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Special Rules

Sangheili Honour: An Elite would rather die than submit to the enemy or fail his master. Any squad with this special rule may re-roll all failed leadership tests. However, every time a squad with this special rule fails a Leadership test, (the first failure doesnt count, only the re-rolled one) the squad suffers a number of automatic wounds (no saves allowed) equal to the amount they lost the test by, as ashamed Elites commit suicide rather than continue their disgraced existence. Brute Battle Rage: The Jiralhanae are primitive and base, prone to bouts of rage when they are attacked in battle. Pay close attention to the amount of models these squads have lost. When a squad with this rule loses 25% (rounding up) of their starting strength, they gain Furious Charge for the duration of the game. When they lose 50% of their starting strength, they gain Rage and Fearless permanently. When they lose 75% of their starting strength, the squad gains Feel No Pain as they enter a deep berserker rage where they ignore most damage. All these results are cumulative, so a squad at 25% of their starting strength will have Furious Charge, Rage, Fearless and Feel No Pain. Any character that is a part of the unit gains all the special rules his comrades have upon joining, and lose them once he leaves. Characters do not count towards the squads starting strength. For the Prophets! Once per game, one model with this special rule may rally his forces and lead a vicious charge to destroy the enemy once and for all. The call is sounded at the beginning of the Covenant turn, and for the duration of both players turns all units add +1 to their Leadership, and have Preferred Enemy against whoever you are fighting. However, if the model who sounded the call is killed in the same turn he activated this ability, the Covenant will be in disarray, and the effects of the call end immediately, to be replaced with -1 L. In addition, no Covenant unit may run, charge, come in from reserve or Deep Strike this turn, as they flounder around in confusion.

Methane Tanks: If an enemy rolls a 6 when rolling to hit a Grunt in shooting, the Grunt immediately suffers a wound with no armour saves allowed as his methane tanks detonate. Deadly Focus: Despite being horribly cowardly creatures, Unggoy are actually quite good shots when they concentrate on aiming and not running for their lives. A strong presence nearby in the form of an Elite or a Brute can handle this, allowing them to deal with the business of killing the enemy. Just before a Grunt squad fires, take a leadership test. If the test is failed, nothing happens, and the squad shoots without penalty. If it is passed, however, the Grunts count as having BS3 for that round of shooting only. Meatshields: Unggoy Meatshields are wretched creatures, beaten down and despised by the higher Covenant species, they are sent to their deaths on a whim and live only to die in place of their betters. Covenant units may fire upon enemies in close combat with Meatshields, but any failed hits must be resolved against the Meatshields. Also, enemy units may never fire through the Meatshields to get to other units as per the Cover rules. Gift of the Huragok: The Engineers of the Covenant have an inbuilt affinity for fixing and rebuilding broken equipment, and improving perfectly fine technology. Unfortunately Engineers are rather indiscriminate in their urge to repair, and will often repair damaged enemy hardware as well as allied equipment. When a Huragok is within 8 of a vehicle (friend or foe), it must attempt to repair one damage result of the players choice in the movement phase. It must always choose the closest vehicle, and if there are two vehicles of equal distance, then the Covenant player may choose which it repairs. The damage results and the dice roll needed to repair them are as follows: Immobilised: 6 Weapon Destroyed: 5+ Stunned: 3+ Also, a Huragok may stop D6 Overheats for the unit he is a part of, allowing the weapon to be fired next turn.. Roll at the beginning of the phase before anyone shoots to see how many he can fix. Note: the shot still misses, the Huragok just stops the weapon from going critical. Flight of the Drones: Drones flit around like butterflies, never staying in one place for very long. Because of this they are very difficult to hit from any range. Drones have a 5+ cover save when not in cover. When they are in cover, they use that cover instead, as they are hiding and not flitting

around like normal. Also, they never suffer from dangerous terrain or deep strike mishaps. Inspiring Presence: The squad may use this models leadership value instead of its own as long as the model is alive. Overheat: When Covenant weapons Overheat, they rarely inflict damage upon the user but they need to cool down for a while. Whenever a 1 is rolled when trying to hit with a weapon that has the Overheat special rule, that weapon may not be used in the next shooting phase. The model who uses the weapon may switch to another if it can. Also, roll a further D6, and if that rolls a 1 as well, the model suffers a wound as per the Gets Hot rules. Turtle: A Hunter may go to ground just like infantry, but gains a 4+ invulnerable save instead of a cover save. Bond-Brothers: If there are two Hunters in the unit and one of them dies, the other one gains Rage and Feel No Pain until the unit that inflicted the killing wound is dead. The Hunter must concentrate all of its shots and attacks against this unit, moving closer and charging whenever possible. It returns to normal when the target is dead. Grav-lift Insertion: The passengers may disembark even if the Phantom Turbo-boosted, an they may be placed anywhere along its path. However, each model must make a dangerous terrain test. Combat Hatches: Spirits and Phantoms have the ability to fly slower that normal and open their hatches so that passengers can strafe passing enemies from the relative safety of their transports. Counts as OpenTopped as long as it moves at Combat Speed for that movement phase. Orbital Assault: Scarabs are deployed from ships hanging in low orbit, plummeting down to earth to make a surprise assault against the enemy. Scarabs may start the game in reserve, but never roll for when they come on. Instead it can be deployed through Deep Strike at the start of any of the Covenant players turns, just as if it had passed its reserve roll.

Covenant Armoury
Wargear and Upgrades Energy Sword (Power Weapon) Gravity Hammer (Thunder Hammer with the following changes; Strikes at I-1 and if shot at with a hard projectile Blast weapon such as a missile launcher the shot is deflected back at the shooter on a 6) Energy Cutlass (Close Combat Weapon) Warknife (Close Combat Weapon) Defence Gauntlet (Requires one hand to use. 5+ invulnerable save. Does not count for wounds caused by Ordnance or Blast weapons.) Dual-Wielded Weapons (Any dual-wielded gun counts as twin-linked, and any dual-wielded close combat weapon grants +1 A to the bearer) Icon of Wrath (Entire squad may re-roll failed rolls to wound in close combat) Icon of Clarity (Entire squad gains Acute Senses and +1 BS) Icon of Resolution (Entire squad suffers no ill effects if the model that activated the For the Prophets! ability dies in the same turn he sounded it, but the lose the bonuses associated with it all the same) Icon of Vengeance (The squad gains Preferred Enemy against whoever you are fighting permanently if all your HQ choices die) Icon of Salvation (the squad gains a permanent 6+ invulnerable save. If they already have one, they gain +1 to their invulnerable save instead. Icon of Divine Purpose (Entire squad gains +1 WS) Active Camouflage Generator (Any unit wishing to shoot at a squad with Active Camouflage on must roll as if for Night Fighting. In addition, if the Camouflaged squad has not moved that turn, they may not be shot at or charged at all. Also grants the Infiltration special rule to any who have it) Plasma Grenades (Counts as Krak grenades in all respects) Spike Bombs (Counts as Frag grenades in all respects) Energy Pike (Two-handed weapon. Adds +1S and -1I) Power Shield (Roll a D6 every time the vehicle is shot at, before any shots are fired. On a 4+ the vehicle is Obscured for the purpose of that shooting attack. The roll must be made every individual time the vehicle is shot at, not once per shooting phase.) Shield Amplifier (All units within 12, including the model with this upgrade, have a +1 added to their Invulnerable save. So 5+ becomes 4+, 4+ becomes 3+, etc. Has no effect if the model had no Invulnerable save to begin with)

Ranged Weapons

Weapon Assault Cannon (Beam) Assault Cannon (Burst) Beam Rifle

Range 24 36 72 12 18 36 48 36 24 72 18 6 72 18 36 6-48

Strength 8

AP 2

Type Heavy 2

7 X

4 6

Heavy 1, Blast Heavy 1, Sniper, Overheat Assault 1, Blast Assault 2 Assault 1 Heavy 2 Heavy 1, Blast Heavy 1, Blast Heavy 4, AA Mount Heavy 1, Blast Assault 2 Heavy 2, Melta Pistol, Homing Needles* Heavy 3, Overheat Ordnance Barrage 1, Large Blast Pistol, Short Circuit*** Assault 3, Overheat Rapid Fire, Overheat Heavy 1, Large Blast, Primary Weapon

Brute Shot Brute Spiker Covenant Carbine Fuel Rod Battery Fuel Rod Cannon Fuel Rod Gun Heavy Plasma Launcher Light Plasma Mortar Mauler Mining Laser** Needler Plasma Cannon Plasma Mortar

5 3 4 8 8 7 8 8 5 7 3 5 9

4 4 5 3 3 4 3 4 4 1 4 3

Plasma Pistol Plasma Repeater Plasma Rifle Scarab Laser^

18 18 24 48

3 4 3 10

5 4 4 2

*Needlers fire small, explosive pink needles that can home in on nearby heat sources, making them very accurate weapons. May re-roll all failed rolls hits in shooting. If the Needler is twin-linked, then it re-rolls failed wounds instead. **A Mining Laser fires a focused beam of pure heat at its target, ideal for melting through solid rock. In battle it can turn its laser on buildings or terrain

to clear the field for the Covenant troops. Instead of shooting or moving, the Locust can focus the Mining Laser to destroy one piece of non-impassable terrain. At the end of the turn, on a 4+ the terrain piece is removed, if not it remains. The terrain piece counts as dangerous terrain for the duration of the turn as well if it was not already. The Locust may not do anything else in the turn- including react to assaults. ***If a model with a Plasma Pistol rolls a 6 when trying to penetrate a vehicles armour, the vehicle automatically becomes Shaken as per the vehicle damage chart. ^A Scarab Laser is a focused beam of plasma, capable of scouring a line of ground into pure glass, turning anything in the way into a pile of ash. Place the small Blast marker anywhere within range and roll for scatter. Move the Blast marker 2D6 in any direction you like. Every unit touched by the Blast marker is hit with the Laser. Bolded guns require two hands to use, so may not be used in conjunction with any other weapon (such as a close combat weapon) Note: Some of these may be dual-wielded, in which case each only requires one hand.

Army List
Elite Shipmaster.130
The Elites, or Sangheili as the Covenant know them, are the main military power of the Covenant. They are a noble race of fighters, honourable and proud. Shipmasters control the individual ships in Covenant fleets, overseen by Fleetmasters. Elite Shipmasters are powerful warriors, earning their place through sheer combat ability, instead of tactical prowess or strategic ability. Most Shipmasters have a good combination of both, fortunately, and are much feared by the enemies of the Covenant. Often they will leave their ships in the command of their second and lead from the front themselves, seeking glory in battle. They wear gold armour in combat.

Shipmaster WS BS 6 5

S 4

T 4

W 3

I 5

A 4

Ld 10

Sv 3+/4+

Special Rules -Independent Character -Fearless -For the Prophets! -Fleet Special This character may never join units that contain Brutes (Jiralhanae) Unit Composition 1 Elite Shipmaster Unit Type -Infantry Wargear -Energy Sword -Covenant Carbine -Plasma Grenades Options -May exchange his Energy Sword for Dual-Wielded Energy Swords for +8 points. -May exchange his Covenant Carbine for Dual-Wielded Plasma Rifles for +6 -May be equipped with an Active Camouflage generator for +15 points. -May have one of the following: Icon of Wrath..15 points Icon of Resolution..8 points Icon of Clarity.5 points Icon of Salvation.5 points Icon of Divine Purpose15 points

Elite Ultra105
The Elites, or Sangheili as the Covenant know them, are the main military power of the Covenant. They are a noble race of fighters, honourable and proud; the Sangheili ruled a feudal world comprised of hundreds of warring city-states before their war with the Prophets brought them into the Covenant. Ultra is the highest rank ordinary Elites can obtain, the more prestigious ranks reserved for the nobility. Ultras are the most common form of battlefield commander, leading many hundreds of Covenant warriors. They wear white/silver armour.

WS 5

BS 4

S 4

T 4

W 3

I 4

A 3

Ld 10

Sv 3+/5+

Special Rules -Independent Character -Fearless -For the Prophets! -Fleet Special This character may never join units that contain Brutes (Jiralhanae) Unit Composition 1 Elite Ultra Unit Type -Infantry Wargear -Energy Sword -Plasma Rifle -Plasma Grenades Options -May exchange his Energy Sword for Dual-Wielded Energy Swords for +8 points. -May exchange his Plasma Rifle for Dual-Wielded Plasma Rifles for +8 -May be equipped with an Active Camouflage generator for +15 points. -May have one of the following: Icon of Wrath..15 points Icon of Resolution..8 points Icon of Clarity.5 points Icon of Salvation.5 points Icon of Divine Purpose15 points

Brute Chieftain140
Brutes are violent and savage warriors, capable of great brutality and atrocious acts. Lacking the nobility and honour code of the Sangheili, the Jiralhanae can do things no Elite would dream of. Devious, underhanded acts of animalistic cunning are not out of the question when it comes to Brutes. Chieftains form the top of the Brute food chain, ruling large packs through sheer force and violence. Armed with ceremonial weapons called Gravity Hammers that crush anything they touch with blasts of compressed gravity, Chieftains are powerful and fearsome warriors that can slaughter entire squads and ignore the most grievous wounds.

Chieftain WS BS 4 3

S 4

T 5

W 4

I 3

A 4

Ld 10

Sv 4+

Special Rules -Independent Character -Feel No Pain -Fearless -For the Prophets! Special The Chieftain may never join units that contain Elites (Sangheili) Unit Composition 1 Brute Chieftain Unit Type -Infantry Wargear -Gravity Hammer -Spike Bombs Options -May replace the Gravity Hammer with a Fuel Rod Gun for free. -May have one of the following: Icon of Wrath..15 points Icon of Resolution..8 points Icon of Clarity.5 points Icon of Salvation.5 points Icon of Divine Purpose15 points

The Huragok are the least populous race of the Covenant. They are floating, bloated sacks augmented with mechanical harnesses. They communicate through sign language made with their tentacles, and are named arbitrarily on how well they float when they are born. Huragok Engineers are wonders with machinery, having a knack for fixing and improving things, and can make stunning battlefield repairs. Unfortunately they are not smart creatures, and struggle to grasp the concept that the enemy should not be repaired as well as your allies. Also, they are nearly useless in combat, but their powerful shields help stave off the enemys attacks.
Engineer WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv



Special Rules -Independent Character -Slow and Purposeful -Fearless -Gift of the Huragok Special Three Engineers may be taken for one HQ slot, and operate and deploy separately. Engineers may never count towards the minimum required number of HQ Unit Composition 1 Engineer Unit Type -Infantry Wargear -None Options -May take a Shield Amplifier for +18 points.

0-1 Sangheili Honour Guards..27
Sangheili Honour Guards are skilled and fierce warriors armed with Energy Swords. Veterans of decades of war, Honour Guards are the most honoured warrior group in the Elite social structure, and have slaughtered hundreds in battle to gain the coveted title of Honour Guard. Admired and held in high esteem by the lesser Sangheili around them, Honour Guards are arrogant and proud, but probably have a right to be as anyone who has seen them in battle will attest.
Honour Guard WS BS 5 4 Defender WS BS 5 4 S 4 S 4 T 4 T 4 W 2 W 2 I 5 I 5 A 2 A 3 Ld 10 Ld 10 Sv 3+/5+ Sv 3+/5+

Special Rules -Stubborn -Sangheili Honour -Fleet Special An Elite Shipmaster must be present to include Honour Guard, and the Honour Guard must be deployed with him at the start of the battle and the Shipmaster in question may never leave the unit unless they are all destroyed. If the Shipmaster they are guarding dies, the Honour Guard gain Rage for the rest of the battle. In the case of multiple Shipmasters, pick one for the Honour Guard to follow. Unit Composition -5-10 Sangheili Honour Guards Unit Type -Infantry Wargear -Energy Sword -Plasma Grenades

Options -The entire squad may replace their Energy Swords with Energy Pikes for free. -One Sangheili Honour Guard may be upgraded to a Defender for +10 points -The Defender may exchange his Energy Sword or Energy Pike for Dual-Wielded Energy Swords for +8 points. -The Defender may have one of the following: Icon of Wrath..15 points Icon of Resolution..8 points Icon of Clarity.5 points Icon of Vengeance..10 points Icon of Salvation.5 points Icon of Divine Purpose15 points

Elite Warriors.....19
The Elites, or Sangheili as the Covenant know them, are the main military power of the Covenant. Elites are powerful fighters, armed with plasma-spewing rifles and protected by personal energy shields. They are honourable and dedicated fighters, and would rather die than surrender or flee. Ordinary Sangheili are armoured in blue, and their Majors are red/orange in colour. Certain lucky squads may be equipped with Active Camouflage generators so that they can sneak undetected behind enemy lines, becoming spies and assassins.

WS 3 Major WS 3

BS 4 BS 4

S 4 S 4

T 4 T 4

W 1 W 1

I 4 I 4

A 1 A 2

Ld 8 Ld 8

Sv 4+/6+ Sv 4+/6+

Special Rules -Fleet -Sangheili Honour -Stubborn Unit Composition -5-15 Elite Warriors Unit Type -Infantry Wargear -Plasma Rifle -Energy Cutlass -Plasma Grenades

Options -The entire squad may replace their Plasma Rifles with Plasma Repeaters for free or Covenant Carbines for +5 points. -For every five Elites, one may have one of the following: Fuel Rod Gun15 Plasma Cannon..10 -May upgrade one Elite to a Major or +10 points. -One unit in the army may become Stealth Elites for +8 points each. Stealth Elites are not allowed to have any upgrades or Majors, and they replace their Plasma Rifles with Needlers, but they all gain Active Camouflage Generators. -May take a Spirit, Shadow or Phantom as a Dedicated Transport for the listed points cost.

Brute Pack.19
Brutes are violent and savage warriors, capable of great brutality and atrocious acts. Lacking the nobility and honour code of the Sangheili, the Jiralhanae can do things no Elite would dream of. Devious, underhanded acts of animalistic cunning are not out of the question when it comes to Brutes. Most Jiralhanae are organised into fighting Packs, lead by a Packleader. Brute packmates wield barbaric, solid-slug weapons and massive, crude knives in combat with deadly efficiency. They wear cyan armour in battle, and their Packleaders are dark blue.

WS BS 4 3 Packleader WS BS 4 3 Special Rules -Stubborn -Brute Battle Rage Unit Composition -5-15 Brutes Unit Type -Infantry Wargear -Spiker -Warknife -Spike Bombs

S 4 S 5

T 5 T 5

W 1 W 1

I 3 I 3

A 2 A 3

Ld 8 Ld 8

Sv 5+ Sv 5+

Options -One Brute may be upgraded to a Packleader for +10 points. -Up to half the squad may replace their Spikers with Maulers for +3 points. -For every five Brutes, one may have a Brute Shot for +15 points. -May take a Spirit, Shadow or Phantom as a Dedicated Transport for the listed points cost.

Grunt Meatshield.....4
Grunts, or Unggoy, are the grunts of the Covenant. They fulfil the dual roles of cannon fodder and meatshield in Covenant engagements, and are good for little else. Armoured with scraps of metal and armed with the weakest of covenant plasma weaponry, Grunts are cowardly and weak fighters that can only accomplish anything through sheer weight of numbers. Often they are accompanied by Elites, who ensure that the weakling Unggoy stay in the fight and dont flee. Meatshields especially embody the Covenants complete disregard for Unggoy life, sending in waves of disposable Grunts while the more elite infantry are safe in the knowledge that when they finally arrive the enemy is tired and weakened from wading through hordes upon hordes of Grunts.

Grunt WS 1 Elite WS 4 Brute WS 3

BS 2 BS 3 BS 3

S 2 S 4 S 4

T 3 T 4 T 5

W 1 W 1 W 1

I 2 I 4 I 3

A 1 A 1 A 2

Ld 5 Ld 8 Ld 8

Sv 6+ Sv 4+/6+ Sv 5+

Special Rules Grunt -Methane Tanks -Meatshields Elite -Stubborn -Inspiring Presence Brute -Stubborn -Inspiring Presence Unit Composition -10-30 Grunts Unit Type -Infantry Wargear Grunt -Plasma Pistol -Energy Cutlass Elite -Plasma Rifle -Energy Cutlass Brute -Spiker -Warknife Options -Must buy one Elite or Brute (never both) for every ten Grunts to lead the squad for +19 points each. -Any Elite may replace his Plasma Rifle with a Plasma Repeater for free or Covenant Carbine for +5 points. -Any Brute may trade his Spiker for a Mauler for +5 points.

Covenant Infantry Squad

The Covenant is a conglomerate of powerful races, and they fight as one, complementing each others strengths and downsizing weaknesses. This is reflected well in Infantry Squads, where Grunts and Jackals support each other on the field of battle while Elites keep them in line.
Grunt5 WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 5 6+ Jackal7 WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 2 4 2 2 1 3 1 6 6+ Elite19 WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 4 3 4 4 1 4 1 8 4+/6+ Brute19 WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 4 3 4 5 1 3 2 8 5+ Special Rules Grunt -Methane Tanks -Deadly Focus Jackal -Scout Elite/Brute -Stubborn -Inspiring Presence Unit Composition -10-20 Grunts -5-15 Jackals -1-5 Elites/Brutes* *May never have both Brutes and Elites in the same Infantry Squad Unit Type -Infantry Wargear Grunt -Plasma Pistol -Energy Cutlass Jackal -Plasma Pistol -Energy Cutlass -Defence Gauntlet Elite -Plasma Rifle

-Plasma Grenades Brute -Spiker -Spike Bombs Options -Fore every ten Grunts, one may have one of the following Fuel Rod Gun.20 Plasma Cannon15 -Jackals in the unit may trade their Plasma Pistols for Needlers for +3 points each or trade their Plasma Pistols and Defence Gauntlets for Covenant Carbines for +7 points. -The entire squad may have Plasma Grenades for +3 points per model. -Any Elite may replace his Plasma Rifle with a Plasma Repeater for free or Covenant Carbine for +5 points. -Any Brute may trade his Spiker for a Mauler for +5 points. -May take a Spirit, Shadow or Phantom as a Dedicated Transport for the listed points cost.

Suicide Grunts.....13
Grunts, or Unggoy, are the grunts of the Covenant. They fulfil the dual roles of cannon fodder and meatshield in Covenant engagements, and are good for little else. Often Grunts, whether coaxed by force or in a haze of religious zeal, will grab Plasma Grenades, activate them and charge towards the enemy, hoping to take as many enemies as possible down with it. Sometimes they go even further, strapping large canisters of methane to their backs instead of just carrying grenades. This is when they form suicide teams, dedicated to ensuring their spiritual salvation and destroying the heretical enemy.
Suicide Grunt WS BS 1 2 S 2 T 2 W 1 I 2 A 1 Ld 10 Sv 6+

Special: Up to two Suicide Grunt teams may be taken as a single Troops choice, but they never count towards the minimum Troops required. Special Rules -Fearless -Methane Bombs: The Grunts are strapped with enough explosive methane to bring down a tank or tear apart a squad. The bombs can be triggered by the player in his shooting phase, and may go off on a 5+ whenever the squad suffers a wound. When the bombs are triggered, place the small blast marker with the centre hole over a Suicide Grunt. Count how many enemies or allies are under the template and repeat the process with each of the remaining Grunts. Every unit touched by a template (units may be hit with more than one template) suffers an immediate S3 AP- wound. Any vehicles suffer a glancing hit on a 4+ for each Grunt in base contact when the bombs go off.

Note: If a single Grunt suffers a wound and detonates, the others only detonate as well if they suffer a wound and roll a 5 or 6, Unit Composition -2-6 Suicide Grunts Unit Type -Infantry Wargear -Plasma Pistol -Energy Cutlass Options -May take a Spirit, Shadow or Phantom as a Dedicated Transport for the listed points cost

0-1 Jackal Marksmen....16

Jackals are nimble and quick-witted aliens that are as light-fingered and devious as they are good shots. Originally the Jackals, or Kig-Yar, were going to replace Grunts as the Covenants main infantry, but their cowardly temperament, weak physiology and low numbers (compared to the prolific Unggoy at least) saw them turned into semi-elite marksmen and scouts instead. Marksmen are armed with the Covenants equivalent of a Sniper rifle; the Beam Rifle. Stealthy and born infiltrators, Marksmen take up positions above the enemy and rain death down upon them with their Beam Rifles.
Marksman WS BS 2 5 Special Rules -Infiltrate -Stealth -Acute Senses Unit Composition -2-8 Jackal Marksmen Unit Type -Infantry Wargear -Beam Rifle S 3 T 2 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 6 Sv 5+

-Defence Gauntlet -Plasma Pistol -Plasma Grenades

Dedicated Transports
Shadows are cumbersome ground transports, used by the Covenant to redeploy or transport troops already on the ground to other parts of the battlefield instead of resorting to using Spirits or Phantoms. Heavily-armoured and slow, Shadows are equipped with only light weaponry for defensive purposes, but they are ideal for transporting frailer units in relative safety to the front line. Due to its strange design, the sides are far more lightly armoured than the front and rear, so Shadows are often flanked by other units or vehicles to protect their vulnerable flanks.
BS 4 F 12 S 10 R 12

Transport Capacity -15 models Firepoints -6 each side (12 in total) Unit Composition -1 Shadow Unit Type -Tank (Open-Topped) Wargear -Pintle-mounted Plasma Cannon -Power Shield

Spirits are the main Covenant transport, although they are used less and less with the advent of the Phantom. They arent as large, fast, armoured or wellarmed as Phantoms, either, but they can carry more troops and vehicles can be dragged around as well without sacrificing any transport capacity. Therefore they

are used as the main army dropship, used to deploy large amounts of troops and vehicles in short periods of time. Strangely, they are also especially vulnerable to attack from the front, as most projectiles pass between the prongs of its wings and hit the cockpit directly.
BS 4 F 10 S 12 R 11

Transport Capacity -20 models in wings -1 Wraith or three Ghosts in the central grav-field Firepoints -None Special Rules -Deep Strike -Scout -Combat Hatches Unit Composition -1 Spirit Unit Type -Skimmer (Fast) Wargear -Turret-mounted Plasma Cannon Options -May upgrade the Plasma Cannon into a Light Plasma Mortar for +10 points.

Phantoms are powerful transports used by the Covenant. They are heavily armoured, fast, large and armed with powerful weapons, but have less transport capacity that their Spirit cousins, making them perfect for surgical strikes and combat drops when under heavy fire. Their armour grants them immunity to most small arms fire, and their grav-lift disembarking technology means that they can appear, disembark troops while still airborne, and disappear without a trace, or stay and provide air support.
BS 4 F 13 S 12 R 10

Transport Capacity -10 models

Firepoints -None Special Rules -Deep Strike -Scout -Grav-lift Insertion -Combat Hatches Unit Composition -1 Phantom Unit Type -Skimmer (Fast) Wargear -Turret-mounted Twin-linked Plasma Cannon -Two turret-mounted Plasma Cannons Options -May upgrade the Twin-linked Plasma Cannon into a Light Plasma Mortar for +5 points.

Fast Attack
Ghost Rapid Assault Squadron..27
Ghosts are Covenant jetbikes, swift and nimble. They are used as scouting vehicles and light harassment, but are very weakly armoured and cannot withstand much punishment. Armed with twin-linked Plasma Cannons, Ghosts are very effective against more lightly armoured targets, and can be equipped with other weapons to increase its effectiveness against different targets. Piloted by Elites and easier to deploy and manufacture than the heavier Wraith, Ghosts are the most common type of Covenant vehicle.
Ghost WS 3 BS 4 S 4 T 4(5) W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 8 Sv 4+/6+

Special Rules -Sangheili Honour -Stubborn

Unit Composition 1-5 Ghosts Unit Type -Jetbike Wargear -Twin-linked Plasma Cannons Options -May replace the Twin-linked Plasma Cannons with a Fuel Rod Gun for +5 points -May take a Spirit as a Dedicated Transport for the listed points cost.

Brute Rangers..26
When an aerial assault is needed and Drones dont do the job right, the Brute Rangers are the right tool to get the job done. Heavily armoured and fast-moving warriors, Brute Rangers are capable of traversing great distances and ambushing enemies who would never expect to see a Brute flying.
Brute Ranger WS BS 4 3 Major WS BS 4 3 Special Rules -Brute Battle Rage -Stubborn -Deep Strike Unit Composition -5-15 Brute Rangers Unit Type -Jump Infantry Wargear -Spiker -Warknife -Spike Bombs Options -The entire squad may replace their Spikers with Maulers for free. -May upgrade one Brute Ranger to a Jump Pack Major for +10 points. S 4 S 4 T 5 T 5 W 1 W 1 I 3 I 3 A 2 A 2 Ld 8 Ld 8 Sv 5+ Sv 5+

-For every five Brutes, one may have a Brute Shot for +15 points.

Drone Swarm...14
Drones, or Yanmee, are a race of insectoid creatures that the Covenant use as aerial assault troops, able to fly places that infantry cannot reach easily. They are human-sized, weak soldiers, but practically Fearless due to their lack of intelligence. Drones are especially dangerous in large swarms, and even armed with Plasma Pistols they are a formidable foe, and difficult to shoot due to their agility.
Drone WS BS 2 3 Broodleader WS BS 2 3 S 3 S 3 T 2 T 2 W 1 W 1 I 4 I 4 A 1 A 2 Ld 10 Ld 10 Sv 6+ Sv 6+

Special Rules -Flight of the Drones -Deep Strike Unit Composition -10-25 Drones Unit Type -Jump Infantry Wargear -Plasma Pistol -Energy Cutlass Options -One Drone may be upgraded to a Broodleader for +10 points. -The Broodleader may replace his Plasma Pistol with a Needler for +3 points or a Plasma Rifle for +9points. -The squad may have Plasma Grenades for +2 points per model.

SpecOps Trooper....22
Special Operations Elites are the shock troops of the Covenant. They are very versatile, able to fulfil a number of battlefield roles- from orbital strike trooper to Active Camouflaged spy and assassin. Respected and feared, the SpecOps are

dangerous opponents, able to stab you in the back or win a one-on-one duel with equal ease.
SpecOps Trooper WS BS 4 5 SpecOps Major WS BS 4 5 Special Rules -Sangheili Honour -Stubborn Unit Composition -5-10 SpecOps Trooper Unit Type -Infantry Wargear -Plasma Repeater -Energy Cutlass -Plasma Grenades Options -The entire squad may replace their Plasma Repeaters with Covenant Carbines for +5 points. -May upgrade one SpecOps to a SpecOps Major or +10 points. -The Major may have a Fuel Rod Gun for +15 points, or an Energy Sword for +15 -Every SpecOps unit must pick one of the following missions to achieve. Each mission confers bonuses on the squad, but it must be accomplished by the squad before the end of the mission or it automatically confers an extra kill point to the enemy if it is alive, and is worth 2 for the enemy if it dies. Assassination: Gains Active Camouflage Generators. Must personally kill at least one enemy HQ. Clear the Objective: Gains Deep Strike as they deploy in personal orbital drop pods. Must clear at least one objective of enemy troops. Armour Hunt: Gains Melta Bombs (Plasma Charges). Must destroy at least one enemy vehicle. Urban Assault: Gains an extra Energy Cutlass for close-quarters fighting. Must take at least one enemy-held building. S 4 S 4 T 4 T 4 W 1 W 1 I 4 I 4 A 1 A 1 Ld 9 Ld 9 Sv 4+/6+ Sv 4+/6+

Heavy Support

Wraiths are the main battle tank of the Covenant. More akin to artillery than tanks, Wraiths use their main weapon from a distance to destroy enemy armour and groups of advancing infantry. Heavily armoured and equipped with some of the most powerful Covenant weapons, Wraiths are dangerous and formidable opponents.
BS 4 F 13 S 13 R 11

Special Rules -Anti-Air: Bikes and Skimmers cannot claim the cover save they gain from turboboosting against shots fired by a Wraith. Only applies if the Wraith has the TwinLinked Fuel Rod Battery. Unit Composition -One Wraith Unit Type -Vehicle (Tank) Wargear -Plasma Mortar -Pintle-mounted Plasma Cannon Options -May replace the Plasma Mortar with a Twin-Linked Fuel Rod Battery for free. -May take a Spirit as a Dedicated Transport for the listed points cost.

Hunters are the main anti-vehicle measure of the Covenant. Formed of a conglomerate of worm-like life forms called Lekgolo, Hunters are very difficult to kill due to their lack of vital organs and multiple brains. The Lekgolo squeeze into powerful suits of armour when they go to war, and are called Mgalekgolo when in this form. Armed with the most powerful non-vehicle weapon available to the Covenant in one hand and a nearly indestructible blast-shield in the other, Hunters are powerful and formidable examples of Covenant power.
Hunter WS 4 BS 4 S 6 T 6 W 3 I 2 A 3 Ld 10 Sv 4+

Special Rules -Turtle -Bond-Brothers Unit Composition -1-2 Hunters Unit Type -Monstrous Creature Wargear -Assault Cannon Options -Reinforced Shield (+1 to armour save) for +8 points.

Banshees are the main air support fighter of the Covenant. They are unable to stand against other aircraft without superior numbers, however, and the job of interceptor and air superiority fighter lies with the larger Seraphs. Despite this, swarms of Banshees are very dangerous for infantry and light vehicles, who unable to shoot down the swift fighters.
BS 4 Special Rules -Deep Strike -Scout Unit Composition -1-3 Banshees Unit Type -Skimmer (Fast) Wargear -Twin-Linked Plasma Cannons -Fuel Rod Cannon F 11 S 10 R 10


Locusts are converted mining vehicles, armed with a powerful laser designed for vaporising rock. Such a weapon is especially deadly when turned against vehicles, and can even reduce obstacles and buildings to a field of charred fragments in seconds. Locusts are supported by four arachnoid legs, making them large and intimidating to fight.
WS 2 Special Rules -Fleet Unit Composition -1 Locust Unit Type -Vehicle (walker) Wargear -Mining Laser Options -May have a Power Shield for +20 points. BS 4 S 6 I 2 A 3 F 12 S 12 R 12

Apocalypse Unit
Like giant Locusts, Scarabs used to be heavy mining vehicles before the war. Now many have been repurposed for more violent purposes, fitted with heavier armour, weapons and shielding. Feared far and wide for their destructive power and ability to withstand extreme damage, Scarabs are the most powerful and dangerous weapons in the Covenant arsenal.
WS 2 BS 4 S 10 I 2 A 5 F 13 S 13 R 12

Transport Capacity -25 models Counts as open-topped for the purpose of occupants firing.

Special Rules -Orbital Assault Structure Points -3 Unit Composition -1 Scarab Unit Type -Super-heavy Walker Wargear -Scarab Laser Options -May have a hull-mounted Heavy Plasma Launcher for +35 points -May have up to three of the following hull-mounted weapons Plasma Cannon....12 points Light Plasma Mortar15 points Fuel Rod Battery......22 points -May have a Power Shield for +40 points.

Units Brute Brute Packleader Brute Ranger Brute Ranger Major Chieftain Drone Drone Broodleader Elite Elite Major Engineer Ghost Grunt Honour Guard WS 4 4 3 3 BS 3 3 3 3 S 4 4 4 4 T 5 5 5 5 W 1 1 1 1 I 3 3 3 3 A 2 3 2 3 Ld 8 8 8 8 Sv 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+

4 2 2 3 3 2 3 1 5

3 3 3 4 4 2 4 2 4

4 3 3 4 4 2 4 2 4

5 2 2 4 4 3 4(5) 3 4

4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2

3 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 5

4 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2

10 10 10 8 8 10 8 5 10

4+ 6+ 6+ 4+/6+ 4+/6+ 3+/4+ 4+/6+ 6+ 3+/5+

Honour Guard Defender Hunter Jackal Marksman Shipmaster SpecOps Major SpecOps Trooper Suicide Grunt Ultra



4 2 2 6 4 4 1 5

4 4 5 4 5 5 2 4

6 2 2 4 4 4 2 4

6 2 2 4 4 4 3 4

3 1 1 3 1 1 1 3

2 2 2 5 4 4 2 4

3 1 1 4 2 1 1 3

10 6 6 10 9 9 5 10

4+ 6+ 6+ 3+/4+ 4+/6+ 4+/6+ 6+ 3+/5+

Vehicles Banshee Wraith Phantom Spirit Shadow

BS 4 4 4 4 4

F 11 13 13 10 12

S 10 13 12 12 10

R 10 11 10 11 12

Walkers Locust Scarab

WS 2 2

BS 4 4

S 6 10

I 2 2

A 3 5

F 12 13

S 12 13

R 12 12

Weapon Assault Cannon (Beam) Assault Cannon (Burst) Beam Rifle

Range 24 36 72 12 18 36 48 36

Strength 8

AP 2

Type Heavy 2

7 X

4 6

Heavy 1, Blast Heavy 1, Sniper, Overheat Assault 1, Blast Assault 2 Assault 1 Heavy 2 Heavy 1, Blast

Brute Shot Brute Spiker Covenant Carbine Fuel Rod Battery Fuel Rod Cannon

5 3 4 8 8

4 4 5 3 3

Fuel Rod Gun Heavy Plasma Launcher Light Plasma Mortar Mauler Mining Laser** Needler Plasma Cannon Plasma Mortar

24 72 18 6 72 18 36 6-48

7 8 8 5 7 3 5 9

4 3 4 4 1 4 3

Heavy 1, Blast Heavy 4, AA Mount Heavy 1, Blast Assault 2 Heavy 2, Melta Pistol, Homing Needles* Heavy 3, Overheat Ordnance Barrage 1, Large Blast Pistol, Short Circuit*** Assault 3, Overheat

Plasma Pistol Plasma Repeater

18 18

3 4

5 4

*Needlers fire small, explosive pink needles that can home in on nearby heat sources, making them very accurate weapons. May re-roll all failed rolls hits in shooting. If the Needler is twin-linked, then it re-rolls failed wounds instead. **A Mining Laser fires a focused beam of pure heat at its target, ideal for melting through solid rock. In battle it can turn its laser on buildings or terrain to clear the field for the Covenant troops. Instead of shooting or moving, the Locust can focus the Mining Laser to destroy one piece of non-impassable terrain. At the end of the turn, on a 4+ the terrain piece is removed, if not it remains. The terrain piece counts as dangerous terrain for the duration of the turn as well if it was not already. The Locust may not do anything else in the turn- including react to assaults. ***If a model with a Plasma Pistol rolls a 6 when trying to penetrate a vehicles armour, the vehicle automatically becomes Shaken as per the vehicle damage chart. ^A Scarab Laser is a focused beam of plasma, capable of scouring a line of ground into pure glass, turning anything in the way into a pile of ash. Place the small Blast marker anywhere within range and roll for scatter. Move the Blast marker 2D6 in any direction you like. Every unit touched by the Blast marker is hit with the Laser. Bolded guns require two hands to use, so may not be used in conjunction with any other weapon (such as a close combat weapon) Note: Some of these may be dual-wielded, in which case each only requires one hand.

Battle Fleet Gothic Covenant Fleet

Special Rules
Plasma Turrets: Covenant use large, heavy turrets for ship to ship combat much more often than the larger Energy Projectors or Plasma Torpedos. Plasma Turrets count as weapons batteries in all respects. Energy Projector: Able to focus a tight beam of plasma to perform precise glassings or strafe enemy ships. Energy Projectors count as Lances in all respects. Seraphs: Seraphs are the main starfighter of the Covenant, quick and nimble. They are shielded, but have weak armour, and travel in tightly-packed formations for mutual support. Seraphs count as fighters. Plasma Torpedos: Most Covenant ships can generate massive balls of plasma, contained within a magnetic sheath, and hurl them at enemies. The plasma can be guided with signals from its mother ship, and when it hits the target the magnetic sheath collapses, spewing ultra-hot plasma across whatever was hit, melting hulls and Overheating shields. Plasma Torpedos count as bombers, but cannot be targeted by enemy turrets. Each squadron is actually just a single plasma torpedo. Phantoms: Phantoms are very versatile vehicles, and can be used in space to board enemy ships. Phantoms count as assault boats. Boarding Actions: The Covenant gain +1 to all boarding actions, due to the combat prowess of the Elite Rangers. Teleport Attacks: Covenant may never perform hit and run teleport attacks,. As they lack the technology.








Plasma Turrets Prow Energy Projector Starboard Energy Projector Port Energy Projector Lateral Plasma Lines Launch Bays

30cm 40cm 40cm 40cm Plasma Torpedos: 20cm Seraphs: 30cm Phantoms: 30cm

25 6 6 6 10 squadrons 10 squadrons

Fire Arc
All around Front Right Left -

Assault Carrier280 points







Prow Plasma Turrets Lateral Plasma Turrets Prow Energy Projector Central Energy Projector Lateral Plasma Lines Launch Bays

30cm 30cm 40cm 40cm Plasma Torpedos: 20cm Seraphs: 30cm Phantoms: 30cm

8 10 5 5 7 squadrons 8 squadrons

Fire Arc
Front Left/right Front Left/right/rear -

Supercruiser270 points







Prow Plasma Turrets Starboard Plasma Turrets Port Plasma Turrets Prow Energy Projector Starboard Energy Projector Port Energy Projector Lateral Plasma Lines

30cm 30cm 30cm 40cm 40cm 40cm Plasma Torpedos: 20cm

10 7 7 6 5 5 8 squadrons

Fire Arc
Front Right Left Front Right Left -

Battleship205 points






Prow Plasma Turrets Starboard Plasma Turrets Port Plasma Turrets Prow Energy Projector Lateral Energy Projector

30cm 30cm 30cm 40cm 40cm

6 6 6 5 4

Fire Arc
Front Right Left Front Right/left

Carrier195 points







Prow Plasma Turrets Port Plasma Turrets Starboard Plasma Turrets Rear Plasma Turrets Lateral Plasma Lines Launch Bays

30cm 30cm 30cm 30cm Plasma Torpedos: 20cm Seraphs: 30cm Phantoms: 30cm

6 5 5 3 3 squadrons 3 squadrons

Fire Arc
Front Left Right Rear -

CCS-class Cruiser180 points







Prow Plasma Turrets Starboard Plasma Turrets Port Plasma Turrets Prow Energy Projector Lateral Energy Projector Lateral Plasma Lines

30cm 30cm 30cm 40cm 40cm Plasma Torpedos: 20cm

5 4 4 3 3 2 squadrons

Fire Arc
Front Right Left Front Right/left -

Reverence-class Cruiser150 points







Prow Energy Projector Starboard Energy Projector Port Energy Projector Lateral Plasma Lines

40cm 40cm 40cm Plasma Torpedos: 20cm

4 4 4 3 squadrons

Fire Arc
Front Right Left -

CAR-class Cruiser.135 points







Prow Plasma Turrets Starboard Plasma Turrets Port Plasma Turrets Central Plasma Turrets

30cm 30cm 30cm 30cm

5 4 4 5

Fire Arc
Front Right Left Left/right/rear

Light Cruiser90 points







Prow Plasma Turrets Starboard Plasma Turrets Port Plasma Turrets Lateral Plasma Lines

30cm 30cm 30cm Plasma Torpedos: 20cm

3 3 3 2 squadrons

Fire Arc
Front Right Left -

Destroyer50 points







Prow Energy Projector Launch Bay Lateral Plasma Lines

40cm Seraphs: 30cm Plasma Torpedos: 20cm

2 1 squadron 1 squadron

Fire Arc
Front -

Corvette40 points







Plasma Turrets Launch Bay

30cm Seraphs: 30cm Phantoms: 30cm

3 1 squadron

Fire Arc
All around -

Frigate..25 points







Lateral Plasma Lines

Plasma Torpedos: 20cm

1 squadron

Fire Arc

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