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SHAPE YOUR MIND: Answer the following questions briefly

1. How is your understanding of history different from what is explained in this lesson?

- My own understanding of history is that it may be a study about the past, but it is not like
paleontology nor geology. And as I think about it more, I came to realize that history is not a
subject of science, but it is a subject of humanities. Since histories are written by men, the
study of history comes in two folds. First it is about the study of what had happened in the
past, second is the study of how such events were recorded. That’s why there are different
types of sources mentioned.

2. Has your past influenced you in shaping your identity and behavior? 
- Yes, it does. My past is my own history that no one knows everything that had happened
between me and the world, except me. So, all I can say that, I can’t be who I am today
without my past.

3. As a student, what do you think will be your “duties” in preserving our history? 
- As a student, I think that my duties in preserving our history is to respect it just the way it
was, since we can’t undo the past. And to remember it, for it is a part of who we are today.

4. How important the historical writings to the country? 

- It is very important since, historical writings give information about our cultures, origin,
and traditions. It also makes us understand the nature of human and how the world works.

5. How do you give meaning to a so called “history”? Explain.

- History for me, is something that we don’t really know what had happened. Although we
can say that “this one is the most likely scenario because of that and this record, but we are
not 100% sure”. The thing about history is that, we will never be 100% sure. Even people
that experienced the historical events, don’t really know what exactly had happened. By
that I can say that you can’t trust your witnesses, so you need to find the missing pieces.
Because there is no one view of a certain event that happened, every situation has its layers,
so there is always another side. And I think it’s the charm of history, that there is always
some mystery waiting for you to discover.

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