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Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Grade and Section: ______________________________________ Teacher: _______________________


_______ 1. According to the Horbostel-Sachs classification, Southeast Asian instruments are primarily
classified into which group?
A. Aerophones B. Idiophones C. Membranophones D. Electrophones
_______ 2. What is the time signature of the song Burung Kakatua of Indonesia?
A. 4/4 B. 3/4 C. 2/4 D. 2/2
_______ 3. Which musical instrument creates sound primarily by way of a vibrating string or strings stretched
between two points?
A. Chordophones B. Aerophones C. Idiophones D. Electrophones
_______ 4. What does Japanese wind instruments compose of?
A. odaiko, tsuzumi, shoko
B. shakunachi, nokan, sho, hichiriki
C. koto, shamisen, biwa
D. tsudiraiko, taiko, shoko
_______ 5. What Korean folk song evokes the feeling of the tears shed by Koreans and sad stories like
A. Nabiya B. Han River C. Arirang D. Songaji
_______ 6. Zum Gali Gali is one of the many traditional songs that we could hear from West Asia. What
specific country does this song originate?
A. India B. Pakistan C. Israel D. Philippines
_______ 7. Which of the following is one of China’s most popular instruments?
A. Erhu B. Haegum C. Koto D. Shamisen
_______ 8. What is the name of the Cambodian musical ensemble that usually accompanies ceremonial music
in royal courts and temples?
A. Pinpeat B. Piphat C. Gamelan D. Sidawgyi
_______ 9. The Dalang in Wayang Kulit sings the mood song called __________ to tells the stories of kings,
princesses, ogres, and knights.
A. Erhuang B. Kulit C. Aria D. Suluk
_______ 10. Which of the following describes traditional Japanese music?
A. It is gentle and lyrical C. It is meditative and highly ritualized
B. It is slow in tempo and very peaceful D. It is slow and melancholy
_______ 11. Which of the following is not true about Chinese Theater?
A. It was extremely popular in the Shang Dynasty court
B. It is considered to be the highest form of art in China
C. It is regarded as one of the cultural treasures of China
D. It was fully developed and recognized by the mid-19th century
_______ 12. Which of the following classification of Indian musical instruments a violin belongs to?
A. Ghan B. Tat C. Sushir D. Vitat
_______ 13. What is the Chinese musical instrument used in Peking opera that announces prosperous
A. Siao B. Pi-p’a C. Sona D. Bu-ch’in
_______ 14. Aside from Kabuki, what is the other theater art of the Japanese that expresses their spirit and
A. Noh B. Shamisen C. Peking Opera D. Jingju
_______ 15. Which of the following is NOT included to the significant instruments of Israel?
A. Psalterion B. Goblet Drum C. Jewish Lyre D. Shofar

_______ 16. Women play a huge role in the traditional art of weaving personal views and stories into sihns in
this country.
A. Vietnam B. Cambodia C. Laos D. Myanmar
_______ 17. Which among the following elements of art is very important in making a Rangoli?
A. Shape B. Color C. Space D. Texture
_______ 18. Temples are the usual subjects in East Asian painting. If you notice the roof of the temples
and buildings are sweeping roofs. Why do they have this unique type of roof?
A. Chinese architecture that influenced other Asian architecture.
B. They believe that it will protect them from the elements of water, winds, and fire.
C. Buddhist believed that it helped ward off good spirits which were deemed to be straight
D. Used for residences of the wealthy.
_______ 19. What is the most interesting feature of the Sri Mariammam Hindu temple of Singapore which is
decorated with numerous Hindu deities?
A. Gopuram B. The MerlionC. The Dayak D. Toraja
_______ 20. What does India and the Philippines have in common in terms of preparation of houses during a
special celebration in relation to their culture and traditions?
A. other would go to their sacred places and ask for blessings
B. they both decorate their houses and put some tables outside
C. other religious individuals in both countries light a candle during celebration
D. they both clean their houses and open the doors and window to receive blessings
_______ 21. Which of the following represents the art of “beautiful handwriting”?
A. Arabic alphabet B. Calligraphy C. Cursive D. Print
_______ 22. On those specific days, most of the Indian houses are lighted with lamp. Which among the
following forms of art also known as the Festival of Lights?
A. Diwali B. Truck Art C. Rangoli D. Textiles
_______ 23. What do you call to a folded paper that looks like a gold nuggets or ingots with gold imitation
today and used as a symbol of prosperity by Chinese?
A. Crane B. Origami C. Sycee D. Yuanbao
_______ 24. What is the most popular style of Japanese art of woodblock printing that was an art domain of
upper classes and royalty but was later on produced by the common people?
A. Ukiyo-e B. Xiaohualian C. Jainzhi D. Lianpu
_______ 25. Which countries provide livelihoods in producing textiles, baskets, jars and pottery for indigenous
artisans and disadvantaged people?
A. Thailand and Singapore C. Malaysia and Indonesia
B. Cambodia and Laos D. Brunei and Philippines
_______ 26. What are the stories used in Indonesian shadow puppet theater shows?
A. Biag ni Lam-ang C. The Tale of Heike
B. Florante at Laura D. Ramayana and Mabarata
_______ 27. What form of Chinese art is later on used as a message for rescue missions, measuring distances,
testing the wind, and communication for military operations?
A. Paper cuttings B. Kites C. Origami D. Chinese knots
_______ 28. What festival is named after the Thai word which means “to float” and “lotus-shaped cup”?
A. Chiang Mai B. Khom Fai C. Loy Krathong D. Yi Peng
_______ 29. What does Pakistan and Philippines have in common in terms of utilization of colors in their
respective arts and crafts?
A. they both use natural dye color in making their art work colorful.
B. they both use artificial vibrant colors in making their art work colorful.
C. the Pakistan uses dark colors in their art while Philippines uses light color bulbs for their truck
D. the Philippines uses different colors of small bulbs while the Pakistan uses vibrant colors in
their art design to make it more attractive
_______ 30. In Kabuki theater art, a fan as props symbolizes__________.
A. bird B. insects C. rain D. wind
_______ 31. What is the correct size of a baseball in circumference?
A. 7 to 7 ¼ inches B. 8 to 8 ¼ inches C. 9 to 9 ¼ inches D. 10 to 10 ¼ inches
_______ 32. Which folk dance is performed with the formation showed in the illustration below?
one set of dancers
A. Binislakan B. Sua-Ku-Sua C. Pangalay D. Sakuting
_______ 33. Which is NOT a basic skill in baseball/softball?
A. throwing B. catching C. dribbling D. pitching
_______ 34. What Filipino folk dance uses two sticks to produce rhythms, imitating the chopsticks used by the
Chinese in eating?
A. Binislakan B. Sua-Ku-Sua C. Pangalay D. Sakuting
_______ 35. Which of the following is not a result of health-related fitness?
A. improve quality of life
B. improves posture
C. decrease efficiency of respiratory and circulatory systems
D. decrease risk of diabetes and some cancers
_______ 36. What two Southeast Asian countries influenced the Sua-Ku-Sua and Pangalay folk dances?
A. Malaysia and Indonesia C. Japan and South Korea
B. China and India D. Singapore and Brunei
_______ 37. What BMI (Body Mass Index) is considered normal?
A. Below 18.5 B. 18.5 – 24.5 C, 25 – 29.9 D. 30.0 and Above
_______ 38. Which chess piece may move as far as it wants, but only diagonally?
A. Bishop B. Knight C. Queen D. Pawn
_______ 39. Which of the following physical activities belongs to muscular endurance?
A. brisk walking B. push-up C. side bend D. sit and reach
_______ 40. These components include agility, balance, power, speed, coordination, and reaction time.
A. Health-related B. Mind-related C. Skill-related D. Sports-related
_______ 41. Which is NOT part of the preparations for physical fitness tests?
A. Observe safety.
B. Wear the appropriate attire.
C. Do the warm-up exercises on your own or with your partner.
D. Record your test results.
_______ 42. Which of the following should be done before engaging in any kind of sport?
A. Cool down C. Dynamic stretching
B. Static stretching D. Warm-up
_______ 43. What is being measured if you tape a measure laid flat on a concrete wall with the zero point
starting at the floor?
A. Height B. Weight C. Strength D. Endurance
_______ 44. What does it mean when the basketball referee signals with a clenched fist?
A. Jump Ball C. Traveling
B. Charging D. Illegal Dribble
_______ 45. ______________ is the ability of the heart and circulatory system to supply oxygen to muscles for
an extended period of time.
A. Flexibility C. Body Composition
B. Muscular Strength D. Cardiovascular fitness

_______ 46. Athlete’s foot is a disease caused by a pathogen called _________.
A. Fungi B. Parasite C. Protozoans D. Rickettsia
_______ 47. What term defines a man or a woman based on biological characteristics?
A. sex B. gender C. sexuality D. androgyny
_______ 48. Why is it important to understand human sexuality?
A. We will all be mature adults.
B. We have similar sexuality issues.
C. There is a specific age for developing one’s sexuality.
D. It will help us build a better relationship with ourselves and others.
_______ 49. What national policy adopted by the State encourages, protects and supports the practice of
A. Republic Act No. 7060 C. Republic Act No. 7606
B. Republic Act No. 7600 D. Republic Act No. 7660
_______ 50. The addictive chemical in smokeless tobacco and cigarettes is _________________.
A. Carcinogens B. Hallucinogens C. Narcotics D. Nicotine
_______ 51. What is NOT a correct way to take care of pregnant women?
A. Accompany her in a daily exercise.
B. Give her lots of water to drink.
C. Let her eat all of her cravings.
D. Accompany her during prenatal checkups.
_______ 52. An alcoholic is now admitted in the ICU and in coma. He cannot talk and move anymore. This
condition is called ______________________.
A. High Blood Pressure B. Dependence C. Asthma D. Brain Damage
_______ 53. Which characterizes a good decision?
A. Easy to make.
B. Makes your friends happy
C. One that your teacher told you to make.
D. Made after thoughtful consideration of consequences.
_______ 54. Which of the following statement is NOT a purpose of courtship?
A. It allows couples to decide whether they are ready to be committed.
B. It strengthens the relationship.
C. It reveals one’s interests, likes, dislikes, limitations, and aspirations in life.
D. It develops understanding and acceptance.
_______ 55. Permits man and woman equal enjoyment of human rights.
A. Gender B. Gender Role C. Gender Equality D. Sexuality
_______ 56. A malignant growth of cells in the lungs due to cigarette smoking is called ________________.
A. Asthma B. Lung CancerC. Emphysema D. High blood pressure
_______ 57. It is the period starting from the entry of the pathogen until the appearance of the first sign.
A. Incubation stage B. Clinical stage C. Convalescence D. Prodromal Stage
_______ 58. The drugs which non – drug users might try and lead to more trials of dangerous drugs are known
as the ______________.
A. Alcoholic drinks B. Gateway drugs C. Narcotics D. Hallucinogens
_______ 59. A person happens to decide to go back to drinking alcohol, to eat and sleep properly again. This
condition is called ___________________.
A. Chronic B. Asthma C. Dependence D. Alternatives
_______ 60. Mario is a chain smoker. Eventually, he was diagnosed with an inflammation of the airways from
the trachea into the lungs. This disease is called __________________.
A. Emphysema B. Lung cancer C. Asthma D. High blood pressure

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