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As a mellenial in this world, and being 17 years old, one thing I noticed about this generation is

that they have narcissistic egos and want instant satisfaction. (This is due to how social media
and the internet affects the brain). They lack patience, and a lot of them are rarely satisfied (I
noticed this with myself). Many are rebellious, entitled, and romanticize mental health issues.
They also blame all of their problems on the older generations, which is something I noticed,
and they don’t appreciate anything or work to earn anything either. They expect everything on
a silver platter!

Also, social media has now become a living grounds. Not all mellenials but some doesn’t really
value practicality, being realistic, having general common knowledge, or having a moral
compass to stand by. It’s almost like everyone is a mindless social media worshipper. Whatever
they see on social media is their moral compass, and they think just because it’s trendy or
someone else is doing it makes it right.

Almost everyone is on their phones, technology everywhere, and not wanting to interact with
the people around them (85% of the time). When I was sitting at lunch one time, I wanted to sit
next to some kids who I felt were closer to me that I knew better, especially since I am socially
awkward. However, they are always on their phones using social media or doing whatever, and
it feels like they genuinely didn’t even want to talk to me.

Another thing is is that this generation is extremely superficial or in other words this is the
generation of trends. They put name brands before anything. They value style over substance.
They behave as if name brand clothing, accessories, material things, celebrities, and musical
artists are something to be worshipped and admired. They treat it as a status symbol. I can’t
even have a deep conversation or speak about my interests or feelings with half of the people
at school since all everyone wants to talk about is frivolous and superficial things. The sad part
is that the media is designed to glorify these things with aesthetics, and present this as the ideal

Also, you can’t have your own opinion either. You are just supposed to be impersonal on things.
I understand the whole woke movement, and I am not against anyone regardless of their
gender orientation, sexual orientation, race, or religion, but it seems like they try to shove their
opinions down your throat. The whole woke movement claims to bring tolerance, and equality
for all, yet they can’t accept any opinion that isn’t 100% liberal, and bully people who aren’t
fully “woke”. This is also from the right-wing as well.
That brings me to this. Some mellenials do is argue, start drama, present their material
possessions and fame as a status symbol, participate in “cancel culture”, and try to prove their
opinions and viewpoints right by bullying others. TikTok is an example of this. They can not take
any form of criticism either, yet expect to be able to criticize others for how much money they
have, what artists they listen to, or whether they have massive name brand material
possessions which are glorified in pop culture nowadays.
Sadly, even older generations have been influenced by social media, and behave the same way
mellenials does.
It’s sad, because social media was intended to “bring us together”, but it is only drawing us
apart and making us hate each other. It really can make you sad if you think anout it deeper and
understand everything. Compare and contrast the generation today and the past generations.
All I can say that, most of us here we are living in lies. Somewhat yes, we are living in this world
with only happy pictures but behind that is a sad generation.

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