Tugas Text Miss Mimi (Salsabila)

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Procedur is a -To inform Aim/Goal, - Using action
Procedur text that the readers Ingredients/materials, verb
explain about how to Steps/method. - Using simple
how to make make present tense
something. something. - Using
Analytical is a -To convince -Thesis - Using simple
Analytical text that the readers -Arguments present
explain about the issue is -Reiteration/ - Using
an issue or important to conclusion. conjuction
phenomena. be - Using thinking
discussed. verb
- Provide many
Hortatory is a -To -Thesis - Using abstract
Hortatory text that persuade -Arguments noun
persuade the the readers -Recommendation. - Using action
readers that to go verb
something through - Using thinking
should/should author verb
not happened opinion. - Using
or be done. temporal
- Using simple
present tense
Report is a -Its social -General classification - Introducing
Report text which purpose is -Description. group or
presents presenting general aspect
information information - Using
about about conditional
something, as something. logical
it is. It is as a -To presents connection
result of information (When, so etc)
systematic about - Using simple
observation something, present tense
and analyses. as it is.
News item -To inform -Main events. - Focusing on
News Item text is a text and present -Elaboration. circumstances
which informs the readers -Source. - Using action
readers about about verb
events of the newsworthy - Using saying
day. The or important verb
events are events of - Using passive
considered the day sentences
newsworthy - Using adverb
or important. of time, place,
and manner
Discussion -To present -Issue - Introducing
Discussion text is a text two points -Argument pro category or
which of view -Argument cons generic
presents a about issue -Conclusion/ participant
problematic or problem. recomendation - Using thinking
discourse. -To present verb e.g. hope,
This problem arguments believe
will be from - Using
discussed differing contrastive
from different points of conjunction
viewpoints. view about e.g. however,
Discussion is issue or but, in other
commonly problem. side
found in - Using
philosophical, modalities e.g.
historic, and must, should,
social text. In could
other word, - Using
Discussion is a adverbial of
kind of genre manner e.g.
used to hopefully,
present (at deliberately
least) two - Using simple
points of view present
about an


1. Procedure Text.

How To Make Brownies


 1/2 cup cocoa

 1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
 1 cup plain flour
 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
 2 cups brown sugar
 2 eggs
 200 grams butter


 Turn the oven to 180C and line a 30 x 20 cm tin with baking paper (or grease it).
 In a medium sized saucepan, put the butter and cocoa.
 Melt it gently and make sure you don’t boil it.
 Add the sugar and the vanilla, and stir it in well.
 Take the mixture off the heat and sift in the flour. Stir it in well.
 Add the eggs, beating them in really well.
 If using them, add the chopped walnuts and stir them in.
 Spread the mixture in the tin. Bake for 20 – 25 minutes.

1. What is the writer’s intention to write the text above?

a. To inform what brownies is c. To expalain the taste of cake
b. To tell how to eat brownies d. To tell how to make brownies

2. What’s the next step after adding sugar and the vanilla?
a. Stir it in well c. Add some flour
b. Move it to oven d. Melt them with high heat.

3. “Add the eggs, beating them in really well” The underlined word refers to?
a. Flour c. The oven
b. Sugar and vanilla d. Eggs

4. The main ingredients for making brownies are?

a. Eggs and flour c. Butter and cocoa
b. Cocoa and flour d. Butter and flour

5. “Walnuts” also known as?

a. Almond c. juglans regia.
b. Macadamias d.Pine nuts
6. “If using them, add the...” The underlined word refers to?
a. Egg c. Eggs
b. Vanilla Essence d. Nuts

7. The opposite of “Gentley” is?

a. Softly c. repeatedly
b. Slowly d. Forcefully

8. Below are Generic structure of Procedure Text, except?

a. Goal c. Method
b. Argument d. Materials

9. Synonym of “Melt” is?

a. Freeze c. Dissolve
b. Heat d. Boiled

10. What is the purpose of Procedure text?

a. To tell reader how to make something
b. To give argument about how to make something
c. To inform about phenomena
d. To discuss how to do step/method.

2. Analytical text
The popularity of mobile devices has had some dangerous consequences. We know that mobile
communications are linked to a significant increase in distracted driving which results in injury and
loss of life.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that in 2010 driver distraction was the
cause of 18 percent of all fatal crashes – with 3,092 people killed – and crashes resulting in an injury
with 416,000 people wounded.

The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute found that text messaging creates a crash risk 23 times
worse than driving while not distracted.

Eleven percent of drivers aged 18 to 20 who were involved in an automobile accident and survived
admitted they were sending or receiving texts when they crashed.

Distracted driving endangers life and property and the current levels of injury and loss are

1. What kind of text is this?

a. Analytical Exposition
b. Report
c. Hortatory Exposition
d. Explanation Text

2. What causes fatal crashes keep happened?

a. Because of the foggy street
b. Because of distracting by mobile phone while driving
c. Because the driver is reckless
d. Because the police didn’t warn the driver.

3. What the writer try to tell us?

a. To discuss an issue about some mobile device consequence
b. Phone mobile
c. Traffic in 2010
d. Fatal crashes in 2010

4. Where is the location based on the text? Eleven percent of the drivers are?
a. Indonesia c. Venezuela
b. Vatikan d. Virginia

5. “admitted they were sending or...” The underlined word refers to?
a. Drivers c. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
b. Reader d. Government

6. How much people were killed in 2010 at Virginia because of driver distraction?
a. 3,029 c. 3,290
b. 3,092 d. 3,920

7. Based on the text, eleven percent o drivers aged is?

a. 15-22 c. 20-25
b. 18-20 d. 17-20
8. What is the second paragraph of analytical text tell us?
a. Second idea c. Argument
b. Thesis d. Recomendation

9. The antonym of “worse” is?

a. Bad c. Greatest
b. Soft d. Naughty

10. A part of language features in Analytical Text is?

a. Using conjunction c. Using action verb
b. Using abstract noun d. Using adverb

3. Hortatory Text.
Why Students Should Manage Their Stress

Stress among student can be caused by interpersonal which includes the factor like relationships
with family and friend or because of the academic itself. Workload of college, difficult tests, and
other academic obstacles may also lead to stress. Relationship with everything around them being
the most reason for it. Thus, stress among students can be dangerous for several reasons. Firstly,
major negative effect of stress is on emotional health.

Emotional health problem is more dangerous than physical health problem because it can lead to
most disastrous effects of all that is committing suicide. Emotional or mental health is an expression
of our emotions and signifies a failure adaptation to the range of demands in life. The stressful life
events can lead to all the failure just by conquering our mind. Thus, it is very important to maintain
our mental and emotional health because once our emotional health was disturbed, it can lead to
various of diseases such as depression, anxiety, emotional eating, anger and so on.

The second disastrous effect of stress to an individual especially students is on academic

performance. Actually this effect affected students beyond their thinking. Once they are in stress
they have difficulty to concentrate on their study and finally their result will ruin because they
cannot do well in their exams. That is how their academic performance shows such negative
improvement from day to day because they cannot manage their stress well. Therefore, stress can
be dangerous to student’s life.

For those reasons, it is better that we should find the causes of stress which we are going through,
know the bad effect that we may face and take actions to manage it.

1. What is the second paragraph called in hortatory text?

a. Idea c. Argument
b. Thesis d. Recommendation

2. What caused stress among student the most nowdays?

a. Relationship with the environment c. Eating disorders
b. Overweight d. Workout

3. What we have to do to students who is have problem with stress?

a. Act know nothing
b. Let them alone to heal
c. Avoid them for giving bad influence
d. Know the causes of stress and take actions to manage it

4. What is the purpose of Analytical Text?

a. To inform the newest accident
b. To persuade the readers to go through author opinion
c. To inform how to make something
d. To presents information about something, as it is.

5. “will ruin because they cannot do...” The underlined word refers to?
a. Parents c. Student
b. Teachers d. Community
The following text is for question 6 to 10.

Smoking in a restaurant does not only give the bad impact to theactivesmokers but also the passive

Smoking in restaurant is impolite. The smell of smoke affects all people and can turn them of their
food. They pay to taste good food and not to be put off by foul-smelling smoke.

Besides, smoking harm the others especially passive smokers. That is, breathing in smoke made by a
smoker, can lead to asthma attacks and even cancer.

Finally, smoking is dangerous and a health risk to smoker. Cigarettes cause heart and lung disease
and people do not smoke anywhere, notjust in the restaurants.

Regarding to the bad impact, smoking must be not allowedin any restaurants.

6. The purpose of the text above is?

a. Description of smoking
b. To persuade the readers with the smoking risk
c. To explain how the smoking can causes fatal risk
d. To persuade the readers that smoking must be banned everywhere.

7. “Smoking in restaurant is impolite..” The antonym for underlined word is?

a. Sensitive c. Polite
b. Rude d. Kind

8. What is the last paragraph of Hortatory exposition called?

a. Recommendation c. Argument
b. Main idea d. New idea

9. Why smoking have big risk to thers people?

a. It can causes flu and stomachache
b. It makes the others people get headache
c. It have no fatal risk for people
d. It can lead to asthma attacks and even cancer

10. “They pay to taste good food....” The underlined word refers to?
a. Smoker c. Restaurant Costumers
b. People everywhere d. The readers

4. Report Text.

The sunflowers are annual plant in the family Asteraceae. They have large flower heads (capitulum).

The stem can grow up to 3 meters tall, with a flower head that can be 30 cm wide. Other types of
sunflowers include the California Royal Sunflower, which has a burgundy (red + purple) flower head.

The flower head is actually made of hundreds or thousands of tiny flowers called florets. The central
florets look like the center of a normal flower, and the outer florets look like yellow petals.

All together they make up a “false flower” or pseudanthium. The benefit to the plant is that it is very
easily seen by the insects and birds which pollinate it, and it produces thousands of seeds.

The sunflower is the state flower of Kansas. That is why Kansas is sometimes called the Sunflower
State.To grow well, sunflowers need full sun. They grow best in fertile, wet, well-drained soil with a
lot of mulch. In commercial planting, seeds are planted 45 cm (1.5 ft) apart and 2.5 cm (1 in) deep.

1. What is the text tell us about?

a. Method to plant thesunflower c. Description of sunflower
b. Explain how the flower can grow d. The reason why sunflower sometimes called Kansas

2. What is the state of Sunflower?

a. Kansas c. Texas
b. Vegas d. Morocco

3. What is the synonym of “Actually” ?

a. Literally c. Significant
b. Honestly d. Recently

4. What is the opposite of Tiny?

a. Small c. Grow
b. Slow d. Huge

5. How wide flower head of Sunflower can be?

a. 33 cm c. 30 cm
b. 38 cm d. 20 cm

The following text is for question 6 to 10.


Jakarta is a capital city of Indonesia. Jakarta is located on the northwest Java.

The most popular food in Jakarta are Kerak Telor, Ketoprak, and Soto Betawi. There are so many
cultural in Jakarta. There are many old buildings there.

But now, Jakarta has influenced by Globalization. Globalization gives many Impact. Negative impact
and positive impact. There are many positive impact. But, because the positive impact, there are
many negative impact too.

An example of positive impact is, there are a lot of tourist that goes vacation to Jakarta. and then,
the tourist will see Indonesian culturals, old buildings, and many gives. But, from that positive
impact, the negative impact is rivers in Indonesian especially Jakarta, the rivers are polluted by
waste. And if Jakarta is rainy, there are always flood.

6. Where is capital city of Indonesia located?

a. Northwest Java c. South Sumatra
b. East java d. Bali

7. What causes rivers in capital city always flood in rainy season?

a. Because of no waterway
b. Because of it’s natural
c. Because of waste polluted
d. Because of it often rains

8. What is first paragraph in Report Text called?

a. Thesis c. General classification
b.Main Event d. Argument

9. What is gives the capital city has positive and negative impact?
a. Bad rules in capital city
b. Capital city government let it happened
c. Jakarta is still very outdate
d. Jakarta has influenced by globalization

10. Antonym of “polluted” is?

a. Taint
b. Purity
c. Infect
d. Soil

5. News Item Text.

Amazon Prime Day will actually be two days this year

Amazon’s Prime Day will return for the fifth time next month, and this year the discount holiday will
run for two entire days.

Amazon announced that Prime Day this year will start at midnight on Monday, July 15, and run for
48 hours. The company boasts that the event will include more than a million deals around the
world, such as steep discounts on Alexa-enabled devices. In 2018, Prime Day lasted 36 hours, which
was longer than in prior years. Amazon tested out its inaugural Prime Day in July of 2015 to
celebrate its 20th anniversary. It designed the day to replicate Black Friday for Amazon die-hards.

1. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To inform readers about Amazon’s Prime day
b. To describe the important boasts for readers
c. To argue that Prime Day this year must be celebrated early
d. To explain how the events goes

2. Based on the text they are celebrating which anniversary?

a. 22th anniversary c. 21th anniversary
b. 12th anniversary d. 20th anniversary

3. What is the main idea based of the text?

a. Amazon’s Prime Day will return for the fifth time next month
b. The company boasts that the event will include more than a million deals around the world
c. Amazon Prime Day will be longer than prior years
d. Amazon Prime Day to celebrate 20th anniversary will actually be two days this year

4. The last paragraph of News Item text is?

a. Issue c. Source
b. Recomendation d. Argument

5. What is the synonym of “Prior”?

a. Later c. Current
b. Previous d. Present

6. What is the Adverb of place based on the text?

a. Boat company c. Amazon river
b. The company d. Amazon company

7. When the Amazon’s Prime Day in 2018 will start?

a. Midnight on Monday, July 15
b. Midnight on Sunday, July 15
c. Midnight on Tuesday, July 15
d. Midnight on Monday, Juny 15

8. “It designed the day to replicate...” The underlined word refers to?
a. Amazon Prime Day Event
b. Discount Holiday
c. Black Friday Event
d. Product in Amazon

9. The antonym of “inaugural” is?

a. Final c. Latest
b. New d. Earliest

10. When is Amazon tested out it’s inaugural Prime Day?

a. In 2018 c. July 2015
b. July 15, 2012 d. July 12, 2015

6. Discussion Text.
Should the death penalty be allowed?

Some people were executed in Indonesia through July 2016. Most death penalty cases involve the
execution of drug peddlers although capital punishment can also be applied for treason, espionage,
and other crimes. Many for and against reactions came after the execution. Then, should the death
penalty be allowed in Indonesia?

Proponents of the death penalty say that it is an important tool for law enforcement, deters crime,
and costs less than life imprisonment. They also argue that retribution or "an eye for an eye" honors
the victim, helps console grieving families, and ensures that the perpetrators of heinous crimes
never have an opportunity to cause future tragedy.

Opponents of capital punishment say that it has no deterrent effect on crime, gives governments’
overlapped power to take human life, and potentially makes social injustices by disproportionately
targeting people of color (racist) and people who cannot afford good attorneys (classist). They say
lifetime jail sentences are a more appropriate than death.

In conclusion, death penalty will always exist in our society as well as its pros and cons. For the
proponents of this action, they think that it will be very effective to deter crime. While for those who
are against this policy, they argue that this punishment will potentially make social injustice.

1. Where people were executed through July 2006?

a. Pakistan c. Great Britain
b. China d. Indonesia

2. What is opponents of capital thought for another appropriate punishment?

a. Lifetime jail c. Electric chair excecute
b. Prisoning for few years d. An eye for an eye

3. Why those people are against death penalty?

a. Death penalty are not enough
b. Death penalty will potentially make social injustice
c. They want to torturing the criminal in prison
d. Criminal deserve to be forgiven

4. What is the antonym of Punishment?

a. Appreciation c. Power
b. Re-education d. Exercise

5. What is the problem the writer want to discuss from the text above?
a. Death penalty in Indonesia
b. The kind of crime that happened in Indonesia through July 2006
c. Lifetime jail
d. legal comparison with other countries

6. What is the writer present at the last paragraph?

a. Description c. Conlusion
b. New idea d. Argument

7. What is the antonym of “future” ?

a. Recently c. Next decade
b. Past d. Nowadays
8. “They also argue that retribution or...” The underlined word refers to?
a. People in Indonesia c. Proponents side
b. Opponents side d. Both proponents and opponents

9. Synonym of “Social” is?

a. Community c. Independent
b. Individual d. Introvert

10. What is the definition of Discussion Text?

a. Text which presents a problematic discourse
b. Text that persuade the reader opinion
c. Text that explain about something worth to be discussed
d. Text which giving direction to do something

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