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Variable frequency circuits

1) Determine the current I (s) for the circuit below

2) Obtain the transfer function V0 (s) /I1 (s) for the circuit below

3) Determine the driving point impedance at the terminals 1-2 of the network shown when the
terminals 3-4 are open circuit.


4) An audio amplifier with an input signal of 100 mV peak to peak is amplifed to 2.1 V peak to
peak. Determine the ratio of the output power relative to the input power in deciBels.

5) An amplifier with a power gain of 42dB gives an output signal of 2 V peak to peak. What is the
input signal.
Poles and zeros

6) Consider the following voltage transfer function:

a) Identify the 3dB cut-off frequencies for all of the poles and zeros.
b) Calculate the amplitude in dB for the input frequency 1 Hz.
c) Calculate the phase angle for the input frequency 1 Hz
d) Sketch the amplitude response, marking clearly the maximum amplitude, the frequencies of the
corners, and the gradients.

7) An engineer has proposed the circuit shown below to filter out high-frequency noise with a
capacitor value of C = 1nF. Using the potential divider equation, determine the value of the resistor
to achieve an output voltage which is 3 dB lower than the input voltage at the frequency 23 kHz.

Bode diagrams

8) A network can be mathematically described with the following transfer function.

a) Draw the Bode amplitude response as a function of frequency

b) Determine the power ratio for the transfer function at 0.1 rad/sec
d) Determine the phase angle at 0.1 rad/sec

9) Consider the network with the following transfer function.

a) Draw the Bode amplitude response and specify the peak gain of the network.
b) Determine the phase angle for the frequency value 0 Hz.
c) Determine the phase angle for an infinitely high frequency.

10) Determine H(jω) from the magnitude characteristic shown below.

11) The power magnitude
characteristic of a band-
elimination filter is shown
Determine H(jω)

12) Determine what type of filter the network shown below represents by determining the voltage
transfer function and sketching the Bode amplitude response.

1. a) ( 10 s ) / ( 25x10-3 s2+ 2 s + 105 );

2. a) ( 16 s2 + 26 s + 3) / ( 4 s2 + 10 s +0.5 );
3. a) ( 2 s2 + 4s + 2 ) / ( 2 s2 + 3 s + 1 );
4. a) 26.44 dB;
5. a) 15.89 mV;
6. b) 20.0 dB; c) – 4.5 deg
7. a) 1 / ( jωRC + 1); b) 12 kΩ
8. b) – 6.0 dB c) – 41 deg
9. a) -3 dB b) + 90 deg c) – 90.0 deg
10. a) 25 ( jω + 5 ) / ( ( jω + 0.25 ) ( jω + 50 ) );
11. a) ( jω + 80 ) ( jω + 800 ) / ( ( jω + 8 ) ( jω + 8000 ) );
12. a) High pass filter

Hint for Q12.

Q12 may be solved algebraically even though we do not know the values of the components. The filter characteristic is deduced by
identifying the sequence of zeros and ones from low frequency to high frequency.

Model answers
There are multiple ways to solve circuit problems. Example answers will be posted on line after you have had a chance to do the
exercises for yourself. It is valuable to recognise which step you are stuck on before reaching for the model answer.

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