Workbook UNIT 9

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LARY Materias ee types of material can 2 Look around you. Name three objects in the room ‘or in your bag. What are they made of? Name of object 4 Material 1 Sacks (eshte ene\gank ne 3 pancellais GRAMMAR Passive: present and past simple ‘Choose the correct words to complete the rules, 1 Passive sentences emphasise theaction person. 2 in passive sentences, the person who did the action goes fist (7 py 3 In passive sentences, we use ‘be’ plus the gast participle ing form of the verb. fe lat A ite the past participle the verbs, How many of the verbs are inrbddlarr (had + got pitede) 1 build buclt (7) 3 visit vicsled 5 find faum) G) 7 destroy deAcoed 2 make sade (i) 4 use used 6 keep Kept (5) 8 lose lot (iy 5 Complete the sentences with the passive form of verbs from 4. Use present or past passive. 1 La Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Barcelona 40 Visi led by 2.8 million people every year. 2 Skyscraperslwere used from concrete reinforced with steel. 3 Some kings and queens of England \uJe We use to be’ after a Passive modal C ete the conversation with ( lete the c M the passiv omp i pi le form of modals in the box and the verbs in 2 t 0b We toe wm vesiia ay: shouldn't would.) plete the rules, ‘odal verb apy What do you think about the old arts centre building? Do you think it ‘Should Ihe sonigeked (knock) down? tg0 It was built in the sixties, wasn't it? | think it *GhaalA be pvstecled (protect) as a historic monument! Part of our city's history Would be lost _ (lose)! assy Yes, but it’s really unpopular and lots of people think it ‘shawl be xecsced (replace) with something More beautiful. ‘eghat about you, Jo? What do you think J (do)? i 40 | agree with Leo. It echgs\o\T be Jame fdemolsh. Perhaps it Gquld be seused _ (reuse) as an apartment block? M Which modal verb could replace should in 10? LISTENING Jt 6) 26 Listen to a conversation between two Pe neighbours, Are the sentences true or false? 1 Julie needs a new water heater. rue) False 2 Julle's water heater is a year old. True False) 3 There was water in the basement. True False) 4 The ceiling wasn't damaged by water, (rua False 5 The floorboards need cleaning. True false True alsé 6 The radiators need replacing. 7 The first builder refused to do the work, True 8 The second builder wasn't as expensive as the first. (rus) False §3 26 Listen again and answer the questions. 1 Why does Joe ask Julie about repairs to her house? w_a dhe huildes her house. 2 Why does Julie say it was ‘a bit of a nightmare’? Becuse Hhove Were $0 «mo dormaaes With We house. GRAMMAR have/get something done , 4 Choose the correct words to complete the rules. 1 We use ‘have something done’ to talk about something you have to do /(ask someone else to do.» 2 We use ‘have’ or ‘get’ + noun + infinitive (past™ Wese have or’ (pase partici : deh A ist 4 15° Complete the sentences/questions with have)or 4 get something done, according to the words in brackets. 1 Where do you have youl hain cut « (your hair, cut, have)? PY | usually tom exviced. (my car, service, get) once a year. 3 Do you hove your WindeWs wached (your windows, wash, have) or do you wash them yourself? : 4 Where do you 0€ it You clathes cleo ened « (your clothes, clean, get)? 5 I'mgoing to have Wahi onachume Pixedd. N (my washing machine, fix, have). 6 Can| oet cons choles oxiniled. (my photos, print, get) here? Unit9 55 READING ther Spain was an industrial city, ring froma pollution caused by smog from its’ mines and Enginesting Works. Today, the industry is sil thee, but the city is famous now for something completely different the Guggenheim Museum, Constructed from titanium, limestohe’ and glass, the building Occupies a 2.a"e» space on the banks of ‘eel Designed tke “Ship with giant iis, the museum has become the Symbol of this northem Spanish City. And it is because of this extraordinary building that the city is now one of the biggest ‘ourist magnets in Europe. Within months of its opening + Bilbao's Guggenheim had BEC’ one of the most ited museums in Spain, The museum has transformed the city, architectural projects as well asart an the world ~ and of course ong attracting other id cultural events from allover “Ei visitorsin tems of employment munities and development, the Guggenheim has hhad a huge ‘impact on the local economy. But ‘Sy oneagrees that the effects are all positive. One criticism he building isso @verwhelming that it detracts attention is tha Fan Ihe ator on display inside. Others say thatthe museum Goes not “blend if with the lacal_envrg ment: instead, it it deSurag8 local long-term economic overpowers it. It may @icbuFag@ tourists, but art and culture and doesnt really benefit the nd cultural ofthe city residents, Nevetthless; there are many cite: SUCCESS. Frank Gehry, the a Museum, s that Séek to emulate Bilbao's tect who designed the Bilbao 's already contracted to build affot her Guggenheim in » St of the museum in Bilbao, Helin’ is planin another on. Both ces are hoping to profit fom the lon economic and cultural benefits of Guggenheim eff \g-term What is now known as the 56 Unit 1. Answer the questions. 1 Look atthe picture, What adjectives could you yg describe this bulding? Use adjectives that you hey learnt in Unit 9 or ideas of your own 2 What i your opinion ofthe architectural style of this bullding? madre yle, Read the article and match the phrases in the box with the correct gaps (1-6). 5 4) 32,500-S4ldre-mete in 807 mills not everyone the Nerign River wc he sie 3 Look at the words in bold in the article, Use them in the correct form to complete the Sentences, 1 The art gallery attracts artists from all over ~it’s an art cnoomet + Cieenaion 2 Itwas so ovenlshels life. | couldn't believe it 3. The design of a new building should _ble inwith the design of surrounding buildings, 4 This building is extraordinary building like it in the world! 5. The city’s cultural life was frams.foromec) by the new arts centre, & The decrease in industry has resulted in less in the city centre, ¢ aa Coewmoden 4 Read the article again and answer the questions. 1 Why was the museum so unusual? us dengqrediliva o she wihvaiod <0: 2. What impact did the museum have on the city? emo int the agua off au 3. What are two reasons why some people dislike museum? 4 Why do other cities want museum? What do you think the people OF Bilbao think ab. the museum? 6 What is your favouri Describe it. Why do ite building? Whe You like it? the world 18, 10 meet the artist in real - There’s no other ‘ay lary plus LA WORDS feet Words OF phrases below adings in your notebook Femaining words into the eight eessories bed belt bracelet builder QS chait cheese dairy products caring nvelope factory furniture gloves house cerink jewellery jobs/occupations milk ce nurse office supplies scarf school sports facilities ssh court swimming pool table ’ WORDBUILDER Nouns to verbs ‘verbs. with the prefix re- z ‘Complete the sentences with the correct form of 7 the words given. Add re- if necessary. 1. They're going todamul:h that old building, (demolition) 2. Here's adssig*6F the new apartment building, (describe) feo. 3 Our house needs ete“ it's ages since we last painted it. (decorate) 4 They're going to xeuse all the construction materials fon a new project. (use) 5 There was 2 gas &rlosit4t the factory. (explode) 6 Youneed to

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