writing an
Determine the purpose of the speech. Discuss the four types of informative entertaining speech
speech depending on the topic. D. Application
 speech about events
 about issues The class will watch a video. Observe in
the video the different qualities of D. Application
 about objects/ people
 about concepts persuasive speech and the type of claim
embedded in the speech. Question and Work with your groupmate from the
 about steps or processes
answer portion will follow. previous activity. Watch the videos of
D. Application
the entertaining performances of Gb
Work in pairs. Choose two out of ten topics
Labrador and Eri Neeman. As a group,
given on page 152 Exercise2. Identify the
identify three qualities that these
suitable type of informative speech. Write
speakers have in common and three
the purpose and thesis statement as well.
techniques that they all employed in
their speeches. Assign a speaker who
will share your insights with the class.
ASSESSMENT Identify the purpose of speech in the From the topics in Exercise 2, choose one to Prepare and deliver a two-minute speech Develop a five-minute entertainment
given speech situations. develop and deliver as your five- minute in class to convince your classmates to speech. Follow the general format
informative speech. visit your hometown, city, province or introduction, body and conclusion.
country. Apply the appropriate persuasive
speech type and method of persuasion to
your speech.
A reflection for the teacher on
the teaching-learning episodes

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Lolita G. Quero Rosario T. Panergo Christian M. Doctolero
Subject Teacher Academic Track Head Asst. Principal, SHS Dept.


WEEK 15 (Sept. 9-13, 2019) Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4
Types of Speeches Types of Speech Types of Speech Types of Speech
Expository/Informative Persuasive Speech Entertainment Speech Continuation of those who are
Speech not yet done deliver their speeches.

LEARNING COMPETENCY:  Develop and deliver an  Develop and deliver an effective  Develop and deliver an  Develop and deliver an
effective informative speech persuasive speech effective persuasive speech effective entertainment
 Evaluate and critique a  Evaluate and critique a  Evaluate and critique a speech
informative speech informative speech persuasive speech  Evaluate and critique a
entertainment speech

LEARNING RESOURCES: Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School by Sipacio & Balgos

LEARNING DELIVERY A. Activity A. Activity A. Activity A. Activity

MODE: Performance day Performance day Performance day Performance day
(4 A’s of Learning) Prepare to deliver the informative speech Prepare to deliver the persuasive speech Prepare to deliver the persuasive speech Prepare to deliver the persuasive
B. Analysis B. Analysis B. Analysis
Get a partner to observe each other’s Get a partner to observe each other’s Get a partner to observe each other’s B. Analysis
performance. performance. performance. Get a partner to observe each other’s
C. Abstraction C. Abstraction C. Abstraction
Performance proper Performance proper Performance proper C. Abstraction
Performance proper
D. Application D. Application D. Application
D. Application
Apply all the concepts learned Apply all the concepts learned Apply all the concepts learned
Apply all the concepts learned

ASSESSMENT With partners, evaluate each other’s With partners, evaluate each other’s With partners, evaluate each other’s With partners, evaluate each other’s
performance based from the rubrics performance based from the rubrics performance based from the rubrics performance based from the rubrics
provided by the teacher. Write the score provided by the teacher. Write the score in provided by the teacher. Write the score provided by the teacher. Write the
in ¼ sheet of paper to be submitted to the ¼ sheet of paper to be submitted to the in ¼ sheet of paper to be submitted to the score in ¼ sheet of paper to be
teacher. teacher. teacher. submitted to the teacher.
A reflection for the teacher on
the teaching-learning episodes

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Lolita G. Quero Rosario T. Panergo Christian M. Doctolero
Subject Teacher Academic Track Head Asst. Principal, SHS Dept.


WEEK 16(Sept. 16-20, 2019) Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

Types of Speeches According to Types of Speeches According to Types of Speeches According to Types of Speeches According to
Delivery Delivery Delivery Delivery
 Reading from a manuscript  Reading from a manuscript  Memorized speech Memorized speech

LEARNING COMPETENCY:  Uses principles of effective  Uses principles of effective speech  Uses principles of effective  Uses principles of effective
speech delivery in different delivery in different situations. speech delivery in different speech delivery in different
situations. EN11/12OC-IIcj-24 situations. situations.
EN11/12OC-IIcj-24  Identify the features of a EN11/12OC-IIcj-24 EN11/12OC-IIcj-24
 Identify the features of a manuscript speech  Identify the features of a  Identify the features of a
manuscript speech  Develop and deliver an effective memorized speech memorized speech
 Develop and deliver an manuscript speech  Develop and deliver an Develop and deliver an
effective manuscript speech effective memorized speech effective memorized speech

LEARNING DELIVERY A. Activity A. Activity A. Activity A. Activity
MODE: Find a partner. Assign a reader and a -Continuation of the activities in the Individually, write on a one-fourth sheet -Continuation of the activities in the
(4 A’s of Learning) listener. The task of the reader is to read previous lesson about manuscript speech. of paper a quotation or adage that has previous lesson about memorized
aloud the lines from Mariane -Continuation of the delivery of the inspired you through the years. The speech.
Williamson’s “A Return to Love: inaugural address as the President of the teacher will pass a box around; drop your
Reflections on the Principles of A Course Philippines. Use the inaugural address of his folded paper in the box. Then, the teacher
in Miracles. The listener will give Excellency Diosdado Macapagal taken from will let you pick a piece of paper. Then,
B. Analysis
feedback on the performance of the reader the Official Gazette of the Republic of the you are given five minutes to memorized
based on the rubric for Oral presentation Philippines. the inspirational quote . One by one, you
on the book. will deliver the line in front of the class
without the copy and with the appropriate
nonverbal cues. C. Abstraction
Delivery of their memorized speech
B. Analysis
B. Analysis
Think of a song that you have memorized
Watch the video of the late Sen. Miriam
by heart. This song may have created a
Defensor Santiago’ speech titled “A Date
great impact on you and inspired you to
with Destiny”
see life positively. Choose a stanza,
chorus or refrain. Deliver the lines in
class as if they were part of the speech.
Then work with groups of five and
Make sure to vary the volume, rate, pitch
discuss your answers to the ff. questions. and your voice when delivering the
1. Why did the speaker need a manuscript speech.
for her speech?
2. Do you think it would have been better C. Abstraction
if she delivered the speech on the spot? Discussion on memorized speech, the
Why or why not? advantages and disadvantages and tips in
……………………………………. memorizing a speech.
C. Abstraction
Discussion on the strategies in organizing
D. Application
and delivering manuscript speech
Choose any of the following occasions
and write a five-sentence speech to be
D. Application memorized that you will deliver in class.
Work in groups of 9 and assign a number 1. introducing a person
from 1-9 to each of the members. 2. giving a toast during a wedding
Imagine that you are delivering an 3. presenting an award
inaugural address as the President of the 4. accepting an award
Philippines. Use the inaugural address of 5. giving tribute to a person, place or
his Excellency Diosdado Macapagal event
taken from the Official Gazette of the
Republic of the Philippines.
The transcript is divided into nine
parts;each member of the group should
deliver to the class the part corresponding
to his/her number.

ASSESSMENT Look for television news program Deliver a manuscript speech Deliver a memorized speech Deliver a memorized speech
transcripts which are available online.
With a partner, deliver a three-minute
manuscript using one transcript that you
selected. Perform like newscasters do. To
give you ideas, watch your favorite local
or international news program and
observe how newscasters deliver their
A reflection for the teacher on
the teaching-learning episodes

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Lolita G. Quero Rosario T. Panergo Christian M. Doctolero
Subject Teacher Academic Track Head Asst. Principal, SHS Dept.



WEEK 17(Sept. 23-27, 2019) Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

Types of Speeches According to Types of Speeches According to Types of Speeches According to Types of Speeches According to
Delivery Delivery Delivery Delivery
 Organizing and Delivering  Organizing and Delivering an  Organizing and Delivering Organizing and Delivering an
an Impromptu Speech Impromptu Speech an Extemporaneous Speech Extemporaneous Speech
LEARNING COMPETENCY:  Uses principles of effective  Uses principles of effective speech  Uses principles of effective  Uses principles of effective
speech delivery in different delivery in different situations. speech delivery in different speech delivery in different
situations. EN11/12OC-IIcj-24 situations. situations.
EN11/12OC-IIcj-24  Identify the features of an EN11/12OC-IIcj-24 EN11/12OC-IIcj-24
 Identify the features of an impromptu speech  Identify the features of a  Identify the features of a
impromptu speech  Develop and deliver an effective extemporaneous speech extemporaneous speech
 Develop and deliver an impromptu speech  Develop and deliver an  Develop and deliver an
effective impromptu speech  Evaluate and critique an effective extemporaneous effective extemporaneous
impromptu speech speech speech
 Evaluate and critique an
extemporaneous speech

LEARNING RESOURCES: Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School by Sipacio & Balgos
LEARNING DELIVERY A. Activity A. Activity (Continuation) A. Activity A. Activity (Continuation)
MODE: Students will write on a piece of paper The students will be assigned to critique the The students will group themselves into Think of a social issue that you can
(4 A’s of Learning) one thing that make them happy. Then the impromptu speech presentations of two of five members each and do the following discuss in a five-minute
teacher will collect the pieces of papers their classmates using the rubric on page situation. extemporaneous speech. After your
and call a volunteer to pick a piece of 124. “Consider yourselves youth ambassadors teacher approves your topic, prepare an
paper. Each student will be given one Speaker 1/2 who are invited to Malacanang outline for your speech using the
minute to say something about the word Things that I like Things that need Palace.Your goal is to convince the format discussed. Then prepare to
or phrase on that paper. Everyone in class about his/her to improve president to act on pressing social issues deliver your extemporaneous speech in
will be given the opportunity to speak in performance in the country. “ Every member should class.
front. take part in the presentation. Before the speech delivery, find a
B. Analysis B. Analysis partner who will evaluate your speech
Ask: What difficulty did you have in the On ¼ sheet of paper, write a problematic and vice versa. Use the rubrics on page
activity? situation that people may encounter on 132 as a basis for evaluation.
any day. Then the teacher will collect the
C. Abstraction all the papers. Students will have to pick a
Discussion on the strategies on organizing piece of paper, read the problem and
and delivering impromptu speech outline their ideas. Then discuss in two-
three minutes how the problem can be
possibly solved.
D. Application
The teacher will prepare of essential
skills a 21st century learners should C. Abstraction
possess. These will be written on strips of Discussion of the definition and steps in
papers. Once your name called, you will studying extemporaneous topics and
identify one person in class and explain preparing for successful extemporaneous
why he/she should win the Nobel Prize
for the skill you picked. D. Application
Work in groups of five. Read the ff.
scenario. Justify your decision and the
justification with the rest of the class.
A ship is sinking and only one lifeboat is
available. There are 7 passengers left, but
the lifeboat can only accommodate 6.
You have to decide who among the ff.
passengers you will save:
1. a tenth-month old baby
2. a sixty-five-year old woman (The sole
relative of the baby
3. a pregnant woman suspected to be a
4. a twelve year old boy with 140+ IQ
5. an athlete who advocates for LGBT
6. a doctor who find a cure for lung
cancer but is a drug addict
7. the captain of the ship
ASSESSMENT Each one will prepare three basic Each student will come up with their Evaluate students presentations and Peer checking
questions relevant to various social issues impromptu speech to be evaluated by their deliveries of ideas using a rubric on page Before the speech delivery, find a
and field of study, such as global peers. 131. partner who will evaluate your speech
awareness, civic literacy, political system, and vice versa. Use the rubrics on page
health, education, governance, business, 132 as a basis for evaluation
sciences, technology and
communications, engineering, law, and
The teacher will put these in a box and
once a student is called, pick a paper and
they will say something about the topic
they picked.
A reflection for the teacher on
the teaching-learning episodes

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Lolita G. Quero Rosario T. Panergo Christian M. Doctolero
Subject Teacher Academic Track Head Asst. Principal, SHS Dept.

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