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Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH 8

School --- Grade Level Grade 8

Teacher --- Learning Area MAPEH (Arts)
Teaching Dates & Time Week 3 Day 1 Quarter First

A. Content Standard: Art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior
knowledge and skills
1. the salient features of the arts of Southeast Asia by showing the relationship of the
elements of art and processes among culturally diverse communities in the region
2. Southeast Asian countries as having a rich artistic and cultural tradition from
prehistoric to present times
B. Performance Standard: create artworks showing the characteristic elements of the arts of
Southeast Asia
1. exhibits completed artworks for appreciation and critiquing
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives:
1. Analyze elements and principles of art in the production of arts and crafts inspired by
the cultures of Southeast Asia (A8EL-Ib-1)
2. Identify characteristics of arts and crafts in specific countries in Southeast Asia:
Indonesia (batik, Wayang puppetry); Malaysia (modern batik, wau, and objects made
from pewter); Thailand (silk fabrics and Loi Kratong Lantern Festival);


A. Main Topic: South East Asian Arts (Lesson 1: Fabric/Fabric Design)
B. Reference: Art 8 Learner’s Materials
C. Other Learning Resources: (for
paper batik activity)
D. Materials: PowerPoint presentation, blackboard, chalk

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
a. Greetings
- Good morning, class! - Good morning, ma’am Jingco!
- How are you? -We’re doing good, ma’am.

b. Classroom Management
Remind class of the use of the hand signs
(SALAMe and One finger hand signal) and make
sure they follow them correctly.

c. Attendance Check
- Is anyone absent today? - Students will state the name of
the absent students of the day.
Motivation: What if?
Students may give varied answers
-What if you are given the chance to live in another country? like:
Where will you live and why? -I would like to live in America
because I want to experience all
the four seasons.
-I would like to live in Japan
because they have a very rich
-I would like to live in Korea
because I want to experience the
life I watch in Kdramas.
-Just as we may have or may have not the desire to actually
live in these countries, it would always be helpful to have a
greater perspective of other countries’ culture in order that
we may appreciate them and learn from them. One of the
greatest avenues to do it, is to learn their art forms and how
they apply it to their every day lives.

Lesson Proper
a. Activity:
-Call for 10 volunteers: 5 girls and 5 boys. Provide
each group with a piece of paper and a pen.
-Say: The boys and the girls will represent the rest of
the boys and the girls of the class respectively.
-The goal of the game is to write in that piece of
paper as many Southeast Asian countries as possible.
You are not allowed to talk to each other starting
now. Each player can only write one country at a
time, pass the pen to the next player, and line up at
the back for their next turn. The first group to write
at least 9 countries wins. -Yes, we are!
- Are you ready?

b. Analysis
- Ask: Before we discuss our lesson content, let us -We can familiarize ourselves with
answer this question. What is the importance of the culture of other countries.
learning the different art forms of other -We can learn from their art forms
countries? and see what we can use in our
own daily needs.

c. Abstraction
- As you have already learned about some of these
countries in your past lessons in Music, today, we’ll
be learning more about them Arts.
-Show the slides of the ppt presentation:
-The first country that we will discuss today is
Thailand and they are known for their Thai silk.
What is Thai silk? Please read the slide. - Thai silk is produced from the
cocoons of thai silkworms in
- Thai weavers from this region raise the caterpillars Khorat Plateau
on a steady diet of mulberry leaves. That is why even
today, it is considered one of the finest arts in the
world because of their patterns, color, and of course,

-Another country that boasts of this art is the place

where I used to live. Where is it? - Cambodia, ma’am.

-That’s right. And in Cambodia, there are two types

of weaving that Cambodians do to create their - Ikat technique
unique cloths. Please read the first one. (known as Chongkiet), the
weavers tie and dye the portions
of weft yarn before they begin
creating the designs/patterns

-Thank you. Common motifs that they have based on - It is Uneven Twill, ma’am.
the regions include lattice, stars, and spots. It yields single or two – color
-How about the second type of weaving? fabrics, which are produced by 3
-The following are also the Silk Weaving Centers of
*Beantey Meanchey
*Siem Reap
-“History is not written but
-Laos is another Southeast Asian country with a woven.”
unique form of art. Please read the highlighted
-Interesting! They do not pass on their stories on
books or word of mouth but by weaving them into -Some students may answer:
their cloths. Sometimes, the stories are very accurate -I write on a diary of the daily
that only the weaver can interpret them. events of my life.
-How about you, how do you pass on the story of -I post on facebook or story the
your life towards others? pictures of special activities in my

-They also have what you call Sihn. In the pictures,

you can see the women wearing their ankle long
skirts which have very unique designs.
- Golden silk threads are produced
-In Vietnam, where do they produce their Golden Silk from Ha Dong – Weaving and
threads? Kindly read it from the presentation. Sericulture Center of Vietnam

-Some of the famous Vietnamese Fabrics are:

*Shantung Taffeta
(Most Expensive)
*Bengaline Weave
*Ebony Satin

-Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore are known for

Batik. It is an Indonesian-Malay word that means
“point,” “dot” or “drop.” - 1. Geometric Designs
-What are the two types of Batik designs? 2. Free Form Designs

-Modern designs also include more colors, courtesy - 1. Hand Painted (Painting)
of chemical dyes, as artists are not bound by the 2. Block Painted (Stamping)
strict guidelines of traditional practices, when
craftsmen were dependent on natural dyes.

-They also have 2 Types of Batik Making. They are…

-Thank you. Aside from these counties, Brunei is also

another one that uses Batik as an art form. The Batik
in Brunei composed of their national flower Simpur
and Sumboi Sumboi (Pitcher plant)

- Students can choose a country

d. Application and explain their reason for their
- What art forms did you like the most and why? choice.
- We can use these art forms to
practice our creativity.
- Just as it is important that we learn from others and
see how their unique art forms can be applied to our - For students who want to
culture, in what ways can we use this different art become designers and artists in
forms ourselves today and the future? (Provide the future, traveling and learning
prompts if needed) about art forms from other
cultures can help us deepen our
knowledge and hone our skills.


- Class, what have you learned today? - We have learned of the different
art forms of Southeast Asian
- If necessary, (or if there is still time) ask the students to
enumerate the names of the country.

IV. Evaluation
Identify the country/countries that utilizes the following art forms.
1. Woven history on their cloth 6. Silk made from Khorat Plateau
7. Golden silk threads
2-3. Name two countries that is 8. Ikat Technique
famous for their Batik 9. Women wearing Sihn
4. Uneven Twill 10. Shantung Taffeta & Bengaline Weave
5. Batik with the Pitcher Flower

V. Assignment
Bring the following materials for our art activity on the third meeting this week.
 Bond paper/Oslo paper
 Crayola or oil pastels
 Poster paint (black or any dark color)/watercolor
 Brush and water

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