CE312 Finalterm - Assignment No.2

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Construction Materials

and Testing CE23

CE Faculty
Assignment N0. 2:
A. This is a group assignment and each group consists of 5 members.
B. The group will discuss the objective/s, apparatuses/equipment needed, and procedures/steps in
conducting the following field density tests for soil:
a. Sand cone Method
b. Nuclear Moisture Density Method
c. Core Cutter Method
d. Rubber Balloon Method
C. The group leader will submit the assignment (using PPT then save as PDF) in the USTeP portal.
D. Refer to Rubric for the criteria.
E. Deadline is on August 9, 2022 at 12nn.


CE Faculty
Assignment N0. 2:
Category 5 3 1
The content is accurate and
presented in logical order
Some content is lacking
such as the objective/s, The information is not
nor not presented in
Content ASTM standards, presented is logical order,
logical order, but still
apparatuses, and making it difficult to follow
generally easy to follow.
procedures/steps of all the
Sentence structure is
Spelling, Most of the sentence
All sentence grammar is very poor. Student does not
grammar, grammar and spellings
well stated and on point, know the correct spelling
sentence are correct, but there still
spelling also is very good. and correct words to use
structure minor points to improve.
for its sentences.
Assignment is submitted
Assignment is submitted on
Timeliness beyond the supposed
or before the deadline.

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