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St Mutmainnah Burhanuddin 2021

Faculty of Math and Science, Universitas Negeri Makassar

Life is a mystery. How and when the origin of life is a question mark as well as a serious
challenge between religion and science. So far there are several opinions and theories
about the origin of life such as evolution, abiogenesis and biogenesis. In this article, we
will explore the theory of biogenesis along with the experiments that have been carried
out by Lazarro spalanzani. Trying to reveal the answer to the question of where life came
from scientifically through experiments that have been carried out by scientists in the
past. By using the experimental method of broth that was given different treatment.
Keyword: Biogenesis, Lazarro Spalanzani, Origin of life

1. Introduction knowledge about the growth and

development of mushrooms. In fact,
A. Background
straw mushrooms exist because of
Religious people have the belief that
fungal spores that grow on rotting rice
the origin of life does not just appear but
straw media.(Rumanta et al., 2018)
from God. However, basically humans
Examples of theories of abiogenesis
have a high curiosity because they have
are worms from soil, fish from mud, and
reason and the ability to think. It is
larvae from rotting flesh. Needham
because of this high curiosity that
conducted experiments using meat to
scientists use their intelligence to try to
provide an explanation of the theory of
uncover the origin of life. The origin of
abiogenesis. From the results of his
life has not been fully revealed. The
experiments, it was concluded that the
question that continues to be a mystery
microbes came from boiled water
arises "where does life come from?"
meat(Wardhani, 2019). The second
Scientists also tried to answer with
theory is the theory of biogenesis. Along
various theories including the theory of
with the changing times, scientists began
abiogenesis and the theory of
to think scientifically. Conducted
biogenesis. The theory is included in the
several experiments to prove the truth of
classical theory.
the long-standing abiogenesis theory.
The first theory put forward was the
Supporters of this theory are Francisco
theory of abiogenesis. Famous figures in
Redi, Lazarro Spalanzani, and Louis
the theory of abiogenesis include
Aristotle, Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek,
B. Purpose
and John Needham. The theory of
This experiment was conducted to
abiogene means that living things exist
broaden students' insight into the theory
spontaneously from inanimate objects.
of the origin of life. Provide
Also known as generatio spontanea.
opportunities for students to follow the
(Rofifah, 2020a)
way of thinking and research that has
In ancient times there was no modern
been done by scientists in solving
technology and only relied on existing
biological problems, especially
facts without scientific proof. For
regarding answering the question about
example, the previous farmers believed
origin of life.
that straw mushrooms just arose from
2. Literature Review
rice husks. This is due to a lack of
The origin of life has always been previous lives. The word (Biogenesis)
questioned and a mystery. In essence, was first coined by Henry Bastian to
humans have reason and curiosity that mean the origin of life from inorganic
makes scientists compete to prove and matter, but the word was refined by
find out the answer to the question Henry Huxley to mean the origin of life
'where did life come from?' There are from living matter (Schopf, Kitajima,
many theories about the origin of life Spicuzza, Kudryavtsev & Valley,
including the theory of abiogenesis, the 2018) ; Orgel, 1998)(Ottuh, 2021).
theory of biogenesis, the theory of There are three figures who support
chemical evolution, the theory of the theory of biogenesis, namely
distinctive creation, and the theory of Francesco Redi, Lazarro Spalanzani, and
the cosmozone. Louis Pasteur. The three figures carried
Both of these theories have been out their respective experiments.
tested experimentally and supported by Francisco Redi was the first to conduct
a number of scientists. First, the theory experiments to oppose the theory of
of Abiogenesis is a theory that first abiogenesis. He conducted an
appeared and was pioneered by experiment by using meat placed in a
Aristotle. Before the 17th century some container. Container 1 is left open with
people believed that living things meat, container 2 is covered with gauze,
existed spontaneously. Other terms and container 3 is tightly closed. The
defined by scientists are "non-biological three containers were allowed to stand
origin" and "spontaneous generation of for several days. The results indicated
life".(Rofifah, 2020a) that the containers left open and covered
The essence of the theory of with gauze had many maggots. While
abiogenesis states that living things the tightly closed container does not
come from inanimate objects or exist by change. In Redi's experiment, it was
themselves. Also known as spontaneous concluded that the maggots came from
generation. In Aristotle's experiment, fly egg(Rofifah, 2020b).
soaked soil will produce worms. Apart The second experiment was carried
from Aristotle, there are two other out by Lazarro Spalanzani in 1729-1796.
scientists who support the theory of Spallanzani opposed John Needham's
abiogenesis, namely Antonio Van experimental results. He argues that the
Leeuwenhock and John Needham. Needham broth stew is not long enough
(Structures, 2018) so that the microorganisms are not
In the mid-17th century Antonio completely killed. Spallanzani
Van Leeuwenhock made observations conducted an experiment in which flask
on straw soaking water. From the results 1 was filled with broth and left open,
of his observations found strange small flask 2 was heated to a boil and left
living creatures. The results of these open, and flask 3 was boiled and then
observations strengthen their opinion closed tightly. Set aside for a few days.
about abiogenesis. Then there was John After that, it turned out that
Needham who believed in the theory of microorganisms appeared in the broth of
abiogenesis by conducting a broth the first and second flasks, while the
experiment after observing the presence third flask had no microorganisms.
of bacteria in the broth for several days. The appearance of microorganisms
Needham concluded that the bacteria in the open flask due to contamination
came from the broth(Rofifah, 2020a). with air. Even though it has been heated
Second, the theory of Biogenesis. but left open it will again cause
The theory of biogenesis is a theory that microorganisms. Adherents of
argues that the origin of life from abiogenesis still have not accepted the
theory of biogenesis and the in the Spallanzani the brightly is tightly
experiments carried out by Lazarro closed.
Spalanzan because life requires a
lifestyle (there is air), while
The last is an experiment conducted Apart from these two theories there
by Louis Pasteur. This biochemist are other theories about the origin of
perfected Lazarro Spalanzani's life. The third is the theory of chemical
experiment using a goose-pipe flask. evolution. Harold Urey stated that at one
The purpose of using a goose-necked time the Earth's atmosphere had many
pipe in this experiment is to maintain a gas molecules which were important
connection between the flask and the elements in living things.
outside air. So that in the pumpkin there These molecules include methane
is still life force. After a few days, it was (CH4), water vapor (H2O) and hydrogen
observed that there were no (H2). Based on the theory put forward
microorganisms. But when a pipe by Harold Urey, it is stated that with the
similar to a swan's neck is broken, many help of electrical energy from the
microorganisms will appear.This electric current of lightning and cosmic
happens because the microorganisms are radiation, it can bind these molecules to
trapped by the cover in the shape of a form larger molecules. Immemorial and
swan's neck. From the results of Louis created themselves as they are. This
Pasteur's experiment, it can be theory tries
concluded that there must be living to explain that living things were created
things in order to create new living by God as religious believers believe.
things. Experiments conducted by Louis According to one of the major
Pasteur succeeded in disproving the religions in Indonesia, Islam, Allah has
theory of abiogenesis. Louis Pasteur created the universe, planets, and living
created a new concept regarding the things on earth. This is also embraced by
theory of the origin of life, namely other religions.
Omne vivum ex ovo (every living thing 3. Work Methode
comes from an egg), omne ovum ex A. Time and Place
vivo (every egg comes from living Day: Wednesday
things), and omne vivum ex vivo (every Date: 13 October 2021
universe, planets, and living things on Time: 09.10-12.30
earth. This is also embraced by other to Place: Laboratory of Biology, Floor 3
explain that living things were created B. Tools and Material
by God as religious believers believe. Tools
According to one of the major religions a) 3 test tube
in Indonesia, Islam, Allah has created b) 1 measuring cup
religions. The theory of special creation c) Test tube rack
or special creation cannot be accepted Materials
because there is no scientific evidence. a) Broth 30 ml
(Mondal, 2017) b) Candle
Fifth, the cosmozone theory of a c) Label
scientist named Arrhenius says that the d) Match
first life began from the spores of life C. Work Step
spores which together with natural dust
particles were spread from one place to
living thing comes from living things)
(Wardhani, 2019)
Prepare 3 clean tubes

Each tube is filled with 10 ml of


Each tube is filled with 10 ml of


The broth from Tube II is

brought to a boil and then
covered with a cork.

The broth from tube III is also

brought to a boil and then left.

Then the three tubes are placed

on the tube rack

4. Result and Discussion

A. Result
Day Tube I Tube II Tube III
Sm C Se Sm C Se Sm C Se
1 - - - - - - - - -
2 - - - - + + - + -
3 - - + - ++ ++ - ++ +
4 - - ++ - +++ ++ + +++ ++
5 - - ++ - +++ ++ ++ +++ +++
Sm = Smell
C = Colour
Se = Sendiment
- = No change
+ = Have a change
++ = More change
+++ = Highly change

B. Discussion
In the experiment, 3 tubes were tube I, the test tube was plugged with a
provided with different treatments. In cork and dripped liquid wax between the
mouth of the tube and the lid to glue. In conducted by Lazzaro Spallanzani is
tube II, the test tube is closed with a better than the experiment we have
cork and heated until it boils. In tube III done, where the experiment pays more
the test tube is left open and heated to attention to all aspects that may affect
boiling. the experimental results, so that the
The results of the observation of the experimental results are more precise.
3 tubes after the observations were made Although the results of our experiments
during the day, it was found that the first are not much different, a scientist's
to second day of tube I did not find any experiment will be better because the
changes. The third day there was a observations made are observed more
change to the sediment. There is no closely.
change in color or smell. Until the 5th 5. Conclussion and Suggestion
day it continued but the sediment was
It can be concluded from the
getting more and more. This happened
experimental results that the microbes
because tube 1 was tightly closed and
contained in the broth came from the air
not contaminated with outside air.
that carried microbial endospores or
In tube II. The first day nothing
came from the broth that was not
changed. The second day there was a
previously free from microbes. Based on
change in the color of the broth that
the practicum that has been done, it is
looked cloudy. The third day the color
proven that living things come from
of the broth was getting cloudier and
previous living things, not from non-
there was a little sediment. The fourth
living things. As a suggestion, it is
and fifth day the color of the broth is
hoped that the practitioner will be more
getting cloudier. There is also a bit of
careful in using the tool and when
floating dirt. That's because the tube is
open to be contaminated with air. In this
For suggestion practitioner should
tube there should be no changes because
be more careful when placing the test
it is closed and not contaminated with
tube so that the test tube does not fall
air from the outside and microorganisms
and break. In addition, be careful when
have previously died due to being
using the cover glass because it can
break easily.
In tube III. The first day nothing
6. References
changed. On the second day, the color
Mondal, P. (2017). Origin of Life.
changed to cloudy. On the third day the
Origin of Life: 5 Ancient Theories
color of the broth was getting cloudier
of Origin of Life, 1–2.
and there was a little sediment. On the
fourth day, there was a change in the
smell and the color
Through this experiment, we can
Ottuh, P. O. O. (2021). Dialogue
prove that the experiments that have
Concerning Life: Abiogenesis,
been carried out by Lazzaro Spallanzani
Biogenesis Or Creationism:
that support the Redi Experiment in
Religious Response. Predestinasi,
opposing the theory of Abiogenesis
13(2), 67.
which states that living things came
from inanimate objects. And through
this experiment we can know that the
Rofifah, D. (2020a). Biosains Dalam Al-
theory of Abiogenesis cannot be said to
Quran. In Paper Knowledge .
be true. Although in this experiment
Toward a Media History of
there were several errors caused by the
practitioner himself. The experiment
Rofifah, D. (2020b). Teori Abiogenesis
& Biogenesis. Paper Knowledge . =y#v=onepage&q=Asal usul
Toward a Media History of makhluk hidup&f=false
Documents, 12–26.
Rumanta, M., Iryani, K., &
Ratnaningsih, A. (2018). Teori
Asal Mula Kehidupan. Konsep
Dasar Asal Makhluk Hidup, 1.03-
Structures, M. B. (2018). Asal Usul
Kehidupan DiBumi.
Wardhani, S. P. R. (2019). Intisari

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