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თემატური გეგმა VI კლასი

სსიპ ხონის მუნიციპალიტეტის ვეფხია ჯიშკარიანის

სახელობის სოფელ საწულუკიძეოს საჯარო სკოლის
ინგლისური ენის პედაგოგის
ნარი კუპრეიშვილის

თემატურ – კალენდარული გეგმა

2021–2022 სასწავლო წელი

დაწყებითი საფეხური დონე 6 (დ.6)


ამტკიცებს სკოლის დირექტორის მ/შ: /გ. უჯმაჯურიძე/

სახელმძღვანელოს საათობრივი განაწილება მეორე კლასისთვის:
➢ 70 საათი
➢ 36 სასწავლო კვირა
➢ კვირაში 3 საათი

English Plans/ თემატური გეგმა

English / ინგლისური

Grade VI / კლასი VI

New Building Blocks --- 6

ავტორი: თამარ ჯაფარიძე

Units Topic Grammar Hours skills

lesson 1 Nice to see you again! Verb to be 3 First day at school
Have/ has got
Lesson 2 Pete, Shark and Russell Personal pronouns 3 Describing a person
(subject and object)
Lesson 3 Photos from down under Ordinal numbers 3 Life in Australia
This/these/that/those Australian animals
Plural of nouns Culture Corner
Across the Curriculum
Lesson 4 School Mix Have to/not have 3 School objects
to/mustn’t Talking about obligations at school and at home
Everyday English: Polite recuests
May I…..? Learning strategy
Test 1 1
Cindy’s The life and death of Revision of unit 1 English as a common language
reader words structures Word borrowing
Across the Curriculum
For my Project 1 Australia
portfolio English words in Georgian
Now I can
Lesson 5 The amazing world of The presents simple 3 Popular science: talking about twins
Twins (I, you, we, they) – Culture corner: Twins days festival
affirmative and
Lesson 6 A family of friends The presents simple 2 Asking personal questions
(I, you, we, they) – Friendship
yes/no questions and Good manners
Lesson 7 Similar or different? The present simple 3 Family
(he, she, is) Cultural differences
affirmative and Expressing frequency
Adverbs of frequency
Lesson8 The perfect family The present simple 3 Family life and family routines
(he, she, is) yes/no Expressing belonging
questions and wh-
Possessive adjectives
Possessive pronouns
Test 2 1
Cindy’s Lisa and Lottie – A book Revision of unit 1 A book report
Reader report structures Across the curriculum
For my Complex Task 4 A family Tree
Lesson 9 What’s on TV? Prepositions of time 3 TV and TV programmes
The present Everyday English: telling the time
continuous –
affirmative and
Lesson 10 Three phone calls and The present 3 Telephoning
one text message continuous – Everyday English: talking about your plans for
questions and short the week
The present
continuous for future
Lesson 11 Test 3 1
Lesson 12 We love films! The present simple 3 Films and film genres
and the present Across the curriculum
Lesson 13 School clubs Like + -ing 3 Extra-curricular activities
Everyday English: Expressing likes and dislikes
Test 4 1
Cindy’s The Hobbit Revision of unit 1 The book and the films
reader structures
For my Project 3 1 Clocks
portfolio Top ten films
Now I can
Lesson 14 Rooms There is/there are 2 Homes, rooms and furniture
Prepositions of place
Lesson 15 Out and about Comparison of short 3 At an airport
adjective In a gallery
Culture corner: The National Gallery in London
Lesson 16 Three famous paintings Comparison of long 3 Art
adjectives irregular Across the curriculum
Lesson 17 Plans Going to future 3 London sights
Cindy’s Osijek Revision of unit 1 Tolking about the place where you live
reader structures
For my Project 4 1 Vincent
portfolio A museum
Now I can
Test 5 1
Lesson 18 The photo Album The past simple of 3 Talking about the past
the verb to be Describing childhood photos
Lesson 19 “clue me in quiz” The past simple of 3 Famous people from the past
regular and irregular Jobs
verbs-affirmative Across the curriculum
Lesson 20 Seven Ladies and a dog The past simple – 3 Famous women from past
negative, questions Jobs
and short answers Across the curriculum
More irregular verbs
Lesson 21 Pete’s Alibi The past simple – all 3 Talking about past events
forms Discussing ethical issues
More irregular verbs Everyday English: Apologising and accepting an
Cheering somebody up
Test 6
Cindy’s Miss Aghata investigates Revision unit 1 A detective story
reader The Case of the pink structure
Teddy Bear
For my Project 5 1 A famous person from the past
portfolio The mystery person game
Now I can
Lesson 22 The big star The past simple – 3 Describing past events
orthographical Child film stars
Past and present
tenses contrasted
Adverbs of time
More irregular verbs
Lesson 23 Zack’s USA Quiz Past and present 2 Facts about the USA
tenses contrasted Across the curriculum
Reading numbers,
fractions and
Lesson 24 The Captain Prepositions of time 2 Columbus and the discovery of America
Reading dates and Reading maps
years Across the curriculum
More irregular verbs
Lesson 25 Sitting Bull and the Sioux Contrasting tenses 2 The wild west
American Indians: legends and facts, past and
Everyday English: telling a story
Culture corner: oh, my darling, Clementine
Across curriculum”
Test 7 1
Cindy’s “All-American” Revision of unit 1 Animals
reader Animals structures
For my Project 6 1 Famous explorers and great discoveries
portfolio Making your own quiz on Georgia, the UK or
Now I can
Lesson 26 What will the future be Will future 2 Life on Earth in the future
like? Time phrases used Predicting the future
for the future Everyday English: Expressing an opinion,
agreeing, disagreeing
Lesson 27 I promise I’ll change! Will for promises and 2 Protecting the environment
decisions Across the curriculum
Lesson 28 Healthy Habits Countable and 2 Eating habits
uncountable nouns Across the curriculum
How much….? Now
Lesson 29 Nosy Suzy finds out Going to future 2 Gossip
Everyday English: tolking about future plans
Test 8 1
Cindy’s Building bridges Revision of unit 1 Describing bridges
Reader structures Across the curriculum
For my Project 7 1 Save the planet
portfolio Endangered animals in Georgia

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