Doctor's Arbaeen 62

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rightness and simultaneously reforming these impure wolves

that are keen to devour gullible victims.

Beneficence and non-maleficence - nobody must be


Hadith 27

It was narrated from Ibn 'Abbas H that the Messenger of

Allah r said, “There should be neither harming nor recipro-
cating harm.” (Sunan Ibn Majah 2341).

The basic principle of medicine as enshrined in medi-

cal books is, ‘first do no harm’. This means whatever treat-
ment we do to the patient it must not be worse than the natu-
ral outcome of disease. This shuts the door of experimenta-
tion with human lives and lay down the foundation of ‘ethical
medical research’. The new medicines have to be developed
but the proper code of conduct is needed so that humans are
not harmed in the name of research and development and the
shameful incidents like those in Nuremberg trials don't hap-
pen in future.

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