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Al-Arbaʿin for Doctors

Doctor must be dressed properly

Hadith 25

Jabir H reported, “The Messenger of Allah r said, “Verily,

Allah is beautiful and he loves beauty. He loves the loftiest of
affairs and disapproves of pettiness.”( al-Mu’jam al-Awsaṭ
6902 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani)
One of the medieval writers on medical ethics al
Ruhawi wrote a book "Morals of the physician" (aadab u ta-
bib) in which he wrote some features of a Muslim doctor. It
was astonishing to read as it is more than 1000 years old
book, in which one of the features was about the dress of a
doctor. In our subcontinent religiosity has been symbolized
with people in ragged and filthy clothes, when the truth is
otherwise. One of the attributes of God is ‘Jameel’ (the beau-
tiful) so He loves beautification. The doctor must wear adora-
ble clothes which suit his profession as this creates a positive
image of his amongst the patients under his treatment.


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