Test Initial 9B Grammar

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Liceul Teologic Baptist Emanuel Student: …………………………………

English Class Grade: …………………………………..

Test inițial

Part I Grammar tenses (60 de puncte)

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Present Simple or Present Continuous:

Dear Molly,

I 1) _______________ (write) from the gorgeous island of Jamaica! Jim and I 2) _______________ (stay)
in a five-star hotel by the sea. Right now, I 3) _______________ (sit) on the balcony and I 4)
_______________ (drink) a delicious fruit punch. Jim 5) _______________ (walk) along the beach. The
weather is hot and sunny. Tonight we 6) _______________ (go) to a festival. The Jamaican people 7)
_______________ (make) you feel happy as they 8) _______________ (be) cheerful and kind.

I 9) _______________ (love) it here so much that I 10) _______________ (not/want) to leave!

See you soon!

2. Use the verbs given in the past tense or present perfect to fill in the blanks:

not/finish, not/see, move, not/ring, just/see, never/be, not/learn

I _______________ my homework yet.

We _______________ him since highschool.

They _______________ to London two years ago.

She _______________ me since Tuesday.

I _______________ a very interesting programme on TV.

Part 2 Word Order (30 de puncte)

1 (I can where find)

To the receptionist: Can you tell me ……………………………….. the personnel
2 (branch have offices you do many)
Your company is quite big. How …………………………………..?
3 (he did much how damage )
He caused the accident. Do you know ………………………………….?
4. (why was he late)
Did he explain to you …………………………….?
5. ( usually does long it you take )
How ……………………………………………to prepare for each meeting?

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