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Entrepreneurial Devel (iit) Copyright protects the .... Endeavour of an owne (iv) Trademark law is based on two concepts of ...,.and deceptive similarity (0) The distinctive mark used for service industries is called .... Mark, (vi) There is no copyright for ( () 20 (ii) Utility (ii) Creative (iv) Distinctive (0) Service (vi) Ideas \ Ve & it 1. Justify the need for protecting one’s product. Also give instances of loss («fl \ owner of some product or idea if it is not protected 2. How does IPR benefit MSMEs? 3. Why is patent required? What can be patented and how? 4. What is meant by copyright? How does copyright benefit to the ownel 5. ment of copyright known to you 6. What are the objectives of trademark? What benefits does a r offer to its owner Give some instances of infrin, Delineate the process involved in the registration of a trademark 8. Write short notes on: (a) Geographical Identification (b) Industrial Designs Trade Secrets (©) Search three cases of patent infringement. Delineate both the process and outcon List the legal costs of defending patent infringements and the amount awarded! a successful defense, Identify and describe the three most famous trademarks in India. Give real examples of three companies that use trade secrets to keep competiti from imitating their products. ABC, a pharma company based out of Hyderabad, was doing well in the pharma business and was mostly into contract manufacturing and research. tlw Managing Director (MD) of the company once got the opportunity to participate in an IPR workshop, which helped him understand the need for companies to bw innovative and generate their own IPRs. The company was keen to explore the new avenue of IPR and opened the door for IPR learning and awareness. The company has now understood the importance of generating self IPRs and the return on investment attached to it. This triggered the minds of the researchetw in the company. They started to develop their own processes to synthesint) diated and active pharma ingredients. The company had an idea ow 4 interme’ » processes which existed at the time by doing a patent search and also how Aitticult their process was. They came out with a large number of new processes based on the analysis and now they were ready to take them up for IP protection The company, with the IP experts, had drafted the patent applications and Wled then in India, After a while they had realized that there was a huge market potential for these processes in the African and American countries and getting, I protection in those countries will help them generate more revenue and alse they can look out for joint ventures or possibilities of technology transfer. the ABC company now selected a few innovations which had a huge market Potential sbroad and decided to file a PCT — international filing of patent spplications under the Patent Corporation Treaty. The applications were filed for PCT and then within 4 to 5 months they had got a good search report tl written opinion that their inventions and processes were indeed new ones and were also very economical. Then, after 18 months the application went Wn tor international publication and this was the crux as it was like an open wivertisement to the world. Based on this publication, the company started gelling enquiries from interested parties to take this invention /process and work together to make a good drug. the nark It was now for the ABC to decide as to go on its own or have a joint venture ABC had decided on a joint venture with a European pharma company wherein the patent right was assigned to the foreign company and the ABC had certain nyhts in the invention based on the agreement, and had also worked out the twvalties and other necessary clauses. With a span of 3 to 4 years this company which was into contract manufacturing and research had taken a complete tur and brought in IP culture in their business. This IP culture helped the wompany to boost its revenues as well as profit margins. ome| a ABC pharma now has a new outlook and all this was possible because of * xood in-time IP management practice. At the end of the day, they had learnt how to align IP with management and incorporate IPR into their day-to-day business it ¢ 1. Delineate the IPR process followed by the ABC pharma, 2. What lessions should the Indian MSMEs take from ABC pharma’s IPR experience? i + Intellectual Property Management: A Power Tool for Enterprise Excellence, (Small Enterprises, Development, Management & tension Journal), Volume 37, Number 2, June 2010, pp. 55-56,

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