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Preparedness and Measures

COVID-19 creates a great impact and changes the daily living of every individual in the world
most especially the education sector. The Department of Education changes the phase of education
from face to face to blended distance learning to mitigate the effects of the Corona Virus Disease

Considering its possible effect, Mobod Integrated School creates a containment strategies to
prevent the spread of the virus in school and these includes:

In School Premises a. There is foot bath and hand washing facility near the entrance of the
b. There should be school signage that is easy to be seen by everybody
indicating health and safety protocols that should be strictly follow.
c. Every individual who wish to enter the school premises should undergo
thermal scanning to get the body temperature and will write necessary
informations in the school’s contact tracing logbook respectively.
d. If the person has high body temperature detected by the thermal
scanner, that person is not allowed to enter the school premises.
In the Classrooms a. Every classrooms should have health protocols facilities such as health
protocol signages such as
 2 meters social distancing
 wear facemasks
 foot bath
 foot mark where to stand
b. Teacher’s table should be covered by plastic cover to

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