Science, Technology, and Society Complete Lecture Notes

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Science and Technology and Society

they do science and view scientific processes

➔ was the golden age for people committed to
scholarly life in science
➔ influences to scientific revolution:
humans, science ideas, society
DEFINITION OF SCIENCE ➔ Scientific revolution is very significant in
the development of human beings,
• Science as an idea. It includes ideas, transformation of the society, and in the
theories, and all available systematic formulation of scientific ideas.
explanations and observations about natural ➔ it significantly improved the conduct of
and physical world. scientific investigations, experiments, and
• Science as an intellectual activity. It observations
encompasses a systematic and practical ➔ led to the creation of new research fields in
study of the natural and physical world. This science and prompted the establishment of a
process of study involves systematic strong foundation for modern science
observation and experimentation. ➔ transformed the natural world and world of
• Science as a body of knowledge. It is a ideas
subject or a discipline, a field of study, or a
body of knowledge that deals with the VARIABLES THAT INFLUENCE THE
process of learning about the natural and DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE IDEAS,
physical world. This is what we refer to as SCIENCE DISCOVERIES, AND TECHNOLOGY
school science.
• Science as a personal and social activity. Creativity SCIENTISTS SCIENCE
This explains that science is both knowledge IDEAS
and activities done by human beings to Passion to
develop better understanding of the world Curiosity
around them. It is a means to improve the life DISCOVERIES
and to survive in life. It is a interwoven with Critical Passion to
people’s lives. discover TECHNOLOGY


• The idea of scientific revolution is claimed to REVOLUTIONARY IDEAS
have started in the early 16th century up to
18th century in Europe.
- invention of the printing machine NICOLAUS COPERNICUS
- the blooming intellectual activities done
in various places of learning
- the growing number of scholars in ➔ one of the Renaissance men, particularly in
various fields of human interests the field of science
➔ period of enlightenment when the ➔ resembled the Greek ancient philosophers
development in the fields of mathematics, or thinkers- he did not do anything extensive
physics, astronomy, biology, and chemistry such as observing heavenly bodies or
transformed the views of society about the inviting people to test his ideas
nature ➔ his ideas were an example of thought
➔ explained the emergence or birth of modern experiment
science as a result of these developments ➔ had been appointed as canon at Frombork
from the disciplines mentioned Cathedral in Poland
➔ The ideas generated during this period ➔ was strongly influenced by a book entitled
enabled the people to reflect, think, and Epitome (contains Mueller’s observations of
reexamine their beliefs and their way of life. the heavens and some commentary on
➔ ignited vast human interests to rethink how earlier works especially that of Ptolemy)
published in 1946 by a German author
Johannes Mueller
➔ Copernicus’ idea and model of the universe ➔ FYI: The Catholic Church banned the
was essentially complete in 1510. Not long Copernican model and was ignored by Rome
after that, he circulated a summary of his for the rest of the 16th century.
ideas to his few close friends in a manuscript
called Commentariolus (Little Commentary)
➔ The publication of his book De
revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the CHARLES DARWIN
Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres) in
1543 is often cited as the start of the
scientific revolution. ➔ famous for his Theory of Evolution
➔ In his book, he wanted a model of the ➔ He developed his interest in natural history
universe in which everything moved around during his time as a student at Shrewsbury
a single center of unvarying rates. School.
➔ Copernicus placed the Sun to be the ➔ Published a book The Origin of Species in
centerpiece of the universe. The Earth and all 1589
the planets are surrounding or orbiting the ➔ His book presented evidence on how
Sun each year. The Moon, however would species evolved over time and presented
still be seen orbiting the Earth. traits and adaptation that differentiate
2 KINDS OF PLANETARY MOTION ➔ His book The Descent of Man- introduced the
▪ The orbits of Venus and Mercury lay idea of all organic life, including human
inside the orbit of the Earth, thus, closer beings under the realm of revolutionary
to the Sun thinking. This replaced the dominant views of
▪ The orbits of Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter lay a religious or biblical design that places
outside the Earth’s orbit, thus farther from human beings in a privileged position of
the Sun having been created by God.
➔ 2 fields which he made major
contributions: evolutionary biology and
philosophy of science


➔ From this model, he would work on the ➔ Famous figure in the field of psychology
length of time it will take for each planet to ➔ A towering literary figure and a very talented
orbit once around the Sun. communicator who did his share to raise the
➔ The result would form a sequence from consciousness of the civilized world in
Mercury, with a shortest year, through psychological matters (Rosenfels, 1980)
Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn with ➔ development of an important observational
the longest year. method to gather reliable data to study
➔ He placed the planets in order of increasing human’s inner life – method of
distance from the Sun. psychoanalysis
➔ One of the great problems in the Copernicus ➔ For Freud, this method of psychoanalysis is
model, however, was the position of the a scientific way to study the human mind
stars. The stars cannot be placed in a foxed and neurotic illness
position like crystals in a distance sphere.
➔ According to Weiner (2016), his method of systems – used for planning their activities
psychoanalysis was proven to be effective in and in observing religious rituals and cultural
understanding some neurological conditions celebrations.
that were not understood by medicine at that ▪ The Mayans also developed the technology
time. for growing different crops and building
➔ His method was unorthodox—focusing on elaborate cities using ordinary machineries
human sexuality and the evil nature of man and tools.
▪ They built hydraulics systems with
sophisticated waterways to supply water to
different communities.
▪ The Mayans built looms for weaving cloth
and devised a rainbow of glittery paints made
from a mineral called mica.
▪ They are also believed to be one of the first
people to produce rubber products 3 000
years before Goodyear received its patent in
▪ The Mayans are famous as one of the world’s
first civilizations to use a writing system
known as Mayan hieroglyphics.
▪ They were also skilled in mathematics and
created a number system based on the
numeral 20. They independently developed
the concept of zero and positional value,


▪ The Incas made advanced scientific ideas

considering their limitations as old
1. the road paved with stones
2. stone buildings that surmounted
earthquakes and other disasters
3. irrigation system and technique for
Mesoamerica – includes the entire area of
storing water for their crops to grow
Central America from Southern Mexico up to the
in all types of land
border of South America
4. calendar with 12 months to mark
their religious festivals and prepare
THE MAYA CIVILIZATION them for planting season
5. the first suspension bridge
▪ one of the famous civilizations that lasted for
6. quipu – a system of knotted ropes to
approximately 2000 years
keep records that only experts can
▪ known for their work in astronomy
▪ they incorporated their advanced
7. Inca textiles since cloth was one of
understanding of astronomy into their
the specially prized artistic
temples and other religious structures
Example: the pyramid at Chichen Itza in
Mexico is situated at the location of the Sun
during the spring and fall equinoxes THE AZTEC CIVILIZATION
▪ Mayan knowledge and understanding about
celestial bodies were advanced for their time,
▪ Mandatory Education – the children are
as evidenced by their knowledge of
mandated to get education regardless of
predicting eclipse and astrological cycles in
their social class, gender, or age.
planting and harvesting.
- Early form of universal or inclusive
▪ The Mayans are also known for measuring
time using two complicated calendar
▪ Chocolates- The Aztec in Mexico developed o Some ancient texts, like the Susruta
chocolate during their time. In the Mayan Samhita, describes different
culture, they used it as currency. The Aztec surgical and other medical
valued cacao beans highly and made it as a procedures famous in Ancient India.
part of their tribute to their Gods. ▪ In the field of astronomy:
▪ Antispasmodic medication – used a type of o They developed theories on the
antispasmodic medication that could prevent configuration of the universe, (1) the
muscle spasms and relax muscles, which spherical self-supporting Earth, and
could help during surgery. (2) the year of 360 days with 12
▪ Chinampa – a form of Aztec technology for equal parts of 30 days each.
agricultural farming in which the land was o Siddhanta Shiromani (first 12
divided into rectangular areas and chapters) written in 12th century –
surrounded by canals this ancient text covered topics such
▪ Aztec calendar – enabled them to plan their as;
activities, rituals, and planting season a. mean longitudes of the
▪ Invention of the canoe – a light narrow boat planets
used for traveling in water systems. b. true longitudes of the
DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE IN ASIA c. the three problems of
diurnal rotation
d. syzygies
e. lunar eclipses
f. solar eclipses
g. latitudes of the planets
h. risings and settings
i. the moon’s crescent
j. conjunctions of the
planets with each other
k. conjunctions of the
planets with the fixed
l. the paths of the Sun
and Moon
Asia is the biggest continent in the world and the ▪ In the field of Mathematics:
home of many ancient civilizations. It is a host to o The earliest traces of Mathematical
many cultural, economic, scientific, and political knowledge in the Indian
activities of all ages. In the field of science, subcontinent appeared in the Indus
technology, and mathematics, great civilizations Valley Civilization.
have stood out: India, China, and the Middle East o The people of this civilization tried to
civilizations. (1) standardize measurement of
length to a high degree of accuracy
INDIA and (2) designed a ruler, the
Mohenjo-daro ruler
▪ They are known for manufacturing iron and o Indian astronomer and
metallurgical works. Their iron steel is mathematician Aryabhata (476-
considered to be the best and held with high 550), in his Aryabhatiya –
regard in the whole Roman Empire. introduced a number of
▪ In the field of medicine: trigonometric functions, tables, and
o Ayurveda – a system of traditional techniques, as well as algorithms of
medicine that originated in ancient algebra
India before 2500 BC, is still o In 628 AD, another Indian,
practiced as a form of an alternative Brahmagupta, also suggested that
medicine. gravity was a force of attraction, and
o They discovered some medicinal lucidly explained the use of zero as
properties of plants that led them to both a placeholder and a decimal
develop medicines to cure various digit, along with the Hindu-Arabic
numeral system now used provided their scholars knowledge to create
universally throughout the world. innovations and develop new ideas.
o Another Indian named Madhava of ▪ Muslim scientists placed greater value on
Sangamagrama – considered as science experiments rather than plain-
the founder of mathematical thought experiments
analysis ▪ IBN AL-HAYTHAM – Father of Optics,
especially for his empirical proof of the
CHINA intromission Theory of Light
▪ In Mathematics:
▪ The Chinese are known for traditional o MUHAMMAD IBN MUSA AL-
medicines, a product of centuries of KHWARIZMI – gave his name to
experiences and discovery of the Chinese the concept of algorithm while the
people. They discovered various medical term is derived from al-jabr, the
properties and uses of different plants and beginning of the title of one of his
animals to cure human illness. An example is publications
the practice of acupuncture. o Introduction of decimal point
▪ In terms of technology: notation
o compass, papermaking, ▪ JABIR IBN HAYYAN – Father of Chemistry
gunpowder, and printing tools that ▪ In the field of medicine:
became known in the West only by o IBN SINA – pioneered the science
the end of the Middle Ages of experimental medicine and was
o invented other tools like iron plough, the first physician to conduct clinical
wheelbarrow, and propeller trials
o developed a design of different - 2 notable works: (1) Book of
models of bridges Healing and (2) The Canon of
o invented the first seismological Medicine – were used as
detector standard medicinal texts in both
o developed a dry lock facility Muslim world an in Europe
▪ In the field of astronomy: during the 17th century
o made significant records on - Discovery of the contagious
supernovas, lunar and solar nature of infectious diseases
eclipses, and comets which were and the introduction of clinical
carefully recorded and preserved to pharmacology
understand better the heavenly
bodies and their effects to our world DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE IN AFRICA
o They observed the heavenly bodies
to understand weather changes and ▪ The ancient
seasons that may affect their daily Egyptian civilization
activities. has contributed
o Lunar calendars immensely and made
o Known in seismology which made significant advances in
them more prepared in times of the fields of
natural calamities astronomy,
mathematics, and
o The development of geometry was
▪ The Middle East countries are dominantly a product of necessity to preserve
occupied by Muslims. the layout and ownership of
▪ With the spread of Islam in the 7th and 8th farmlands of the Egyptians living
centuries, a period of Muslim scholarship, or along the Nile River.
what is called the Golden Age of Islam lasted o The rules of geometry were
until 13th century. developed and used to build
▪ The common language of Arabic, access to rectilinear structures, the post of
Greek texts from the Byzantine Empire, and lintel architecture of Egypt.
their proximity to India were contributory to o The great structures of the Egyptian
the intellectualization of the Muslims and pyramids and the early dams built to
divert water from the Nile River are
some proofs of their advanced ▪ In pre-Spanish Philippines – scientific
civilization. knowledge is observed in the way they plant
▪ Egypt was known to be a center of alchemy, their crops that provide them food, in taking
which is known as the medieval forerunner of care of animals to help them in their daily
chemistry. tasks, and for food production.
o They tried to study human anatomy and - Science is observed in he way they
pharmacology, and applied important interpret the movements of heavenly
components such as examination, bodies to predict seasons and climates,
diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis for and in organizing days into months and
the treatment of diseases. years.
▪ In the field of astronomy: - They use science in preparing the soil
o Africans used three types of calendars: for agricultural purposes.
lunar, solar, and stellar, or a - They discovered the medicinal uses of
combination of the three. plants.
▪ Metallurgy was also known in the African ▪ Technology is used by people in building
regions during the ancient times. houses, irrigations, and in developing tools
o North Africa and the Nile Valley imported that they can use in everyday life. They
iron technology from the Near East developed tools for planting, hunting,
region that enabled them to benefit from cooking, and fishing; for fighting their
the developments during the Bronze enemies during war or tribal conflicts; and for
Age until the Iron Age. transportation, both on land and on
o invented metal tools used in their homes, waterways. They also developed
in agriculture, and in building their technologies in creating musical
magnificent architectures instruments.
▪ In the field of Mathematics: ▪ The different archeological artifacts
o The Lebombo Bone – a tool for discovered in different parts of the country
multiplication, division, and simple also prove that the Metal Age also had
mathematical calculation or a six-month significant influence on the lives of early
lunar calendar, is considered to be the Filipinos.
oldest known artifact dated from 35, - The sophisticated designs of gold and
000 BCE. silver jewelry, ceramics, and metal tools
o Ancient Egyptians are good in the four proved that their technological ideas
fundamental mathematical operations helped in the development of different
and other mathematical skills. They have tools.
the knowledge of the basic concepts of - Also, trading with China, Indonesia,
algebra and geometry. Japan, and other nearby countries have
influenced their lives by providing
different opportunities for cultural and
technological exchange.
▪ Indigenous Science or Folk Science –
ancient practices in science and technology
▪ When the Spaniards colonized the country,
BRIEF HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF SCIENCE they brought with them their own culture and
- They established schools for boys and
girls and introduced the concept of
▪ The history of science and technology in the subjects and disciplines. It was the
Philippines started way back before the beginning of formal science and
country gained its independence from the technology in the country, known now
American colonizers. as school of science and technology.
▪ Before the coming of the Spanish colonizers, ▪ Learning of science in school focuses on
the early inhabitants of the archipelago had understanding different concepts related
their own belief system and indigenous to the human body, plants, animals, and
knowledge system that keeps them heavenly bodies. Technology focuses on
organized and sustained their lives and using and developing house tools used in
communities for many years. everyday life.
▪ Life during the Spanish era slowly became - The reparation funds focused in building
modernized, adapting some Western some institutions and public facilities like
technology and their ways of life. schools, hospitals, and transportation
- Filipinos developed ways to replicate the systems.
technology brought by the Spaniards - The reparation money from Japan was
using indigenous materials. also concentrated on building highways
- Medicine and advanced science were and in providing technological training
introduced in formal colleges and and human resource development in the
universities established by the Catholic country.
orders. ▪ Since the establishment of the new
▪ The galleon trade has brought additional republic, the whole nation has been
technology and development in the focusing on using its limited resources in
Philippines. improving its science and technology
- These trades allowed other ideas, crops, capability.
tools, cultural practices, technology, and - explored the use of ODA- Overseas
Western practices to reach the country. Development Allocations from different
- Filipino students who were able to study countries to help the country improve its
in Europe also contributed to the scientific productivity and technological
advancement of medicine, engineering, capability
arts, music, and literature in the country.
▪ The Americans have more influence in the INFLUENCES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF
development of science and technology in SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE
the Philippines compared to the Spaniards. PHILIPPINES
- established public education system
- improved the engineering works and Internal Influences
health conditions of the people
- established a modern research • Survival
university, the University of the • Culture Development
Philippines • Economic of Science
- created more public hospitals than the Activities and
former colonial master Technology
in the
- the mineral resources of the country
were also explored and exploited
- transportation and communication External
systems were improved Influences
- organized the learning of science and
introduced it in public and private • Foreign
schools Colonizers
- In basic education, science education • Trades with
focuses on nature studies and science Foreign
and sanitation, until it became a subject Countries
formally known as “Science”. • International
- The teaching of science in higher Economic
education has also greatly improved and Demands
modernized. Researches were done to
control malaria, cholera, and
tuberculosis and other tropical diseases. GOVERNMENT POLICIES ON SCIENCE AND
- Protestant church missions in different
places in the country also brough
hospitals and schools to far-flung areas ▪ The Philippine government introduced and
▪ World War II destabilized the development implemented several programs, projects,
of the country in many ways; and policies to boost the area of science and
- Institutions and public facilities were technology. The goal is to prepare the whole
turned into ashes, houses were burned, country and its people to meet the demands
and many lives were destroyed of a technologically driven world and
- The capacity of the country to bring back capacitate the people to live in a world
what was destroyed was limited driven by science.
▪ In 2015, in response to the ASEAN 2015 • Use of biosafety and standard
Agenda, the government particularly the model by ASEAN countries
Department of Science and Technology • Promoting indigenous knowledge
(DOST), has sought the expertise of the systems and indigenous people’s
National Research Council of the Philippines conservation
(NCRP) to consult various sectors in the • Formulation of common food and
society to study how the Philippines can safety standards
prepare itself in meeting the ASEAN 2015
▪ Providing funds for basic research and
1. Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, patents related to science and technology.
International Policies and Governance (funds are from Overseas Development Aid
• Integrating ASEAN awareness in from different countries)
basic education without adding to ▪ Providing scholarships for undergraduate
the curriculum and graduate studies in the field of science
• Emphasizing teaching in the mother and technology.
tongue ▪ Establishing more branches of the Philippine
• Developing school infrastructure Science High School system for training
and providing for ICT broadband young Filipinos in the field of science and
• Local food security technology.
2. Physics, Engineering and Industrial ▪ Creating science and technology parks to
Research, Earth and Space Sciences, and encourage academe and industry
Mathematics partnerships.
• Emphasizing degrees, licenses, and ▪ Balik Scientist Program to encourage Filipino
employment opportunities scientists abroad to come home and work in
• Outright grants for peer monitoring the PH or conduct research and projects in
• Review of RA 9184 collaboration with Philippine-bases
• Harnessing science and technology scientists.
as an independent mover of ▪ Developing S&T parks in academic
development campuses to encourage academe and
3. Medical, Chemical, and Pharmaceutical industry partnerships.
Sciences ▪ The establishment of the National Science
• Ensuring compliance of drug- Complex and National Engineering Complex
manufacturing firms with ASEAN- within UP Diliman to develop more S&T and
harmonized standards by full engineering manpower resources needed by
implementation of the Food and the country and to produce more researches
Drug Administration in these fields.
• Creating an educational council
dedicated to standardization of CAPACITY-BUILDING PROGRAMS
pharmaceutical services and care identified by The Philippine-American Academy
• Empowering food and drug of Science and Engineering
agencies to conduct evidence-
based research as pool of
information ▪ id Establishment of national centers of
• Allocating two percent of the GDP to excellence
research ▪ Manpower and institutional development
• Legislating a law supporting human programs such as the Engineering and
genome projects Science Education Program (ESEP) to
4. Biological Sciences, Agriculture, and produce more PhD graduates in science and
Forestry engineering
• Protecting and conserving ▪ Establishment of regional centers to support
biodiversity by full implementation specific industries that will lead the country
of existing laws in different research and development areas
▪ Establishment of science and technology
business centers to assist, advice, and DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE AND
incubate technopreneurship ventures TECHNOLOGY POLICIES IN THE PHILIPPINES
▪ Strengthen science education at an early
stage through the Philippine Science High


National Goals
School system

- Programs

- Projects
- Policies
▪ K-to-12 education program included Legal Frameworks
Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) as one of its major Social Needs,
tracks in SHS to encourage more students to Issues, and
enroll in science-related fields in college. Problems
▪ CHED launched its Philippine-California
Advanced Research Institutes (PICARI)
Project to allow several higher education
institutions in the Philippines and some US- FAMOUS FILIPINOS IN THE FIELD OF SCIENCE
based laboratories, research institutes, and
universities to work on research and projects
related to science, agriculture, engineering, RAMON CABANOS BARBA
health, and technology. - for his outstanding research on tissue
culture in Philippine mangoes
Areas and Fields that the country is
looking forward to embark various JOSEFINO CACAS COMISO
research and projects: - for his works on observing the
characteristics of Antarctica by using
1. Use of alternative and safe energy satellite images
2. Harnessing mineral resources
3. Finding cure for various diseases and JOSE BEJAR CRUZ JR
illness - known internationally in the field of
4. Climate change and global warming electrical engineering
5. Increasing food production - was elected as officer of the famous
6. Preservation of natural resources Institute of Electrical and Electronic
7. Coping with natural disasters and Engineering
8. Infrastructure development LOURDES JANSUY CRUZ
- notable for her research on sea snail
➔ The Philippine Congress has also created venom
various laws related to S&T. these laws serve
as a legal framework for science and FABIAN MILLAR DAYRIT
technology in the country. - for his research on herbal medicine
- different themes: conservation, health-
related, technology-building, and RAFAEL DINEROS GUERRERO III
supporting basic research - for his research on tilapia culture
- Some laws and policies are in line with
international treaties such as the United ENRIQUE MAPUA OSTREA JR.
Nations (UN), United Nations - for inventing the meconium drugs
Educational. Scientific, and Cultural testing
Organization (UNESCO), Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and LILIAN FORMALEJO PATENA
other international agencies. - for doing research on plant


- for being an outstanding educator and
graph theorist
- for his research in the field of
communications technology
Other outstanding Filipino scientists who are
recognized here and abroad for their ▪ focuses on teaching, learning, and
outstanding contributions in science: understanding science
▪ teaching science – exploring pedagogical
CAESAR A. SALOMA theories and models in helping teachers
- an internationally renowned physicist teach scientific concepts and processes
EDGARDO GOMEZ ▪ learning science – includes both pedagogy
- famous scientist in marine science and the most interesting aspect, which is
helping students understand and love
- chemistry and president of National ▪ Understanding science implies developing
Academy of Science and Technology and applying science-process skills and
(NAST)- Philippines using science literacy in understanding the
natural world and activities in everyday life.
ANGEL ALCALA ▪ John Dewey (2001) – stressed the
- marine science importance of utilizing the natural
environment to teach students
UP Los Baños – science paradise for agriculture, - nature must indeed furnish its physical
forestry, plant and animal science, and veterinary stimuli to provide wealth of meaning
medicine through social activities and thinking
UP Visayas – national center for marine science, ▪ Marx (1994) – opines that science is going to
fisheries, and other related sciences be one of the most important school subjects
UP Manila – center of excellence and has in the future
produced many researchers, doctors, health ▪ Science education is justified by the vast
professionals, and scientists in the area of amount of scientific knowledge developed in
medical and public health this area that prepares citizens in a
UP Diliman – established a national science and scientifically and technologically driven
engineering complex to develop more research world.
and produce more scientists and engineers in the ▪ Science education provides skills and
country knowledge that are necessary for a person to
live in what Knight (1986) describes as the
FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE age of science and to develop a citizenry that
DEVELOPMENT OF FILIPINO SCIENTISTS will meet the goals of science in the society
(Tilghman, 2005)
SCIENCE LABORATORIES In basic education, science education…
Family (TEACHERS AND • help students learn important concepts
LEARNING CONTEXT) and facts that are related to everyday life
ENVIRONMENT) including important skills such as
Natural process skills, critical thinking skills, and
Environment life skills that are needed in coping up
with daily life activities
• develops positive attitude such as; the
FILIPINO SCIENTISTS love for knowledge, passion for
innovative things, curiosity to study
about nature, and creativity
• develop a strong foundation for studying ➔ was turned into a regional science high
science and for considering science- school for the National Capital Region in
related careers in the future 1999
➔ was a product of a dream to establish a
In tertiary education, science education… special science school for talented students
• deals with developing students’ in science and mathematics
understanding and appreciation of ➔ the focus of the curriculum is on science and
science ideas and scientific works technology
(through basic sciences in the GenEd ➔ The school still teaches the basic education
curriculum) courses prescribed by DepEd, however
• focuses on the preparation of science there are additional subjects in sciences and
teachers, scientists, engineers, and technology that students should take.
other professionals in various science- ➔ The school envisions to serve as a venue in
related fields such as engineering, providing maximum opportunities for
agriculture, medicine, and health science-gifted students to develop spirit of
sciences inquiry and creativity.
➔ The school is under the Department of


(PHSS) ➔ was established on October 1, 2963
➔ government program for gifted students in ➔ first science high school in the Philippines
the Philippines ➔ The organization and curriculum of the
➔ a service institute of the Department of school puts more emphasis on science and
Science and Technology (DOST) whose mathematics.
mandate is to offer free scholarship basis for ➔ aims to produce scientists with souls, thus,
secondary course with special emphasis on humanities courses and other electives are
subjects pertaining to the sciences, with the included in the curriculum
end-view of preparing its students for a ➔ The school administers an entrance exam,
science career (Republic Act No. 3661) the Manila Science High School Admission
Test (MSAT), for the students who wish to
(SSES) PROJECT ➔ The MSAT has five parts: aptitude test in
➔ pursuant to DepEd Order No. 73 s.2008, and mathematics, problem-solving test in
DepEd Order No.51 s.2010 science, problem-solving test in
➔ started in June 2007 with 57 identified mathematics, and proficiency in English.
elementary schools that participated or were
identified as science elementary schools in CENTRAL VISAYAN INSTITUTE FOUNDATION
the country ➔ home and pioneer of the prominent school-
➔ aims to develop Filipino children equipped based innovation known as the Dynamic
with scientific and technological knowledge, Learning Program (DLP).
skills, and values DLP- is a synthesis of classical and modern
➔ its mission is to: pedagogical theories adapted to foster the
• provide a learning environment to highest level of learning, creativity, and
science-inclined children through a productivity.
special curriculum that recognizes ➔ The school takes pride in its Research
the multiple intelligences of the Center for Theoretical Physics (RCTP)
learners established in 1992, which organizes small
• promote the development of lifelong international workshops to foster the informal
learning skills but intense exchange of ideas and
• foster the holistic development of perspectives on outstanding problems in
the learners physics and mathematics.


➔ established on September 17, 19967
➔ originally named Quezon City High School
• practical attitudes
• reflective attitudes
➔ indigenous science knowledge has
developed diverse structures and contents
INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE SYSTEM through the interplay between the society
and the environment (Pawilen, 2005)
Some examples of indigenous knowledge that
➔ developmental stages of most sciences are
are taught and practiced by the indigenous
characterized by continual competition
people are:
between a number of distinct views of nature,
• predicting weather conditions and
each partially derived from, and all roughly
seasons using knowledge in observing
compatible with the dictates of scientific
animals’ behavior and celestial bodies
observation and method (Kuhn, 1962)
• using herbal medicine
➔ provides the basics of astronomy,
• preserving foods
pharmacology, food technology, or
• classifying plants and animals into
metallurgy, which were derived from
families and groups based on cultural
traditional knowledge and practices
• preserving and selecting good seeds for THE CONCEPT OF INDIGENOUS SCIENCE
planting Pawilen (2006)
• using indigenous technology in daily
• building local irrigation systems
• classifying different types of soil for
planting based on cultural properties INDIGENOUS
• producing wines and juices from tropical
• keeping the custom of growing plants Science
and vegetables in the yard Culture and
Process Skills Knowledge


➔ is part of the indigenous knowledge system ▪ Indigenous science uses science process
practiced by different groups of people and skills such as observing, comparing,
early civilizations classifying, measuring, problem solving,
➔ it includes complex arrays of knowledge, inferring, communicating, and predicting.
expertise, practices, and representations ▪ Indigenous science is guided by culture and
that guide human societies in their community values such as the following:
enumerable interactions with the natural • The land is a source of life. It is a
milieu: agriculture, medicine, naming and precious gift from the creator.
explaining natural phenomena, and • The Earth is revered as “Mother
strategies for coping with changing Earth”. It is the origin of their identity
environments as people.
➔ it is collectively lived in and experienced by • All living and nonliving things are
the people of a given culture interconnected and interdependent
➔ includes everything from metaphysics o with each other.
philosophy and various practical • Human beings are stewards or
technologies practiced by indigenous trustee of the land and other natural
peoples both past and present (Cajete, 2004) resources. They have a
➔ science is a part of culture, and how science responsibility to preserve it.
is done largely depends on the cultural • Nature is a friend to human beings-
practices of the people (Iaccarino, 2003) it needs respect and proper care.
➔ Indigenous beliefs also develop desirable ▪ Indigenous science is composed of
values that are relevant or consistent to traditional knowledge practiced and valued
scientific attitudes as identified by Johnston by people and communities such as ethno-
(2000) namely; biology, ethno-medicine, indigenous farming
• motivating attitudes methods, and folk astronomy.
• cooperating attitudes
➔ Like ancient civilizations, indigenous science hypothesis for the study “to count as
gave birth to the development of science and significant” (can also be separated
technology as a field and as a discipline. into additional steps such as “to
Indigenous science helped the people in generate prediction” or “to infer from
understanding the natural environment and past experiments”
in coping with everyday life. 4. Conduct experiment by setting up
➔ UNESCO’s Declaration on Science and the dependent and independent
Use of Scientific Knowledge (1999) variables, and trying to see how
recognized indigenous science as a independent ones affect dependent
historical and valuable contribution to ones.
science and technology. 5. Gather and analyze results
throughout and upon culmination of
the experiment. Examine if the data
gathered are significant enough to
conclude results.
6. Formulate conclusion and provide
Introduction: _____ recommendation in case others
would want to broaden the study.
- a term coined by renowned Greek
philosopher Aristotle (385- 323 BC) to ➔ the earliest criterion that distinguishes
describe the pinnacle of happiness that philosophy and science
is attainable by humans ➔ The idea proposes that a discipline is science
- often translated into “human flourishing” if it can be confirmed or interpreted in the
into literature, arguably likening humans event of an alternative hypothesis being
to flowers achieving their full bloom accepted.
- Nicomachean Ethics: Aristotle’s human ➔ This theory gives premium to empiricism and
flourishing arises as a result of different only takes into account those results which
components such as phronesis, are measurable and experiments which are
friendship, wealth, and power repeatable.
➔ espoused by a movement in the early 20th
SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND HUMAN century called the Vienna Circle, a group of
FLOURISHING scholars who believed that only those which
can be observed should be regarded as
▪ Technology is a human activity that we excel meaningful and reject those which cannot be
in as a result of achieving science. directly accesses as meaningless
▪ The end goals of both science and ➔ this theory completely fails to weed out
technology and human flourishing are bogus arguments that explain things
related, in that the good is related to the truth. coincidentally


- For most part, science’s reputation stems
from the objectivity brought by an arbitrary, ➔ asserts that as long as an ideology is not
rigid methodology whose very character proven to be false and can best explain a
absolves it from any accusations of phenomenon over alternative theories, we
prejudice. should accept the said ideology
- Scientific Method: ➔ the shift to this theory allowed emergence of
1. Observe and determine if there are theories otherwise rejected by verification
unexplained occurrences unfolding. theory
2. Determine the problem and identify ➔ It does not promote ultimate adoption of one
factors involved theory but instead encourages research in
3. Through past knowledge of similar order to determine which among the theories
instance, formulate hypothesis that can stand the test of falsification.
could explain the said phenomenon. ➔ Karl Popper- is the known proponent of this
Ideally, the goal is to reject the null view. He was notorious for stating that up-
hypothesis and accept the alternative and-coming theories of the time, such as
Marx’s Theory of Social Theory and Sigmund discovering different remedies to
Freud’s Psychoanalysis, are not testable and most diseases. Distribution of
thus not falsifiable, and subsequently medicines is also made easier and
questioning their status as scientific. faster.
• Literacy Rate. Access to education
provided to more individuals
generally creates a more informed
public that could determine a more
just society.
• Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It
THE HUMAN CONDITION IN THE COMMON ERA is often used to determine the value
of the country’s goods and services
▪ Earliest case of man-made extinction produced within the territory given a
occurred over 12 000 years ago, possibly certain time period. Higher country
brought upon by hunting and territorial income is brough upon by high
disputes. productivity, often an indicator of
▪ The Holocene extinction, also called the sixth presence of technology.
extinction or more aptly Anthropocene
extinction, occurred from as early between THE ESSENCE OF TECHNOLOGY
100 000 to 200 000 years up to the present.
It pertains to the ongoing extinction of ▪ Martin Heidegger – philosopher, argued
several species- both flora and fauna- due to that the essence, or purpose, and being are
human activity. different from each other.
▪ Growing population also necessitated finding - He was able to expound on his point
additional resources, leading to overhunting upon identifying that technology can be
and overfishing common prey, some of either perceived as;
which are endemic to the area. a. a means to achieve man’s end
▪ Formation of communities caused humans to b. constitutes human activity
expand more in territory and more people to - technology is what humans do
feed; large, separate communities hailing ▪ Technology allows humans to confront the
from the same ancestors and residing in the unknown and see how would they react.
same large community paved way for ▪ It has aided us in survival and helped us
civilizations. outsmart our adversaries, provided us
▪ Trade emerged, leading to cross-town and comfortable living, allowed us to explore the
eventually cross-cultural interaction as more world, and assisted us in discovering more
products were exchanged and the initial about ourselves and the truth.
needs extended to wants.
▪ Advancements in medicine, technology,
health and education ushered in humanity’s
best yet, and show no sign of stopping.
▪ Some notable comparisons then and now:
• Mortality Rate. Due to technology, PLATO
lesser women and children die ➔ the task of understanding the things in the
during birth, assuring robust world runs parallel with the job of truly getting
population, and strong workforce. into what will make the soul flourish.
Medical care for premature infants - In the attempt to understand reality and
allows them to survive and develop the external world, man must seek to
normally, while proper maternal understand himself, too.
care ensures that mothers can fully ➔ teacher and predecessor of Aristotle
recover and remain empowered. ➔ things in this world are not real and are only
• Average Lifespan. Aside from the copies of the real in the world of forms
reason that people engage less in ➔ change is perplexing that it can only make
combat and are less likely to die in sense if there are two realities: the world of
treatable diseases now as opposed forms (the entities are only copies of the
to then, science is able to prolong ideal and the models, and the forms are the
lives by enhancing living status and
only real entities) and the world of matter of and is controlled by the tiny indivisible
(things are changing and impermanent) units in the world called atomos or seeds.
➔ recognized change as a process and as a ➔ For Democritus and his disciples:
phenomenon that happens in the world, that - the world, including human beings, is
is in fact, it is constant, things remain and made up of matter
they retain ultimate - There is no need to posit immaterial
➔ claims that despite the reality of change, entities as sources of purpose.
things remain and they retain their ultimate - Atomos simply comes together
“whatness” randomly to form the things in the world
➔ reality is full of these seemingly contrasting - only material entities matter
manifestations of change and permanence ➔ In terms of human flourishing, matter is what
makes us attain happiness.
- work with most people who are clinging
on to material wealth as the primary
ARISTOTLE source of the meaning of their existence

➔ gave a definitive distinction between the

theoretical and practical sciences
theoretical: logic, biology, physics, and ➔ the end goal of life is pleasure
metaphysics ➔ Life is about obtaining and indulging in
- Truth is the aim of the theoretical pleasure because life is limited.
sciences ➔ “Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we
practical: ethics and politics die.”
- Good is the end goal of practical ➔ Led by Epicurus, this school of thought also
sciences does not buy any notion of afterlife just like
➔ first philosopher who approached the the materialists.
problem of reality from a scientific lens
➔ first thinker who dabbled into the complex
problematization of the end goal of life:
happiness ➔ another school of thought led by Epicurus
➔ forwarded the idea that there is no reality ➔ to generate happiness, one must learn to
over and above what the senses can distance oneself and be apathetic
perceive ➔ happiness can only be attained by a careful
➔ change is a process that is inherent in things practice of apathy
➔ We, along with all other entities in the world, ➔ adopt that some things are not within our
start as potentialities and move toward control: the happier we can become
actualities. The movement, entails change.
➔ Every human being moves according to
some end – happiness or human flourishing.
Every action that emanates from a human ➔ the ultimate basis of happiness is the
person is a function of the purpose (telos) communion with God
that the person has. ➔ people base their life goals on beliefs that
hinged on some form of supernatural reality
➔ In the 18th century, John Stuart Mill declared ➔ The world we are in is only just a temporary
the Greatest Happiness Principle: reality where we have to maneuver around
“an action is right as far as it maximizes the while waiting for the ultimate return to the
attainment of happiness for the greatest hands of God.
number of people”
➔ espouses the freedom of man to carve his
➔ the first materialists were the atomists in own destiny and to legislate his own laws,
Ancient Greece free from the shackles of a God that monitors
➔ Democritus and Leucippus led a school and controls
whose primary belief is the world is made up ➔ man is literally the captain of his own ship
➔ Inspired by the enlightenment in 17th century, - On April 3, 1973 – Martin Cooper, a senior
humanists see themselves not merely as engineer at Motorola, made the world’s first
stewards of the creation but as individuals mobile phone call. He called their rival
who are in control of themselves and the telecommunications company and properly
world outside them informed them that he was making the call
➔ Scientists of today meanwhile are ready to from a mobile phone. The mobile phone used
confront more sophisticated attempts at by cooper weighed 1.1 kilograms and
altering the world for the benefit of humanity. measure 228.6 x 127 x 44.4 mm. This kind of
device was capable of a 30-minute talk time.
However, it took 10 hours to charge.
- In 1983 – Motorola made their first
commercial mobile phone available to the
public. It was known as the Motorola
DynaTAC 8000X.
➔ came from the Greek words – techne: art
logos: word - Computers and laptops have also become
➔ discourse on arts part of many of the Filipino households. In
2010, 3.6 trillion was the estimated total value
Several technological devices: output of all manufacturing establishments.
TELEVISION SETS, MOBILE PHONES, Semi-conductor devices and other
COMPUTERS AND HUMANITY electronic components took more than half
of the total value output of all manufacturing
TELEVISION - Charles Babbage – a 19th century English
- According to Kantar Media, one of the most Mathematics professor, who designed the
trusted television audience measurement Analytical Engine which was used as the
providers, in the Philippines, 92% of urban basic framework of computers even until
homes and 70% of rural homes own at least the present time.
one television set. It is for this reason why
television remains to be the ultimate medium Generations of Computer
for advertisement placements (The Manila Technology
Times, 2014)
- Paul Gottlieb Nipkow, a German student, in FIRST GEN: Vacuum tubes
the late 1800s was successful in his attempt (1940-1956)
to send images through wires with the aid of o used vacuum tubes for the circuity and
a rotating metal disk. This invention was then the magnetic drums for the memory and
called the “electric telescope” that had 18 taking up the big rooms
lines of resolution. o relied on the machine language
- In 1907, two investors, Alan Archibald o can solve one problem at a time, can’t do
Campbell-Swinton (English scientist) and the multitasking work
Boris Rosing (Russian scientist), created a o The input was based on the punched
new system of television by using the cards and the paper tape and the output
cathode ray tube in addition to the was displayed on the printouts.
mechanical scanner system. This success o Examples: ENIAC and UNIVAC (first
story gave rise to two types of television commercial computer)
systems – mechanical and electronic
television. These experiments inspired other SECOND GEN: Transistors
scientists to improve previous inventions, (1959-1965)
which led to the modern television. o Transistors are much smaller than
vacuum tubes, draw less power, and
MOBILE PHONE generate less heat.
- 30% of the Philippine urban population o The first transistor was invented in 1947
nationwide said that mobile phones are but didn’t use in the computer until 1950.
necessities in life (Roa, 2012). o moved to the symbolic or assembly
language from the cryptic binary
machine language. This language
allowed the programmers to specify the a degree of autonomy, moving within its
input or instructions in words. environment, to perform intended tasks.
autonomy- ability to perform intended
tasks based on current state and sensing
without human intervention
THIRD GEN: Integrated circuits ▪ A service robot is a robot that performs
(1964-1971) useful tasks for humans or equipment
o transistors were placed on the silicon excluding industrial automation
chips known as semiconductors which application.
increases the speed and efficiency of ▪ A personal service robot or a service
the computer robot for personal use is a service
o used the keyboards and monitors and robot used for noncommercial task,
interfaced with an operating system usually by laypersons.
instead of the punched cards and Examples: domestic servant robot,
printouts automated wheelchair, personal mobility
o can run many applications at one time assist robot, pet exercising robot
o small, cheaper, and reliable than its ▪ A professional service robot or a
predecessors service robot for professional use is a
service robot used for a commercial
FOURTH GEN: Microprocessors task, usually operated by a properly
(1971-2010) trained operator.
o thousands of the integrated circuits Examples: cleaning robot for public
were built on the single silicon chip places, delivery robot in offices or
o In 1971, Intel 4004 chips were hospitals, fire-fighting robot,
developed which was located to all rehabilitation robot, and surgery robot in
components of the computer hospitals
o IBM introduced its first home computer
for home users in 1981 HISTORY OF ROBOTS
o more powerful and could be linked ▪ The earliest conception of robots can be
together to form the networks which led traced around 3000 BC from the Egyptians.
to internet development o water clocks used human figurines
o development of the GUIs, keyboard, to strike the hour bells
mouse, and other hand handled o wooden pigeon that could fly
devices o talking doll
o steam-powered robots
FIFTH GEN: Artificial Intelligence o hydraulically-operated statues that
(2010-Present) could speak and gesture
o voice recognition ▪ The earliest robots as people know them
o use of superconductors and parallel were created in the early 1950s by George
processing helps to make the AI a Devol
reality o Unimate “Universal Automation”
o the goal target of this generation is to was his first invention
develop the devices that respond to
natural languages ROLES PLAYED BY ROBOTICS
- Osborne 2 – first true portable computer ▪ used to ease the workload of mankind
released in April 1981 ▪ invented to make life more efficient and less
ROBOTICS AND HUMANITY ▪ they perform complicated activities which
human beings are incapable of doing
definition by The International Federation of Robotics (IFR) Rules and Characteristics that define what a
and United Nations Economic Commission for Europe good robot is:
formulated by Isaac Asimov in 1940s
▪ A robot is an actuated mechanism
Law One: A robot may not injure a human being
programmable in two or more axes with
or, through inaction, allow a human being to
come to harm.
Law Two: A robot must obey the orders given it 220 BC Chinese small seal writing was
by human beings except where such orders developed
would conflict with the first law. 100 AD Book (parchment codex)
Law Three: A robot must protect its own 105 AD Woodblock printing and paper was
existence as long as such protection does not invented by Chinese
conflict with the first or second law. 1455 Johannes Gutenberg invented the
printing press using movable metal
▪ Safety 1755 Samuel Johnson’s dictionary
▪ Emotional component standardized English spelling
▪ Partial autonomy- includes active human- 1802 • The Library of Congress was
robot interaction established
Full autonomy- excludes active human- • Invention of the carbon arc
robot interaction lamp
▪ Using Asimov’s laws for robots, it can be 1824 Research on persistence of vision
concluded that robots are ethical but only if published
they strictly follow the laws specified. 1830s • First viable design for a digital
• Augusta Lady Byron writes the
world’s first computer program
1837 Invention of the telegraph in Great
Britain and the United States
INFORMATION AGE 1861 Motion pictures were projected
onto a screen
➔ period starting in the quarter of the 20th 1876 Dewey Decimal system was
century when information became introduced
effortlessly accessible through publications 1877 Eadweard Muybridge
and through the management of information demonstrated high-speed
by computers and computer networks photography
➔ also called the Digital Age and the New 1899 First magnetic recordings were
Media Age because it was associated with released
the development of computers
1902 Motion picture special effects were
Theory of Information Age
1906 Lee DeForest invented the
James R. Messenger (1982)
electronic amplifying tube (triode)
“The Information Age is a true new age
1923 Television camera tube was
based upon the interconnection of
invented by Zvorkyn
computers via telecommunications, with
1926 First practical sound movie
these information systems operating on both
a real-time and as needed basis. 1939 Regularly scheduled television
broadcasting began in the US
Furthermore, the primary factors driving this
new age forward are convenience and user- 1940s Beginnings of information science
friendliness which, in turn, will create user as a discipline
dependence.” 1945 Vannevar Bush foresaw the
invention of hyoertext
HISTORY 1946 ENIAC computer was developed
1948 Birth of field-of-information theory
YEAR EVENT proposed by Claude E. Shannon
3000 Sumerian writing system used 1957 Planar transistor was developed by
BC pictographs to represent words Jean Hoerni
2900 Beginnings of Egyptian 1958 First integrated circuit
BC hieroglyphic writing 1960s Library of Congress developed LC
1300 Tortoise shell and oracle bone MARC (machine-readable code)
BC writing were used 1969 UNIX operating system was
500 BC Papyrus roll was used developed, which could handle
1971 Intel introduced the first ➔ Bill Gates: Microsoft
microprocessor chip Steve Jobs: Apple
1972 Optical laserdisc was developed by Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook
Philips and MCA
standard videodisc encoding AND RESEARCH
1975 Altair Microcomputer Kit was ▪ Bioinformatics – application of information
released: first personal computer technology to store, organize, and analyze
for the public vast amount of biological data which is
1977 RadioShack introduced the first available in the form of sequences and
complete personal computer structures of proteins (the building blocks of
1984 Apple Macintosh computer was organisms and nucleic acids) – the
introduced information carrier
Mid Artificial Intelligence was separated ▪ 1986 – the development of a consolidated
1980s from information science formal database, known as SWISS-PROT
1987 Hypercard was developed by Bill protein sequence database was initiated
Atkinson recipe box metaphor - It now has about 70,000 protein
1991 Four hundred fifty complete works sequences from more than 5,000 model
of literature on one CD-ROM was organisms, a small fraction of all known
released organisms.
- The enormous variety of divergent data
January RSA (encryption and network
resources is now available for study and
1997 security software) Internet security
research by both academic institutions
code cracked for a 48-bit number
and industries. These are made available
as public domain information in the
larger interest of research community
➔ Several historians trace the origin of the
through the internet and CD-ROMs.
internet to Claude E. Shannon, an American
▪ 1988 – the sequence of information
Mathematician who was considered as the
generated by the human genome research
“Father of Information Theory”
was initiated
➔ The Internet:
▪ From the pharmaceutical industry’s point of
- is a worldwide system of interconnected
view, bioinformatics is the key to rational
networks that facilitate data transmission
drug discovery. It reduces the number of
among innumerable computers
trials in the screening of drug compounds
- developed during the 1970s by the
and in identifying potential drug targets for a
Department of Defense
particular disease using high-power
- was used mainly by scientists to
computer workstations and software like
communicate with other scientists in the
Insight. This profound application of
early days
bioinformatics in genome sequence has led
- remained under government control
to a new are in pharmacology-
until 1984
Pharmacogenomics, where potential
➔ One early problem faced by Internet users
targets for drug development are
was speed. The development of fiber-optic
hypothesized from the genome sequences.
cables allowed for billions of bits of
Molecular modeling, which requires a lot of
information to be received every minute.
calculations, has become faster due to the
Companies like Intel developed faster
advances in computer processors and its
microprocessors so personal computers
could process the incoming signals at a more
▪ In plant biotechnology, bioinformatics is
rapid rate.
found to be useful in the areas of identifying
➔ Sergey Brin and Larry Page
diseases resistance genes and designing
- directors of Stanford research
plants with high nutrition.
- built a search engine that listed results to
reflect page popularity when they
determined that the most popular result
would frequently be the most usable
- Google was launched in 1998
Biological systems respond slowly to
changes in their surrounding environment.
Pollution and contamination cause irreversible
damage to species and varieties.
➔ vast variety of life forms in the entire earth GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE
➔ encompasses all kinds of life forms, from the Both climate variability and climate
single-celled organisms to the largest multi- change cause biodiversity loss. Species and
celled organisms populations may be lost permanently if they are
➔ the variability among the living organisms not provided with enough time to adapt to
from all sources including, terrestrial, marine, changing climate conditions.
and other aquatic ecosystems and the
ecological complexes of which they are part; CONSEQUENCES OF BIODIVERSITY LOSS
this includes diversity within species,
between species, and of ecosystems ▪ The basic concept about biodiversity loss
➔ the source of the essential goods and was from Charles Darwin and Alfred
ecological services that constitute the source Russel Wallace.
of life for all and it has direct consumptive ▪ Intact ecosystems function best since the
value in food, agriculture, medicine, and in organisms composing them are specialized
industry to function in that ecosystem to capture,
biotic – living organisms transfer, utilize, and ultimately lose both
abiotic – nonliving organisms energy and nutrients.
▪ The particular species making up an
▪ Significant decline in biodiversity has direct ecosystem determine its productivity, affect
human impact when ecosystem in its nutrient cycles and soil contents, and
insufficiency can no longer provide the influence environmental conditions such as
physical as well as social needs of human water cycles, weather patterns, climate, and
beings. Indirectly, changes in the ecosystem other nonbiotic aspects.
affect livelihood, income, and on occasion,
may even cause political conflict. NUTRITIONAL IMPACT OF BIODIVERSITY
▪ Nutrition and biodiversity are linked at many
THREATS TO BIODIVERSITY - the ecosystem, with food production as
Major contributing factor is the - the species in the ecosystem
inhabitation of human beings and the use of land - the genetic diversity within species
for economic gains. ▪ Intensified and enhanced food production
through irrigation, use of fertilizer, plant
ALTERATIONS IN ECOSYSTEM protection (pesticides), or the introduction of
COMPOSITION crop varieties and cropping patterns affect
Alterations and sudden changes, either biodiversity and thus impact global nutritional
within species groups or within the environment, status and human health.
could begin to change entire ecosystems. ▪ Habitat simplification, species loss, and
Alterations in ecosystems are a critical factor species succession often enhance
contributing to species and habitat loss. communities, vulnerabilities as a function of
environmental receptivity to ill health.
Over-hunting, overfishing, or over- HEALTH, BIOLOGY, AND BIODIVERSITY
collecting of species can quickly lead to its ▪ Lack of basic necessities is a significant
decline. Changing consumption patterns of cause of human mortality.
humans is often cited as the key reason for this ▪ Environmental hazards increase the risk of
unsustainable exploitation of natural resources. cancer, heart disease, asthma, and many
other illnesses.
- These hazards can be physical (e.g.,
pollution, toxic chemicals, and food
contaminants) or they can be social
(e.g., dangerous work, poor housing and its structure, the doble-helix of
conditions, urban sprawl, and poverty) Watson and Crick were published.
▪ Unsafe drinking water and poor sanitation ➔ The general process of genetic engineering
and hygiene are responsible for a variety of is the deliberate manipulation of the
infectious diseases: schistosomiasis, organism’s genes, where it may involve
diarrhea, cholera, meningitis, and gastritis. transfer of genes from another organism.
▪ An antibiotic-resistant E, coli bacteria was
ENVIRONMENT-RELATED ILLNESSES created in 1973. To date, there are ongoing
▪ Some human illnesses that are found to be researches on GMOs such as using
related with its environment include genetically modified male mosquitoes as
Parkinson’s disease, heart disease, cancer, pest control over female mosquito carriers of
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Zika virus.
asthma, diabetes, obesity, occupational
injuries, dysentery, arthritis, malaria, and GENETIC MODIFIED ORGANISM (GMO)
▪ Food production causes environmental ➔ term used for an organism created through
damage from pesticides and fertilizers, soil genetic engineering
salinization, waste produced by livestock, ➔ According to World Health Organization
carbon emissions from food manufacturing (2014): an organism, either plant, animal, or
and transportation, deforestation, and microorganism, in which the genetic material
overfishing. (DNA) has been altered in a way that does
▪ Hospitals use large quantities of electricity not occur naturally by matting or natural
and fossil fuels and produce medical wastes. recombination
▪ Climate change could also have a serious ➔ The development of GMOs was perceived to
impact on human health and could help in the advancement of technology for
deteriorate farming systems and reduce the benefit of humans in different industries
nutrients in some foods. like agriculture and medicine.
▪ The extreme action of stopping all pesticide
uses could significantly reduce agricultural GENETIC ENGINEERING PROCESS ON
productivity, leading to food shortages, and PLANT
increased food prices which would, in turn,
increase starvation in some parts of the
▪ A significant percentage of global climate
change due to the human production of
greenhouse gasses.

vulnerable subpopulation – a group with an

increased susceptibility to the adverse effects of
an environmental risk factor, due to their age,
genetics, health status, or some other conditions


by the Center for Ecogenetics and Environmental Health (CEEH, 2013)

- genetically modified plants to resist
certain pests
The DNA (genome) of the Bt Corn has been
➔ term coined by Jack Williamsen in 1951 modified with the gene of Bacillus
- This was years before actual research thuringiensis – a soil bacterium that
findings on the DNA’s role in heredity
produces proteins which is toxic to corn The so-called “blue” roses, which are, in
borers (worms) reality, lilac or purple, contained cyanidin 3,
2. VIRUS RESISTANCE 5-diglucoside, together with large amounts of
- genetically modified plants to resist flavonols. The introduction of the flavonoid
certain viruses 31, 51-hydroxylase gene into pelargonidin-
Example: (1) GM papaya or rainbow or cyanidin- producing rose cultivars diverts
papaya the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway
The papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) is known toward the production of delphinidin
to be detrimental to papaya plants. The glucosides and the flower color to blue
protein of PRSV was introduced to the (Elomaa & Holton, 1994)
papaya plant through plant tissue which 2. PAPER PRODUCTION
turned out to be resistant to the virus itself. - modified characteristics of trees for
The effect was like the vaccine humans have higher yield of paper production
against measles or influenza virus. Example: poplar trees
3. HERBICIDE TOLERANCE Lignin is a complex polymer in trees that is
- genetically modified plants to tolerate removed from wood to make a paper through
herbicide kraft process, through inserting genes that
Example: Roundup Ready soybean code for ferulic acid in young poplar trees,
Glyphosate – an herbicide for weeds, was the lignin structure is modified, making lignin
introduced to soybeans making it tolerant to easier to breakdown
the herbicide itself. Farmers then can spray 3. PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTIONS
the herbicide killing the weeds but not the - modified plants to produce
soybeans. pharmaceutical products
4. FORTIFICATION Example: periwinkle plants
- genetically modified plants fortified with Bacterial genes were added to the periwinkle
certain minerals plant to enhance the production of
Example: golden rice vinblastine – an alkaloid usually added to
Beta-carotene – a precursor of vitamin A, drugs for cancer treatments like Hodgkin’s
was introduced through biosynthesis genes lymphoma.
to the rice, making the rice grains fortified 4. BIOREMEDIATION
with vitamin A. - use of modified plants that can assist in
5. COSMETIC PRESERVATION the bioremediation of polluted sites
- genetically modified plants resist natural Example: shrub tobacco
discoloration Nicotiana glauca or shrub tobacco
Example: arctic apple genetically modified with phytochelatin
The apple variety was genetically modified to TaPCSII, is used for bioremediation. It shows
suppress the browning of apple due to high level accumulation of zinc, lead,
superficial damage. cadmium, nickel, and boron and produces
6. INCREASE GROWTH RATE high biomass.
- a genetically modified organism that 5. ENZYME AND DRUG PRODUCTION
has higher yield in growth than normal - use of modified microorganisms that can
species produce enzymes for food processing
Example: AquAdvantage-salmon and medicines
A gene from an ocean pout, an eel-like fish Examples: (1) CGTase
was introduced to Pacific Chinook salmon, Cyclomaltodexrin glycosyltransferase
making the salmon grow faster than its (CGTase) – an enzyme used for food flavor
normal rate. enhancer, is produced in higher quantity by
bacterium Bacillus which was genetically
ROLES of GMOs in NON- FOOD CROPS and modified with the gene of a thermophilic
anaerobe, Thermoanaerobacter, carrying
1. FLOWER PRODUCTION (2) artemesin
- GMOs in flower production are seen in Artemesinic acid is a compound used for
modified color and extended vase life of anti-malarial drug extracted from sweet
flowers. wordwood plant. Through genetic
Example: blue roses engineering, it can be synthetically produced
by yeast and bacteria with sweet wordwood • Reduce the use of fertilizer and
plant gene pesticides.

6. GMOs IN THE MEDICAL FIELD Top 5 countries that operate GMO Farmlands:
- genetic engineering is playing a • United States
significant role from diagnosis to • Brazil
treatment of human-dreaded diseases. It • Argentina
helps in the production of drugs, gene • India
therapy, and laboratory researches. • Canada
Example: Humulin GMO agricultural crops that have been
- the genetically engineered approved for public consumption and are
insulin used by Type 1 diabetes already in the market:
patients who are insulin- • alfalfa
dependent • corn
In the past, insulin is extracted from the • papaya
pancreas of pigs and cows that have caused • soya bean
allergic reactions to some diabetics using it. • sugar beets
• squash
In 1978, researchers from the City of Hope Examples of common food with GMOs:
National Medical Center and Genentech • Kellog’s Corn Flakes
Biotechnology Company were able to • Quaker Chewy Granola Bars
produce human insulin. The gene for insulin • Ultra Slim Fast
was inserted to bacterial DNA that was able • Quaker Yellow Corn Meal
to produce almost exactly the same human • Alpo Dry Pet Food

In 1996, modified human insulin was POTENTIAL RISKS OF GMOs

approved, called Humalog. 1. Since genetic engineering is still a young
branch of science, there are inadequate
BENEFITS OF GMOs studies on the effects of GMOs to humans
and the environment.
• Higher efficiency in farming – with the use 2. Genetic engineering promotes mutation in
of pesticide-resistant/herbicide-tolerant organisms which the long-term effect is still
GMO crops, there will be less use for unknown.
herbicides/pesticides, and lower cost of labor 3. Human consumption of GMOs might have
and cultivation. the following effects:
• Increase in harvest – GMO crops resistant • More allergic reactions- GMO
to pests and diseases means increase in food may trigger more allergic
potential growth and harvest reactions, more so create new ones,
• Control in fertility – controlling the purity of as side effect of the gene alteration.
the hybrid seeds (GMO seeds) ensures • Gene mutation- GMO food may
higher yields develop abnormalities and mutation,
• Increase in food processing – altered more than the desired product of
characteristics of GMO crops help ease food the gene alteration.
processing. • Antibiotic resistance- GMO food
• Improvement of desirable characteristics contains antibiotic-resistant genes;
– GMOs offer longer shelf life, enhanced this may cause disease-causing
color and taste, enhanced production or bacteria likely to be more antibiotic-
reduction of enzymes, and other modified resistant too, increasing the
characteristics of plants, animals, and possibility of widespread of the
microorganisms. disease.
• Nutritional and pharmaceutical • Nutritional value- GMO food may
enhancement – GMO crops like maize have change in their nutritional
fortified with lysine and Golden Rice fortified value.
with vitamin A and iron. There are now edible
vaccines for viral and diarrheal diseases.
GMOs (Akhter, 2001)
1. Risk in gene flow- there is a potential risk of
the modified gene to be transferred from the • Consumption of GMOs may have adverse
GMO crop to its wild relative or organism in effects since it is not naturally or organically
the soil and human intestine. produced.
Ex: a decaying GMO plant could possibly • Consumption of GMOs may alter the balance
transfer the modified genes to the bacteria of existing microorganisms in the human
and fungi in the soil digestive system.
2. Emergence of new forms of resistance • Production of toxins may be detrimental to
and secondary pests and weed problems- human health.
GMO crops resistant to certain pesticides • Production of allergens may have adverse
may trigger new form of pest resistance while effects on humans.
GMO herbicide-tolerant crops may lead to
the over use of the herbicides which may
trigger new form of weed resistance.
3. Recombination of Virus and Bacteria to • Human Genome Project (HGP) – mapping
produce new Pathogens- the modified of human genes to provide framework for
gene can be transferred and integrated in the research and studies in the field of medicine.
viral or bacterial genes which may lead to - It was feared that the ability to produce
viral or bacterial gene modification or human genetic information would create
mutation. This living modified virus and biases and give much power to people
bacteria may then cause new disease that holding the information and to the
may affect other organisms including human disadvantage of those who do not have
beings. the genetic information.
• Mutation of genetically engineered
OTHER DIRECT AND INDIRECT ENVIRONMENTAL microorganisms – genetically modified
RISKS CAUSED BY GMOs (Molfino & Zucco, 2008) bacteria and viruses may mutate to become
more resistant or virulent that may cause
DIRECT ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS: more dreadful diseases for human beings.
• Introduction of the GMOs in the natural • Cloning – the asexual reproduction of an
environment may cause disruption of the organism using parent cell through genetic
natural communities through engineering.
competition or interference. - In February 24, 1997, the first mammal,
• The possibility of unexpected behavior Dolly, a sheep from Scotland, was born
of the GMOs in the environment if it through cloning. With its celebrated
escapes the intended use and may post success came the fear of human cloning.
threats or become pests. It emerged the ethical issue of man
• May cause harmful effects to ecosystem “playing God”.
processes if GMOs interfere with the
natural biochemical cycles. BIOSAFETY ON GMOs
• The persistence of GMO genes after its
harvest which may cause negative ▪ The Codex Alimentarius Commission
impacts to the consumer of GMO (CODEX)
products. - created by the Food and Agricultural
INDIRECT ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS Organization (FAO) together with the
• Alteration of agricultural practices like World Health Organization (WHO)
managing negative impacts of GMOs to - is an intergovernmental body that
the environment such as evolution of develops the Codex Alimentarius,
insects, pests, and weeds that became known as the International Food Code
resistant to GMO crops. - is responsible for the development of
• May have impacts to biodiversity caused standards, codes of practices,
by the alteration in agricultural practices. guidelines, and recommendations on
• May have varied environmental impacts food safety
due to GMOs interaction and release in - With pressing issues and concerns on
the natural environment. GMOs in 2003, Codex has developed
principles for human health risk analysis biotech applications as one of the fourteen
of genetically modified (GM) food biotech-mega countries which grow 50,000
products – (1) pre-market assessments hectares or more of GMO crops annually.
of GM food products, (2) its evaluation of - Senator Juan Flavier authored a bill on
direct and indirect effects. the mandatory labeling of food and food
▪ Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety products with GMOs. The Senate did not
- established in 2003 pass the bill.
- is an international environmental treaty ▪ In 2006, the Philippines became part of the
that regulates the transboundary Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety.
movements of Living Modified - Executive Order No. 514 was issued to
Organisms (LMO) address the biosafety requirements of
- requires exporters to seek consent from the Cartagena Protocol and the
the importers before its first shipment of establishment of the National Biosafety
LMOs Framework (NBF).
▪ International Trade Agreement on ▪ In 2010, the Organic Agriculture Act was
labeling of GM food and food products issued, encouraging organic agriculture than
- The agreement requires exporters of GMO-related agriculture.
GM food and food products to label their ▪ In 2012, Representative Teddy Casiño,
products and give rights to importing together with other congressmen, filed a bill
parties to reject or accept the GM pushing for the mandatory labeling of GM
products. food and food products.
- The premise of this policy is that ▪ To date, there is no Philippine Biosafety law,
consumers have the right to know and only biosafety regulations formed under
the freedom to choose GM or non-GM NBF.
products. ▪ In December 2015, the Supreme Court
ordered to put an end to the field testing of
GMO Bt eggplant and declared
GMO in PHILIPPINE CONTEXT Administrative Order No. 8 series of 2002
of the Department of Agriculture as null
▪ The GMO concern started in the 1990s with and void. This means that any actions or
the creation of the National Committee on procedures related to GMO importations and
Biosafety of the Philippines (NCBP) propagation is temporarily put to stop until a
through Executive Order No. 430 of 1990. new administrative order is issued in
▪ In 1998, the NCBP developed the accordance with the law.
guidelines on the planned release of ▪ In March 7, 2016, five government agencies:
genetically manipulated organisms Department of Science and Technology,
(GMOs) and potentially harmful exotic Department of Agriculture, Department of
species. Environment and Natural Resources,
▪ In 2002, the Department of Agriculture Department of Health, and Department of the
released Administrative Order No. 8 – the Interior and Local Government, passed a
guideline for the importation and release into Joint Department Circular No. 1, series of
the environment of GM plants and plant 2016 on rules and regulations for the
products. research and development, handling and
- The entry of GMO importation started. use, transboundary movement, release in the
- The Philippines was marked to be the environment, and management of the
first country in Asia to approved genetically modified plant and plant products
commercial cultivation of GMOs when derived from the use of modern
GM corn planting was approved. biotechnology.
- From December 2002 to present, there - This joint department circular paves way
are 70 GMO applications approved by to issuance of new permits for
the Department of Agriculture for the planting and importing GM crops in
release to the environment, 72 GMOs of the country.
which are approved for food feed and
processing and the remaining 8 were
approved for propagation.
▪ In 2004, the Philippines was classified by
International Service for acquisition of agri-

▪ During the early 1930s, scientists used

NANOTECHNOLOGY electron microscopes and field microscopes
to look at the nanoscale.
➔ refers to the science, engineering, and
technology conducted at the nanoscale, 1. ELECTRON MICROSCOPE
which is about 1 to 100 nanometers
➔ concerned with work at the atomic,
molecular, and supramolecular levels in
order to understand and create materials,
devices, and systems with fundamentally
new properties and functions because of
their small structure
➔ The term “nanotechnology” was coined by
Professor Norio Taniguchi a decade after
the dawn of the use of ultraprecision ➔ built by German engineers Ernst Ruska and
machining. Mark Knoll (first electron microscope) during
➔ Nanoscience and nanotechnology employ the 1930s
the study and application of exceptionally ➔ this type of microscope utilizes a particle
small things in other areas of science beam of electrons to light up a specimen and
including material science, engineering develop a well-magnified image
physics, biology, and chemistry. ➔ produce higher and better resolution than
➔ The concepts of nanotechnology and older light microscopes because they can
nanoscience started in December 29, 1959 magnify objects up to 1,500 times only
when Physicist Richard Feynman *a light microscope is limited to a resolution
discussed a method in which scientists can up to 3 micrometers (magnification up to
direct and control individual atoms and 1,500X)
molecules in his talk “There’s Plenty of Room ➔ In electron microscopy, high resolution
at the Bottom” during the American Physical images are the result of using electrons as
Society meeting at the California Institute of the source of illumination. The resolution is
Technology. about 0.01 nanometers (magnification up to
300,000 times)
➔ 2 general types:
• Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
- lets us see the surface of three-
dimensional objects in high
- the main parts: source of
electrons, a column for them to
travel with electromagnetic
lenses, an electron detector,
sample chamber, and a
computer and display to view
the images
- A high energy beam of
▪ Nanometer – is one-billionth of a meter electrons is aimed at the
- A sheet of paper is about 100,000 sample. As they interact with
nanometers thick the sample, secondary
- A single gold atom is about a third of a electrons and X-rays are
nanometer in diameter produced. Those signals are
▪ Nanoscale – dimensions between collected by the detectors and
approximately 1 and 100 nanometers an image is formed on the
computer screen.
CryoSEM – a specialized form of SEM
that is good for looking at things that
contain moisture (such as plants or - In 1986, Gerd Binig and Heinrich Rohrer
foods) won the Nobel Prize in Physics because
Electron backscatter diffraction of this invention.
(EBSD) – is used to look in detail at the
structure of minerals (such as those in NANOMANUFACTURING
• Transmission Electron Microscope ➔ refers to scaled-up, reliable, and cost-
(TEM) effective manufacturing of nanoscale
- first electron microscope to materials, structures, devices, and systems
develop ➔ involves research, improvement, and
- it works by shooting a beam of incorporation of processes for the
electrons at a thin slice of a construction of materials
sample and detecting those ➔ leads to the development of new products
electrons that make it through and improved materials
to the other side ➔ 2 Fundamental Approaches to
- it let us look in very high Nanomanufacturing:
resolution at a thin section of a • Bottom-up fabrication
sample - manufactures products by
- good for learning about how building them up from atomic-
components inside a cell, such and molecular-scale
as organelles, are structured components
Electron Tomography – is a form of • Top-down fabrication
TEM that lets us see a three-dimensional - trims down large pieces of
view of the cell or tissue being studied materials into nanoscale
- it can also give a two-dimensional - this process needs larger
image at higher resolution than amounts of materials and
conventional TEM discards excess raw materials
2. ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPE (AFM) ➔ New Approaches to the assembly of
nanomaterials based from the application
of Principles in Top-down and Bottom-up
• Dip pen lithography
- is a method in which the tip of
an atomic force microscope is
“dipped” into a chemical fluid
and then utilized to “write” on a
surface, like an old-fashioned
- was first developed by Gerd Binig, inked pen onto paper
Calvin Quate, and Christoph Gerber in • Self-assembly
1986 - depicts an approach wherein a
- makes use of a mechanical probe that set of components join together
gathers information from the surface of a to mold an organized structure
material in the absence of an outside
• Chemical Vapor Deposition
- it is a procedure wherein
chemicals act in response to
form very pure, high-
performance films
• Nanoimprint Lithography
- a method of generating
- this special type of microscope enables nanoscale attributes by
scientists to view and manipulate “stamping” or “printing” them
nanoscale particles, atoms, and small onto a surface
molecules. • Molecular beam epitaxy
- one manner for depositing
extremely controlled thin films
• Roll-to-roll processing • As we increase the surface area per
- a high-volume practice for mass of a particular material, a greater
constructing nanoscale devices amount of the material comes in contact
on a roll of ultrathin plastic or with another material and can affect its
metal reactivity.
• Atomic layer epitaxy
- a means for laying down one-
atom-thick layers on a surface


Nanotechnology involves operating at a very small
dimension and it allows scientists to make use of the
exceptional optical, chemical, physical, mechanical, and
biological qualities of materials of that small scale.

1. Scale at which much biology occurs.

• The deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) serves
as the genetic material of the cell and is
only about 2 nanometers in diameter.
• The hemoglobin that transports oxygen 1. U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative
to the tissues throughout the body is 5.5 - best-known and most-funded program
nanometers in diameter. - established in 2001 to coordinate US
• bio-barcode assay – a fairly inexpensive federal nanotechnology R&D
approach for identification of specific 2. European Commission
disease markers in the blood despite - In February 2008, the EC officially
their small number in a particular launched the European Nanoelectronics
specimen Initiative Advisory Council (ENIAC)
2. Scale at which quantum effects dominate 3. Japan – Nanotechnology Research Institute,
properties of materials. under the National Institute for Advanced
• Particles with dimensions of 1-100 Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
nanometers have properties that are 4. Taiwan – Taiwan National Science and
significantly discrete from particles of Technology Program for Nanoscience and
bigger dimensions. Quantum effects Nanotechnology
direct the behavior and properties of 5. India – Nanotechnology Research and
particles in the size scale. The properties Education Foundation
of materials are highly dependent on 6. China – National Center for Nanoscience and
their size. Technology
• Essential properties of nanoscale that 7. Israel – Israel National Nanotechnology
change as a function of size: Initiative
- chemical reactivity 8. Australia – Australian Office of
- fluorescence Nanotechnology
- magnetic permeability 9. Canada – National Institute for
- melting point Nanotechnology (NINT)
- electrical conductivity 10. South Korea – Korea National
• Nanoscale gold – it can also appear red Nanotechnology Initiative
or purple 11. Thailand – National Nanotechnology Center
- Gold’s electrons display restricted (NANOTEC)
motion in the nanoscale. 12. Malaysia – National (Malaysia)
- Nanoscale gold particles selectively Nanotechnology Initiatives
build up in tumors, where they permit
both precise imaging and targeted POSSIBLE APPLICATIONS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY
laser destruction of the tumor while
avoiding damage on healthy cells.
3. Nanoscale materials have far larger surface • ICT and semiconductors
areas than similar masses of larger-scale • Health and medicine
materials • Energy
• Food and agriculture Economy (1) Better (1) Redistribution
• Environment products of wealth
(2) New jobs (2) Potential
cost of
(funded by PCAS TRD-DOST) healthcare
(3) Accessibility
• ICT and semiconductors to all income
• Health and biomedical
• Energy
• Food and agriculture
• Environment
• Agriculture and food
• Health and environmental risk
• Nano-metrology
• Education and public awareness
▪ Human gene therapy was actually first
realized in 1971 when the first recombinant
• Nanotechnology is not a single DNA experiments were planned. It can be
technology; it may become pervasive. simply viewed as insertion foreign DNA into
• Nanotechnology seeks to develop new a patient’s tissue that hope to successfully
materials with specific properties. eradicate the targeted disease. It was
• Nanotechnology may introduce new actually inspired by the success of
efficiencies and paradigms which may recombinant DNA technology which
make some natural resources and occurred over the last 20 years.
current practices uncompetitive or ▪ Human gene therapy seeks to modify or
obsolete. manipulate the expression of a gene or to
• It may be complicated to detect its alter the biological properties of living
presence unless one has the specialist cells for therapeutic use.
tools of nanotechnology. ▪ Gene therapy is a technique that uses a
gene(s) to treat, prevent or cure a disease or
APPLICATION OF NANOTECHNOLOGY IN - it works by adding new copies of a gene
DIFFERENT AREAS that is broken, or by replacing a
defective of missing gene in a patient’s
Example of cells with a healthy version of that gene.
Areas Affected
Possible Benefits Concerns
Environment (1) Improved (1) High
detection and reactivity and
removal of toxicity
contaminants (2) Pervasive
(2) Dev’t of distribution in
benign the
industrial environment
processes and (3) No nano-
materials specific EPA
Health (1) Improved (1) Ability to ▪ Gene therapy is a technique that modifies a
medicine cross cell person’s genes to treat or cure disease.
membranes Gene therapies can work by several
and translocate
in the body mechanisms:
(2) No FDA - Replacing a disease-causing gene with a
approval healthy copy of the gene
needed for - Inactivating a disease-causing gene that
cosmetics or is not functioning properly
- Introducing a new or modified gene into STEM CELL GENE THERAPHY
the body to help treat a disease
▪ Gene therapy products are being studied to
treat diseases including cancer, genetic STEM CELLS
diseases, and infectious diseases.
Types of gene therapy products: ➔ are mother cells that
a. Plasmid DNA: Circular DNA gave the potential to
molecules can be genetically become any type of
engineered to carry therapeutic cell in the body
genes into human cells. ➔ One of the main
b. Viral vectors: Viruses have a characteristics of stem cells
natural ability to deliver genetic is their ability to self-renew
material into cells, and therefore or multiply while
some gene therapy products are maintaining the potential to
derived from viruses. Once viruses develop into other types of
have been modified to remove their cells
ability to cause infectious disease, ➔ can become• cells of the blood, heart, bones,
these modified viruses can be used skin, muscles, brain, etc.
as vectors (vehicles) to carry ➔ Stem cells are derived from different
therapeutic genes into human cells. sources:
c. Bacterial vectors: Bacteria can be • Embryonic Stem Cells
modified to prevent them from - derived from a four- or five-day-
causing infectious disease and then old human embryo that is in the
used as vectors (vehicles) to carry blastocyst phase of
therapeutic genes into human development
tissues. - The embryos are usually extras
d. Human gene editing technology: that have been created in IVF
The goals of gene editing are to (in vitro fertilization) clinics
disrupt harmful genes or to repair where several eggs are
mutated genes. fertilized in a test tube then
e. Patient-derived cellular gene implanted into a woman.
therapy products: Cells are
removed from the patient,
genetically modified (often using a
viral vector) and then returned to the

• Somatic Stem Cells

- are cells that exist throughout
the body after embryonic
development and are found
inside different types of tissue.
- have been found in tissues such
as the brain, bone marrow,
blood, blood vessels, skeletal
TWO TYPES OF GENE THERAPHY muscles, skin, and the liver


- involves the manipulation of genes in
cells that will be helpful to the patient but
not inherited to the next generation
- Involves the genetic modification of
germ cells or the origin cells that will
pass the change on to the next
- remain in a non-dividing state - What happens in violent volcanic
for years until activated by eruptions is the release of ash
disease or tissue injury particles in the stratosphere. The
- can divide or self-renew volcanic ashes which have sulfur
indefinitely, enabling them to dioxide combine with water vapor. It
regenerate a range of cell types then forms to sulfuric acid and
from originating organ or even sulfurous aerosols. The sulfurous
regenerate the entire original aerosols are transported by easterly
organ or westerly winds.
- Volcanoes located near the equator
THE BIOETHICS OF GENE THERAPY are more likely to cause global
cooling because of the wind pattern.
There are ethical issues involved in gene therapy. - Volcanoes located near to north or
Some of the inquiries cited are: south poles are less likely to cause
• How can “good” and “bad” uses of gene cooling because of pole wind
therapy be distinguished? pattern, the sulfurous aerosols are
• Who decides which traits are normal and confined in the pole area.
which constitute a disability or disorder? • Orbital Changes
• Will the high costs of gene therapy make it - The Milankovitch Theory: “As the
available only to the wealthy? Earth travels through space around
• Could the widespread use of gene therapy the Sun, cyclical variations in three
make society less accepting of people who elements of Earth-Sun geometry
are different? combine to produce variations in the
• Should people be allowed to use gene amount of solar energy that reaches
therapy to enhance basic human rights such Earth.
as height, intelligence, or athletic ability? - Three Elements that have cyclic
a. Eccentricity – term used to
describe the shape of Earth’s
orbit around the sun.
- The impact of the variation is a
WHAT IS CLIMATE CHANGE? change in the amount of solar
energy from perihelion (around
➔ refers to the statistically significant changes January 3) to aphelion (around
in climate for continuous period of time July 4).
➔ Factors that contribute to climate change can - The time frame for the cycle is
be natural internal process, external forces, approximately 98,000 years.
and persistent anthropogenic changes in the - Currently, Earth’s eccentricity is
composition of the atmosphere or in land 0.016 and there is about 6.4%
use. It can also be due to natural increase in isolation from July to
occurrences or contributed by acts of human January.
beings. - The eccentricity influences
seasonal differences: when
CAUSES OF CLIMATE CHANGE Earth is closest to the Sun, it
gets more solar radiation. If the
NATURAL CAUSES perihelion occurs during the
• Volcanic Eruptions winter, the winter is less severe.
- When volcanoes erupt, it emits If a hemisphere has its summer
different natural aerosols like while closest to the Sun,
carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxides, salt summers are relatively warm
crystals, volcanic ashes or dust, and (Academic Emporia, 2017).
even microorganisms like bacteria b. Obliquity – is the variation of
and viruses. the tilt of Earth’s axis away from
- can cause a cooling effect to the the orbital plane.
lithosphere because its emitted - As the tilt changes, the seasons
aerosol can block a certain become more exaggerated.
percentage of solar radiation
- The obliquity changes on a ▪ The human impact on climate during
cycle taking approximately industrial era (about 1750) exceeds that due
40,000 years. to known changes in natural processes such
- The more tilt means more as solar changes and volcanic eruptions.
severe seasons—warmer ▪ Human activities result in emissions of four
summers and cooler winters; principal greenhouse gases – are natural
less tilt means severe gases: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4),
seasons—cooler summers and nitrous oxide (N2O) and the halocarbons (a
milder winters (Academic group of gases containing fluorine, chlorine,
Emporia, 2017). and bromine).
c. Precession - The high level of these gases in the
- is the change in the orientation atmosphere contributes to the
of Earth’s rotational axis greenhouse effect.
- the precession cycle takes ▪ High level of carbon dioxide comes from
about 19,000 to 23,000 years fossil fuel use in transportation and the
- caused by two factors: (1) building, heating, cooling, and manufacture
wobble of Earth’s axis, (2) a of cement and other goods.
turning around of the elliptical ▪ Deforestation releases carbon dioxide and
orbit of Earth itself. reduces its uptake by plants.
- affects the direction of Earth’s ▪ High methane emission is related to
axis agriculture, natural gas distribution, and
- The change in the axis location landfills.
changes the dates of perihelion ▪ High nitrous oxide is also emitted by human
(closest distance from Sun) and activities such as fertilizer use and fossil fuel
aphelion (farthest distance from burning.
Sun), and this increases the ▪ Halocarbon gas concentrations have
seasonal contrast in one increased primarily due to human activities.
hemisphere while decreasing it - Principal halocarbons include the
in the other hemisphere. chlorofluorocarbons (e.g., CFC-11 and
• The Carbon Dioxide Theory CFC-12) which were used extensively as
- Carbon dioxide is added when power refrigeration agents and in other
and heat are produced by burning coal, industrial processes before their
oil, and other fossil fuels. presence in the atmosphere was found
- Carbon dioxide is transparent to to cause stratospheric ozone depletion.
sunshine but not invisible to infrared ▪ Ozone is another greenhouse gas that is
(heat) radiation in the air and returns it to continually produced and destroyed in the
the ground. atmosphere by chemical reactions. In the
- Carbon dioxide absorbs part of the troposphere, human activities have
infrared radiation in the air and returns it increased ozone through the release of
keeping the air near the surface warmer gases such as carbon monoxide,
than it would be if the carbon dioxide did hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxide, which
not act like a blanket. chemically react to produce ozone.
- Doubling the carbon dioxide raises the ▪ Halocarbons released by human activities
temperature to 2°C to 3°C. destroy ozone in the stratosphere and have
caused the ozone hole over Antarctica.
HUMAN ACTIVITIES ▪ Human activities such as surface mining and
▪ The largest known contribution comes from industrial processes have increased dust in
the burning of fossil fuels, which releases the atmosphere.
carbon dioxide gas to the atmosphere.
▪ Greenhouse gases and aerosols affect MONTREAL PROTOCOL
climate by altering incoming solar radiation - an international treaty adapted on
and outgoing infrared (thermal) radiation that September 16, 1986
are part of Earth’s energy balance. Changing - aimed to regulate the production and
the atmospheric abundance or properties of use of chemicals that contribute to
these gases and particles can lead to a Ozone layer depletion
warming or cooling of the climate system.

▪ With the average global temperature which is

predicted to rise by two to three degrees
Celsius within the next fifty years, glaciers
will continue to melt faster.
- Melting glaciers will increase flood risks
during the wet season and strongly
reduce dry-season water supplies to
one-sixth of the world’s population,
predominantly in the Indian
subcontinent, parts of China, and the
Andes in South Africa.
▪ Climate change will increase worldwide
deaths from malnutrition and heat stress.
▪ Vector-bone diseases such as malaria and
dengue fever could become more
widespread if effective control measures are
not in place.
▪ Rising sea levels may result in more flooded
areas each year with a warming of 3 or 4°C.
There will be serious risks and increasing
pressures for coastal protection.
▪ Ecosystems will be particularly vulnerable to
climate change, with one study estimating
that around 15-40% of species face
extinction with 2°C warming.
▪ Higher temperatures will increase the
chance of triggering abrupt and large-scale
changes that lead to regional disruption,
migration, and conflict.
▪ Warming may induce sudden shifts in
regional weather patterns like the monsoons
or the El Niño.
▪ Melting or collapse of ice sheets would raise
sea levels and eventually threaten at least 4
million km2 of land, which today is home to
5% of the world’s population.

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